Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 331: Branch built

In the kitchen of the Tongzhou Club, it was not time to eat, and the chef also left. There was no one in the kitchen, but at this moment, there was a criminal figure sneaking near the kitchen door...



After a bark of dogs, a scream cut through the sky!

In the yard, the people who were cultivating were already taking no surprises about the situation, they just shook their heads gently, and sighed: "It's starting again..."

At the door of the kitchen, two figures were entangled together, the barking of dogs and the shouting of people were endless! It is no exaggeration to say that the whole society can hear it!

These two figures, a bald head, a dog...

The little black dog of the fat monk and the beggar...

Before there was only one of them, it was nothing, but now that the two got together, it was too late, and there was not enough time for them to fight every day, and a burst of noise from the back kitchen could be heard at any time.

I was puzzled. There were only three meals a day. They played more than three times a day. Are they idle and okay? !

The most important thing is that the fat monk has food there! But every time I questioned him, he would give me a triple denial, and then maybe to make his denial appear more real, he continued to steal things from the kitchen.

Of course, he may not have this IQ, and the purpose of doing this is probably just not wanting to eat his roots...

The smell of other people's food...

"Dead dog, let me go, you can eat some dog food, what kind of meat? Spread it out to me, the pig's feet are mine!"

The fat monk was shouting, and he didn't forget to kick the dog, but I suddenly caught the collar of my collar from behind and took it away!

I had to squeeze my ears before, but then I found out that this product had Buddha light body protection, but if I squeeze clothes, it would be fine, so I changed my habit, and as long as the Buddha light doesn’t strike, his power is fundamental Can't compare to me.


The fat monk was dragged away by me in an instant, and the dog was stunned. How about such a big man? For a long time, the pig's hoofs in his mouth fell to the ground, and the saliva was soaked firmly.

On the other side...

"Ah ah ah ah-my trotters!"

"Your pig's trotter is growing on your arm. It's a good idea. Don't shout, I'll tell you something business." I put him on the ground and said angrily.

"What's the matter? It's no good, Lord Buddha, I won't do it." The fat monk said as soon as he heard something was wrong, he took a chicken leg out of his pocket and ate it, not caring about him telling me that he hadn't taken the food.

It seems that it was really just because of greed that he continued to go to the kitchen.

I rubbed my temples, and everyone said that all four of the monks were empty, but I think this guy seems to be empty.

"Follow me and give ten chicken drumsticks." I said.

"Uh..." The fat monk frowned and groaned.


"Deal!" The fat monk gave a thumbs up. "Since you are asking for me, then Lord Buddha maintains a kind heart, so he will answer every request!"

Me: " want a little face."

But in any case, the result is still the same. The candidate for travel has been determined. I, together with Baron, Lang Feng, and the fat monk, and the rest will stay here. Good, and in dangerous places like the East China Sea, ghosts are safer than people.

Even if you want to experience, you can't do that.

I took the fat monk. The fat monk was thinking about his chicken legs. The two walked to the door. Baron and Lang Feng were already waiting there. Kai Leide was also driven out, everything was ready and about to set off.


"and many more!"

When I turned around, it was Hu Jie!

"You..." I was surprised, don't want another hug!

"Where are you going again this time? Don't you tell me? And it's only a month. What I told you is wrong." Hu Jie walked up to me with arms around her chest and said with a pouting mouth. An angry look.

"Uh...Isn't this something temporary? No matter what, I am also a high-ranking figure in the Shadow Army. There are orders on it, so I can lead by example!"

"Humph!" Hu Jie snorted unhappily, pursing her lips, and then asked, "When will you be back?"

This is the problem again.

"I don't know, it's not my business this time, don't worry, I promise to come back early."

"Cut, who cares about you? You can come back whenever you want!" Hu Jie shook her head and stopped looking at me.

"You won't be arrogant anymore."

"Shut up! I'm just... I'm just worried about whether you can come back before May. Don't forget, the school held an event in May. The protagonist is you, don't forget!"

"Ah, yes yes." I nodded perfunctorily, reached out and patted her shoulder, and smiled: "Okay, let's go."

After I finished speaking, I turned to the car, the fat monk got into the co-pilot without shame, and the two ghosts got into the back seat.

I opened the window, smiled and beckoned with Hu Jie, then stepped on the accelerator and drove the car out.

"Hey, why do I think you are a little weird, why are you smirking all the time." The fat monk sat in the vice seat and said with an idiot face.

"Shut up, dead fat man!" Baron sat behind him, kicked the back of the chair very discerningly, and said angrily.

He also wanted to beat him directly, but Fo Guang was really unreasonable.

Why giggle? Happy event! No matter how straight I am, I can hear it. Hu Jie at this time should be a little bit enamored with me, I didn't expect it! As for what school activities she said later, Tsundere's excuse was nothing.

Although this is true...

But having said that, if she hadn't just reminded it, I would have forgotten about it.

But that's all for later. I don't believe that I won't be able to come back in May. Anyway, it's a nonsense activity. It's a good time to take a walk. It's just relaxing, and it's okay to find something.

Without words all the way, Escalade crossed the highway and arrived at Yancheng at night.

