Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 303: The third seat!

"Today, as a father, I will be the master, and say dear to my daughter!"

Say dear!

What do you mean? This means that, as a girl, who she likes, who she wants to be with, he agreed to be a father!

The fathers of the women in the world are almost the same, staring at the son-in-law as the thief!

In terms of treatment, when the woman goes to the man’s house, it will be like returning to her own home, and the man’s father is as warm as the spring breeze; when the man goes to the woman’s house, then he will follow the interrogation room, and the woman’s father will be as ruthless as the autumn wind sweeps the fallen leaves. ...

So between men and women, this level belongs to a boss level!

But today, King Gu’s remarks are equivalent to pronouncing a sentence, and this pass has passed automatically!

"This kid is lucky!"

"Hey, look at the girl behind, that's the eldest lady, tut tut, it's so beautiful, so lucky, so lucky!"

"Hey, we can't be envious. You can see how strong that person is. Beauty loves heroes since ancient times."

"That's right……"

The villagers began to roar one after another, and there were many good people who knew we were behind. When speaking, they would glance over here intentionally or unintentionally, their eyes all staring at Cheng Qianyu.

Of course, among them, there are envy, jealousy, and purely just for fun, all kinds.

By my side, Cheng Qianyu, one of the parties involved, was stupid. He stared at the people around him blankly, with three sentences written on his face: Who am I? where am I? What am i doing?

I pressed him with my elbow, with a face of gloat: "Hey, it seems that your father-in-law has arranged this for you clearly."

"What, what! What father-in-law?! I haven't agreed yet!" Cheng Qianyu stopped doing it at the time, shook my arm away, looked at me warily, and widened his eyes.

"Oh, don't be so stubborn. Take a look, how much Miss A'duo likes you!" I continued watching the excitement and said without too much trouble. "You look good, you have a good family background, and your are twenty this year, she is twenty-three, and the third-year female junior holds gold bricks, it's suitable!"

As I was talking, Cheng Qianyu hadn't said anything yet, but Senior Sister Yaqin suddenly reached out and knocked on my head behind her, and said, "Stop it!"

"Oh, good, good, stop making trouble, stop making trouble."

She didn't think hard at that moment, and I was already quite capable of fighting attacks, even if it was on the top of the head, it didn't hurt if I touched it twice. It was just a joke.

But I also had a little doubt in my heart. I was so noisy before, and I didn't see Senior Sister Yaqin say anything. Why did I suddenly react this time?

Forget it, so be it.

Over there, King Gu stood at the door of the house, turned his head and beckoned behind him, and said, "Aduo, come here."

Behind him, just a few steps away, Na Duo got out from behind the seat. She was wearing a Filipina skirt with a wreath on her head. There were drop-like earrings on her ears. The skirt was decorated with pearls. Look It looks very noble and has a natural beauty.

It was the first time for many people below to see Ms. A'duo. The first time today, what I saw was the most beautiful one in 23 years. At that time, there were countless cold breaths on the scene, and they could be heard clearly from far away !

Moreover, this A'duo came over, walked to the Gu King, and brought a gust of fragrance, sitting in the front rows, watching the girl coming, it was the first breath after taking a cold breath, all of a sudden Smell the fragrance.

it is good! that's nice!

Good is good, but I dare not have any ideas.

This is the king's daughter. For them, it is like a princess. Moreover, now his king has appointed a son-in-law, and I have seen it, a master!

Don't dare to have crooked minds, the biggest crooked mind is to look twice and smell twice.

King Gu didn't care about these people either, smiled and waved to us: "Come on, Cheng Yingxiong, and Guo Yingxiong, you come together."


Having said that, I am also a bit worried.

The first time!

And seeing this, how come it makes me feel like I am in-laws? !

"Then, then this...Go go, it's not as good if you don't go, walk around, Qianyu, brother! You're happy, happy event!"

"Fuck!" Cheng Qianyu's face was black, but he couldn't help it. I pushed my back, half-pushed and went up.

Under the eyes of everyone, I pushed Cheng Qianyu, and the two of them passed around the crowd from the side to the door.

Everyone knew each other at first glance, that is, the two people from Duhuozhai before, both appeared on the stage and looked very kind, as if they were their own.

Here, King Gu beckoned and greeted the two of us. He smiled and pulled Cheng Qianyu ahead of him first, but he didn't speak, and let him aside, mainly to look at me.

"Guo Yingxiong, you helped me a lot this time, and I don't know how to thank you. And, my daughter, look at it now, this is also..." King Gu looked back, and Aduo had already gathered again. Cheng Qianyu went next to him, making him blush!

We both looked embarrassed, looked at each other, smiled weirdly, and didn't know what to say.

"It's fate, it's all fate. I made it clear just now that no one can stop the feeling when it comes. I will tell them two today. You and Cheng Yingxiong look like brothers, but there is no one else. Yes, I will work with you and take charge of their marriage..."

"No, no, wait a minute, I'm a little panicked..." I hurriedly stopped, it felt like I was really a relative.

