Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 311: By the way? revenge

"Friend?" Mr. Lu raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, she has the poison in her body, but there is no way to detoxify the poison at this time. We plan to use another method, which is to forcefully remove the poison from her body, and then a medical master will treat her immediately to help her. She repaired the meridians in the body to save her life." Senior Sister Yaqin said.

"I heard that Mr. Lu is a master of medical skills, so he came here admiringly and urged Mr. to come out to save lives!"

"Hi..." Mr. Lu frowned. "Girl, do you know what you are talking about? What you said just now is the best! Forcibly removing the poison and then recovering immediately. This is something that has never happened before. Do you really dare to do it?"

"Of course we dare not, but I heard that Mr. Lu has the superb ability of life and death, so I came to pay respect to Mr.. Could it be that... Mister, you can't?"

As Senior Sister Yaqin said, she raised her eyes to look at Mr. Lu, her eyebrows raised mischievously, and a sly smile appeared on her face.

"Oh, you little girl, did you use agitation on my old man?" Mr. Lu said amusedly.

"No, no, no, how dare I, just want to ask." Senior Sister Yaqin immediately changed into an innocent look, pitiful.

"Huh, don’t come to this set. I live longer than you think. Don’t play with these clever things. It’s useless and unnecessary. Since you are friends of He Lao San and the others, that’s the old man and mine. Half a friend, if the friend is busy, I still have to help. Let’s just say, what kind of Gu is in that person, and he has to solve it like this."

"Big Red Lotus." Senior Sister Yaqin said truthfully.

"Da Honglian?" Mr. Lu frowned, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to twist his beard. "As far as I know, the Great Red Lotus is extinct a long time ago. I didn't expect that there will be... However, if you want to remove the Great Red Lotus from your body, it is not so easy. This requires a person who is proficient in wood spells to complete it. ..."

"Don't worry about this, Mr. Lu, we have already found such a person." Senior Sister Yaqin said.

What I told her at the time was that I could find it, and I didn’t say I was completely sure, but it might be a kind of inexplicable confidence. For my unfounded confidence, I felt that what I said must be true. , I said that if you can find it, you can definitely find it.

"So now, I only need Mr. Lu to go out of the mountain."

"Oh? You have done quite enough. It seems that the old man I must go. I have just lived here for a few years, so I have to go out again." The old gentleman smiled and said jokingly.

"It doesn't take long. I believe that with the old man's means, this matter can be resolved soon, and then you can come back and continue to take care of your life."

"Hey, the little girl's mouth is sweet, but when it comes to this... you have also seen what is going on here, I might still maintain a balance in the inner periphery and the outer periphery, and the inner periphery is not easy to attack, and the outer periphery can still pass. It's calmer, but if I leave, the monsters on the periphery will be... alas!"

"Ah? Then it seems...there is no way." Senior Sister Yaqin pretended to be disappointed and said, her movements were very cooperative, she lowered her head, as if she was depressed, but her face was clearly a successful smile.

"Huh?" Although Mr. Lu's senior sister lowered her head and couldn't see her face, how many years was he? How could you not know her emotions at this time? Slightly stunned, but immediately reacted.

"Sure enough, you still want to avenge them this time."

"Of course! This is also one of the purposes of our trip!" Senior Sister Yaqin raised her head and smiled.

"Well, it seems that Laosan He and the others have really made a good group of friends, so I can rest assured. Little girl, looking at you, it should be the top of their group."

"Uh...not actually, they are all one of them... escort, friend, that person is also the younger brother of me and He Laosan, but he is more capable than us, this time he asked me to come here for him , I was also the one he confessed to help Lao San He get revenge!"

"Oh, there is such a person, why didn't he come? I really want to see him." Mr. Lu said.

"You said just now that this matter requires a wood mage. He is going to find the wood mage now. Our friend of Zhonggu is in Jecheng. After going to Jecheng, you will meet Arrived."

In fact, it shouldn't be said in front of people. Because the few conversations just now have shaped me into the image of a boss, and now telling him, the boss is not here, he sent his hand down, the boss is looking for someone else by himself, doesn’t it mean that he doesn’t have that person. Is it important? !

So if you tell someone this way, he may feel unhappy in his heart, and the relationship may be bad. Maybe there is someone with a bad temper, just turn his face and stop doing it! That would be a waste of work!

However, Senior Sister Yaqin looked at Mr. Lu like this, she should not be that kind of person, so she didn't avoid taboos and told the truth.

Sure enough, Mr. Lu was not angry because of these words, and he didn't even see any bad color on his face. He still smiled like that with kind eyebrows, but he just nodded to show that it was so and he knew it.

"So, we want to invite you out of the mountain. I have to help you clean up this mess here first, and if you want to clean up this mess, the best way is to deal with those guys who claim to be inside. Huh— —?! They seem to be the enemies of He Lao San. What a coincidence, what a coincidence!"

Senior Sister Yaqin smiled brightly and said very ostentatiously.

Mr. Lu sat on it with a helpless expression, looking at Senior Sister Yaqin as if looking at his naughty little granddaughter: "You guys are also bothering."

