Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 307: Emergencies


In the woods, a petite figure quickly shuttled between the trees, driving waves of wind and the sound of "rustling" when the branches and leaves were shaken.

It can be seen from this person’s gasp that she has been running for a long time, but she did not dare to stop at all. She could not even slow down a little, because she knew that as long as she relaxed a little, the rest People will catch up with themselves immediately, and in an instant, they can kill themselves!

"Call ...... call ...... Well!" The man ran forward, suddenly appeared in front of a lot of obstruction, it is a pile of twigs and vines, are do not know when broken, it is piled up to here .

This is a deep mountain, no human beings come here to clean up, and there won't be any good-hearted people who will clean up for you at regular intervals. Everything that is unnatural here is done by these mountain monsters.

Because there are many trees in the old forest, too many branches, vines, and other things will affect their actions, so sometimes some bad-tempered monsters who are not afraid of trouble will interrupt them and turn them into piles of miscellaneous things. Object, and then lifted to the other side using magic.

On the other side, it was almost a place they would not go.

There are many things like this in this forest. Today, she was hunted down and panicked, but she did not expect to hit these things.


The man was running, suddenly there was such a pile of things in front of him, but at this time he was inevitable, he simply gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, fighting! I ran into it all at once!



That person hit this pile of things, and there were vines and branches inside, not only blocking her speed, but also cutting her skin!

And there was a branch in it, so it was stuck on her flanks!


The man screamed in pain, rolled over, and fell to the ground. Fortunately, there was no stone or the like that could reach her, but the sharp wood on the stomach was really uncomfortable!


The man screamed in low pain, and directly pulled out the branch with a cruel heart, and suddenly a stream of blood poured out.

She knows that if this thing is still inserted there, it will reduce the loss of blood, but on the road behind, as long as she falls again, this thing will definitely be knocked deeper into the body, and even directly penetrate her abdomen!

Compared to this, it is better to pull it out.

Anyway, as long as he runs back, the master will heal himself.

Thinking like this, she struggled to get up from the ground and continued to run forward, and when she stood up, she glanced back.

At this moment, three figures hurried over behind him, "Swish-wish-"!

At this time, near the hut in the mountain, Senior Sister Yaqin and others simply spread some weeds and vines on the ground as a mat, ready to sleep.

Because there was only a bed in this thatched house, they wanted to play a gentleman manner and let Senior Sister Yaqin live in, but after Senior Sister Yaqin glanced at the dusty bed, she gave up...

What a ghost is going to sleep in a place like this!

As a result, a group of people, without exception, all slept outside the house.

But just about to fall asleep, suddenly, there was a noise in the woods!


Among this large group of people, Cheng Qianyu's reaction was the fastest, and he stood up and stretched out his hand. The Oolong Zhanjin knife was already in his hand.

After the first battle of the Miao Village Competition, two days have passed since the battle. The damage caused during the battle has completely disappeared. The meridians on the island during the previous battle with the flying dragon have basically recovered.

He is now in his heyday!

His voice was not small, and Tie Ning could be regarded as a humiliation, and he immediately got up and grabbed his iron rod directly.

Senior Sister Yaqin didn't have much defense, nor did she move so fast, but she still got up in time and stood behind them. He Laosan was a little listless, but they also woke up, but the fat monk was still asleep!

But everyone was so tacitly in agreement that no one woke him up...

A group of people watched vigilantly in the direction that the sound came from, and soon saw a figure rushing towards this side in the woods, very fast, but with some embarrassment.

"Stop! Who are you?!"

Cheng Qianyu stood in the forefront, with a horizontal knife on his chest, and asked sharply.

At this time, Senior Sister Yaqin had already noticed that something was wrong, and immediately shouted: "It's not right, this seems to be a chased person!"

"Huh?" Cheng Qianyu was taken aback. At this time, the man had already arrived, and in the blink of an eye, he ran out of the woods!

Because this place was the place where the former master wanted to live, the surrounding area cannot be too complicated. It is not known to be man-made or natural. Anyway, this area is a large open area and the terrain is flat.

The man rushed out of the woods, without the shelter of the trees, the moonlight was also shining down, and her appearance was clearly visible. Cheng Qianyu was standing closest to her. Seeing nothing right, he quickly put his knife back behind him and stretched out his left hand. Grabbed the man's shoulder.

Immediately after Cheng Qianyu made a strong hand, he wanted to pull on his side, move his feet, and turn around. This is considered stable.

And that person, also because of his set of actions, the forward momentum was dissipated, he staggered under his feet, was grasped by Cheng Qianyu's shoulders, barely stabilized his steps, and stopped.

Through the moonlight, everyone saw that this is not a person, but a demon!

In fact, it’s nothing strange, this place is strange to someone!

Cheng Qianyu let go of his hand, took two steps back, looked over in the moonlight, and the appearance of the person came into his eyes.

