Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 324: Fat monk

The fat monk felt that he was wronged. He just wanted to stutter, and he still had a sip of wine. As a result, why was it so difficult?

There was food in the kitchen I was looking for, but there was no wine. I walked out of the outer wall after a couple of turns, and then I saw the "devil enters the village"...

Following this group of "ghosts" to another kitchen, where there is food and wine, but the problem is that the distance is a bit far away, and after packing up by myself, I got lost!

After finally finding some ideas, it seemed that I could go back, but suddenly I saw a dragon flying in the distance...

"Didn't I just eat something from you? As for?!" The fat monk was shocked, and quickly turned the Buddha beads into a barrier to block the unhealthy-looking light dragon. He just removed the barrier and wanted A sip of wine was shocked.

As a result, as soon as he took a sip, he saw a figure rushing towards him, without saying a word, it was a punch, directly on his stomach!

"Hold the grass! You don't make sense! I haven't put any poss yet!"

The fat monk's sound like killing a pig spread to a distance like a meteor. Then, his fat body followed the sound, drawn a perfect arc, and flew out.

The man in black stood at the position where the fat monk just stood, and his whole body was shaking with anger. This is so special that he has not encountered such a thing after walking the rivers and lakes for so many years. In just a few hours, he was alone. Eaten so many times!

Cheap, can't kill, can't copy the ability, and always do it right with oneself!

Can this bear him? Directly stepped on Thunder and rushed over, and just copied He Laosan's abilities just now, and blasted out with a golden punch, hitting his fat belly!

But after the punch, he calmed down a bit, and after thinking about it carefully, he knew that something was wrong.

Although he didn't see the situation on the battlefield, he knew after thinking about it. Now the four major vanguards can say that there is no need for hope. Ring dog...

The man in black looked at the city wall not far away. At this time, Mr. Lu was no longer there. Obviously, he knew that he had no threat and was already on the battlefield. It was probably impossible.

The ring dog's strength is not strong compared to the real ones, but it is a little stronger than other monsters. For so many years, all the prestige of the monsters has been defeated by himself, or it is not because of his vanity to enjoy this kind of brother. I feel that even a group can kill him!

"It seems...there is no way." The man in black rubbed his temples and pulled off the mask on his face!

Everyone was on the battlefield at this time, and the fat monk who was here just now was beaten out. No one saw his face.

That was the man in black who had almost ruled the entire forest and divided the monsters into inner and outer areas for several years. He was actually a boy in his early twenties! He has sharp short hair, deep eyes, white skin like a knife, and a slight stubble on his chin. The most important thing is that there is a dark blue tattoo on his left cheek!

It is in the shape of a gourd, the size is only as large as a knuckle, but the lines, details, and the lightning symbols on the gourd that seem to be used for decoration are so clearly visible, it is a masterpiece!

No wonder if you want to cover your face, this tattoo is simply a target. As long as you see it, you can basically remember it. If you remember, you can basically recognize it when you meet. Is it okay if you don't cover it a little?

"A bunch of rubbish!" The black-clothed man cursed secretly, turned and flew towards the back mountain, while flying, put his hand into his pocket, took out a mobile phone, and dialed a number.

"Hey, fat man, what did you tell me before, the Sima family? Contact them immediately! Yes, it is too late to copy their abilities. Refining the corpse is a complicated process, not just copying a skill. Now there is no time to copy slowly, just let them come!"

There was silence for a while, the other side was talking...

"It is indeed dangerous, but do they have the strength to grab it? If I find out that they intend to take it for themselves, I will let them know what is doomsday! You remember, even if it is cooperation, we must dominate! Go!"

The man in black hung up the phone, stepped on the thunder, and ran towards the back mountain.

On the other side, on the battlefield...

At this time, everyone still couldn't react. Why did they clearly feel the strong aura just now, and the surrounding trees began to shake violently due to the wind pressure caused by the impact. This can be confirmed, but why is there no more?

I always thought that only writing books can be an eunuch. Why are you also an **** with this big trick?

Everyone looked around dreamily. There were not a few people and no trees falling down, as if nothing had happened. They were all in a daze for a while, as if they were living in a dream.

Cheng Qianyu is also observing, his state at this time is not ideal, because he has been outputting oolong power. At this time, his body is already full of cold sweat, his face is also white and scary, holding a black knife, his arms are trembling slightly, and his breathing is also beginning to rush. Up.

Suddenly, Mr. Lu's figure appeared next to him out of thin air. Before Cheng Qianyu had time to react, he was cut to the side of his neck with a hand knife. At that time, his eyes were dark, and he collapsed and fell to the ground. The husband hugged him.

"Thanks for your hard work. From the current situation, it is enough. You can take a good rest." Mr. Lu said softly. He moved his feet, how he came, how he went, his body was as fast as lightning, and he was instantly comfortable. Disappeared.

All this happened almost instantaneously, that is, some of the little demons around Cheng Qianyu didn't react, not to mention that because Cheng Qianyu's performance was so outstanding before, there were no people around him...

