Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 334: Duan Qingtian shot!


Really still!

Everyone present seemed to have seen a god! The golden light that suddenly rushes from afar, like the Sanskrit sound of salvation, is sacred and great.

Of course, everything is for them, and for others, it may not be the case.

Don't talk about the far away, just talk about the nearer, there is such a person-the water Arhat.

At this time, the water Luohan is still flying in the air, and his whole body becomes like ordinary clear water. You can see the scene on the other side through the body, but because the body is water, it refracts the light and finally sees it. It can only be blurred.

However, at this moment, this large ball of water seemed to be boiling, and suddenly the whole body began to boil, and it seemed to be frustrated, as if it would explode at any time!

Water, this substance can be said to be the most common, or that this element is our most common. There are in our bodies, our daily life, needs, and some small molecules floating in the air that are invisible to the naked eye.

Do we like water?

If this question is asked to me, I will never answer it.

It's like asking me if I like breathing. I don't like it that much, but I will die if I don't breathe!

It's like on a cliff, I'm holding a rope and hanging there, and the other end of the rope is in someone else's hand. No matter who this person is, I must get close to him, because he controls my life and death...

It's like the sentence I once heard: "I didn't wipe the gun because of how much I liked it, but because of its rust, which means my death..."

But it is undeniable that there are always some weird people in this world, they are obsessed with some things! Among the practitioners, this kind of people is even more rare! The obsession and yearning generated by this weird habit will become the driving force for their practice!

Today is it! The most infatuated thing about the water Arhat is the power of the water! The huge wave just now was a doomsday scene in the eyes of the people on the boat, but in his eyes, it was a perfect art.

Of course, if someone can photograph or describe this scene, where to hang it in the exhibition, someone will have such an idea.

But these are already something to say. As far as today is concerned, after seeing this scene alone, he is furious!

"Bold! Dare to break my spell, and those who come will report their name!" Shui Luohan was full of anger, his blood was surging, making the water on his head boil the most serious, and he shouted, looking at the golden light.

As soon as the voice fell, it was as if he was responding to his call. From the golden light, an incomparable light of sword shot up into the sky, slashing straight towards the floating water Luohan!

This knife seems to penetrate the world, compared with the power of the huge waves before, it is even worse! The knife light slashed across, like the side of Tianshen station, opening up the territory!

The land marked by the blade is territory!

The water Luohan flew in the air, and saw the light of the sword, he couldn't help being timid, he hurried up, avoided the light of the sword, and took his life back.

The blade light continued to fly, passing through the position where he just stood, without any reduction in speed, passing by the sea, the sea was surging, waves following the direction of the blade light, rushing towards the distance From here, I don't know where to stop.

"..." Shui Luohan looked back at the scene on the sea with a palpitating heart. He can always elementize his body and resist most attacks, but if it is such a strong method, he can't resist it!

Who the **** is it? !

He looked back and saw that the golden light stopped five meters above the overtime, and was no longer in motion. The golden light dissipated, revealing a figure inside.

Flat hair, short beard, neatly trimmed, full of pride! The two-character Hu under his nose added a bit of chivalry and romanticism to him. A pair of good-looking gods are like eagles, and a murderous look like Shura! His complexion is like bronze, his eyebrows are like a scimitar, and his heroic spirit is full! He was wearing a black windbreaker, unbridled and unrestrained as the sea breeze continued to drift!

The leader of the Shadow Army, the **** in the hearts of domestic practitioners, the commander of the Shadow Army, and Lieutenant General Duan Qingtian!

And in his hand, there is still a weapon-a long knife with a sharp blade!

The black handle, bright silver blade, shark-shaped blade tip, and a gold thread on the back of the blade, show the supreme spirit!

The most impressive thing is that the knife body is close to the handle, and the golden meniscus is carved with a sharp meniscus like a sickle. The back is shaped like a dragon scale, like a golden dragon bending body. If the crescent moon.

This knife was handed down to him by his master, and it was also his master’s famous thing back then. The blade passed, everything was destroyed!

But in fact, the sword technique used by his master back then was really both offensive and defensive.

A knife is different from a sword. The knife has an edge on one side, while the other side is non-aggressive.

The blade chopping is overbearing, but who knows that the true meaning of the knife is still a word. Both offensive and defensive is the way his master became famous in those days!

