Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 322: war!

"Give me all!"

In front of the outer monster Dazhai, the wild boar gave an order, and the monsters immediately rushed up, and the leaders were the sheep army and the wolf monster.

Cheng Qianyu was holding a black knife, standing in place, as if he hadn't seen the countless monsters at all, just staring at the front blankly, as if lost.

However, the kind of breath that radiated from him was something that no one dared to touch.

The monsters shuddered at a distance of ten steps, and couldn't help shivering at a distance of five steps. If they get closer, hum! Like an ice cellar, it seems that blood is about to solidify!

This is... the breath of Oolong!

Master of the Orc-the breath of the Dragon!

At this moment, behind Cheng Qianyu, "Swish--" Two figures rushed out to meet the sheep army and wolf monster that rushed over.

He Laosan, Tie Ning!

The wolf monster was swinging a mace and was rushing forward, and the huge figure of He Laosan appeared in front of him, clenching his fist and slammed the hammer first!


The fist with golden light slammed heavily on the mace that the wolf monster lifted up to defend, but it was obvious that the sharpness of this weapon was not enough to hurt He Lao San who had the golden light protection body, but because of He. The third child's strange force slammed back and hit him in the face.

That mace, it's not that only one side has thorns...


The wolf monster’s nose and mouth caught the spikes on the mace, and he did not have the magical power of protecting the body like He Lao San, and he was directly punched with a few holes, which was not pierced by luck. The place was also painful, and couldn't help howling immediately.

The most ironic thing is that the thorns on this thing are all his own teeth, because he has become a monster and has a certain regenerative ability, so he simply broke off a few teeth for himself, and then polished and polished them. On the stick.

As a result today...

Do you know what it feels like to bite your own face? he knows……


The wolf monster was blasted out by He Lao's three great powers and flew out and fell to the ground. He didn't know if it hurt or stabbed, but he was still howling there anyway.

He Laosan didn't care about that, shook his arms, clenched his fists, two big fists were full of golden light, and directly rushed to the wolf monster, and the head and face was a meteor fist!

While beating, he shouted: "Our hatred is not over yet!"

"In front of the thatched house, you scolded the old man for being immortal? I remember!"

"Being evil, acting for the tiger, before hitting the guy who ring the dog, take your knife first! Practice my hand!"

"Are you ruthless? Use your own teeth as a weapon? I'll help you kill a few more!"

"If you can't run fast, I will help those two deer demons teach you a lesson..."

He Laosan started to fight, and just wanted to fight, but couldn't stop. The surrounding monsters were shocked when they were running around here, and they shouted that this was too imposing while fighting, and he didn't dare to move.

They didn't dare to move, but the people on the city wall watched with passion.

The white monkey king looked at He Laosan so brave, and immediately aroused a heroic feeling, and shouted: "Brothers from the periphery! This is our place. We are the masters and they are the guests. How can we just let the guests? Come on? Let me rush down and kill the guys inside!"

"it is good!"

In the Dazhai, the sky-shaking shouts rang out, and the White-haired Monkey King rushed down first, using the agility of the ape clan to accurately jump to the pile of monsters in the inner surroundings, guessing that one of the heads made a buffer, and waved his hand. A stick directly stuck to the face of the monster next to him!

In the next moment, the peripheral monsters who had been gearing up for the attack were dispatched at the same time, all of them marched into the battle, and directly greeted the monsters inside. Silver Four did not grab the Big Four, ah no, only the three strikers had the opportunity to fight, and immediately assumed the task of their own vanguard, and began to clear their troops!

On the other side, Tie Ning confronted the sheep army, Hun Yuan waved the mountain stick, and the seventeenth master on the End of the World Ranking was not for him! As soon as the cudgel came out, it was difficult for him to fight against him. After a few confrontations, the Yang Army's arms were numb, and only the fighting spirit and desire to survive in his heart supported him to continue resisting.

At this moment, suddenly, from the depths of the woods, a white figure rushed out, as fast as a light, straight through the demon group, and came to the front!

Yin Si stared as soon as he saw it, ring the dog!

Cheng Qianyu was rushing forward in the direction of the ring dog, with his left hand behind him, and his right hand holding the knife. He swung it casually as if paddling, but every time the knife went down, a black light flashed by, and immediately after that, there were bursts of light. Scream!

This is really not what he wants to show off, it is really the power of Oolong. If you want to fight for a long time, you must use this kind of flat warfare. If you open up, it is estimated that it will be just one shot. After the fight, you will have no strength.

At this moment, Cheng Qianyu raised his head, and the ring dog came in front of him.

Twenty steps away, it is enough to feel it. Although it is not so strong now, its perception ability as an ancient creature is far better than ordinary monsters, and you know that the person in front of you is an Oolong!

But at this time, it is already inevitable. The speed is too fast to dodge!

"Humph!" Cheng Qianyu snorted coldly, raised his hand and cut directly.

