Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 327: General Swift Blade


The door of the room was closed tightly. Tao Lin and Mr. Lu were standing at the door. You could see Gong Xiaoting who was lying on the bed with golden light when you raised your eyes, and you could smell the smell that still remained in the room by lifting your nose.

"It seems that we are busy this time. I really haven't done this job."

Tao Lin said, with a light wave of her hand, a pink light flashed, and the smell and musty in the house disappeared instantly, replaced by a clear fragrance of peach blossoms.

However, in any case, the faint scent of sandalwood on that string of rosary can not be blown away anyway.

"It seems that this thing is also a magic weapon, um... it's also nonsense. It can suppress the legendary big red lotus. It can never be a general thing. It seems that the fat monk is not an ordinary person." Tao Lin touched the rosary and said.

He didn't know the fat monk very well, just met at the station, but Mr. Lu was very impressed with him. This guy's ability to disrupt and make troubles is extraordinary, and he is not a normal person at first sight...

But speaking of his ability, he can indeed be regarded as the number one, even if he meets the top ten masters in the world, it is estimated that nothing will happen.

"With his character and way of doing things, he shouldn't have obtained this thing himself. It seems that he is the apprentice of someone we know. Alas, it's not ordinary!"

Mr. Lu said, walking to Gong Xiaoting's side, Tao Lin on the other side, the two stood opposite each other, with golden lights in front of them.

"We only have this chance. The big red lotus has been suppressed for so long. Once awakened, its strength will definitely be several times that of before! But when the rosary just broke away, the big red lotus that has been suppressed for so long cannot be immediately After reacting, our chance is at that time."

Tao Lin stretched out her hand to press on Gong Xiaoting's body, feeling the situation in her body, and said.

It can be said that the current Da Honglian is asleep. Once she gets up, the accumulated strength is likely to instantly destroy Gong Xiaoting and directly take her life! But now there is a chance, that is, when the rosary has just been taken away, when the big red lotus is completely attacked.

In other words, this big red lotus is equivalent to a sleeping circle...

While it's sleeping in the circle, get it right now!

But the problem is that neither of them knows how long this time is, so they can only do their best.

And once all the rhizomes of Dahonglian are not completely taken out within this time period, or there is any mistake, it will have a huge impact on Gong Xiaoting!

"We are both characters who haven't been out for a long time, but we can't just slap our faces right out of the mountain."

"That's what I said, so it seems..."

"Fortunately, it's him. This room is all sheltered by the magic circle he set up. The power we can use is higher than elsewhere, so..."

"Do it!"

Tao Lin yelled, and suddenly, she took off the rosary. In a moment, the police officer dissipated, Gong Xiaoting convulsed unconsciously, her brows were slightly raised, and the terrifying power in her body began to recover...

And not far from Luzhou, the East China Sea...

"Sure enough, it has more reactions than before, and it seems to be about to appear."

On the sea, an ordinary fishing boat with no bright spots stopped in the calm waves. It was a quiet night tonight, and the sea seemed silent, like a child who was asleep.

However, no one knows how much temper this child will have when he wakes up...

On the boat, a middle-aged man in his forties lay on the side of the boat, staring at the bottom vigilantly, and said with a sharp eyebrow: "It will be soon, in my estimation, it will not be more than half a year, no, five months. "

"Three months!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly drank from behind him, refuting his point of view.

"Three...three months?" The middle-aged man was taken aback, and immediately turned around, staring at the man walking behind him, a little unbelievable.

"Yeah, this...this is too fast." Several people around were also a little skeptical. Three months, this is too short, they are not ready at all!

The man ignored their doubts, strode to the side of the ship, held it with one hand, and looked down.

"Within three months, there must be movement! I said it a long time ago, but you don't believe it, but now, all signs show that my hunch is correct, that guy is coming soon, and we... But he was not ready at all."

"Ah?! Then...what about this, this?"

"Oh-there is no way. We can only do our best to obey our destiny. This thing appears in our territory. It is not something we can control. Murong Family and Shadow Army, let them help. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse."

The later man said, sighing again and again.

With the dim moonlight and the light of the only lamp on the fishing boat, you can see the appearance of this man, about 1.75 meters tall, wearing a white shirt, a sailor headscarf, and a pair of guards. The eyepieces have a delicate face, and they look less than thirty years old.

