Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 329: Come back home


"Mr. Arrived, there are thirty-five in total. Do you pay by cash or by mobile phone?"

Before the driver finished speaking, he heard a pleasant voice from the phone placed on the phone holder of the air-conditioning port: "It has been paid, thirty-five yuan."

"Hey? Ah, you can go slowly."

I got out of the car and looked at the driver who was a little bit amused. I guess he was still thinking about it. He didn't see me holding my phone. How did I get the account?

I guess there is no second person in the world who can put a mobile phone in his body and control it with his mind. How come I haven't found such a funny thing before. Looking at the blank eyes of the taxi driver, I found it very interesting. Maybe it is also the spirit of today's happy event. Everything around me seems so kind.

I watched the taxi drive by, and turned around. In front of me was the gate of Tongzhou Club.

"Come out." A red glow flashed across my chest, and Tie Ning jumped out first while holding Luo Peng, who was still in a coma, followed by the fat monk...

Immediately after returning to Baishi Street, Cheng Qianyu stayed at Master’s and continued to learn spells. Sister Yaqin and Sanhe He didn’t need to say, they all lived there, only Tie Ning and Luo Peng were left. People are gone, but I didn’t expect that the fat monk would have to come back with me in a lifeless manner. There is no other way but to bring it back.

"Wow, it's quite big here, ah, ah, no one is there, let's go home! Let's prepare the food and drink!"

I have already experienced how powerful the fat monk is, so I saw him swagger into the door as if he came to his own home, and I was not surprised when he yelled, but it was the people in the yard watching. The arrival of such a fat monk was a bit surprised.

Where is such a person?

Tie Ning and I followed in. In the courtyard, someone had announced that Zeng Xiujie and Baron had already walked out of the house and ran in front of me.

"Sir!" This is Baron.

"Brother Rui, you are back." This is Zeng Xiujie.

"Well, I'm back, this..." I pointed to the fat monk, reluctantly. "This product is... it's pretty capable, so let's stay here and see what will change in the future."

Alas—when can this problem be corrected? All kinds of monsters, ghosts, and snakes will be brought home. There are all kinds of goods in the society, and there are three schools of different kinds of people, etc., like a large orphanage, specializing in helping this stuff.

Baron looked at the fat monk, the guy was walking back, shouting while he was walking, looking for the back kitchen, he looked disgusted.

"Sir, it's useless to ask for a person like this here, just like the one you left for the Chinese New Year last time. Look at him, then..."

Baron said and pointed his finger at a corner of the yard. I looked down and found that the beggar left during the last Chinese New Year was basking in the sun at this time. Sitting on an elderly chair, shaking and basking in the sun. Seeing that it was quite moist, the little black dog who came with him was lying next to him, also looking lazy.

"Has he always been like this? What did he not do?"

"He doesn't need to cause trouble. He has never expected to work. He doesn't stop in the sun every day, but the dog doesn't stop. He just went to the kitchen and stole an elbow yesterday."


As he was talking, suddenly the dog seemed to feel something, his ears pricked, he raised his head vigilantly, looked around, maybe still smelling, then suddenly got up, stepped forward and ran to the backyard.

As for the beggar, still basking in the sun, as if he didn't take it seriously at all, he continued to shake his head, looking at ease.

"Look, maybe I went to the kitchen again." Baron said helplessly as he looked at the black dog running over.

I ignored the dog, just waved my hand and said helplessly: "Let it go, let it go."

What can you compare with a dog? And just because of the dog's small body, he can't eat much. What if he eats all meat? I can support so many people here, and I am afraid that a dog will feed me poorly?

"Where is Hu Jie? Is she here?" I asked.

"Yo! Brother Rui, I know you have to ask when you come, don't worry, it's in the house, I'll call my sister-in-law... Uh, tell her to go!"

"Oh no..." I just wanted to stop, Zeng Xiujie had already run away.

I originally wanted to go there myself for a while, mainly asking what the hug was like. After all, it was a very private question, but it was a little weird to call her out...

And from what Zeng Xiujie said just now, these days when I was away, a few of them probably kept gossiping.

Forget it! Anyway, I have that thought, let's talk about it!

I shook my head and looked at the beggar again. With a move in my heart, I walked straight ahead, walked over to him, and looked down at this guy: "You have been here for so long. With so much food, don’t talk about how much you give, let me do some work anyway."

"Huh?" The beggar raised his eyes, lazily. "Working? You don't seem to have anything for me to do here, right, and...Although I didn't contribute anything, I don't think I caused you any trouble, so even if they cancel each other out, right?"

"Hi..." I frowned, "Where is your robber logic? If you don't work for nothing, don't you have to make trouble? If you want to eat, you have to take out something."

In fact, just like what I said earlier, so many people in our company can eat, and it's not bad for one or two, but the question is what kind of person is this person!

I think I don’t have a lot of kindness, and a beggar on the street gives me a few dollars. I can’t rely on my family for free food! If this is an ordinary person, I would have blasted him out, but this is not an ordinary person!

