Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 304: Another way

The third...Tongzhou Club!

I have nothing wrong with this. I will jointly manage the affairs of Southwest Guzhai. Then I have to have an office place. I am not there. Someone must be there. People must be there. I can’t always stay overnight or live in a place like a hotel. Right.

An office space, that is a must!

And my office place is naturally Tongzhou Club.

"No problem, it's for sure. We will choose a good location to build it, and the materials are all ready-made."

The materials are readily available... He was talking about the stockades that had betrayed him.

For half a year in the Southwest Village of the Nanyang Association, it was not without any benefit to him. After this time, he successfully recognized who is changeable and who is loyal in the entire Southwest Village!

Fortunately, the result was good. Many people were only defeated and had no way to succumb to others, but they didn't fully obey them, and just forbeared them temporarily. But there were still a few people who chose to betray in the face of the external power.

We can't say whether they did the right thing, after all, this is a question of position.

Perhaps in their hearts, they feel that they can survive this way, or that they can live better by relying on them, just like Qiye, he is like that.

However, from our point of view, if you betrayed, you should be punished, and if you stood in the wrong line, shouldn't you bear the consequences?

Therefore, these stockades, including those who were in the crowd and tried to get past in the final decisive battle, were all picked out, and none of them could run away!

King Gu, no matter how close to the people, no matter how kind, he is the king after all! He is the lord of a village after all! Can he tolerate someone who has betrayed him under his hands?

If you betray once, you may betray a second time!

Such a person must not be used!

Having said that, if you can't kill a hundred people this time, then in the future, if something like this happens again, others will see that it will be fine if you betrayed it. At that time, it won't be the problem of these stockades...

Leaders, when they should be merciless, be merciless; when they should be cruel, be merciless.

Fortunately, those stockades are not big, the biggest one has been burned by me, so I rescued some ordinary villagers.

These people are all ordinary people, and it is not their decision to join Nanyang people. Even if it is to clean up the door, there are some choices.

A few stockades, in the end, there are still less than one in ten, and these people have been incorporated into the remaining stockades. For the rest, if the crime is too serious, the mastermind will kill it; if the crime is too small, the accomplice will be driven away directly, which is considered a life. But it's impossible to let you move out with big bags and small rolls, just take a little money out, starve to death and deserve it outside, that's your business!

After they left, the stockade was empty. So many building materials can't be wasted. It's a coincidence! I want to build Tongzhou Club...

That's why King Gu said "Materials are readily available."

After a few more words, the matter was over. King Gu began to order his people. Some people like designers came and asked me how to build this Tongzhou Club.

I don't know much about this. Secretary Lu is responsible for the Jicheng headquarters, and Uncle Ding is responsible for the Yancheng branch. I don't care about this either.

There is no way to directly say that the scale is equivalent to a middle-to-high-end stockade, and the main stockade is a bit worse than that of King Gu, similar to the main stockade of a Dazhai.

Anyway, I shouldn't come too much...

When discussing who was in charge of the affairs of this branch here, King Gu said that it was just right to let Cheng Qianyu stay.

I knew in my heart that King Gu valued A'duo and Qianyu's relationship so much, on the one hand because he really loves his girl, and we are not bad. But on the other hand, this is a political marriage!

This is the same as sending a princess and princess out to marry in ancient times. It can guarantee peace for one party, and it will also help these two countries to attack another place, which can ensure that there is no worries.

In this way, King Gu pulled my power over, protecting the ancient village on the one hand, and suppressing the Mu family on the other.

I have also benefited from being able to possess the power of the Southwest Ancient Village, and I can also take this opportunity to communicate with Mu Family. At the same time, this also marks that the forces of our Tongzhou Club have begun to move beyond the borders of the state and provinces to the whole country!

Moreover, this is still very rare. It has crossed several states and provinces and jumped directly from Luzhou to Yunzhou. It is a big move in the southwesternmost position of Yunzhou!

It can be said that it is beneficial to both parties, except that there are some who can't help this pair of men and women, but for the moment...

Aduo is okay, Cheng Qianyu... Maybe it’s a bit twitchy, just get used to it. If this is true, then this may be the best marriage in history, not only for mutual benefit, but also for the pair. The men and women who pushed to the front were also very satisfied.

Of course this is the most ideal state.

"After it is completed, let the people of Mu family live in the community. I will select a place in the community as the area of ​​the Mu family. This can reduce costs and facilitate communication between us." I said.

King Gu appeared to be very big at this point, and he waved his hand: "Of course it can. This is also a good thing, and that is already your place. Naturally you can do whatever you want, Mu Nianqing, what do you think?"

Mu Nianqing had already sat back on his seat at this time, holding the half-cold tea, and taking a sip to suppress his heart. When he heard it, he was almost choked at the time. He looked up at us and his face was dark. .

I think he should have two words in his heart now: "Haha!"

