Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 315: God skill!

"He Laosan, don't!"

It was too late for Mr. Lu to stop. He Laosan faced his enemy, although he was only his apprentice, but how could he wait? Directly rushed out, punched out!

When he came, he was impatient and observed this person. The people in the surrounding area were in the air except for Lu Renjia who just took off, so he was very eye-catching.

What's more, the guy's skills are so swaggering, it's all lightning, crackling, so He Laosan can see it very clearly.

He was ready for this punch just now. He was known for his defensive power. With his rough skin, he rushed through his power grid. As long as this punch passed, he would definitely be useless!

But obviously, he underestimated the power of the man in black, the strength of the power grid, and even the strange magic spells in this world.

Because of the blockage and paralysis of the power grid, when He Laosan actually rushed in front of him, the speed was already very slow. The black man easily caught He Laosan's fist with a successful smile on his face.

"Broken!" Mr. Lu sighed as he stood on the wall and looked at the man in black and He Lao San.

At this time, He Laosan himself, as the person involved, felt that something was wrong.

He knew very well that the other party should have used some kind of spell, because the fluctuation of mana on his body had obviously changed, but... what kind of spell was this?

He Laosan didn't feel any changes in the other party, but he had a strange feeling, it felt like he took out the money from his pocket and stuffed it into the other party's pocket.

At this time, Yin Si flying in the air couldn't bear it anymore, and seeing that He Laosan was restrained, it might not be what happened, so she immediately spread her wings and rushed over, shouting, "Let him go!"

Immediately after the body turned, the water ripples around him seemed to be huge waves!

In the next moment, countless water arrows rushed out and shot straight at the man in black.

The man in black grabbed He Laosan's fist in one hand, looked up, and snorted disdainfully: "Humph! I don't even bother to use the bug tricks!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand directly and threw He Laosan out. He held his other hand high, five fingers wide, and suddenly waved out.


The next moment, infinite flames raged out of him, circling and flying like a fire dragon, heading straight to the silver four in the sky!

And those water arrows, as early as the moment they touched this fire dragon, turned into water vapor and drifted away...

Water and fire are more powerful than others. Large water can extinguish flames, but large fires can also be water evaporation. This silver water is far from the flame displayed by the man in black!


The fire dragon flew in front of the silver four and exploded in an instant, and countless sparks turned into flying birds, and hundreds of birds flew out like phoenixes, carrying extremely powerful attacks and destructive power.

No matter how fast the speed of the silver four is, it is still useless under such a wide range of attacks. He was hit by a fire bird on his back, but he felt that a fire was attacking his heart, directly in front of him. Black, fainted!

"Silver Four!" He was just thrown out by the man in black at this time, before he stabilized his figure, and saw his brother over there being hit by a firebird. Fortunately, Mr. Lu went straight to him with his speed. Hugging him back, he didn't let him fall directly to the ground.

At this time, He Laosan suddenly felt a flower in front of him, and when he looked at it, the man in black had already come to him!

"You..." He Laosan didn't say anything yet, suddenly he saw the man in black raised his right arm, his fist was clenched, and golden light flashed on his arm.

this is……

He Laosan couldn't be more familiar with this punch. Isn't that golden fist his spell? !

Why can he learn? Why is his punch exactly the same as his own? !

Do not! It's not just that simple, above the golden light, there is the power of thunder hovering!



He Lao San was puzzled and lost his mind for a while, and the punch of the man in black had already been smashed, and it was hitting his face!

The power and weight of the golden fist, coupled with the destructive power of the thunder, are combined, and the power that erupts is unimaginable!

No matter how rough and thick he is, his face is one of the softest and most fragile parts of his body. The man in black hits the bullseye with a punch, which is definitely not good!


He Laosan received this punch and couldn't control his body anymore, and flew straight backwards! At this moment, Mr. Lu had just gone to rescue Yin Si, and Tie Ning and the others did not react before they could get here.

"Boom"! It's like a landslide! He and the third child's body hit the city wall, directly smashing the earth wall out of a huge cavity! Although it didn't break through, but it was in a normal place!

This didn't stop there. Because of He Laosan's collision, the city wall was suddenly attacked, and there was a chain reaction at that time. Around the big hole, numerous cobweb-like cracks began to appear on the wall. Especially above the big hole, the stone has already begun to collapse, and seeing it, the damage is getting bigger and bigger!

On the city wall, Cheng Qianyu and Tie Ning looked at the scattered stones below, frowned, and looked up at the man in black flying in the air.

Underneath, someone from the medical team rushed over to rescue He Laosan, first detained him from the city wall, and then quickly carried him back to be treated.

Inside, Senior Sister Yaqin was treating the wounded with the medical class. Suddenly she heard a loud noise on the city wall, and the whole wall was shaking with naked eyes. She was stunned for a while, but after a while, news came. , It's He Laosan...

"This..." Senior Sister Yaqin was angry when she looked at He Laosan who had just been brought back in front of her. Although she didn't look much at all, she even wanted to scold this guy a bit, but she really saw him seriously injured. Falling in front of me, it's not a taste in my heart!

"Thousand domains! Tie Ning! You two must avenge the youngest third, do you know?!"

Senior Sister Yaqin stood up directly and shouted at the top of the city wall, using all her strength, shouting in her voice!

