Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 308: Willow


The golden light flickered, and a strong fist hit the bridge of the deer demon's nose!

At the same moment, Yin Si spread his wings behind him, and there was a gust of wind, and he rushed to the other deer monster in an instant, raised his foot, and kicked it directly!


The two deer monsters are both little monsters. Hello, He Lao San and Yin Si have been monsters for so many years, not to mention that they have been cultivating with my master for so many years. Don’t look at just this trick. It's when they are angry, how can they stand it? !

"Huh--" The two deer demon flew out in an instant, one head turned back, blood on his face, his nose was beaten and the bridge of his nose was broken!

The other one, bent into a dried shrimp, had its spine weirdly bent, and there was a wave of fresh water in its abdomen—Yin Lao Si kicked his stomach with that foot.

The two deer monsters flew directly into the woods again, slammed into a tree, and rolled twice on the ground before stopping.

The wolf demon over there has been watching, and he has reacted since He Laosan shot. This thing is definitely not something that he can fight! What's more, there is more than one of them. Even if you are strong, you are hard to beat with two fists. The wind is tight, and the bird whispers!

Without hesitation, he turned around and ran away!

After He Laosan and two of them shot the two deer demon flying away, and then looked over, only the back of the wolf demon could be seen.

Running too fast!

"Do you chase?" Yin Si flapped her wings, ready to rush out at any time, and turned to ask He Laosan.

Although he usually doesn't behave much, he is the younger brother and He Laosan is the elder brother. During the battle, He Laosan made some decisions.

Of course, this is saying that after they left here, once, this kind of thing was caused by...

Obviously, this simple culture, matched with the environment at this time, can not help but evoke their memories. At that time, this kind of questioning was still the case, and the person who answered was the man dressed in Tsing Yi and carrying a sword...

"Forget it." He Lao San shook his head, tried to throw these things out, said lightly, turned and walked back.

Yin Si didn't speak, but retracted his wings, fell down, glanced at the depths of the jungle, and the back of the wolf demon who had only been blurred, and sighed.

"This place looks messier than before. At least before, even if no one lives in this place, no monsters will dare to come here. The old man is like a **** in our heart, whether it is to us or to those annoying guys. ."

He Laosan shook his hand and said, and saw the rabbit demon they had just rescued with a glance. Although this was a weak one being hunted down, there was never a right or wrong in a world where the weak and the strong. They started because of those few. This guy scolded the old man, not out of sympathy.

"Where are you from?" He Lao San looked at her and said. "You should have been a demon in recent decades, huh, maybe you weren't born when I left."

The little rabbit was obviously frightened, but the people around him had just protected her, and a very ambivalent emotion arose. The little guy frowned, feeling that there was nothing to say, so he said timidly. Said: "Yes... yes, I'm only thirty years old this year."

"Thirty..." Senior Sister Yaqin stuck out her tongue. This is a middle-aged human being, especially for their women...

But thirty years is nothing to monsters. For thirty years, just one hundred years, it is equivalent to human puberty at best.

Both He Lao San and Yin Si have been monsters for nearly two hundred years. Three-quarters of them have lived here. They only arrived in the city a few decades later. However, it is obvious that, in terms of time, this rabbit It was indeed born after this.

"We were also residents here before. Don't be afraid, we don't want to kill you, but you don't want to rely on us, because we don't want to help you. Just started because they insulted me... my father, and you It doesn't matter."

He Laosan paused when he was talking about that person. He didn't know what he should call him, and he didn't know what his position in his heart was.

But the little rabbit felt thoughtful after listening, and recalled what the monsters had just said.

This place is the old house that doesn't die, why are there still people...

this place……

The little rabbit turned his head and looked at the house that would be regarded as a big haystack if you didn’t look carefully. It’s just that you can see some of it now, it should have been done by them, but if someone lived here, doesn’t it mean... …

"Do you know Mr. Lu?"


As soon as the little rabbit's voice fell, he and the third and silver fourth were both an exciting spirit!

"What are you talking about?!" He Lao Sanyi didn't control it, but shouted out! "You say it again, who did you just say?!"

The little rabbit was frightened, his hair was standing up, and both long ears were shaking, and he said tremblingly, "Lu... Mr. Lu, what's wrong?"

"Hi..." Right next to her, Senior Sister Yaqin suddenly showed a thoughtful expression. She had also heard He Laosan say a few words before, but she didn't remember that deeply. In the impression they said, the master seemed to ...It's Lu!

Over there, He Lao San and Yin Si looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise and surprise in the eyes of each other.

