Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 326: Old friend

Senior Sister Yaqin and the others did not bother He Lao San and the others. It was a matter of life, and they also felt that this matter was more important. After all, the hatred of decades!

A few people waited for them quietly. He Laosan and Yin Si were also people who knew the importance of life. Those who died had to take care of their lives, so they hurried to take Mr. Lu and get here by car to meet me.

As for why I'm late...

"Fat monk, you have this mouth, you eat more than anyone else, and less serious than anyone else. If it weren't for you to eat, you came almost an hour earlier, and you changed the train schedule for you. I have a car, otherwise I don’t know what to do!"

I sat in the back seat and looked at the fat monk sitting in front of me. I was angry. If it weren't for the driver of the car, I would really like to kick him out of the co-pilot chair!

I was puzzled. How did this guy's brain grow? He is number one for delays! Make up a nonsense, but for this matter, in the whole story, his existence is at best a tool to promote the start of the battle, basically a **** stick.

But in his own story, he was short of giving him the title of "Great Compassion, Great Compassion, Relief, and Living Bodhisattva"!

"By the way, you are so greedy for the roadside food? Haven't you already taken a lot from the Dazhai inside the Laoshizi?" I sat in the back seat with arms around my chest, and asked angrily Tao.

"Ah? What? I didn't, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!" The fat monk was surprised, and he hurried to deny the triptych first, almost writing "I don't know what you are talking about" on his face, but the acting skills are really clumsy , Everyone can tell that he did it!

Of course, it's not all because of the expression of no silver three hundred taels here. The main thing is this. Except for him, neither of them can do it!

In that case, he must have space to store objects... I thought so.

It's annoying, there are so many magic weapons for this stuff! It's so jealous! It's a mess to give him so many good babies!

But thinking like this in my heart, I didn't say anything on my lips. I didn't care about the food, so I won't go into it. Anyway, it's not mine, and the people in the forest are enough to eat. How about giving it to him?

Moreover, with so much food and drink around him, there should be no more incidents of eating the king's meal like the beef restaurant last time.

Well, it can be regarded as a contribution to the society, to ensure the harmonious development of society, to fundamentally resolve disputes, and to reduce some burdens for the police uncle...

I think so, I can't help but laugh, it's so interesting!

On the other side, in one of the three cars, Mr. Lu and Tao Lin sat together in the back seat. He Laosan sat in the front, which also played a role in adjusting the atmosphere.

I did this mainly to make these two people who are about to start treatment familiar with them, and have a tacit understanding for a while to avoid problems. He Laosan, the hob meat, can effectively help them to run in.

But I didn't expect that these two people really seemed to be separated from each other. Although there was nothing wrong with sitting in the back seat, how embarrassing it would be!

He Laosan sat in front, didn't know what to say, and simply shut up, propped his face and looked out the window, looking like nothing to do.

But at this moment, Tao Lin behind suddenly spoke!

"Did you recognize it?"

"Huh?" He Laosan was taken aback, not understanding what it meant.

"Well, aren't you the same." Mr. Lu replied lightly, as if he knew the meaning of his words.

"I heard of you when I was wandering here, but unfortunately you are also a wandering character, and I haven't seen each other." Tao Lin continued, her tone of voice slightly humorous.

"I feel sorry for this, but fortunately I finally saw it." Mr. Lu said.

"I hope you won't talk about it."

"How come? I am in this situation now, no, maybe even worse than you."

"That's true."

The two of you were talking inscrutable things with each other. He Laosan was stunned when he heard them. The two of them knew each other before they were in love, so how can they reconcile? Let them talk for themselves, they don't understand it!

Talking and laughing, the three cars arrived at the crematorium, and a few of us got off the car and turned to the back. There is a Zhacai shop in Baishi Street, and we are looking for Master!

"Master! We're back!" As soon as I entered the room, my heart surged. Although the days of going out were not long, I felt that this time was different!

Life is close to the sky, from Luzhou Benyun prefecture, Mu family, Murong family, Feilong ancient village, Southwest ancient village, Nanyang Association...

There are so many things!

Finally came back and relaxed!

Every time, the master seems to have calculated that I am coming. As soon as I enter the yard, I can see him sitting there, smiling at me, the Nine Golden Crow is nearby, or on a tree, or Is it in the cage, or flying around between the trees and plants.

"Master!" I hurried forward and bowed my hands.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, you're back, is this trip going well?" The master was still so kind and asked me with a smile.

"Successfully! Very smoothly! We successfully found these two masters, Master, this is my eldest brother Tao Lin, and that is the old Mr. Lu whom Brother He knows!"

I quickly introduced to Master, and introduced Tao Lin and Mr. Lu.

As a result, I just finished talking with Tao Lin and wanted to talk to Mr. Lu again, but saw that Mr. Lu was shocked and looked at my master.

"You..." I just wanted to speak, but I didn't know what to say, so I stopped.

Over there, Mr. Lu looked at Master, his eyes were full of shock, his face looked unbelievable, and he was stunned for a while before he said: "You..."

"Old friend, long time no see." The master raised his hand and interrupted Mr. Lu's words. The color on his face did not change, but he still smiled faintly, calm and breezy.

"Yes, yeah, it’s been a long time, I didn’t expect it to be you...or rather, I didn’t expect you to be here, no wonder, no wonder I can feel it when I'm far away... well, why didn't I expect What about this? There is no need to hide in the mountains."