He was covered with white short hair, but some dust, and some blood stains. He was wearing simple clothes made of rattan and leaves. Anyway, the place that should be covered was covered. There was nothing excessive, and a pair of long ears were straight. Upward, pointing to the sky, his eyes flushed red.

This is a rabbit demon!

Although because it is an animal, it is difficult to distinguish between men and women, not to mention that the gender of human beings is quite ambiguous, but judging from this body curve, it should be a lesbian.

"You..." Cheng Qianyu took a closer look. There was a wound on the other's side, as if it had been pierced by something. It was still bleeding, although not much, but if it continues like this, it will definitely be fatal!

Just about to speak and ask who she is, at this moment, another voice came from behind.

"There is movement ahead, she is in front!"

"Damn it, this place is the old, immortal house, why are there still people?!"

These two are male voices.

Cheng Qianyu's heart condensed, and he turned around, with his sword in front of him, ready to fight, and at the same time he whispered: "Heal her first!"

He knew that the next thing to come was the person who chased her!

Behind him, Tie Ning also walked over, holding a stick in one hand, and holding the girl rabbit's shoulder with the other, pushing her back.

"Hey, don't talk to me in that kind of commanding tone. Your husband asked me to look at you, not let me be your military doctor!" Senior Sister Yaqin said irritably, but came forward. , Got to the rabbit's side and started to observe the wound.

"Cut!" Cheng Qianyu curled his lips in disdain, but didn't refute anything, just stared quietly ahead.

And the rabbit was also very dumb. He didn't know who the group of people that appeared suddenly was, let alone what they were going to do, but it was inexplicable feeling that these people were not bad guys.

It may be because of their actions, or it may be that they plan to fight those who have saved them. In short, so far, they have not had any resistance to these people.

On the other side, He Lao San and Yin Si also stood up. In their eyes, they were no longer dim, but a touch of warfare!

Before, they thought of the deaths of their two brothers because of their touching scenes, and all their feelings were suppressed by the sadness, but now, besides the sadness, another kind of feeling has appeared.


No, not only miss, but the kind of thing deep in my memory, the anger when the life I miss is tarnished!

What did they just say? Old immortal? !

They know who lived in this place before, and they know who the people in the population are too!

In the chaotic forest life, these people are orphans. The two late brothers are just like their own brothers. Similarly, the kind old man who has healed their wounds, let them be fathers!

No one can endure his father being scolded!

"Get out, I'll come." He Laosan patted Cheng Qianyu on the shoulder and said lightly.

Cheng Qianyu glanced at him, that there was a bitter cold on He Lao San and Yin Si!

Without speaking, Cheng Qianyu retreated directly to the side, and Tie Ning did the same, giving up his position to Yin Si.

Just finished all this, in the woods, three guys rushed out in the future!

These three are not humans, they are all demons. The one standing in the middle is covered with gray fur, with sharp ears and fangs, with fierce eyes and a mace in his hand.

The two on the left and right are roughly the same in appearance, one with yellow hair, a pair of horns on the top of the head, and a three-strand fork in the hand.

One wolf demon, two deer demon!

When the three monsters saw so many people in front of them, they were also taken aback. They didn't know who these people were, but they knew that the person they wanted to chase was with them.

"You guys!" the leading wolf demon shouted at them with a stick. "Are you also the monsters on the periphery? How do I look as if there are...human beings here? Huh! Humans are here too, this is not your place to travel, it's best to get out of here! Also, take that girl Leave it to us!"


Everyone did not speak.

"Huh?" The wolf demon frowned and narrowed his eyes.

He is not stupid, he has been a demon for so many years, and the wolf is originally a cunning creature. At this time, looking at the state of people like them, something is wrong.

Although his ability has not yet reached the level of judging a person's strength, he can simply judge the race by smell, but facing the scene before him, he has a bit of mind.

"You two, come on!"

He sells his teammates first!

The dead daoists don’t die, they go first, and then, if something is not right, they turn their heads and run away.

The two deer monsters are obviously here, and they can do it if they don't want to. This is the order of the boss, each holding its own three-stranded fork, and slowly stepping forward.

At the same time, the wolf demon began to back away slowly...

He Laosan didn't seem to see the movements of the wolf demon, but stared at the deer deer who was close to him, and said in a low voice, "You just said, are you the one who doesn't die?"


The two deer monsters were shocked and stopped at their feet, not daring to move.

"Old immortal? Do you dare to call him immortal? Hello!"

He Laosan suddenly took a drink, shocked the two of them, staring at him blankly.

"Do you know that there is such an old saying that misfortune comes out of your mouth?" He Laosan stared at them and said lightly.

Before the two deer could react, they suddenly felt a flower in front of them, and after another look, the person was gone!

In the next moment, the deer deer felt a vicious wind coming straight to his front door. When he looked up, he could only see a fist that shone with golden light and grew from small to large in front of his eyes!

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