Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 302: Gu King's Decision

"Long live Lord Gu!"

"Long live the Southwest Guzhai!"

In King Gu’s stockade, countless villagers gathered together, and I took those 100 people out of the system. Once they came out, they were quite confused. I didn't know what happened, so I explained to them.

When they heard that the Nanyang Association had been beaten away, and two priests had died, the Seventh Master was chased by the Gu King and fled, and went back to Nanyang, all of them were full of tears!

For half a year, the Nanyang Association ruled them for half a year. If the previous frequent harassment were also counted, it would be even longer!

And now, all this is finally over.

Although many villagers died in this battle, compared to the countless Nanyang people who surrendered to death, all this seemed nothing.

As for the Mu family, when he is happy, these are not important anymore.

In the village, the muddy ground is full of wooden stools, which are uneven, but no one cares about this. Also, I can’t find a stool to sit on. I just spread something on the ground and sit cross-legged on the ground.

Those of us, naturally, wouldn't grab the bench with them. We stood behind them, smiling and looking at the opposite side, in that Gu King Dazhai.

No, it can also be said that everyone’s eyes are on that village. Many of them are the first time they have seen what the Gu King’s Dazhai looks like. It turns out to be similar to their own village owner. The village is almost the same.

At this time in Gu King Dazhai, the wooden door was opened, and the door curtain was removed. Gu King sat on the big seat, standing beside him, with a skill and a weapon, and two deputies standing on the left and right, majestic.

On the right hand side, Mu Nianqing, the head of the Mu family, was sitting on a grand teacher's chair with a cold face, and a cup of fragrant tea was placed on a small table next to him. Behind him stood his second son Mu Chengfeng.

And the five offerings...he couldn't get on the table, and stood with us below.

However, anyone with sharp eyes should find that there is another person behind the Gu King's seat, looking out, not knowing what he is looking at.

Miss Atour.

People underneath have seen it, but they don’t know who this is. King Gu had protected her too well before, so almost nobody knew anyone except this village, but I heard that King Gu had one The daughter, guarded like a baby, is never seen by outsiders.

Seeing this today...If you can play behind him, you shouldn't run away.

A group of people were overjoyed, whispering to each other. Those who saw it and those who hadn't said that his daughter was there behind King Gu. Everyone looked at it. As expected, the long water spirits were beautiful, and they all felt very loving.

King Gu looked at the people underneath and felt that it was almost done. Please cough twice before opening the mouth and said: "Ahem, everyone!"

When the people underneath heard the words of King Gu, they didn't dare to whisper to each other. They all sat downright and listened to King Gu's teachings.

"Half a year ago, we were unfortunately controlled by outsiders. Until now, we have been able to escape from the poisonous hands. Among these, some people's help is inevitable." Gu King sat on the throne and said slowly.

On the right hand side, Mu Nianqing held up the teacup, and gently scraped it with the tea cover, causing the heat to blow out.

But he didn't drink it. He just fiddled with the teacup as if bored, staring quietly at the ground in front of him, listening with his ears upright, just wanting to hear, what on earth can this king Gu say? What are your plans and what decisions have been made.

King Gu continued: "We should reflect on why we are controlled by them? Because we don't have a helping hand, and the other party, their helping hands are constantly transporting in from abroad! Such a battle, how can we have a chance of winning?"


"Yeah yeah."

"No wonder, speaking of it, thanks to the win this time..."


The villagers underneath began to whisper, and there was a smile at the corner of Mu Nianqing's mouth. This style of talk seems to be interesting!

At this time, the Gu King said again: "Everyone! I know that you are all people who have lived here for generations. I believe your ancestors have also told you that the ancient village of Southwest China lives independently and does not accept outsiders or others. The old man is not talented, he has acted in the same way all these years in power until now. But this incident has taught us a truth, that is, this truth does not work!"


As soon as this statement came out, the audience was silent!

The whispering just now also stopped. At this time, even a dull person should understand what his Master Gu is going to do...

"Everyone, let me ask you first, do you still want to repeat the same mistakes? Are you planning to do it again? Six months, a full six months, is enough for us to think about. It can also avoid what we don't want..."

As King Gu said, he glanced at Mu Nianqing next to him.

And Mu Nianqing also put the teacup on the small table at this time and looked up at him with a smile.

"I have been thinking about this for a long time. I hope you will not stop me. I decided to let Southwest Guzhai open up! Agree to Mu's family and manage the affairs of the village together!

"Huh?! This..."

"Mu Family, isn't this equivalent to replacing the previous Nanyang Association with the Mu Family? We are still controlled by others."

