Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 312: Back mountain

"Hahahahaha, it turned out to be them!"

Huangou thought for a while, this range is easier to figure out, not to mention that he originally did this thing, and when he thought about it, he immediately burst into laughter.

The man in black sitting next to him didn't know, and asked, "Why, do you know them?"

The tone was very flat, without the slightest emotional fluctuation, and there was a cold feeling, as if it was a thousand miles away.

"Ah, you don't know about this. It was your master who did it with me back then. It was really at that time that I was able to stand firm, stood up here, and gathered so many subordinates. Humph! They! Yeah, but the defeated generals did not expect to come back again. It's not enough to worry, not to worry!"

The ring dog laughed, and underneath, the wolf secretly breathed a sigh of relief and was right!

In fact, Old San He and the others were the monsters here before, and he didn't know anything about it, but he thought about it. The other party was angry because he scolded the old man Lu, and he was next to the thatched house. It should be the old one, so That's it.

Unexpectedly, it was really wrong!

And just now, he even lied, saying that they were the helpers that the peripheral monsters were looking for, but in fact they were not, or just at that time, in his eyes, they had nothing to do with the peripheral monsters, let alone helpers.

But I had to explain the death of the two deer monsters, and the rabbit monster himself had already said that he was dead, so he had to think of a way to make it through. This is the reason.

He knew that those few people would definitely go to the periphery with the little rabbit, and the little rabbit was already dead in his own mouth, how could he explain that those people were on the periphery? It is better to advance this result.

Putting the result as a prerequisite is enough to make it fake!

And now there are still surprises. Those two are the defeated opponents of his boss. The boss is happy, and he doesn't even have the mind to care if he is right.

The ring dog laughed loudly, but the man in black frowned. He felt that the matter was not that simple, and said, "Since they dare to come back, they must have their own confidence. Maybe their abilities have improved. I think it still needs to be tested."

The words the man in black said seemed to be worried, but in his tone of voice, there was clearly an arrogant arrogance!

In other words, in the final analysis, he still looked down on them, but he looked down on them slightly weakened...

" makes sense, then go and test it?"

"Yes, let me go, take Luren Jia, by the way, grab a few more monsters from the periphery, and feed that guy. Although he is already a corpse, he has infinite power. Once he can refine the corpse Bringing him back to life is a decent combat power! Hey, what about the corpse of the rabbit demon?"

His last words were to ask the wolf pioneer.

"Uh...I don't know, we just ran into that rabbit when we killed it." Wolf Pioneer thought for a moment, and said ambiguously.

"Hmm...Forget it, it's not bad anyway, wait for me to get over, grab more!" The black-clothed man said coldly, stood up, and bowed slightly to Huangou, who also clicked nod.

Both of them did not speak, but communicated with tiny movements, but everything was expressed.


And in the back mountain, the back camp surrounding the monster camp, countless little monsters holding knives, forks, swords and halberds, wearing armor, five steps, one post and ten steps, guarding the mountain behind them!

The entire back mountain, like Daying, was fenced with wood, covered with cloth, and surrounded by the mountain!

It is declared to the outside that this is a resource of a mountain.

The place where the monsters are surrounded by them is very rich in resources. The first thing is that there is some aura. Since the aura has dried up, such a trickle of aura is already a treasure of the sky. Cultivating here will get twice the result with half the effort!

Secondly, because of the aura, the plants and animals are very good.

The medicinal materials, fruits and vegetables are much better than other places. The reason why the little rabbits came before was because they wanted to come here to get some good medicinal materials and vegetables.

As for animals, there are countless ordinary animals that have not become monsters in the whole mountain. This is their food storehouse! And because of the weak spiritual qi infection, the meat of these animals has also become a tonic for cultivation, and the taste is particularly good.

If things go on like this, the strength of the inner monsters will definitely be higher and higher than those of the outer ones. Therefore, the entire back mountain is strictly guarded. Every little monster treats it as a treasure. Slack!

However, these little demons who have not been able to reach the core land naturally don't know that there is still a mystery in this back mountain.

And this mystery is the root cause of Huangou and the others blocking the mountain...


Around the back mountain, countless little demons were standing guard, and suddenly saw their boss ring dog coming, and immediately bent down and shouted respectfully. The ring dog did not speak and could not look up.

Huangou walked up to him, beside him, there was a monster standing beside him.

Judging from the appearance, it is a sheep monster, holding a blue dragon halberd, wearing a silver armor, and majestic, but judging from its expression, it seems that IQ is not very good...