"Hey, Yiming, it's me. I've come to Yancheng. It's a bit late. Pick me up to your house and stay for one night."

After I got to Yancheng, I called Ding Yiming. I originally wanted to go directly to the Tongzhoushe branch, but considering it was late, I'll wait and see tomorrow.

Ding Yiming doesn’t live with Uncle Ding, but has his own house, which seems to be quite big. I think it’s okay to stay at his place for one night. Even if the place is not big, I just put all the fat monks into the system. Chant.

Originally, I thought this approach was okay, but later I found out that it seemed to be... not good?

On the phone, I heard Ding Yiming’s tone of anger and disappointment, and the faint gasps around me, but when I arrived at Ding Yiming’s house, I saw Jiang Hongxin looking at me with resentful eyes At that time, I think I really did something wrong...

The timing is a bit wrong! Good things to delay people!

But there is no way, what should I do? Apologize to someone?

I handed over: "Sorry brother, it’s a brother. I’m not thoughtful enough. It’s okay. It’s okay. You continue, just as if I didn’t come. I promise no video, no recording, no eavesdropping, no taking pictures. ! Sleeping as if you were dead, will never disturb you, come on, go on!"

This is not ridiculous!

What can I do? I can only keep smiling awkwardly but politely.

"Hey, why are you still laughing? This time you laugh more stupidly than before." The fat monk continued to commit an idiot.

Baron: "Shut up, fat man!"

In the end, the night can only be ended in a very embarrassing way. With us, Ding Yiming and the others will not be able to continue their great work for the benefit of human survival, development and reproduction. We can only wait for us to leave.

I also hurriedly said the next morning that I wanted to visit the club, and a group of people went straight to the destination.

The Yancheng Tongzhou Club branch was renovated from a factory building, so it occupies a larger area, but because Ding Lao Er wants to be fast, many buildings still maintain the image of a factory building, for example, I saw it between the two buildings A connecting corridor is usually used by the factory to transport large cargo boxes...

But all of these are acceptable. After all, I am not too picky, but the decoration team he was looking for was obviously not as good as Secretary Lu. This is normal. After all, one is a rich man and the other is a secretary. There are still contacts. Very different.

Besides, the branch is better than the headquarters. Where can the face of the headquarters be put? !

Different from the distribution situation of the main building when you enter the headquarters, the branch is a long street when you enter, and the two sides are the buildings. The one on the left is the largest building. The main building is custom-made. After completion, Gongsunshu will work here. , Lives in the "Division Minister's Office".

The reason for emphasizing is the branch minister, because when allocating rooms, in order to let me have a place to live after I came, he also reserved a room for me, and it is the best one...

The branch office is only the second best.

"What about the staff? How many have you found?" I asked.

"Except for your sir, all I recruited here are basically ghosts. There are no ghosts and monsters. There are nearly a hundred ghosts of varying strength. The strongest one is one level away from ghosts and monsters, and there are fewer humans. , Maybe because it hadn’t been built at that time, and everyone didn’t come here without the real address.”

Gongsunshu walked by my side, helping me introduce the role of the various buildings and the distribution of the site, while answering my questions.

"How much is that?"


"..." I rubbed my temples. "Who is the best?"

"A man named Zhou Cheng."

"What about people?"

"I just called him over."

As he was talking, there was a sound of rapid footsteps behind him, "Humhhhhhhhhh". Looking back, there was a man wearing a gray shirt with short hair and a flat head.

I took a look at his pace, the pace was regular, and his breathing was very even. It seemed that he was indeed a somewhat capable person, but it is estimated that he is at my 20th level, which may not be enough.

For this kind of thing, I can estimate it now, and I don't even need to use the detective eye.

"Your name is Zhou Cheng?" I asked.

"Yes, my name is Zhou Cheng, I have seen Mr.!" Zhou Cheng ran to me, bowed immediately, and said respectfully.

I frowned, and Gongsun Shu beside me explained: "I told him."

"Well, Zhou Cheng, I want to train you. This Tongzhou Club has just been completed. You are the old man of this branch in the future. You have to carry the banner. Acting president of the Tongzhou Club Yancheng Branch, do you think you are competent? ?"


The young man was taken aback by me and raised his head suddenly, his face full of shock.

It feels as if you have just entered a company, and the boss tells you to let you be a manager!

"Sir, me, this..."

"Don't worry, everything will come slowly, Ding Yiming."

"Hey, I am here." Ding Yiming was not far away, and when I asked him to come over immediately.

"You hold this position together with him, don't you still have Dao Chang Tan and Master Wei in your family? With that flying fish, it should be enough to assist you."

"Absolutely no problem!" Ding Yiming patted his chest and smiled, turned his head and glanced at Zhou Cheng, and pushed him: "Be happy."

"Huh? Yes, yes."

"It's alright, you take advantage of this time to practice. I want to take Gongsun Shu away temporarily, and I will leave it to you here."

"Ah? Where are you going to go?" Ding Yiming asked in a bit of surprise, maybe he thought I would stay here for a while.

"We have something about the Shadow Army, so don't ask too much. I leave it to you here. I will take Gongsun Shu and set off immediately."

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