"This... Lord Gu, we have something to talk about. I don't know the rules in this stockade, but outside of us, this age... is really too young. We are not in a hurry for that moment. In a few years, when Qianyu is twenty-four or twenty-five years old, Miss A'duo will be only twenty-seven and eighty-eight, and it will not be too late to talk about it then!

"This..." Gu King hesitated.

What kind of father do I think about this? Are you looking forward to your own girl getting married?

"Let them talk like this first, Miss A'duo does not know anything about the world, so she has to have a buffer for a while, and I think Qianyu also..."

As I said, I looked back at Cheng Qianyu with an embarrassed look, thinking that the air was really good, but I just didn't get the hang of it.

"Uh..." King Gu looked at it and found it reasonable: "That's true, but it's already the case. Although it's not settled now, we can do the rest first."

"Ah?!" I was shocked, what's the matter? This is before marriage...

Is the village so open?

But obviously I think too much. No matter what the village is, it will not be more open than the outside. King Gu stepped forward, facing everyone, and said: "Everyone! The one in front of you, his identity is your imagination. Unexpectedly, he is the highest leader of the Luzhou Tongzhou Club, and even a big figure in the military, possessing power beyond our reach! It can be said that our entire southwest ancient village is compared with his energy, but the stars are insignificant than the bright moon. !"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a low exclamation below.

I said the same thing about Tongzhou Club. The identity of the Shadow Army was when they decided what to do with the Nanyang people who were arrested yesterday. They were also not interested in this. I said that I waited for them to be transferred to the Shadow Army. The identity is confessed.

Maybe they had some misunderstanding about me. I was a middle-to-upper person in the Shadow Army, but he didn't understand the mechanism of the Shadow Army. He probably regarded me of the highest figures.

And now, the things underneath are not enough for him to understand the matter. Hearing it like this might make my brain more powerful. I was shocked at that time, big man!

I'm almost blushing, you can't make mistakes! If this spreads out more and more outrageous, they think it will be broken if I hold back the throne!

But King Gu looked at their reaction and felt very satisfied, and continued: "So, my daughter marrying his brother is not aggrieved, and even a bit high-spirited. I want to make it clear first, don’t let you think They took advantage of us."

"I can't do it!" The person below immediately stated his position.

"That's good, if that's the case, let's just spread it out. Anyway, we have opened Southwest Guzhai. Then, there is no big difference between co-management with one force and management with a hundred forces, not to mention. , This is still my quasi-in-law."

As King Gu said, with a successful smile on his face, he turned to look at me and said: "Guo Yingxiong, on behalf of all Southwest ancient villages, I have decided that you, together with us, will jointly manage the internal and external affairs of Southwest ancient villages! "


"Just like their Mu family."


Cheng Qianyu was stupid, Senior Sister Yaqin and the others were stupid, Murong Lei and the Five Worships were also stupid, but I reacted.

Behind King Gu, Mu Nianqing hadn't changed since she just paused until now! At this time, it began to tremble!

"Father, are you okay, your face..." Mu Chengfeng stood opposite him and could see his father's appearance with a worried look on his face.

And Mu Nianqing, who was opposite him, had bloodshot eyes and his face was as black as coal!

That's it! This is the idea of ​​King Gu!

It is better to unite with one force than to unite with multiple forces. I believe that King Gu wants to cooperate with me compared to Mu Family.

The main point is that Mu Nianqing rushed over back then, but he refused, but today he had to compromise with him again. Isn't this slapped? !

Elderly people are usually very face-to-face, so they really compromise with the Mu family, and he is not comfortable.

But now it’s alright. His action is to tell Mu Nianqing and tell everyone that the ancient village in Southwest China and his Gu King did not compromise with Mu Nianqing, let alone let the Mu family manage the village, but there are other things. A force!

To put it simply, I, and my fellow boat club, and perhaps the identity of the Shadow Army, became a card to suppress the Mu family's forces.

In ancient times, emperors, the way of imperialism, maintained the balance of the court and party faction.

But I didn't think there was anything wrong, because in this matter, I also got benefits.

During my trip to Yunzhou this time, I didn't get a way to relieve the big red lotus in Gong Xiaoting's body, but I got the communication with Murong's family, the cooperation with Mu's family, and the support of Southwest Guzhai!


"My lord Gu said that it's up to this point. If I shirk it, it seems that I am a little bit ignorant. Okay, as the king of Gu said, we are in the same boat club and united with the southwest ancient village."

"Okay!" Seeing my promise, King Gu immediately smiled, looked back at Mu Nianqing, snorted low, and turned his head to look at me: "What do you want, just say it, it can be done. I do my best."

I thought for a while and said, "Well...there is nothing required, just one thing. We are far away in Luzhou, separated from here by thousands of mountains and rivers. I am afraid it is not very good. Let's go, since we have to coordinate management, I hope that King Gu can do something for me."

"What's the matter? Just say it!"

"In the ancient village... establish a Tongzhoushe branch!"

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