"One more thing, we must pay attention." The man said again. "This thing has obviously been targeted by the Demon God. We must be careful. The strength of those guys is still a mystery. Once we encounter it, there is a high probability that we will not be pleased."

"Yes!" everyone agreed.

But at this moment, a discordant voice suddenly appeared on the boat: " guy, you know something, don't talk about you, what about the Shadow Army? If you meet us, let them come. No reply!"


The white shirt immediately became alert. He didn't remember the voice of someone on the boat like this, and judging from the content of this sentence...

"Be careful, Christine Demon!"

He consciously his actions and reactions are already fast, but unfortunately, the opponent's speed is obviously faster than him by three points! Just talking time, a dark shadow flashed in the corner of the light, followed by the screams of two people!




"Quickly, be defensive, how many people are there on the other side?!"

Among the crowd, two have fallen down, and on their chests and abdomen, a long wound went directly across their upper bodies! All of a sudden, the deck was already bright red!

And the most terrifying thing, they don't even know who the other party is, how many people, or what they look like!

The status of the white shirt among the crowd is obviously the highest, and its strength is naturally the strongest. At this time, he took the lead, stood in the forefront, staring at the fishing boat, and had taken a shot from nowhere. Long stick.

"Congratulations... just come, these bastards!" The white shirt muttered to himself, his eyes kept turning, almost sweeping every corner within the reach, but it was completely Can't see the figure of that person.

Is there only one person? It must be a captain.

He thought so, his eyes that were patrolling everywhere turned to the right at this moment, but at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly hit him from the left!


To be honest, the strength of this white shirt is not bad, and the response is not weak, but for this assassin-type character, the truth is not enough!

The white shirt only had time to push a stick toward the position he had foreseen, and then he felt a sword-like weapon hit his stick. The next moment, he felt a silhouette flying by him, driving a sharp wind. Shaving on the face hurts like it's going to the bone!

That's it!

Only this thought in the white shirt's mind.

With this confrontation, he knew the gap between the enemy and us!

No wonder the other party dared to let him come alone! With this kind of strength, even in a head-to-head confrontation, how many rounds can he carry?

The white shirt closed his eyes, and behind him, a scream came one after another, followed by the heavy smell of blood that suddenly appeared in the air!

A fishing boat, instantly, turned into a Shura field!

Night, quiet night, calm sea, and the nearest person is several kilometers away, or in the sea, no one will see this scene. The salty sea breeze will blow away all the blood, and the deep seabed can They hide all the people and the boat.

Here is a rare killing field!

However, that person did not do that...

The ship is still that ship, but the hull of the entire ship is now full of ravines. On the ship's gunwale and on the deck, smooth cuts can be seen everywhere!

Not only that, there are countless corpses on this nearly subverted broken ship...

"Uh...cough cough-bah!"

On the deck, the white shirt has long lost the calm and graceful demeanor it used to be. It fell on the dirty deck. The clothes were wrinkled and stained with a lot of dust and blood. A strange arc twisted, and it was obviously interrupted!

And in front of him, as if appearing out of thin air, a thin and tall man stood there in the breeze.

It can be seen from the moonlight. She is 1.8 meters tall and wears a military-green robe with a hood on her head and a metal mask on her face, covering the part below the bridge of the nose, only revealing a pair of snakes. s eyes.

In both hands, each took a silver-moon scimitar, the blade was shining with cold light, with traces of blood.

Just now, he used these two weapons to take the lives of dozens of people in the boat, and smashed the right arm and leg of the white shirt with the hilt.

"If you want to kill or pluck, just do it! Want to torture me? Impossible!" The white shirt was lying on the ground, almost exhausted, and said bitterly with this last strength.

"It's OK, it's OK, I know, with the mana in your body, you can still do it, but I still hope you can calm down. After all, it took me some effort to control my hand. You hacked to death, and also left you with smooth hands and legs so that you can get up."

The man said, his voice was like an echo from the ice cellar, deep and cold.

"It took so much effort to save your life, go back alive, and tell those people what you have gone through, what happened here, and let them know what it is like to be an enemy of our demon. !"

The man lowered his body and gently touched his cheek with the knife in his hand: "Don't forget my name and tell them that I am under the command of the Five Elders, General Jibian!"

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