Among the inner monsters, there are many little monsters, but most of the little monsters are of the same race. One is a deer and the other is a sheep. These two kinds of little monsters occupy the majority, and the strongest of these two races is also All have been incorporated into the four major pioneers of Ring Dog!

The Lurenjia mentioned in the black population just now is one, and this sheep is another!

"Open the door."


Huangou said lightly, and the little demon immediately agreed and opened the door curtain, revealing a big mouth.

Ring Dog didn't speak any more, and walked in with the Goblin. After they entered, the little monsters lowered the curtain again.

This kind of thing is commonplace. Only the ring dog, the man in black, and the four pioneers can enter the resources of the back mountain. When they come out, they will bring those things out and share them with the younger brothers.

Of course, some people will doubt whether there is something particularly good in it. They will enjoy it by themselves first, and then bring the ordinary ones out to them, but after all the strength is there, even if they doubt, they can only Hold in the stomach, dare not say anything.

In the back mountain, in a certain depression, a single-person cave stayed there quietly. At the mouth of the cave, countless weeds, branches and vines were piled up, and the mouth was tightly covered. real!

However, this is the case. In the night, there will still be a touch of emerald green light that shines through the layers of branches and vines...

"Fortunately, there is no one here. This kind of light is still very obvious in the dark. Later, I will find more canes and cover this place more tightly!" Huangou walked to the entrance of the hole and looked at the light that shot through the gap. When the thin light came, my brow furrowed, and he said in a concentrated voice.

"Wow!" The sheep beside him replied in a silly and naive way, and nodded.

Huangou didn't speak any more, just walked to the entrance of the hole, stretched out the cane, and in a short time, the light became even bigger! A huge emerald green beam of light shone out, and the entire entrance of the cave was like a huge searchlight, and even a single trace of it could not be seen!

But obviously he has been here many times. He doesn't need to see at all. He closes his eyes, covers his face with one arm, and walks in familiarly, where there are stone walls and where is the road. It is clear and clear at all. Without bumps, I went on smoothly.

Below, like a curtain, Huangou walked over, blocking his eyes, passing through the light screen like a curtain of water, and in a moment, the front was suddenly cheerful!

At the same time, the dazzling light disappeared.

Ring dog put down his hand and looked at the cave in front of him.

The inside of the cave is a hemispherical shape, flat ground, the dome is like a large bowl buckle cover, on the ground, there are three stone pillars on the left and right sides, on each one, there is a thick arm of the iron chain spreading towards the middle, and the ground in the middle, Place a coffin!

The coffin has no cover and its scale is scary! Inside, there was a creature lying quietly.

The reason why it is called a creature is because it looks so weird!

The general body structure is still like a person, but the parts are wrong! The head is like a dragon's head, the hands are tiger claws, and the feet are like horseshoes! Wearing a pair of armor, his whole body was covered with bristles, and the hair came out from the gaps in the armor!

At this moment, the monster was lying quietly in the coffin, motionless, as if it were dead.

But if you listen carefully, you will be able to hear this guy's breathing sounds as subtle as mosquitoes!

On the six stone pillars, a lot of incomprehensible words were vaguely engraved, which seemed to be a totem of a seal, but on one of the stone pillars, a small piece as big as a nail was rubbed off.

It was not an accident, but a deliberate act! After the man in black came, he carefully scraped off with a stone!

He said that if the scrape is too big, this monster will be completely resurrected!

Ring dogs are also ancient creatures, but they are just the most common and weakest kind. He couldn't understand this lying monster better. He clearly felt the same breath from the ancients from its body, and it was very powerful. !

For so many years, in order to ensure its life, they often bring the corpses of some animals or monsters to feed it. They only need to put those things in the coffin, the green light flashes, the things are gone, and the breath on it , It will be stronger!

And the corpses of those monsters are the outer monsters!

Those peripheral monsters that broke into the inner circle, after being killed by them, finally came here, and sometimes because there were no peripheral monsters to enter, they would also take the initiative to attack and grab a few.

Tonight, it is destined to be another hunting operation like this, but it will definitely be larger than all previous operations. Because today, the intervention of outsiders has caused this originally balanced gear to change, and a crack has appeared in the stable situation...

In the dark night, among the woods, the man in black is leading, countless monsters armed with knives and guns rushing with all their strength, a huge deer monster holding a three-pronged fork, fighting boldly, went straight to the outer monster Dazhai!

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