"But if there is the Mu family, the Nanyang Association will not be afraid to come again... Well, it's a Chinese at any rate."

Suddenly, the noise broke out below!

Some people oppose, but dare not say it clearly; some support, but do not express their views; others, although they are a little disgusted, understand that this is the best option at the moment. I agree with it...

The people underneath became noisy, Gu King looked at the noisy crowd, his eyebrows furrowed, his eyes were piercing.

Mu Nianqing smiled and stood up, walked a few steps in front of King Gu, and whispered, "You made a smart choice."

After that, he turned to the villagers underneath, and stepped forward a few steps and said loudly: "Everyone, listen to me!"

When the person underneath saw him, his voice was much lower.

"Don't worry, our Mu family, although we dare not say that it is a gentleman, but at any rate, we can sit upright. You can ask in various cities in Yunzhou, our Mu family, to keep one party safe, and never act indiscriminately. We can guarantee , We will never take away the power of King Gu, the ancient village in Southwest China, we are just managing it together, and we will never take it away like the Nanyang Association."


"Hey, is it true?"

"You ask me who should I ask?!"

"Okay, it's alright, this was originally meant by Lord Gu, shall we argue that this is useful?"

After the people underneath were noisy for a while, suddenly someone shouted: "Let's listen to Lord Gu's arrangement!"

As soon as this was said, the audience was quiet!

After three seconds of silence, another person said, "Me too, we listen to Lord Gu!"

"Yes! We listen to the adults!"

"We all listen to adults!"

Everyone shouted, countless villagers, one voice, they, follow the arrangements of King Gu!

"Thank you, thank you very much." Gu King sat on the big seat and heaved a sigh of relief. The whole person seemed to relax a lot.

Next to him, the chicken coop looked at him, smiled, and whispered softly: "My lord, it's almost done, it's time for the next step."

"Yeah." Gu King nodded, stood up, walked to Mu Nianqing's side, and gently pushed him from the side.

"Well, your business is over, I should continue."

"Huh? Are you still doing something?" Mu Nianqing was puzzled, but didn't take it to heart. Anyway, his affairs are almost done, and there is no problem now, so he turned to return to his seat.

But as soon as he turned around, he heard the Gu King say behind him: "However, we are not only going to unite with the Mu family, there is another person. We must not forget that if it were not for him, we would never have such an opportunity. He, It can be said to be the biggest boost in this battle! I believe you have all seen his strength in the competition, incarnate as a hero lurking in Duhuozhai, Guo Rui!"


It's like a stone that has caused a thousand waves! All of them suddenly exclaimed and took a breath.

Yeah, why did you forget this? !

I was also stunned, eh? Is this my business? !

Over there, Mu Nianqing's figure as he walked back obviously paused, and the whole person trembled.

King Gu ignored him and continued: "Apart from him, there is another one, and I must remember that the master who defeated the enemy with one sword is also one of the great helpers this time, the Cheng Qianyu Warrior."

"Ah, it's him..."

"I remember I remember..."

I smiled and looked at Cheng Qianyu, put my arm on his shoulder, and joked: "Hey, you are also a celebrity, be happy."

However, Cheng Qianyu's face is not very good-looking: "What celebrity? Did nothing, feel aggrieved!"

"Hey, you can't say that. You have done well enough. Didn't you just let the Jin Ge run? Don't blame you. We underestimated the speed of the scorpion. Don't worry, it won't happen next time. No, you can't use all your strength this time, and next time, hit him with all your strength and it will be too late for him to run!"

"Hmm..." After hearing what I said, Cheng Qianyu eased up and nodded: "Next time I meet him again, I don't think he will let him run anymore! If I let him run again, I will raise my head to see you. you!"

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about?! You don't watch that kind of TV show less, and then you have to issue a military order for what and what, don't talk nonsense, good."


We talked here, while there, King Gu continued to say: "Speaking of this, we have to talk about another thing... Heh, humans are all animals with emotions, and they are born with seven emotions and six desires. No one can change it, no one can reverse it. I think you have never seen it before, but you have heard of it. I have a daughter."

When I heard these words over there, my heart suddenly "cocked".

Isn't this wrong?

"I came to have a daughter late, and my wife died early. For this daughter, I naturally love it in every possible way. Even the stockade never let her go out. But, after all, it is so old. A Duo is also 20 to 3 this year. Talking about marriage and marriage at the age of marriage, this feeling has also come up, and it cannot be reversed. Today, as a father, I will be the master, and say dear for my daughter!"

Say dear!

As soon as these two words came out, on our side, one by one was dumbfounded and confused! It took a long time to react!


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