At this time, because the speed of the ring dog is the blink of an eye, the distance of the original twenty steps has been shortened by more than half, less than ten steps, and the black knife light is another fast Degree, shorten this distance again!

"Damn it!" Huangou was shocked, the black light in front of him had arrived, and in desperation, he could only stretch out his two front paws to protect him with spells, and resist the sharp light!


After the black light passed, Huangou's figure flew back and fell behind the group of demons.

"Qianyu, get out of your way and let me come!" Yin Si flapped its wings and shouted immediately, regardless of whether Cheng Qianyu was willing or not, he passed by him directly and ran towards Huangou.

"Cut." Cheng Qianyu, or Oolong indifferently spread his hands, suddenly seemed to feel something. After looking back, behind him, the wild boar stood up again, his hand replaced with a big axe. His body was already scarred, and half of the black bristles were now dyed blood red.

"You are really tenacious, Master Weapon." Cheng Qianyu looked at him and joked.

Mainly because since the start of the battle, the wild boar has rushed over several times. As I said earlier, Oolong always flat-a shot in order to make the fight longer, so after coming down several times, he didn’t really give this. The rough-skinned rammed goods were fatal, but the weapon was chopped off a lot...

But here is the battlefield. The most important thing is weapons. As long as people are not dead, get up and pick up a weapon and continue to do it!

So Cheng Qianyu just jokingly called him the "master of weapons".

On the other side, Ring Dog also got up at this time, and looked at his hands. There was a deep knife mark in his palm, almost cutting off the bone! As for himself, he has already used magic techniques to defend himself, and his palms should be harder than steel!

At this moment, the other side of the sheep army was forced to retreat a little by Tie Ning, and it happened to retreat to the vicinity, which immediately attracted Huangou's attention.

"Yangjun, you fool, run into the woods! This guy is a human being. In the woods, he can't be more agile than our beasts, and kill him in the woods!"

Huangou immediately shouted, and at the same time, a gust of wind came from the sky, the silver four had arrived, and a winged knife fell from the sky and cut it down.

Ring dog rolled on the spot, dodged the knife, stood up, and counterattacked. The silver four was not good to be bullied. The two wings immediately lifted into the air, avoiding the ring dog's attack, and immediately fought back. The winged knife chopped out.

On the other side, He Lao San burst into the hammer wolf monster, stopped suddenly, straightened up to catch his breath, looking at the thing below him, he couldn't see what it was, he could only vaguely distinguish that it should be the wolf monster. Sighed.

"Why don't you fight? Tired of beating?" The White Monkey King slapped another with one stick, and he just happened to be behind He Lao San, asking like a joke.

"Well... it's not that I'm tired from playing, I'm out of words." He Laosan said with a little distressed cheeks.

"Puff--" The White-haired Monkey King couldn't help laughing at the time.

Nonsense, this guy yelled while he was hitting, and all the strange reasons have been said. Until now, no matter how big his brain is, he should have no words!

"Where is Silver Four?" He Laosan got up and threw the bitter wolf monster away. Obviously, there was no possibility of surviving this thing.

"Over there, I was fighting with Ring Dog." The Monkey King pointed in a direction.

"Huangou?!" He Laosan suddenly yelled out, and looked in the direction he was pointing. Isn't it the Huangou who is fighting Yinsi?

"Hold the grass, why are you robbing it again? The fourth brother, wait a minute, I'll come too!" He Laosan immediately roared and rushed over, separating all the monsters blocking the road like a meatball chariot, and heading straight there. Bump!

The Monkey King smiled, taking advantage of the fact that there were no enemies around him, he took a closer look at the current situation.

Among the three remaining vanguards, the wolf monster has just been thrown out and has become muddy. To say that this one is really awkward, it was originally good at strength, but he encountered a rough-skinned guy. After a beat, people say that a good tiger can't hold a pack of wolves. Well said, a pack of wolves! Are you the only one who doesn't recognize it? !

On the other side of the wild boar, the white cat monkey king just turned his head and saw Cheng Qianyu cut off the big axe in his hand together, and added another wound to his body. But this time, Cheng Qianyu seemed to be finally impatient, and he didn't want this thing to stand up again, catching up with the knife, and wanting to make another cut.

It now appears that, except for the man in black who is still in the sky, everything else is going well.

The White Monkey King thought so, and suddenly looked in one direction.

Over there, it was Tie Ning who ran after the Yang Jun.

"War in the forest...If it were in the forest, the speed of humans would indeed be weaker than that of beasts, but he, a sheep monster, should be faster than me!"

The white-haired monkey king murmured to himself, and suddenly moved directly into the woods.

He is a monkey, one of the most agile races in the woods. Although the sheep monster is a beast, if it is really true, it will never pass him faster!

As long as the sheep army is taken down again, the four major vanguards will all be killed. When that time, Huangou and the man in black will be the commanders of the bare rods!

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