Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 321: Oolong Power

"This time, it is inevitable!"

Mr. Lu said in a deep voice, turned his head slightly and glanced at He Laosan and others on the other side, winking.

Several people felt his gaze, and at the same time they turned to look at him, and the gods nodded in sync.

His meaning is very clear. Since it is inevitable to avoid it, it is unintentional to say so much, so he can only fight!

Cheng Qianyu didn't take much action in the last battle. Except for slashing at the man in black, only the mine was left. At this time, the battle was just before the battle. After seeing the wink of Mr. Lu, he directly attacked. With a wave of the black knife, he jumped down instantly with a move.

"Thousand domains, don't be reckless!"

Senior Sister Yaqin was shocked and just yelled a word. Yin Si on the other side also moved. She jumped off the city wall, spread her wings, caught Cheng Qianyu halfway, and the two fell below together.

"Hey hey hey, you two don't take advantage, especially you, fourth! You just killed one, it's me!" He Laosan saw that the two men robbed him in front of him, and he was in a hurry and stepped forward. He jumped down, and Tie Ning followed closely behind, and all four of them were below!

"You... don't care about you, do whatever you like!"

Senior Sister Yaqin stomped her feet with anger, simply waved her hand and sat down, looking forward with her arms around her chest puffing up.

"Hahahahaha, it seems that you usually have a headache, follow these disobedient guys." When Mr. Lu saw this scene, he was amused and laughed, shaking his head while laughing.

"Ah? I'm okay, I don't usually do anything. It's just this time I took them with me." Senior Sister Yaqin put her elbows on her knees, rubbed her cheeks with her hands, and rubbed the flesh on her cheeks. It looks so cute.

"Oh, so to speak, the person you mentioned should have more headaches than you, after all, he often has to deal with these guys." Mr. Lu continued.

"Huh?" Senior Sister Yaqin was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't react for a while, she shook Shen'er and realized that he was actually talking about me.

"He... is fine too."

"Haha, I am looking forward to it more and more. Who is this person?" Mr. Lu said with a smile, his eyes narrowed.

Below, Cheng Qianyu's four people stood in a cone shape. Cheng Qianyu stood in front, holding an oolong gold sword, staring at the wild boar, and said coldly: "Why? Want to fight? Are you qualified?"

"Qualification?!" The wild boar seemed to have suffered some humiliation, and immediately became angry: "I am the first of the four pioneers-wild boar pioneer! Do you think I am qualified!"

As soon as he said this, the sheep army behind him didn't respond much. He was a rammer, and there was no shame, but the wolf monster covered his face after listening.

As a wolf, he is not as good as a pig, and his pride can't stand it!

Not only him, Cheng Qianyu also thinks so...

"You can also be the boss of a wild boar? This is really strange. I thought you were just a stunned young man who was pushed to the front."


"After all, you really do not look smart, like the kind of cannon fodder that is thrown out to death by people casually."


"...He didn't seem to have such a poisonous tongue before." Tie Ning frowned slightly after listening.

"Broken school!" Senior Sister Yaqin helped her forehead on the wall.

"You... I'm so angry! Look at the knife!" The wild boar panted with nostrils. With a kick of the pig's hooves, the dust suddenly rose, and the whole pig immediately rushed over, like a hungry pig rushing to eat, holding a big knife. It's slashed with one knife!

"Huh! Let me teach you how to play a knife!"

Cheng Qianyu narrowed his eyes and didn't see how he moved, his body disappeared like a ghost, and the next moment he appeared in front of the wild boar.


The wild boar also did not expect the opponent to be so fast, he can be the first of the four pioneers, mainly relying on strength and speed, and these two rely on recklessness!

Regardless of it, with a powerful explosive force, he rushed out directly, slammed into the opposite side headlessly, and smashed it down with a slashing blow. Generally speaking, if the opposite side didn't die, he would lose half his life!

After all, the old saying is good, the strong are afraid of the horizontal, the horizontal is afraid of death!

I'll ask you if you are not afraid!

But I didn't expect that today, before I got up, the other side would come over first!


In a panic, the wild boar only had time to speed up his hand. The golden ring sword was cut off in advance, but it was of no use. Cheng Qianyu's sword was cut first, and it hit the end of the sword, close to the guard. It is the position that is difficult to exert!


The black light flickered, and the huge force hit the wild boar directly backwards. The stubborn pair of pigs’ hind hoofs rubbed two straight tracks on the ground, while Cheng Qianyu’s tiptoes were light enough to maintain his balance. With oneself and Oolong Zhanjindao, all the way to the past!

"Did he have such a clever posture before?" Tie Ning frowned when she saw this scene.

"Wait, this is..." Senior Sister Yaqin also saw this scene on the city wall, and was startled all of a sudden. She leaned forward to look at Cheng Qianyu, with a look of surprise in her eyes.

"That is the power of Oolong." Mr. Lu stood aside and said lightly.


"Oolong, the knife in his hand, I just discovered that the power of Oolong has been awakened, especially after it killed the flying dragon, absorbed the dragon blood of the flying dragon, and exerted more strength. Now, it can help him fight."

"Then this..." After listening to this, Senior Sister Yaqin didn't look surprised. On the contrary, she looked at Cheng Qianyu below with a worried look.

"Are you worried about who is controlling whom after the power of Oolong wakes up?" Old Mr. Lu asked as if he could understand her heart.

"Huh? Uh... yes!"

"Hahahahaha, don't worry, my old man promises you that there won't be the dangerous consequences you imagined, um... if you have to explain, just think of it like this, the two of them seem to be combined. The same, he is Oolong, Oolong, it is him!"

