Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 310: Perimeter and inner perimeter

Not only were they so witty, outside, Senior Sister Yaqin and others also made this very friendly decision to herself.

I really don't want to admit to knowing this stuff!

He Laosan and the two of them recognized Mr. Lu, which proved that what was said is true. They are indeed Mr. Lu's friends, so please invite those outside and you can't neglect.

As a result, when the bull demon came back, he found that something was wrong. Why did the crowd... seem to be missing a bald head?

Not only is there missing a bald head, but also the fattest figure...

He also didn't pay attention to the specific appearance of the few people, just a vague impression. He didn't know that the two impressions were actually the same person.

Someone next to him pointed to one side speechlessly and said, "I stole the meat and ate it."

Bull demon: "???"

Does the old man still know this person? !

The bull demon looked over. At the door of the kitchen over there, a fat monk was sitting on the ground, not too dirty, leaning on the side of the big stone pier, holding a roast chicken in his hand, gnawing right!

That's why there is no wine here, or else there must be such a bottle beside him.

Of course, it is not to say that there is no wine in the entire cottage, because this cottage is very large. If there is only one kitchen, many places will eat later than others because of the distance. This is unfair.

Moreover, just a kitchen is not enough to satisfy the appetite of so many people, so there are many such kitchens in the whole cottage, but it happens that there is no wine in this one.

The bull demon looked at the goods and nodded, um, the one that he missed in his impression was this thing!

At this time, the mountain gate had already opened. Senior Sister Yaqin and others walked in. The fat monk was seen at first sight.

The purpose of looking for him is not to take him away, but to stay away from...

This is a move to determine where not to go.

"Hey, your friends..." The bull demon was about to tell them that their friends were eating meat here, when they saw a few of them walk past without squinting, they were walking very fast, and they didn't want to stay longer.

"This...what about this?" The Bull Demon scratched his head and asked a little embarrassed.

Otherwise, Niu is honest, his brain is not very good, but there is a fine around him, he poked him, and whispered: "Don't worry! This is theirs, but I don't want to admit it, so let's Nothing, just grab some meat, anyway, we have a lot of reserves, just tell other kitchens to be careful."

"Oh-that way, that way, I listen to you."

They didn't care about it here, the one who had just sent a letter to Mr. Lu ran over and went crazy when he saw him eating roast chicken, so he rushed over and tore him!

The fat monk hadn't had any bad thoughts at first, but now he feels better after eating. When he sees the person coming, he doesn't care about it and continues to eat. The rest is left to Fo Guang...

All the demons shook their heads. Everyone knew that this guy was a rat demon and a foodie, so he stopped doing what the fat monk grabbed. Just now Mr. Lu was filled with righteous indignation, but he didn't care about it. Come and do it yourself!

These monsters didn't interfere. Let them make a fuss. Anyway, the Buddha's body protects and hits him twice. This guy will have a long memory.

Over there, Senior Sister Yaqin and others were taken all the way to the Chamber. When they raised their eyes, they saw the old man in the first seat, and He Laosan and Yinsi who had obviously just finished crying below.

"You're Mr. Lu, right?" Senior Sister Yaqin trot a few steps immediately before arriving in front of the old man, and said respectfully.

The old man is kind-eyed: "It's me, you are the youngest and their...friends?"

"Yes, my name is Yaqin, this is Cheng Qianyu, and that is Tie Ning." Senior Sister Yaqin introduced several people.

"Since it's a friend, just sit down, don't be cautious, and have no rules, just be casual."

"Yes." Senior Sister Yaqin agreed, and several people were divided into two sides. Senior Sister Yaqin was sitting next to He Laosan.

At this time, He Laosan just stopped crying, his eyes were red, and he opened his mouth and took a deep breath to ease his emotions. After a while, he asked, "Master, what is going on in the mountains now? When did you come back? What does this outer and inner circle mean? Who is the biggest one in the mountain now?"

After listening, Mr. Lu smiled: "You ask too many questions at a time, how can I answer? So, I will say one by one."

"Yes, please speak."

"Ah, let's talk about it when I first came back..." The old man stretched out his hand and twisted his beard. He thought for a while and said, "That was three years ago. After I came back, I found that my original house was old. I didn't live there anymore, thinking about coming here to find you, but I found out that this place has become a gathering place for monsters."

As the old man said, he pointed outside the house: "Here, it's them."

He Laosan followed his hand and looked outside, then turned his head back, his face solemn: "I took a rough look when I came in. This kind of scale, this amount, if placed in the past, there would be enough ten cottages. Looks like! There are eight or nine if there are less than ten, why are they all gathered here now? What's the matter?"

"Yeah! What you said is really right, they are indeed people from more than a dozen cottages around, but they are just survivors." Mr. Lu said.

"The survivors? Who did it on them? Was it a ring dog?!" He Laosan shouted immediately.

"Huan Dog?" Senior Sister Yaqin frowned.

This kind of creature is no longer seen, but in the past, when the aura was rich, this kind of monster could be seen, and it looked like a beast head human body. There was no special place other than that. It was relatively common among the ancient creatures. Kind of.

"Does this kind of thing still exist now?" Senior Sister Yaqin murmured.

Later, when she told me about it, I was not too surprised. After all, I have seen flying fish. Flying fish are also ancient creatures. They are a bit more advanced than ring dogs and have some talent skills.