He said it last time when I met the national teacher and old boy. This can already be seen from the results of the investigation, so it is still useful to keep him.

When I say these things, I’m not blaming him for eating free meals, but I want him to do his best. The kind of fat monk, a magic weapon can bring me a lot of surprises. No matter how good this guy can always be better. Him! If I can fight, don’t I have another general? !

It's a pity that if you don't buy oil and salt, you just eat and don't work! Still a rascal look of "what can you do with me"...

Just as I was thinking, there was a sudden commotion behind me. When I looked back, I saw that the fat monk was holding a big drumstick in his hand, and there was a dog on the drumstick...

To be precise, the dog bit the chicken leg, and then the chicken leg was picked up by the fat monk.

In order to throw the dog off, the fat monk was holding the chicken legs with both hands and flicking desperately. While swinging, he tried to lift his leg to kick the dog, but he basically missed the kick.

And the black dog didn't seem to want to let go...

"Does this Nima protect food?"

"The wicked have their own grievances!"

Baron and I looked at the farce of this monk and a dog, and we all felt astonished for a while.

"Look, it's okay now, my dog ​​won't cause you trouble, where did you get that fat monk?" The beggar watched his dog being dumped like this, not at all distressed, even Still so teased.


I stroke my forehead, yes! Not only did the combat power not increase, but the society was even more chaotic in the future. Thinking about it this way, I feel distressed for Baron and Zeng Xiujie. There are such two goods with a dog, and it is estimated that they will be busy in the future.

At this moment, in the main building, there was a sound of footsteps in the main building. I turned my head to see that it was Zeng Xiujie who had brought Hu Jie here.

With Zeng Xiujie ahead, Hu Jie couldn't see his expression behind him, but I could see it. This guy was winking at me, with a connotative look...

"Let's not talk to you for nothing!" I said to the beggar angrily, and turned to Hu Jie.

Behind him, the beggar smiled and continued to bask in the sun without taking it seriously.

"Hu Jie, you..." I walked over, and stopped talking.

how? It was too embarrassing, so I just asked, "What happened to your hug when I left?"

This... If she really meant that, I would look a bit straight...

But if it doesn't mean that, then there must be some other reasons, and it is really uncomfortable not to ask clearly.

I don’t know what to say at this moment, but Hu Jie over there spoke first: "You’re back! I just saw it on the window, but because I recently...some of them, I didn’t bother to come down. I didn’t expect you to call Me."

"Ah? Uh..." I scratched my head. We are all grown-ups. Girls know that stuff six times in half a year. During this period, people are called out of the house if they don't come to take care of them. It seems a bit innocent.

I glared at Zeng Xiujie. He also knew that he had done something wrong, so he stuck his tongue out and slipped away. On the other side, Baron also handed his hand: "There are many things, sir, I will leave first." After that, he left.

In front of the main building, only us are left.

"Do you want to ask what happened to the hug I gave you when you left?" Hu Jie looked at me with arms around her chest, and her tone was very calm, as if it weren't the matter at all.

"Ah...Yes." I was embarrassed.

"You don't need to be nervous, and don't be too narcissistic. This girl hasn't reached the point where she wants to post you upside down. That hug... Oh, don't worry about it. Anyway, it's not what you think!"


What is this explanation? Isn't this just the same as the answer on the homework, the answer to a big math problem just wrote you a "slight"? !

"Huh? Didn't understand?"

"No, no, I understand, absolutely don't think too much, don't think about it, what you say is what you say." I said helplessly.

"Well, that's right, hey, if you come back this time, you should not leave."

"Well, there should be nothing in a short period of time, and there is still something to do in a month and a half, but during this period, there should be nothing to keep me busy." I said.

One and a half months, that was the day when the little clever ghost reported to me the Beijing Repertory Theatre party!

To be on the safe side, after talking about hearing the news, I didn’t call it back. Instead, I let him stay there. By all accounts, he has been in the same position for half a year since I met him in the dormitory. If he can take the Beijing Repertory Troupe directly this time, he must have a good vacation!

Having said that, the idea of ​​establishing an information and intelligence network has been around for a long time, but there is no one. Why wait for him to come back and let him be responsible for this?

But that’s all for the rest. I said that I had something to do in a month and a half, so I naturally wanted to help Zhong Ming to avenge him. He saved my life and defeated the clown clone. Later, I faced the black fox and the Taoist Feihuo. Thanks to him at that time, I have to pay back!

Otherwise, tell him the good news first and let him be prepared!

I thought about it, and looked at the phone, but suddenly I found a new message.

News from the Shadow Army.

"What's the matter? Your complexion doesn't seem to be very good." Hu Jie didn't know what was going on, but she asked when my face suddenly changed.

I raised my head stiffly and looked ahead: "There was news from the Shadow Army just now that the Demon Sect demon has declared war with Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion!"

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