Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 316: Thunder penalty

"Flying Dragon?!"

If they had left it before, they would definitely not have such a big reaction, but now it is different. Feilong and the others have only seen it not long ago. The two parties, Tie Ning and Cheng Qianyu, knew the most about how dangerous the battle was!

Although I still won, but the situation at that time, as long as there is a little problem, it will be finished! And even if they win, they have paid a lot. Luo Peng hasn't woken up yet, and Cheng Qianyu only recovered not long ago. This is a real price!

Unexpectedly, Mr. Lu suddenly mentioned this matter today.

"Do you know about Feilong?" Tie Ning asked.

"Yeah, I know." Mr. Lu nodded. "Old man, I have been wandering everywhere for hundreds of years. I have not taken many things to heart, but there are also many things that I will remember for a lifetime! The flying dragon in Yunzhou is one of them, but I calculated that, Someone will come to kill him in the future, I didn't expect it to be you."

As Mr. Lu said, he smiled and looked at Cheng Qianyu, but he glanced at the knife unconsciously.

According to the legend of the ancient village of Flying Dragon, after the arrival of the flying dragon, a wandering master once came here and said that someone would get rid of the flying dragon in the future. It is a supplement to this legend.

From then on, maybe many years later, this story will circulate there. In this, perhaps the biggest highlight has become Dragon Slashing, and the wandering master can only be a dragon role. However, as the parties concerned, we know that this person who seems to be a dragon tactic is actually the most amazing master in this story!

Wandering around for hundreds of years, and appearing before us today, this is an expert who has become a fairy!

However, such an expert has always been low-key, and they are not willing to participate in such things as legends.

Both Cheng Qianyu and Tie Ning were surprised by the fact that he had lived for hundreds of years and had become immortal and Taoist. Yin Si was also wondering that this old gentleman had a little connection with us, while Mr. Lu himself was in Surprised.

Just now, there was one more thing he didn't say. The sword did have the aura of a dragon, but in the same way, he knew the sword itself!

Mr. Lu looked at the oolong golden sword, nothing could be seen on his face, and even if there was any expression on his face, they would think that it was the emotions they had caused when they met someone who had calculated to kill the dragon. I would think that he was shocked because of the knife itself!

"Is it his apprentice? This knife was originally with him..." Mr. Lu was puzzled in his heart, but he immediately recovered and stopped thinking about it. "His apprentices are so many, it is nothing to meet him, but where is he? Listen to them, Luzhou...Jecheng?"

How do they think about it here? Over there, the man in black in the sky looked at the few people in front of him, frowned slightly, and stretched out his hand to push the Lu Renjia next to him: "That Asuka is the murderer who killed your offspring, come on, Kill him, I will stop the others!"

"Good!" Lu Renjia didn't think so much, and rushed over when he lifted the fork and went straight to Yin Si!

But the man in black wanted to move a little bit after Lu Renjia took the shot, and he meant to retreat...

Among this group of people, selling teammates first is a daily operation! There are different ways to sell teammates, but different ways to get the same...

At this time, the deer monsters had all withdrawn, and only the peripheral monsters were left in front of them. Because they were worried that there would be problems after entering the forest, some of the leading monster leaders were so tacitly aware that they did not let their men rush over.

This battle is already a very beautiful battle for them. The loss of their own people is the lowest in these years, and the number of kills is so many. Every monster is happy in his heart, so it is also Obediently, not chasing.

At this time, there are two-faced people, there are three floors in the outer side, and the inner ones, just two.

"Just letting you go to die is indeed a bit unnatural. For humanitarian reasons, let's see you off."

The man in black said lightly, with his right hand held high, thunderbolt in his palm.

"Be careful, he wants to put ***!"

Below, the peripheral monsters had already seen his trick, and someone immediately shouted, and everyone immediately became vigilant and guarded against his ***.

This thing, I don't know who can fall on it!

However, the man in black laughed after hearing these words, snorted coldly, looked at the group of people condescendingly, and said, "Is this the only strength you understand? Let me come. Tell you, what is thunder, what is... God's punishment!"

The man in black said, the flow of mana on his body suddenly accelerated several times, and the power of that thunder in his palm became stronger and stronger, suddenly! Hit the sky!

On the city wall, Tie Ning frowned slightly, staring at him and muttered: "He...Zhong Er is not sick."

"But the strength is real, and this trick..." Cheng Qianyu looked up at the sky, "It's not that easy to defend."


Tie Ning realized this was the reason, and when he looked up, black clouds were already rolling in the sky!

"this is……"

"Thunder Cloud!" Cheng Qianyu said lightly, with a move of his hand, turning the Oolong Zhanjin Knife into the shape of a Daguan Knife, holding the blade with both hands and staring at the sky. "Be careful, things like Lei have been the nemesis of monsters since ancient times!"

As soon as Cheng Qianyu's voice fell, on the other side, the man in black sneered twice, his right hand held high suddenly shook, clenched his fist, and smashed it down!


His punch was naturally a bluff and no power, but the black cloud on that day was not!

