Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 323: Find the shadow area

"Stop! Don't run!"

In the woods, the sheep army was panting and did not dare to stop, so he could only keep running, running around in circles, hoping to get rid of the human being chasing after him. But the result is not so satisfactory...

"Isn't it that he can't move fast in the woods? Why does it seem to be faster than outside?!" Yang Jun looked back and said with lingering fear.

Several times, he was almost caught up.

If it weren't for the fact that their sheep clan's hooves are too capable of running, he should have been beaten violently...

Behind him, the white-haired monkey king in the woods curled his tail with an iron rod, and his long arms climbed back and forth. He walked like a fish in the woods, and he walked forward like a ghost, watching the footprints on the ground.

"Strange, this goat's hoof print is that guy's, but what about human footprints? He doesn't look light. Doesn't he have any footprints?"

The White Cat Monkey King thought so, his hands accelerated a bit, and both hands threw out the afterimages, and the whole monkey was like a white gust of wind, spreading for thousands of miles in an instant! But after a few breaths, a figure suddenly appeared in front of me!

"That is……!"

In front of him, there was a sheep monster on the ground not far away. At this time, it had completely revealed its original shape, with no human form left. He stepped forward with his four hooves, carrying his own weapon on his back.

And a little bit behind him, between the branches, a figure was shuttled back and forth, a pair of arms were extremely flexible, running around in the woods, carrying his own iron rod on his back.

"It's him? How could he... be as fast as an ape?" The white-haired monkey king stopped and stared blankly at the climbing Tie Ning in the woods, carefully observed it, and nodded heavily. : "Sure enough!"

"and many more!"

Tie Ning was chasing the sheep army, but when she heard a sudden stern shout behind her, she turned her head to see that it was the white hairy monkey king.

"Oh, it's you, Monkey King." Tie Ning slowed down a bit and waited for the Monkey King. Anyway, the goat monster couldn't run. It didn't matter if it was a little slower.

However, it was also a loss for the Monkey King's speed, which was the skill of a wrong god. The Monkey King had already reached Tie Ning's side, and the two of them began to move forward quickly, and they were divided into the left and right sides, and they flew away from the sheep army!

"What's the matter with your speed? Although I know that you humans should have evolved from our race, there is no reason to maintain this ability."

The White Monkey King shouted, turning his head slightly to look at Tie Ning.

"Oh, I am different from them. The place where I studied Fa with a teacher is in the forest, so this environment is very friendly to me. That guy wants to get rid of me by taking advantage of the orcs in the forest, but unfortunately he missed it. This! And...their sheep clan has no speed advantage in the woods!"

Tie Ning Ning said with a cold eyebrow. Suddenly, his left arm added some strength and grabbed a branch. His body was suddenly tight, like a spring. When the muscles on his arm moved, the whole person immediately flew out, using his right halfway. He stepped on a tree trunk and changed the direction, his right hand leaned back, grabbed the iron rod and threw it out!



Hun Yuan's shaking the mountain stick vigorously sank, Tie Ning tried his best this time, an iron rod flew out like a black whirlwind, interrupting the thick arm that was blocking it in front of him. The branch, but the speed is not reduced at all, straight to the target!

And in front of it is the place where the sheep army passed!


As an orc, that Yangjun’s sensitive perception ability is still there. As soon as Tie Ning threw out the iron rod, he felt a dangerous breath. He hurriedly braked, and his four hoofs stopped immediately, rubbing a few shallow lines on the ground. Mark of.

At this time, the "black whirlwind" had arrived, and after smashing a branch, it slammed into the ground, just more than a meter in front of the Yang Jun, submerged into the ground and stirred up a cloud of dust!


The sheep army only had time to scream. Behind him, the white-haired monkey king has already caught up. As the ape who is best at fighting in the forest, if the speed loses to the sheep clan, he will lose the big monkey!

Seeing that he was approaching at this time, he directly handed the iron rod to his hand, wrapped his long tail around the branch, threw himself over like a pendulum, turned over in the air, and landed steadily.

On the other side, Tie Ning also rushed over and fell in front of the Yang Jun, reaching out and grabbing the iron rod.

On the battlefield, the battle between the little monsters on the two sides has become fierce, but fortunately, all the vanguards of the other side have disappeared at this time. Cheng Qianyu relied on the power of an oolong to traverse the battlefield like no one!

However, for such a long time of output, he also began to look powerless, his speed of swinging the knife slowed down, and his face began to turn pale.

"It's not right, he's bracing it!" Senior Sister Yaqin, who was a medical doctor, has been staring at Cheng Qianyu for a long time. Naturally, she can feel that something is wrong with him, and she exclaimed, turning her head to look at Mr. Lu: "Old gentleman, go and save him. If this goes on, he will faint with all his strength. If he falls in that place, he will be trampled to death by stepping on it!"