In fact, although the aura is exhausted now, most of the ancient creatures will not perish or become ordinary animals, but there will always be a few survivors.

And here, deep in the mountains and old forests, there is no need to make a fuss.

Mr. Lu glanced at him, his eyes were a bit tangled, and he didn't want to tell him, but now, it's not good not to say, he hesitated, and said, "Yes."

"Grass! I knew it was them!" He Laosan didn't hold back all of a sudden, he exploded with a foul language, which shocked Senior Sister Yaqin beside him.

She knew that there was a village that destroyed the village where He Laosan was located, but she never knew who belonged to that village. In fact, it belonged to the ring dog...

At that time, although Huangou couldn't hold him down because of his lack of talent and ability, Huangou had a very powerful deputy beside him. Under his attack, they only held on for a while and couldn't stand it anymore. , Immediately defeated!

The end result is that these four brothers died two and flee...

When I heard it today, I was the enemy of the year, and my heart suddenly became angry, and I cursed directly!

Mr. Lu looked at him, waved his hand, motioned to him not to get excited, and continued: "When I came, I found that this place has become the dominant family, and Huangou has become the boss here, with his own group. Those who live in the deep forest, the most resource-rich place, call themselves "inner monsters," and drove the rest outside, calling them "peripheral monsters". This is the question of outer and inner surroundings."

"They are getting too much..."

"More than that, their rule is that the monsters in the inner circle can come to the periphery at will, but the monsters in the outer circle are not allowed to enter the inner circle. As long as they enter, they will be killed immediately!" Mr. Lu said.

"Then the little rabbit from last night was because it entered the inner circle." Senior Sister Yaqin asked.

"Yes, the resources in the inner circle are too rich, which is very tempting, so monsters often sneak in, but they are basically caught and killed. She is lucky."

"Tsk!" He Laosan curled his lips with a look of irritation. After thinking about it for a while, he asked, "How many of them are there? Are they amazing?"

" know the strength of the ring dog, it's not a big deal, but the problem is the person next to him."

"Is he still there?!"

"No, I heard from people here that this person is no longer the one who persecuted you in the first place, but his apprentice. That person seems to have left and I don't know where he went."

"Damn! Master is gone and the apprentice is here, are they planning to occupy this place?!"

"Maybe it is possible, but there is no major action at the moment. For these peripheral monsters, they have not been killed, but they are not allowed to enter the inner circle. I really don't know what they think."

"Leave aside their thoughts, but as far as this situation is concerned, their existence has already caused me... a lot of trouble to them. If this continues, it will be almost the same without being completely destroyed."

When He Laosan said this, he had subconsciously substituted for himself, but after reacting, he realized that he was no longer a resident here, and he felt lonely in his heart. But then I think about it again, no matter what, this place is his hometown. Whether it is a human or an animal, there will be a special feeling for this place.

Although fighting for the mountains and territories, winning the king and losing the enemy is the way of heaven, it cannot be said that what they did is wrong, but if they are called "revenge", no one should say that they are not.

"When we rescued the little rabbit, we fought with their people, and it was nothing terrible. The two deer monsters are little ones. The wolf monster who looks like a boss is also a timid fellow. "

"Wolf demon?" Mr. Lu raised his eyebrows. "Did a guy who looked very slippery took a mace?"

"Yeah! Why, this product still has a number one?" He Laosan asked strangely. He felt that the things that could be known by Mr. Lu were nothing ordinary, but that product was really nothing!

"Of course I know." Mr. Lu nodded. "That guy is also a ruthless man. He is one of Huangou's four major vanguards. Although the combat effectiveness is not too strong, but fortunately he has some brains, so he can live until now. He ran away when he saw you? Of course, you guys. With the strength and the number of people, what is he waiting for?"

"Oh-this guy is really a boss, I really haven't seen it. Where is his main performance as a ruthless person?"

After listening to Mr. Lu, he groaned for a while, sighed and said: "His mace is inlaid with his own teeth..."

He Laosan: "..."

Father, you are afraid that you have misunderstood the words "ruthless man"...

"That''s pretty cruel." He Laosan scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

Old Mr. Lu couldn't help feeling a little funny seeing him like this. Of course what he said just now was witty, just a little joke with him.

"Well, you have come all the way, now it's so late, go to bed, there are a lot of rooms here, let them take you to rest later, if you have anything, you have to wait until tomorrow."

"Okay, hey, I was woken up here as soon as I was about to fall asleep. I'm really a little sleepy. Then father, let's say goodbye."

"Well, I won't send you off, hey, that fat monk..."

"We don't know him!" He Laosan immediately waved his hand and said firmly.

"Puff! Okay, let's go, I know." Mr. Lu couldn't help but smiled, but he understood that if there was such a thing among his friends, he would not recognize it.

He Laosan got up and said something to the old man again, turned around and left. Yin Si on the other side also got up to say goodbye, and walked out the door behind him. Senior Sister Yaqin cast a look at Cheng Qianyu and the others. The two of them immediately understood, haha, walked behind them side by side, blocked them, and followed them out, while Senior Sister herself walked outside with false intentions. After two steps, he came back with a false shot.

"Why, something else?" Mr. Lu asked.

"Yes." Senior Sister Yaqin stood below and said respectfully. "Our main purpose of coming this time is to ask the old man to come out and help a friend of us treat!"

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