"That's not it! We have to avenge them again, and we can't make them think that we are taking the initiative to avenge him, but it's hard to die for us! Then when I was in that little thatched house, if we hadn't preemptively quoted it there. Over the night, they couldn't keep up with their sadness and disappointment, and turned their heads and left. But fortunately, we ran into that little rabbit and also met you."

When Senior Sister Yaqin talked about the little rabbit, there was obviously a slight change in color on her face. There was no way. When she thought of the little rabbit, she thought that she was only thirty years old...

Although this is correct in terms of life expectancy, the 30-year-old monster is equivalent to the kindergarten age of human beings...maybe less than that, but it sounds a little awkward! Speaking of which...

In the first seat, Mr. Lu smiled kindly, but he was secretly surprised.

If it wasn't for the destiny, who could be so lucky? And one thing that Senior Sister Yaqin didn't know was that from the very beginning, he had been doing calculations in silence. Under the sleeves of the generous white robe, Mr. Lu pinched his fingers to calculate, but he found nothing...

I have met a lot of situations like! It can be said that I have been encountering such things recently! This happened because there was someone more powerful than me who participated in this matter, and his energy shielded my strategy and arithmetic, so I couldn't make it out.

But that is for me!

But now, Mr. Lu is the one who makes the calculation!

Although later when he told me about it, there was still a little bit of joy in my heart. Unexpectedly, this kind of cheating happened not only to me, but there are others who have the same experience, hehehehe...I am not alone!

But if I ponder it seriously, it makes me a little strange.

Even if you think carefully...

The person involved in this matter, the hag is dead; not to mention the Nanyang Association, the person involved in this matter has died seven or eighty eight; Me? I'm even more impossible. If this old gentleman is not as good as I am, why should I ask him?

This has nothing to do with my previous life. If it does matter, I wouldn't be able to calculate it every time.

So who would it be, in the middle of this incident, hinder him? In other words, who doesn't want him to know the ins and outs of this matter?

But those are already something to say. At this time, Mr. Lu's face did not fluctuate, and he said indifferently: "Okay, I know, tomorrow I will tell them these things, and they shouldn't think of you. Originally, I was here to help them avenge. As you said, this incident is really a coincidence."

"Yes, old man, that's it!"

"Okay, go and rest."

"Okay, that junior will leave."


It may be that people are in a good spirit at happy events. Sister Yaqin looked very happy after getting the result she wanted, and bounced away.

But at the moment when she left the chamber, Mr. Lu suddenly changed his face and fell into thought.

Who is it?

Who on earth is making trouble from it and not letting yourself know about it?

Mr. Lu was puzzled and worried secretly, and on the other side, in the big camp inside...

"Report--! Pioneer Wolf is back!"

The inner encirclement camp may be because of the confidence that the monsters on the periphery can’t attack, so the design is relatively simple. There are no earth walls. They are all wooden houses that surround the residential area. The fence supported by a wood, covered with cloth, painted a strange totem, maybe their symbol, after all, big people have...

Among the big tents of the Chinese Army, the ring dog sits in the first seat, and the head of the beast looks like a half-orc in the movie. The half-orc of the dog looks terrifying and makes people feel that it is not annoying at first glance.

Next to him, there was another person sitting, wearing black clothes and a mask on his face. It was the kind of mask that could wrap up the nose and even the neck.

I have been wondering, if there is no special reason, why do people like to wear this way every day, don't they panic?

Of course, I also don’t have back pain while standing and talking. I want to keep my sense of mystery. I have a mask, and it’s amazing. After I put it on, I don’t feel it or discomfort. But they can’t do it, they have to be like this if they want to remain mysterious...

Outside, the escaping wolf dragged a mace and slid in, drooping his eyelids, looking not very beautiful.

"Wolfhead, what happened? Did the little rabbit who sneaked in kill? Look at your expression, why is it like eating shit?" The ring dog sat on it and asked, looking at the wolf.

"Uh... Boss, kill, we killed, but when we came back, something went wrong..."

The wolf is shrewd. He knows that if he didn’t kill, he couldn’t help being punished, and the boss just knew that someone had broken in. He didn’t know what the other person looked like. The little rabbit didn’t matter, he didn’t have time to steal. When things are discovered, what can they do if they are killed?

The key is the latter thing!

"what is the problem?"

"Someone...someone attacked us."

"What?!" Huangou was angry when he heard it. It was not his subordinates that he fancyed, but his subordinates were beaten, and his face couldn't hold back. That's why he was angry.

"Who dares to attack you? Are those guys on the periphery?!"

"Yes, that's them, and they also found a helper, I haven't seen it, and there are a few humans among them!"

"Huh? Foreign?" Huangou frowned, "Are there any monsters?"

"Yes, the two who did it are monsters, one bear monster and the other waterfowl monster. Both have become humanoids. I can tell them by smell. Moreover, they seem to be the same monsters here. They may have left afterwards and are now back. ."

"Bear? Waterfowl? The monsters that were here before...oh! Hahahahaha, so it was them!"

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