Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 330: Dispatch!

"Go to hell!"


It was another ***, killing the last monster, marking that all the monsters on this hillside had been killed by me, and the field had been cleared within a radius of more than 100 meters.

But within the sight of the naked eye, there are other things that are surging, and my mana surplus is about to return to zero. This wave is not necessarily strong, and I can’t resist it anymore. I quickly retreated and returned. in the room……

It has been a month since we came back from the outside and rescued Gong Xiaoting. As expected, in this month, I have nothing important to deal with, so it is rare to live here quietly. For a month.

However, during this period, I was not idle either. As soon as I had time, I entered the small world through the portal set by the master in my room. The monsters and upgrades quickly improved my strength and enriched my actual combat experience.

But as the number of visits increased, I also discovered its magic more and more.

When I first entered, I only had a dozen levels. The monsters I encountered at that time could roughly be divided into that few categories. The first category is the weakest. At that time, I can be one at a time and clear the field with a wave. It belongs to the "small soldier" category. There is another category that is weaker than me and has to fight for a few rounds, but it is still guaranteed to win.

These two types are the common ones, and there are two uncommon ones. One is similar in strength to mine, and I can survive several rounds without necessarily winning or losing. Of course the least is better than me! Sometimes I can't meet it even after going in for a long time.

But now, I am more than 20 levels, and the previous types of small soldiers are almost invisible, and the ones that were weaker than me before have become more numerous, but because my strength has improved, they have become "little soldiers."

And the biggest variable is that now I have more than 20 levels equivalent to me, which is my current strength. This is something I haven’t encountered before. The most important thing is that I even encountered a level that was roughly equivalent to my three. Ten level!

I feel that the monsters appearing in this world seem to change their strengths based on my strength. This is to solve a problem for me. I wanted to wait for my strength to become high before. This thing is not addictive, and it is not enough to cultivate. Worked.

Now it seems relieved!

Thinking about this, I walked to the desk, sat on the chair and took a drink, and looked at a piece of information on the desk and a form I made myself.

The data is not new, but old.

A month ago, the people of Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion visited the East China Sea to check whether the mysterious power under the East China Sea was going to wake up. As a result, they were attacked by the Demon Sect. All but one person on the ship was interrupted with one hand and one leg. Except for the escape, the rest were wiped out.

And according to him, he was able to survive purely because the people of the Demon Sect asked him to come back to deliver the letter, otherwise he would die too!

This is a declaration of war!

The Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion rules the Fujian and Zhejiang regions, and its headquarters must be nearby. Unlike Murong’s family who is only responsible for protecting the East China Sea, they are also responsible for the safety of the South China Sea in addition to the East China Sea. So sometimes both sides must pay attention to it. It's going to be divided.

This time, after I ended the Southwest Guzhai affair in Yunzhou last time, I handed over the captured Nanyang people to Nie Ze, who was in charge of the southern division, and I didn’t take care of the rest.

Now I can still remember the time when I handed over the people to Nie Ze, this cute and loving man smiled brightly, as if a first-class skill was placed in front of his eyes.

Later, I didn’t know until this happened. After the Nanyangites were taken into the Shadow Army, they were interrogated and found out that they were just small soldiers. The place where they usually stay is just a place for soldiers. They are not from the Nanyang Association. Headquarters.

With the mentality of having dates and not having dates, they still rushed to that place. As expected, people went to the empty building and evacuated long ago, and they did not know where they were.

I had known it after I caught Daniel, and even if it was not harvested, I had to find a headquarters, but unfortunately I forgot it.

But because of this incident, the Shadow Army Southern Division personnel led by Nie Ze conducted a frantic search of the Nanyang area.

Because of this, the pressure on the south suddenly increased. In order to ensure safety, the people of Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion kept the linkage. When the Shadow Army focused on the South Ocean region, they were responsible for the security of the South China Sea, so they were responsible for the East China Sea. Just a little weak...

At this time, the Demons of Christ attacked and sneak attacked the members of the Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion who was responsible for going to the East China Sea to check the power under the sea.

On the other side, Nie Ze had a big meal and didn’t find anything. There was a change here, so he could only quickly return to defense. Not only that, because the last time Gongmajia fought with the East Island Budo Alliance, everyone felt Gong Demon Cult is too powerful, even if Yu Hao, the master of the Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, is the third best player on the End of the World rankings, he dare not go too far, so he still finds the Shadow Army and Murong's family to help defend.

So now, the Shadow Army has intervened in this matter, and as the agent of the Eastern Division, I have been ordered to become the main person assisting Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion.

According to the information, according to the person who came back, only one attacked them, claiming to be General Jiedan under the command of the Five Elders.

Isn't it hit the back of your hand? !

I am familiar with this!