Below, Cheng Qianyu pressed forward step by step, his body exuded black aura, and at the same time, there was a very powerful, but always forbearing power-Oolong!

What everyone didn’t know was that when fighting the flying dragon, the Oolong Yuanshen, who had been sleeping in the black sword, awakened because of the smell of the flying dragon, although after possessing Cheng Qianyu, he cut a sword and made it fall asleep again. , But with Cheng Qianyu's recovery, its power has awakened again.

It can be said that from that moment, since the two of them merged into one because of the flying dragon, the two of them have formed a strange connection!

It's like a Siamese baby, and it's like a split personality. Two souls appear in the same body at the same time, but they appear with Cheng Qianyu as the main personality and Oolong as the sub-personality.

However, this does not mean that Cheng Qianyu has taken advantage of it. The reason why Oolong has not become the master is because it is mainly lodged in the black knife, and Cheng Qianyu's body at this time cannot withstand its power, so it cannot control too much. Great power was injected into Cheng Qianyu's body, and he couldn't stay on him for a long time.

And after Cheng Qianyu grows up, it can indeed live permanently and import greater power in it, but at that time, Cheng Qianyu, who has grown up, will also have power that is not lost to it...

Therefore, the two are both strong and weak at the same time. Now no one can control who, and no one belongs to who, so in the future, it will be the same!

Mr. Lu saw this, so he said, "He is Oolong, Oolong is him!"

At this time, Cheng Qianyu felt the inexhaustible power in his body, forcing the wild boar to keep retreating, and the two tracks on the ground were getting longer and longer.

It may be that the wild boar can't stand it anymore. If he retreats like this, he will go home and fart! It's too shameless to give someone back. No matter how reckless you are, you will fight back with a move!

But obviously, this rammer's stubborn and desperate struggle has successfully caused Oolong and Cheng Qianyu to fight even more...

In the eyes of Oolong, how can vulgar beasts be presumptuous? !


Click! clang--!

A bright black blade flashed by, and everyone present could vaguely see the phantom of a dragon flashing by, followed by those two clear metallic sounds. The next moment, blood Splash!


Cheng Qianyu stopped, still touching the ground with his toes, his steps were extremely light, and he slowly landed on the ground without leaving a trace of footprints, in sharp contrast with those two tracks. In front of him, the golden ring knife that the wild boar was holding in his hand broke in half and fell to the ground, still shaking slightly.

But the wild boar himself finally couldn't control it. His hoofs were off the ground, and he flew upside down, hitting the monsters behind him, knocking down many people like a bowling ball, and then stopped. The egg collapsed on the ground together, and there was a long wound on the chest and abdomen, blood red!

"Huh!" Cheng Qianyu snorted coldly, no, or it could be said that it was an Oolong cold snorted: "I can't help myself!"

After the conversation, with a slight flick of his hand, he slapped out a slapstick, "cocked"! On the ground in front of him, there was an additional arc-shaped trace, with a slight black light flickering in it, connecting the two tracks drawn by the wild boar.

"Puff--! Ahem, bastard, give it to me!"

The wild boar used the monsters behind him as a cushion. He didn't receive much impact, but the knife wound on his chest was painful. He gritted his teeth and shouted. He stretched out his hand and picked up a knife from the ground. A fat pig stood up and pointed at Cheng Qianyu in front of him and shouted!

The monsters on both sides saw the scene just now. Although they were afraid, there were only four people in front of them, and they couldn’t be overstated by saying that they were a thousand troops. They calmed down and immediately raised their weapons and shouted together. After the past, the leaders are the sheep army and the wolf monster!

On the other side, outside of the Dazhai surrounded by monsters, the man in black and the ring dog seemed to have felt something at the same time, and they almost made a sound of surprise together, and their eyes changed suddenly.

"Did you feel it too?" Ring Dog was below, hearing the reaction of the man in black, and asked.

"...Hmm." The man in black frowned, hesitated for a moment, and nodded.

"How is it possible? That is the real dragon breath, how is this possible?!" Huangou's eyes widened, staring at the battlefield in front of him, uncertain.

The dragon has always been the king of the beasts and the ruler of the beasts, but a long time ago, this race was classified as a **** because of its strong bloodline and ignored human affairs. But because of their high reputation, many practitioners use dragons as their names to show their power.

Of course, those so-called dragons are fantasies condensed by practitioners with their magical powers. They are not real. When Cheng Qianyu took the shot, the shadow of Oolong appeared, but all the monsters present regarded it as a simple phantom. , Without too much attention.

But the men in black have high mana, and the ring dog is an ancient aura creature, how can they not feel the true dragon aura in it? !

"It's not right, if there are real dragons in it, they will definitely not win!" Huangou was anxious at the time. It was also a beast. He knew the power of dragons best, especially now that it was in front of him. It was his own strength. The foundation accumulated over the years can not make any mistakes!

"Do it now, I'm going first!" Huangou shouted, using all four claws together, and rushed out directly. Anyway, he has to go ahead and have a look!

But in the sky, the man in black watched the ring dog dig into the woods, looked up again to look forward, and let out a cold voice: "Huh! Dragon? Then let me see, you real dragon, what strength is it?!"

After all, the black man suddenly clenched his fists, the two powers of thunder and wind stopped outputting, and the huge black cloud above his head began to agitate, as if it was about to explode at any time!

"Let them see and see your power, go!" The man in black pointed his right hand, and the black cloud and blue light suddenly turned into a beam of light, the two colors circled and rushed towards the outer Dazhai! At the top, a dragon head is faintly outlined...

This is the fake dragon condensed with mana, but the momentum on it is no worse than that of the real dragon. Its overwhelming power is like the end of the world!

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