"Well, I can be a bad old man who sits in the yard every day now. I can only drink tea and do small jobs."

"What...what? Master, do you know each other?" I asked.

"Ah, yeah, I saw it before, but then the contact was broken, not just him, who..." The master took a look at Tao Lin, and finally showed a different look in her eyes: "I also have that one. It's a fate for one side."

"Oh?" I turned back.

Behind her, Tao Lin didn’t change her color, she was still elegant in her clothes, she just nodded slightly, and said, “We did have a fate for one side, so it’s really a fate. Today, the three of us will be in this yard. We met."

"It's not because...haha." The master said, but he stopped at the right time a little unpredictable, did not continue, just smiled faintly.

I looked at this one and that one again. I was a little anxious: "I said everyone, let's talk about whether we can do it when we are done, let's save people first!"

Several people were taken aback, and they looked at me at the same time, and then burst into laughter.

"Hahahahaha... Look, it's anxious!"

"Hahahahaha, well, go to save people now, is it in that room?" Tao Lin smiled and looked up to a room.

"Well, it's there. Please wait a moment for the two of you. I'll go in first and talk to my family."

"It's so good."

Tao Lin and Mr. Lu were waiting outside. Master took the first step and entered the room. He followed me when he greeted me. The two of them came to the door one after another, knocked on the door a few times, pushed gently, and walked in. .

In the room, because the fat monk’s rosary is still there, the whole room is shining with gold, and there is a faint scent of sandalwood, but this nice scent of sandalwood is strongly covered by another smell. Up!

A sour smell with a musty smell.

That is the smell of Uncle Gongwang.

Gong Xiaoting's body's physiological mechanism at this time can be said to be almost stopped, sweat is no more, and her metabolism almost stops, which is equivalent to a person who is frozen in ice, but Uncle Gongwang is different.

These days, Uncle Gongwang is almost inseparable, and I was shocked when I first came in! Is this person in front of him really Uncle Gongwang? !

The original Uncle Gongwang, who was born in the military, was neat and unspeakable! But now? His pupils were constricted, his spirits were apathetic, his nerves were tense like a frightened bird, his hair was half gray, and the most important thing was the smell of his nose!

A father, just because of his daughter, has changed so much in just a few days!

As soon as we entered the room, Uncle Gongwang immediately raised his head, and when he saw that it was the master, he lowered his head silently, but when he was about to lower his head completely, the peripheral light seemed to glance at me.


All of a sudden! Shocked me again! Uncle Gongwang's whole person is like a cat, and his **** is like a spring, "Whh--" and he gets up! The stools are knocked down!

"You... are you back? Me, my daughter, she, is there, is there that..."

Uncle Gong Wang said that he stopped talking, looked at me with a nervous expression on his face.

He was hoping, hoping that I could get a way to understand Gu and save his daughter, and at the same time, he was also worried. Worried that what I brought was not the solution to Gu, but the permanent despair...

If I change my temperament to another situation, I will definitely frighten me, but in this situation, where can I do this wicked thing?

"Uncle Gongwang, don't be nervous, this time... I brought a solution, maybe it can be cured, let's try it first, if it doesn't work, then think of a way?"

You can't say too much, after all, this is not a serious way, it's not a way to water the fire or eat when you are hungry. The current method is like saying that when a fire is on, the fire place should be removed first; when you are hungry, you put a few pieces of gum in your mouth and chew hard to feel full...

There is a feeling of not seeing the doctor when getting sick, soaking a paper talisman in water...

I know that Tao Lin and Mr. Lu are the best doctors in the world, but if you tell them too much, if they can’t be cured, Uncle Gongwang will definitely collapse!

Don't say too much, don't give him too much hope, there will be no too much despair.

"Ah, okay, treat first, then talk about it first, then treat first!" Uncle Gong Wang said immediately with an anxious expression on his face.

Parents! If the child is sick, don't talk about it. You just give him a handful of soil and say that after eating it, the child will be cured by running a circle along the road. He will do it!

"During treatment, the two doctors need to be quiet and not be disturbed by outsiders. Uncle Gongwang, look..."

"I'm out, I'm out, I'm out!"

No way, my treatment is too cruel! The Gu poison is forcibly taken out, and the scene is absolutely bloody! Uncle Gong Wang absolutely can't stand it, so don't let him watch it.

Master and I took Uncle Gongwang out of the house. As soon as the sun shone out, Uncle Gongwang had to raise his arms to block it, as if it hadn't been under the sun for a long time.

Tao Lin and Mr. Lu smiled at each other, greeted them, and walked to Uncle Gongwang first, and shook hands with him one after another. The smile on his face comforted him a lot.

"Leave it to us, you'll be fine soon."

"Do it well, it will be cured, it will be cured!"

Tao Lin and Mr. Lu nodded, I first walked to the side with Uncle Gongwang and sat down, Lao He appeared again in time and brought a cup of hot tea. The master has been by his side all the time, and Uncle Gongwang will also get closer to the master intentionally or unintentionally, as if this will make him feel more at ease.

Tao Lin and Mr. Lu walked side by side, walked into the house step by step, waved and closed the door.

At this moment, I, who had always been very confident, shuddered subconsciously, and I could also feel that Uncle Gongwang by my side was shaking more than me.

It's easy to get in that door, and it will take two days to get out!

Life and death depends on this time!

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