Next to the information, is a form I made myself, and it is written by the staff of Gongmojiao.

The clearest among them is that one of the five elders, Meng Hong, is dead, and I don't know if there is a new captain. Dao Feihuo has seen it, and he has also heard of the Jibian that appeared this time.

But add it up, there are fewer than ten captains appearing at the demon God, this...

I put down the form, frowning a little, and there are only one or two captains every time I show up. If this happens all the time... Tsk tusk!

I was sighing, and suddenly my heart moved. I looked closely at the message from my mobile phone. When I saw the content, my heart sank.

Finally came...

In the Tongzhoushe courtyard, there were a bit of a small number of people who came for interviews during this period, and I don't know why, but in short, these people are idle. Under the big tree, Zeng Xiujie, Gao Yan and Li Cunhao are fighting the landlord.

"Do you think we can be so idle? Right five!"

"Anyway, it's okay. Brother Rui has become our boss. That's also Brother Rui. It's okay. Take care of it!"

"Hey, you can't say that. You must have a heart of admiration. You see, I respect the boss. The boss is heaven!"

The guy named Li Cunhao, who is really a big dogleg, said with a righteous face, and he exerted the spirit of dogleg to the extreme.

Zeng Xiujie and Gao Yan looked at him with contempt: " the cards."

"Oh, yes yes yes, yes ten!"

"Right two!" Gao Yan threw the card directly, looking proud.

But at this time, a not-so-harmonious voice appeared behind him: "You can't make a check. You make a two. What do you plan to do with the remaining cards? Keep the cubs?!"


The sudden business was obviously shocked to them. Maza was overturned, and the table was almost overturned. Li Cunhao, the lowest strength, couldn't stabilize his figure all of a sudden and sat directly on the ground.

"Old... boss?"

"Brother Rui!"

That's right, I appeared behind them, and then scared them so much...I have to say that teleportation is really fun.

"I'm going! Brother Rui, don't be surprised, it will scare people to death. We are just playing poker, and there is nothing to be busy now. As for so scaring us, I still mock me!" Gao Yan side Sorting out his cards, he said with lingering fear, and looked at me with dissatisfaction.

"You pull it down, your card has been exposed long ago, let it go!" Zeng Xiujie said, first tossing the card in his hand on the table and walking to me.

I took a closer look and found that his hand hasn't caught up with Gao Yan. It is impossible to win this round. You are a shame to co-author! Take advantage of this opportunity to restart a game!

But he himself remained calm, and when he approached me, he asked, "Brother Rui, you don't usually come down often. Sometimes there is something wrong."

"Well, you guessed it right. I have something to do again. The Shadow Army headquarters issued an order to stand by on the East Sea."

"East China Sea?!"

"Yes, the data from a month ago showed that they judged that the force under the East China Sea must move within three months. Now there are only two months left. It seems that it will be soon. Let us go over and alert."

"That... how long does it take."

"Then who knows?!" I spread my hands. "It's not my business this time, it's something they arranged for me, so who knows when the stop will be?"

"When are you leaving?"

"Now, the sooner the better. I'm not going to where they want me to go directly. I want to go to Yancheng first to see my branch."

The Yancheng branch was set up by Xue Biao and I to deceive Ding Lao Er, but because the New Year happened at that time, there was a delay. But it may be that he is eager to perform, or the project is simple. In the month since I came back, there was good news that the branch was completed!

So according to the plan, the Shadow Army arrested Ding Er after the construction was completed. With the approval of Qingtian, the boss of our Shadow Army, the newly built building still belongs to me, and Ding Er became the largest Take a fool, and Uncle Ding finally got all the Ding family property.

Taking advantage of the transfer this time, I plan to take the opportunity to take a look, and by the way, to see if there is someone who can be competent for the branch minister there, and quickly replace Gongsun Shu.

"That's it." Zeng Xiujie thought for a while: "Brother Rui, are you alone this time?"

"It didn’t say whether I could take people, but this time it’s more dangerous. You still don’t want to go. I will take Balong and Lang Feng. After going to Yancheng, you can take Gongsunshu with you. Bi Long has been with Master recently. Very busy, so let’s not bring it."

When I was talking about this, suddenly a voice came from behind: "Sir, I want to go too!"

"Huh?" I looked back, it was not someone else, it was Luo Peng.

He woke up about ten days ago, but according to Senior Sister Yaqin, he is still recovering.

"You can't go, you have to rest for a while, and I can take you out when you are fully recovered."


"If you are not obedient, you will never be taken out again in the future. If you get hurt again this time, when do you want me to wait for you to recover!"


Luo Peng stopped speaking, it seemed that I was convinced.

"But you reminded me of one thing. I did forget someone just now. I have to bring him."

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