We agree on this matter, but he is not. He lives with me. Doesn’t it seem that he is just squeezing me? !

I also thought about this, but I didn’t care, because it can indeed increase communication and save houses...

Mu Nianqing looked at us, but couldn’t say anything. Looking at it now, the other party didn’t reject him at all, but he did something else while agreeing to him. What's more, he also knew that what I said was reasonable. ...

"... Feel free to." Mu Nianqing held back for a while before squeezing out three words.

"Then who is here? Take the wind, or else you come?"

"Huh?" Mu Chengfeng was taken aback, then waved his hand again and again, and said apologetically: "I can't do it, I have to talk to Murong's family... well, something is going on."


I frowned, but didn't ask in detail. I knew they wouldn't tell me if I asked them. I could only secretly wonder why there are so many secrets between these two families?

"We will arrange for someone to come. You don't need to think about this. Just think about your candidate." Mu Nianqing drank the tea in the cup, put down the cup, and said lightly, without raising his head.

When the Gu King heard this, he remembered something and asked me: "Hey, I also want to ask, who do you plan to let stay here? Otherwise, let Cheng Yingxiong stay here and communicate with my girl. "

After he finished speaking, Cheng Qianyu's face turned green next to him! My pupils shrunk and there was only a little left, staring at me fiercely, rejection was exuded all over the body, and the word "no" was almost written on my face!

I knew what he meant, but in fact, I didn't intend to keep him here, so I rejected King Gu, only saying that there were other arrangements.

As for who to let...I really don't think about it now.

But Cheng Qianyu is definitely not enough. He is not as strong as Gongsun Shu, and he has his own practice. As long as he is diligent in his cultivation, he is still in the elementary school stage, um...

You think, he doesn't even know how to use the air technique, can I let him drop out of school? He must be brought back to his master and continue to learn spells. He has a good talent and is supported by treasures. As long as he learns well, he will never be inferior to the strength of Brother Luo Tian and the others.

But I did not expect that after I said that Cheng Qianyu would not be allowed to stay here, King Gu suddenly appeared embarrassed: "Then this..."


I was taken aback for a moment, but then reacted, he was worried about Ado.

I don't know if he is worried that A'duo will be depressed because of missing him too much, or he is afraid that A'duo will run out of the stockade. But in short, this is what it means.

"Don't worry, I will let him come here every other time when he is okay, so as to enhance the relationship, and I will also ask him to take Ms. Ato to simply walk around the city to get to know and understand, so as not to have two people. no common language."

"Ah, that's good, that's good!" Gu King breathed a sigh of relief.

We talked about it here, everything was booked, so I went out of the house first and walked to one side. Cheng Qianyu wanted to come over, and I directly and severely asked him to stay with Ms. A'duo, the girl is not bad. Mind, you don’t have a person you like, so let’s talk about it when you’re not together, why did you have a good chat? !

Over there, King Gu went to quarrel with Mu Nianqing again. I walked to a place where there was no one to see how clean the surroundings were. I moved my mind and started calling!

When I first came, I didn't bring Uncle Gongwang. One of the reasons was that if the gu problem couldn't be solved, we could still find an individual way. When the time comes, we will directly take the way back. As a result, now, unfortunately, it is true, and I can only find another way.


The call is connected.

"Master." I shouted immediately, and at the same time I felt weird, feeling like a monkey...

On the opposite side of the phone, the master was sitting in the courtyard with a faint smile on his face, twirling his beard in one hand, and holding the phone in the other: "It's me, what happened?"

He didn't say my name, because Gong Xiaoting was lying in a room in this courtyard, and Uncle Gongwang was beside her. If he said the name, Uncle Gongwang would know it, and it would not be easy to explain it.

"No, it's the worst result now. The people who play the Gu can't solve the Gu. It seems that there is no way to solve it like this. Master, I have an idea, can I find a master to pull out the big red lotus directly. , Find another medical power to restore her body the moment she is pulled out, do you think this is feasible?"

"Oh?" The master smiled with interest. "This is the first time I have heard of this method. It is not impossible, but it requires the power of two people, a cultivator of wood attribute spells, a cultivator of medical skills, or a person with these two powers, but this is possible. Sex is very low."

"I know this, Master, can you do that with the medical skills?"

"I..." the master said, and suddenly smiled weirdly, but there was no sound, but the expression changed, but I couldn't see it. "I can not do it."

I was frowning at the time: "This is difficult. I may have some ways to find the wood element mage, but in terms of medical skills... I asked Senior Sister Yaqin, and there was a man named Ador I met here. People who practice medical Gu techniques can't do it, this..."

"If you can't find someone in this area, what if you can find a wood element mage? Moreover, there are too few medical masters who can do this," said the master.

But at this moment, He Lao San and Yin Si two came back from the outside. Just when they entered the hospital, they heard the master talking here. At the same time, they were all taken aback and said unconsciously, "Medical masters? We know!"

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