On the city wall, there were noisy voices in front of and behind the two people. Although the voice of Senior Sister Yaqin was loud, but at such a distance, and the environmental sound was too loud, it was hard to hear.

However, in their hearts, they have the same mood and thoughts as Senior Sister Yaqin.

They didn't hear it, but their hearts heard...

"Did you just see it? The trick that guy used."

"Well, I saw it. It was He Lao San's spell, even the feeling is the same, that guy..."

"It's a copy!"

At this time, Mr. Lu returned to the wall again, put down the silver four, and said intently.

"Copy?!" Tie Ning and Cheng Qianyu both exclaimed.

"Well, from the first time I saw him, I discovered that he can copy other people's abilities, and there is no limit to the number of times. As long as he is copied once, he can use the spell forever."

As Mr. Lu said, he stretched out his hand and gently stroked Yinsi's back. The traces of flame burning on Yinsi's back disappeared in an instant, but the damaged clothes obviously cannot be restored, but because of this, everyone The back of Yin Si can be seen very intuitively, it has become clean and smooth, as if it has not been injured at all.

Cheng Qianyu's eyes lit up, and it was true that he could recover so quickly, he might indeed have that heaven-defying medical skill!

After Mr. Lu finished this step, he stretched out his hand and nodded on Yin Si's forehead. He saw a white light flashing on his fingertips, and there was also a white light on Yin Si's forehead. Then, he saw that he had passed out. Yin Si slowly opened his eyes.

"Uh...what's wrong with me?" Yin Si opened his eyes, struggling to stand up, not quite understanding what was going on.

For him, all this is too fast, attacking, being attacked, exploded, injured, comatose, rescued... just woke up, a little dazed.

"It's okay, you just got hurt a little bit. It's better now, but you have to rest for a while."

Mr. Lu said lightly, as if his injury was just a toothpick stabbing his hand while picking his teeth. He felt like "You are not sick, but I can't say nothing."

Yin Si stood up, looked at the scene in front of him, and gradually remembered a little bit of what had just happened, and asked, "Where is the third child?"

"He has also been injured a little, and he has gone for treatment, don't worry." Mr. Lu said, still understatement.

In fact, it was because He Laosan was beaten down, and he had to stare at the man in black from above, otherwise, when He went to a treatment, He Laosan would soon wake up.

The man in black flew in the air, looking at Yin Si who was awake again and Mr. Lu next to him, his eyes narrowed slightly.

For so long, what he has always wanted is Mr. Lu's magical healing power!

With the magical spell that he can copy the power of others, it is also possible to copy this healing technique. However, if you want to copy his abilities, you must contact him. This is a problem.

Old Mr. Lu, who knew his abilities, had never made a move. Among the peripheral monsters, he almost appeared as a doctor, just to prevent him from copying his abilities.

It's been three years since the two sides have been so consumed!

"His spell should have been learned from his master." Yin Si asked in a condensed voice after listening to Mr. Lu's words.

Mr. Lu shook his head: "I don't know. When I came here, he was the only one here. Without his master, have you ever seen his master use this kind of magic?"

"No, the person at that time had a few very powerful spells, and they might have copied others. Those spells were enough to defeat us, so he didn't need to copy us at all," Yin Si said.

And at this time, Cheng Qianyu, who had been watching the man in black, suddenly had his eyes moved, flipped his palm, and the Oolong Zhanjin knife was in his hand, and he slashed out!


"do not!"

There was no sign for him at this moment. Mr. Lu and Yin Si were shocked, especially Yin Si. After knowing that the other party had the ability to replicate, they were naturally very worried when they saw that they were attacking him.

But Cheng Qianyu didn't have any emotional fluctuations, just staring at the black slash that he had cut, with a look of scrutiny in his eyes.

"Tsk!" The man in black watched the knife cut, frowned, didn't reach out to pick it up, but just avoided it, the black slash passed him and flew far away.

"Sure enough!" Cheng Qianyu snorted and said lightly.

"What? What's wrong?" Yin Si was a little confused at the time.

Old Mr. Lu seemed to have discovered something, the corner of his eyes moved, and he looked at him with some appreciation: "That's it, I didn't expect you to find it so soon."

"Yeah." Cheng Qianyu had fewer people to communicate, and he didn't know how to react to the compliments, but only faintly responded.

"What? What's the matter?" Yin Si still didn't react, not knowing what they were talking about, and asked a little confused.

Mr. Lu smiled and explained: "It's actually very simple. Although he can copy, he can only copy the spells that rely on the body, just like he just copied He Laosan's ability.

But like what this little brother just did, he relied on the magic weapon to be displayed. Even if he copied it, what if he didn't have the magic weapon in his hand? And if there is a magic weapon, then what is it to copy it? Just use it directly, so..."

"So when this spell was invented, the inventor hadn't considered the issue of magic artifacts, so he couldn't copy the skills of magic artifacts!" Yin Si continued.

"Yes!" Mr. Lu nodded with a smile, then turned to look at Cheng Qianyu: "I have to say, your mind is very fast, you..."

Mr. Lu suddenly stopped talking, lowered his head, and stared at the oolong gold knife in his hand.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Qianyu found that he was looking at himself, turned his head and asked.

Old Mr. Lu looked at him, or at the knife in his hand, his eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe it, and suddenly asked, "You...where did you come from?"



"what's happenin?"

"It's okay, no wonder, I just felt the breath of flying dragon from this knife..."

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