"Boom"! On that day, the black clouds rolled, almost covering this half of the city. Among the clouds, thunder and thunder, like a wandering dragon, and the next moment, the dragon blasted out with his punch and swooped down instantly. !


Mr. Lu yelled, and took the lead to fly. With a sway of his arms, a white light touched the sky and touched the ground. He only rushed up to meet the Thunder Dragon!

However, what he can do is nothing more than that.

It's not that strength is not good, but that he can't show strength.

Not to mention that the man in black doesn’t know any other strange moves. Maybe there is a back hand, which is his strange ability to copy other people’s spells. You have to be careful, don’t let him take this opportunity to put his own The ability is replicated.

Besides, those guys still exist...

Mr. Lu knows that as long as they are there, he can’t use mana so openly. If he doesn’t come into contact with the man in black, or use weapons against him, it’s as simple as he can be killed. Then with his ability, when he first arrived Can end the matter here.

But he can't shoot, his own weapons, and things that can kill that guy without having to meet him, can't use them, and if you use them, you will cause yourself to be killed!

So that today, the thundercloud that can be broken up with a wave of hands can only block large forces...

Beside the Thunder Dragon, countless thunder and lightning, like snakes following the Thunder Dragon, rushed straight down like swords, blasting towards the monsters without reservation!



"Help, help—!"


"Brother! Don't...ah!"

The monsters underneath basically had no means to counter the power of this kind of thunder, and they were immediately devastated, and the screams were endless!

On the city wall, Cheng Qianyu brandished a black knife, and Tie Ning shook his iron rod to hit a shock wave. She was able to protect herself, but that was the only thing. Even the city wall around him began to collapse under the bombardment of the thunder. It seems that I can't hold on for a long time!

On the other side, Lu Renjia has already fought with Yin Si. They are also within the range of Thunder's attack, but it may be because of constant movement or luck that they are so lucky. It has been a long time. Not a single thunder fell on them.


Silver Four kicked Lurenjia’s fork again. Among the spells he practiced, one of his skills was able to make his pair of bird claws as hard as steel. That’s how it is today. Scenes.

That Lu Renjia was extremely jealous when the enemy met, and he was so eager to look at him. He didn't consider the surrounding situation at all, and rushed forward without thinking, and stabbed him again.


At this time, Yin Si had completely turned into a flying bird. He leaned back, raised his legs and grabbed the three-stranded fork with his claws, and clamped it tightly!


Lu Renjia stabbed forward with great effort. At this time, Yin Si was suspended in the air and kept flying with his wings. He rushed forward, and Yin Si also rushed in that direction. He pulled back and Yin Si followed After reaching a certain distance, he began to fly vigorously in the opposite direction again, not allowing him to move.

Yin Si controlled the wings behind him, constantly changing the direction of his force, so that Lu Renjia couldn't get his fork back and couldn't break himself away. Suddenly, his eyes glanced upward and saw something.

"You let me go!" Lurenjia was still struggling over there, his hands were pulling and waving, trying to throw the silver four out, but at this moment, the silver four had a sudden face. With a smirk, he let go of his paws, and uttered a low voice: "I'll go to you!"


Lu Renjia is trying hard, the other party suddenly let go, this is inertia! Straight back, the strength in his hands began to relax.

As for Yin Si, taking advantage of this moment, he hovered in the air and rushed back quickly, his body was close to the ground of the city wall, his wings turned, he smashed the three-pronged fork with his shoulder, leaned his body, and kicked there. Lurenjia's belly!

At this moment, that Lu Renjia had just broken free from inertia, and suddenly he was kicked in his abdomen, and he took a step back unconsciously. The hand holding the fork was also loosened, and only his right hand was still holding the fork. .

At this moment, Yin Si followed this force, turned his body directly, and lifted the foot that just kicked his abdomen, grabbed the fork rod and pushed it directly upwards, and kicked his other foot directly. Covered his face!

In the next moment, Yin Si kicked his feet, and with this power, he immediately fleeed away. At the same time, this power also made the fork in Lu Renjia's hand even more upward.

At this moment, a thunder in the sky suddenly landed nearby. The thunder that hadn't happened to hit here because of the three-pronged fork held high by Lu Renjia suddenly shifted slightly, and an electric current came towards this side!

This is what Yin Si just saw.

At that time, because he was leaning back, he saw the thunder in the sky, and one of them was about to hit the neighborhood, but there was still a little distance.

Everything we did afterwards was to make Lurenjia back, making it closer to the thunder and lightning, and finally, with one foot, he pointed his three-stranded fork to the sky and led the thunder!

At this height, a sharp metal object is not a lightning rod!

"Click"! Thunder followed the metal rod straight to Lu Renjia's body! In an instant, lightning thunderbolt, Lu Renjia's body was covered with a layer of scorched black!

And Yin Si was far away at this time, avoiding the disaster of pond fish.

"Go to hell!" Yin Si flew in the air, and dodged another thunder. With a wave of his hand, a water-patterned knife cut in an instant, slashing straight on the Lu Renjia's body.

In an instant, the blood spattered everywhere, but with the high temperature of the thunder, it turned into small black pieces...

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