"Hmm..." Old Mr. Lu glanced at her, and groaned, but he didn't answer, but frowned, as if thinking about something.

"How..." Senior Sister Yaqin was about to ask, she did react and looked at the opposite, in the strange sky in the distance.

There, black clouds and blue light were still raging, and the black man was in the air, which looked very inconspicuous, but no one could ignore his existence.

"You are... guard against this person." Senior Sister Yaqin muttered to herself, biting her lip.

Yes, what's the use of all the four pioneers? This battle, the real contest, is actually only between the two of them! One in black, one in white robe; one young, one old... What if there are thousands of troops underneath? As long as the black cloud and blue light hit, it will be like Mount Tai, how can you defend it? !

"This...huh?" Senior Sister Yaqin looked at the sky, she was taken aback, her eyes lit up, she looked carefully, and said with some suspicion: "Old gentleman, look at the dark cloud, are you? Isn't it coming?!"

"Well, yeah, it's finally here." Mr. Lu nodded, hands hanging naturally to his sides, and a white light flashed in his palm.


The people fighting below, whether it is Cheng Qianyu, who has some oolong power, or the lowly demon; whether it is the leader of the inner circle, the ring dog, or the leaders who are fighting on the periphery, they all feel this power, almost At the same time, he stopped his hand movement and looked in one direction...

The direction of the black cloud!

At this moment, they seem to lose the relationship between enemy and friend, inner circle and outer circle, and become the same identity!

In front of that infinite power of shaking, weak as an ant-like identity!

On the horizon, the two forces that were originally peaceful suddenly started to get angry, as if they would explode at any time.

Suddenly, the man in black pointed his right hand, and the black cloud and blue light suddenly turned into a beam of light, and the two colors hovered on it, spiraling straight toward the outer Dazhai! On the top, a dragon head is faintly outlined!

"Let them see your power, go!"

The man in black yelled, the two-color light dragon with endless power, with the force of destroying the dryness, rushed from the inner Dazhai to the outer Dazhai!

"Be careful!" Mr. Lu yelled to the people below, kicked his feet, and his whole body rose into the sky, his arms crossed his chest, and the white light was released.

On the other side, the light dragon swooped down, and the huge pressure broke all the trees along the path, and the ground collapsed like a doomsday. Then, under the eyes of everyone, in the sneer of the black man , Blatantly hit-on a golden barrier more than 100 meters in front of Dazhai...

"Just... this is it?"

Mr. Lu: "..."

All the demons: "???"

Cheng Qianyu: "..."

The fat monk: "Holding the grass, I scared Lord Buddha to death, and suddenly rushed over. What is this?"

Man in black:"%,#.*!&……"

No doubt, this is a big **** for manual blocking...

Tease me? ! What the **** is this! Why is that guy standing there so accidentally? !

If you can calculate a person's psychological shadow area, then the shadow area in the black man's heart at this time should be positive infinity.

The entire forest was connected from that golden light barrier to the inner wall of Dazhai. The trees were completely destroyed, and the roots of the trees were almost poked! To the periphery of Dazhai, the trees are intact and there is nothing wrong with them. At most they are the wind pressure caused by the impact, which swayed for a while...

Therefore, the person in black at this time can clearly see that a shiny thing is moving slightly before the undamaged tree.

That is a bald head...

The fat monk had just taken back the Buddha beads at this time, still in a panic, stretched out his hand to touch his chest and had a big belly, as if he was shocked by the air pressure, and took out another bottle of wine from the cloth bag with his other hand and poured it. He took a sip: "I was scared to death by Lord Buddha. I should drink a sip to suppress my shock. There are always people who want to harm me!"

Man in black:"……"

What's this special? !

Laozi had been brewing for so long, and was ready to go straight to it, even the old man, and the kid with the power of the dragon, took the entire outer Dazhai and destroyed it, but it was halfway there, so this thing popped out?

You know, the fat monk's prayer beads, at least in the entire human world, it is insoluble! But with your ability to destroy the country and the city, you can't hurt the magical skill of "painting the ground as a prison"!

On the other side, Mr. Lu saw that the two-color light dragon was blocked. Although he was a little puzzled, he knew that there was no danger. He simply did not make a move. He directly set up the Yukongshu on his two legs and swayed to the ground, looking a little tangled. Over there.

At this moment, his expression is quite an expression of "I take off my pants, just show me this"!

But at the same time, there is also some relaxation. After all, there is no danger. Now the biggest threat is gone. The man in black can no longer issue a trick of this scale in a short time. And weaker than this, he wants to next, Not too difficult.

"It seems that you are dead in the sky." Mr. Lu smiled lightly, shook his figure, and rushed to the battlefield instantly.

On the other side, the fat monk just took a sip of wine, and before he could react, he saw a black shadow flashing in front of him, and then, a golden fist hit his stomach hard!

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