Over there, Ring Dog, He Laosan and Yin Si, they were a little far away from the crowd when they were fighting. The main reason is that Ring Dog came later. They wanted to rush forward, but they were chopped back by Cheng Qianyu. , And then arrived early to the siege of Yin Si and He Lao San, almost reaching the outermost circle of the entire battlefield, and at the same time, it was the farthest place from the outer Dazhai.

When the two-color light dragon of the man in black struck, the entire battlefield seemed to have been frozen for time. The picture was frozen here. They were in the forefront, and they felt the power most, and they were all frightened for a while. I have to stay still, then, there is no more...

"What...what's the situation?" Yin Si looked around, tentatively flew up-just when Wia came, he was pressed back to the ground-and now he flew up and found that there was nothing left.

"Hi...just let him go, kill this guy first!" He Laosan also recovered, yelled, swung his arms and rushed towards the door with a straight fist!

At the same time, Yin Si also flapped its wings, swooped down, and cooperated with He Lao San to attack the ring dog.

Huangou narrowed his eyes, looked at the two of them, suddenly moved his feet, greeted him, his claws were in front, his legs were tight, and he stunned He Laosan's punch!

At this moment, the ring dog suddenly grasped He Lao San's arm tightly. With a body much thinner than He Lao San, he took advantage of his speed and reacted first. He directly kicked his legs and rotated his body. , Put one knee on He Lao San's elbow, and at the same time loosened both claws, and took advantage of the strength to fly up, while avoiding He Lao San's other punch, he went straight to the silver four in the sky!

Silver Si obviously didn't expect Ring Dog to respond like this. He didn't react for a while, so he could only flutter his wings first, avoid his sharp edge, and then think about countermeasures.

Suddenly, the dog in this ring was one enemy and two, but it was not at a disadvantage!

But at this moment, in the distance, a huge figure flew like a cannonball, Silver Si had already lifted into the sky, and had already avoided it unconsciously, while He Lao San was on the ground, not within the attack range of that thing.

Only the ring dog, right in the middle, is the only way for the unknown object!


A big meat bomb slammed into the ring dog's body firmly, and the huge force took him directly to fly out, breaking several trees, and rushing into the crowd to stop it!

The fat monk is flying here!

Maybe the man in black didn't think of it when he did it. After all, he gave a punch when he was angry, but it was such a coincidence that he flew here! And it happened to hit him impartially!

"What...what's the situation?"


Yin Si floated down, and He Laosan kept the same movements just now, with a dazed expression, a little bewildered as he looked at the direction of Huangou flying out, without knowing what to do.

On the other side, Huangou slammed into the crowd, slowed down relatively quickly, and struggled to get up. As soon as he raised his head, he collided with He Laosan and the others.

He Laosan: "..."

Ring dog: "..."

The ring dog is about to collapse, what's the matter? ! It was a good hit. An unknown object came from where it came and smashed it. Why did you throw out a hidden weapon? !

This hidden weapon is a bit big!

And the most important thing is that there seems to be a strange power on this "hidden weapon". Just when it comes into contact with oneself, it starts to become aggressive. It rolls on the road, and for some reason, it hurts itself first. !

Nonsense, although the fat monk Foguang's body can't resist the impact so that he was flew here by a man in black, he will definitely have the ability to attack against monsters such as the ring dog!

"You... despicable people!" Ring Dog felt the pain in his whole body and the massive loss of mana in his body, and immediately cursed.

He Laosan two people: "???"

Under what circumstances, why did it start to become the mouth-cannon mode?

"In spite of people stealing my food, now I have hidden weapons to injure people again. Sure enough, I went to the city. Even you guys who were originally honest have become treacherous! Good! It seems that I really underestimated you!"


"What kind of pretense? Today I'm considered planted. Come on, come on, show up all the abilities and tricks, show them all, don't delay your hard work."

"He, what did he say?"

"I don't know, did you crash your brain?"

He Laosan and Yin Si looked at each other, frowning.

"But you can't beat me. I still have a killer. Didn't you find that one of us hasn't shown up? He must go..."

Before Huangou's words were finished, suddenly a Buddha light shone from behind him, followed by a "swish"! Several buddha beads connected into a circle, turned into a beam of light, and directly covered him...

The most important thing is that the area of ​​the beam of light is very small. Standing inside the ring dog, it can only be said that it will be enough, but as long as he has a little movement, he will be able to encounter what is like a hot iron plate for him. Buddha light on the wall.

"Ah! Oh!"

Huangou's words haven't finished yet. Just when he said one "I must go..." The rest suddenly turned into a scream...

The fat monk was behind him, still holding the posture of waving the Buddha beads with his left hand, touching his belly with his right hand, his face was lazy, and his eyes were disgusting: "Your words are too much, it's so noisy!"

Ring dog: "I'm silly, ah--!"

He Laosan and Yin Si looked at each other.

"beat him!"

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