Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 333: Water Arhat

"Don't move! Who are you!"

On the deck, the rest of the soldiers immediately raised their guns. Although for some powerful wizards, this weapon is not too threatening, but so many aimed at him together can always cause him some problems.

Moreover, in the room, some wizards have begun to condense mana, if he acts rashly, give him a moment!

On both sides, the other two investigating ships also started to approach here, planning to form an encirclement, enclosing this reckless person here. With so many troops, he can't escape the net of the sky even if he is measured!

However, the visitor obviously didn't have any fear. Looking at the other two investigation ships gradually surrounding him, he even wanted to laugh a little, stretched out his hand and scratched his bald head.

On the deck of this ship, a man with the rank of lieutenant colonel stood up, with a bronze complexion, a beard, and muscles like copper and iron, and his fists clenched like a pair of copper hammers!

Just looking at this person, he knew that he was a foreigner.

"Just rushing into our boat, you seem to be too arrogant, don't say anything, just do it first..." The lieutenant colonel glanced at the corpses lying underground, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. "...Let's kill some of our soldiers first, without explaining anything, I'm afraid we can't leave."

"Huh?" The bald head continued to scratch his bald head, with a funny look, as if he had heard some joke. He looked at the surrounding environment and said: "You look like this, where do you want me to explain? , I want my whole person to explain here!"

"Smart!" The lieutenant colonel shouted loudly! "Now that I know so, dare to violate our military might?!"

"Roar? Brother, you are afraid that you have misunderstood something. I just said that I want my whole person to explain here. I just said your thoughts, but you didn't seem to ask, and I didn't say...I Thoughts." The bald head was calm, as if the surrounding circle around him was a child's play.

"What do you think? Why, do you want to leave a last word?"

"Are you sure I will die?"

"No, I just don't think you can live," the lieutenant colonel said coldly, the fist clenched in his right hand tightened, and the veins on the back of his hand began to beat.

The bald head seemed to have discovered this, and finally stopped scratching his scalp. Putting down his hand, the smile on his face turned into contempt and licentiousness. Looking at the lieutenant colonel who came out, he said loudly: "I am under the command of the seventh elder. , Shui Luohan, the captain of the water team! When you get to the king of Yama, remember to give my name!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Shui Luohan suddenly moved his feet and rushed towards the people on the deck as if he had no bones! Its speed is so fast that even cheetahs can't match it!

The soldiers on the ship fired almost at the same time, but they did not hit anything, and the guns in the hands of the people standing in the front were almost scrapped at the time, and they were instantly shattered by powerful mana. , People fell to the ground instantly!

At this time, the long-prepared wizards in the room immediately touched them, and the spells that had been condensed in their hands threw them at him! On the boats on both sides, there were also wizards attacking, beams of light directed towards the bald head.

These people used to be snipers. Later they learned spells. They did not specialize in large-scale destructive spells, but ray spells that were as thin as a finger or even as thin as a silver needle. What they wanted was long range. Kill, kill with one blow!

There are such people on these three ships. No matter which ship has a problem, the people from the other two ships can carry out air strikes to achieve killing and rescue.

Suddenly, countless spells acted on the water Luohan, and then bursts of halo were exploded, and the roar was endless!

The lieutenant colonel who stood up before did not practice this kind of magic, and his power is all above his bones. At this time, watching the water Luohan is surrounded by magic, he stays still and walks with his power until the halo fades. When, suddenly shot, a punch!

In fact, everyone on the scene thought that no one could survive so many attacks, and it was just to be on the safe side to make up this punch. After the halo has completely dissipated, what everyone sees may be just a corpse. Do not! Or even the body is gone!

After all, there are so many attacks, even if he was beaten into meat sauce, it is not an exaggeration!

But at this moment, all those present who perceive physique were surprised at the same time! In front of them, huge mana fluctuations suddenly rose for no reason!

This is not something that can be detected by easily perceiving physique. At such a close distance, ordinary perceiving physique can find it wrong!

"not good!"

It is a pity that when this sentence was uttered, the lieutenant colonel was already unable to hold his hands, and saw him throw a punch, crashing into the halo that has not yet completely dispersed, but it was like hitting a ball of cotton. .


No one knows the feelings at this time better than he himself, but it is precisely because of his understanding that he feels surprised, surprised, and terrible!

At this time, the halo completely dissipated, and everyone finally saw what was inside, and they were shocked!

From the looks of the person standing there, it can be seen that he was the bald man who claimed to be the water man just now, but he was no longer human.

At least, there is no place where he can be called "human."

The original living flesh man is gone, replaced by a large swarm of clear water! A human figure was outlined on the deck, but there was a big hole in the abdomen, and the lieutenant colonel's punch passed through this big hole.