"Little rabbit, I ask you, is the old Mr. Lu you talking about an old human, kind-looking, wearing a white robe, and always carrying a copper-colored wine gourd around him."

The little rabbit nodded: "Yes! You really know Mr. Lu!"

"Huh..." He Lao San breathed out, as if he was not very convinced, and then asked, "Where does he live now? This is his home? Where does he live now?"

"He, he's in the big village of our outer monsters, are you going to see him?"

"Peripheral?" At this moment, He Laosan suddenly thought that the wolf demon seemed to have said this word just now, the peripheral monster.

But what does this periphery mean? Is there any inside?

"Is there any obvious sign there?" He Laosan asked.

When the names of the roads are different, the best way is to ask the markers.

"Ah, yes, there is a large stone stele with words engraved on it. It reads the words'Siyou Juyi'. Ah, the word'four' seems to be different from the others. "


He Laosan's pupils suddenly retracted.

"Take me there!"

Nothing else, that's all, he understood at the time that the so-called peripheral monster Dazhai was actually their former cottage!

At that time, the three brothers gathered for worship, and left a stone monument at the gate of the cottage, which was equivalent to a street sign, a commemoration of their friendship.

Later, there was a silver fourth, so they erased the "three" and added another "four".

Why does she say that the "four" character seems to be different from the others, and the supplements will definitely be different.

On the way, He Laosan explained these simple things to Senior Sister Yaqin and the others, yes, very simple ones!

If it wasn't for Senior Sister Yaqin who knew what was going on with their four brothers, and almost didn't understand it, He Laosan was really too excited, it would be difficult to say anything!

In fact, they were not the only ones who were excited. Senior Sister Yaqin was as excited as Cheng Qianyu and the others.

All said that this kindness is rewarded!

I advocate staying here for one night first. I plan to find some chance to help He Laosan and the others, and help them get rid of this knot. Who can think of such a thing as a big night? !

As a result, someone suddenly came to tell you that the master is still there! Did not go! They just moved a house, they didn't know it.

If this is the afternoon when no one is seen, and he turns around and leaves, then I missed it!

Senior Sister Yaqin sighed again and again, and followed the little rabbit and He Laosan all the way, and finally arrived at a big cottage!

As soon as they came out of the woods, everyone looked up, and suddenly there was a sound of air-conditioning!

Almost sucked up the surrounding temperature...

In front of Dazhai, although it is made of earth walls and wood, it is not particularly well-made, but it can't stand its large scale!

On the left and right sides, on one side, the earth wall is directly connected to the mountain wall and integrated with the mountain, occupying the advantage of natural danger.

The earth wall is about ten meters high, the wall is smooth, and there is no possibility of climbing. The front is the gate. There are arrow towers and observation decks on both sides of the gate. Ascend the height, there are archers standing on them, facing them." Uninvited Guest" glared.

At the gate, there are four guards standing guard, one bull monster, one furbolg, and two gorillas. They are all sturdy, with swords and axes in their hands. Seeing that there are outsiders here, they immediately stepped forward: "Who? !"

Everyone stopped, and the little rabbit stepped forward: "Brother Niu, it's me!"

The monsters in the forest are the same as the villagers. Basically, they know each other among the neighbors, not to mention this is the gatekeeper. The bull monster took a closer look: "Oh, it's you, who are these people? ?"

Knowing that it was brought by his own person, he is not so hostile, but he still has to ask.

"These two are seniors who have lived here, they know Mr. Lu, and the rest are their friends." Little Rabbit said truthfully.

"Knowing Mr. Lu? That's a distinguished guest. I'll report it first. Two of you, follow me in to meet Mr. Lu."

It's a big matter, they can't say yes, so they have to take them in first and meet with Mr. Lu, while the rest are waiting outside. If Mr. Lu is said to have spoken himself, yes, he does know him, then please come in again; if he does not know him, just grab it, or kill it if it should be.

He Laosan and the others obviously knew the truth, nodded and said, "Okay, take me there."

"Yeah." The bull demon nodded, turned around and took He Lao San and Yin Si, and went to the door together. He talked to the others and told them inside. Someone behind the door opened the door and let them in.

Step by step to behave well, giving people a serious feeling.

Outside, Senior Sister Yaqin took a closer look. There was a vaguely flashing figure on the city wall. There should be soldiers patrolling guard there. If there is anything, just do it.

At this time, the best move is not to move, standing still is better than anything else.

Sister Yaqin knew about this, Cheng Qianyu knew it, and Tie Ning knew it too, but there was such a thing... I didn't know.

Fat monk!

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