"This, this is..."

Everyone was taken aback, and was slightly taken aback. At this moment, the water Luohan launched an attack, and a water ball like a carp shook it, looking as light and soft as waving a feather. But the lieutenant colonel seemed to have received a heavy blow, and he flew out in an instant, hitting a dozen people behind him, and hitting the wall before he stopped!

The water grouped water Luohan left the deck and floated into the air. A head formed by water lowered down and looked down at the people below, with a penetrating sneer.

"What kind of monster is this guy? What kind of monsters are there in Christine Demon?!"

In the room, the contact person looked at the water Luohan flying in the air, and said with a trembling voice, his hands were firmly grasping the window sill, and his fingers turned white due to excessive force.

And at this moment, the intercom on the table behind him suddenly heard a terrifying scream!

"what's happenin?!"

The soldier in charge of contact is going to blow up! Is there an accident on both sides of the sea and under the sea at the same time? !

"! We are going to be sucked...sucked..."

"What? Hello?! Answer quickly! Answer quickly! What's wrong with you?!" He yelled into the walkie-talkie, as if this could save the person on the other side, but that would only be useless.

The other side did not answer, their voices stopped abruptly, just like the heartbeat of the contact person, and suddenly stopped! And the next moment, following the "beep" from the intercom, he shook again and again.

The sound just now was the sound of the walkie-talkie turning off. Of course, if the walkie-talkie is damaged, it will make such a sound.

In this case, he was killed, and he did not believe that what happened now was the former situation...

On the other side, the water Arhat was flying in the air. During this period, some people tried to attack, but not surprisingly, all the attacks seemed to fall in the open space, as if the water could never be cut off by a knife. All attacks are useless to him!

Compared with the extreme hardness, this soft defense is even more desperate!

And the water Luohan looked at them as if he was looking at an ant. He didn't even look directly at the attacker, and didn't even look at them.

At this moment, the sea on the side of the three ships suddenly began to boil! At the same time, a huge roar poured into everyone's ears, and in a short time everyone began to cover their ears, but they still bowed their heads by the loud noise.

When they raised their heads, everything in front of them plunged them into fear and despair again.

On the sea, as if a tsunami was coming, beside the three survey ships, but ten meters away, a huge wave of more than ten meters was instantly set off! Like two giants, staring at them with bloodthirsty eyes!

Mercury splashed, and the churning waves seemed to straddle a distance of ten meters and shoot straight on the faces of those on board!

Everything is like a doomsday scene!

Shui Luohan looked up at the huge waves, with an obsessive look, as if he had seen some beautiful scenes, and as if he had found a delicious glutton...or the fat monk, looking at the splash, Feeling this power, muttering to himself.

"What a wonderful power, what a beautiful water power! Only in Christine Demon Sect I can get such power! This is the power of our Christine Demon Sect! You guys, ordinary people, want to do it right with us? Look at the surrounding scenes, you are dreaming! Have a big dream!"

Shui Luohan lowered his head and looked at the three survey ships below. He actually showed an expression similar to "compassion". It felt like he was on the street and saw a beggar about to starve to death.

The huge waves pounced straight down like the Thai topping! The decks of the three ships dimmed instantly, and the huge waves covered the sun. At this time, there were only waves in front of everyone, endless waves!

"go to hell."

Shui Luohan said lightly, as if he had already seen the ending, with a little compassion in his tone, yet so ruthless.

But at this moment, suddenly, a golden light flashed, and under the huge waves, the three survey ships seemed to regain the light. The golden light was suddenly released on the sea, and the waves seemed to have stopped!

Time seemed to pause for a while at this moment, and then it began to develop again, but it was developing in another direction...

"What's going on?!" Shui Luohan's artificial expression froze in an instant, and the next moment it turned into shock, anger, and incredible.

The golden light flickered, and there seemed to be an additional barrier between the three investigation ships and the huge wave that had fallen, and a huge tension spread out instantly, blocking the huge wave!

The huge wave of more than ten meters is turned into two parts. The lower part is connected to the sea. After losing its strength, it slaps on the ship and slowly flows back into the sea. It can't have any effect on the people on it. At most, it feels a little bit. shake.

And the upper part, with the sudden explosion of the golden light, turned into countless drops of water, dripping like a rain, with no teeth.

"Go... saved?"

The people on the deck looked at the scene in front of them, and everything that happened just now seemed to be in a dream, very unreal.

"Who is it?!" Seeing that the power of his beloved water was achieved, Shui Luohan suddenly drank, and the mana boiled in his palm.

And at this moment, from the far east coastline, a golden beam of light came straight and fast, and a figure of a person was wrapped in the golden light.

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