But in his hands, the word "shou" was gone. Duan Qingtian's character determines that he will be good at offensive but awkwardly, fierce attack, the momentum of desperate charge is his best method.

However, because of this, his attack power seems to be even better than his master. Nie Ze once said with a smile that he has all the defensive skill points to attack, but he has obtained the ultimate attack power. .

Duan Qingtian can have a very high deterrent power in the entire practice world, not only at home, but also abroad.

At this time, Duan Qingtian stood with a knife, standing in the air, although his position was lower than that of the water Arhat, but on the contrary, there was a kind of condescending domineering, shocking the audience!

"Commander Duan!"

"It's Sergeant Duan! Great, I'm saved!"

"Huh! Let that weird guy dare to show his might, Commander Duan teaches him how to be a man!"

On the deck, after a short silence of three seconds, everyone suddenly burst into a shout of joy.

"Duan... Commander Duan." The lieutenant colonel who had just been beaten to fly also struggled to get up, looked up to the sky and muttered, his voice was weak and almost inaudible because of his injuries.

However, Duan Qingtian seemed to have heard it. He heard the murmur of mosquitoes and flies in a loud voice, and said in a low voice: "Thanks for your hard work, it's still late..."

In the sky, after seeing Duan Qingtian's appearance, Shui Luohan had a meal at that time. The boiling water mass began to turn off and gradually calmed down.

"Humph!" When someone in the crowd saw this scene, they snorted disdainfully. It's just not alive, now? Isn't it scared? !

Although I was just shocked by his power, even though I almost became a ghost of that guy, at this moment, even if I didn't frighten him, seeing this scene is endless. happy!

Of course, there is pride!

"Duan Qingtian, is it you?!" Shui Luohan looked at Duan Qingtian and cried bitterly.

Although his voice sounds full of breath and not half weird, the cowardice hidden in the dark can't disappear!

Duan Qingtian raised his eyes coldly, looked at the water arhat floating a little higher than himself, and slowly said: "You mad dogs who can bark at anyone, are they looking for us? It seems that you are the truth. The lunatics, even the arrogant guys in the North American Fire Phoenix Shrine do not have the courage to provoke us."

"Duan Qingtian, don't talk about those, I know your name, Gong Mojiao is not as simple as you think, you are not easy to provoke, we may not!" said Shui Luohan.

"Oh? That's okay, it's just an opportunity, let me see how you are not easy to mess with, my name, but I hit it with a knife, a punch, not you, so red White Fang said it."


Shui Luohan just wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Duan Qingtian: "Hey, right, let me tell you one more thing."


"My deterrence lies not only in me, but in the entire country, which means that if you dare to provoke any one of us, then we will definitely devote the power of the whole country to let you in this entire world. An inch of foothold!"


Total fear.

If Shui Luohan was only a little afraid of his name just now, now he is completely afraid of his strength!

The distance between the two of them is so close to this day, and Shui Luohan can clearly feel the aura on him. He has only felt this aura from his own elders. Unexpectedly, he, he...

Water Arhat is scared, it can be said that at this moment, he has already lost.

Duan Qingtian looked at the deck, the bodies of a few Shadow Army soldiers who were killed by the Water Arhat in the first place, his eyes were full of coldness! The bitter cold is like a snow-capped mountain frozen for thousands of years, freezing everything!

Duan Qingtian slowly raised his head and looked at Shui Luohan again, with a murderous look in his beauty!

No, you have to go!

The only thought left in Shui Luohan's mind, he turned around and was about to run away, but how could that period of Qingtian make him do what he wanted?

"Want to go? Humph! I have several members of the Shadow Army waiting for you below! Don't let them wait any longer, I'll give you a ride!"

As soon as the voice fell, Duan Qingtian moved his feet, and his whole person disappeared in an instant. When the golden light flashed, he appeared again, and he was already beside the water Luohan.


Water Arhat only had time to be surprised, unable to react at all, the next moment, he saw a golden fist from small to big, suddenly bombarded!

"Commander Duan..."

The lieutenant colonel on the deck was supported by the crowd into the house and received treatment. The last thing he saw was this scene. Then, his vision was blocked by the ceiling and walls of the house, and he could no longer see things outside, but The majestic breath will not dissipate.

"His fist is a hundred times stronger than mine, huh, you feel better!"

The lieutenant colonel was lying on the bed, receiving treatment obediently, with a sneer on his mouth, muttering to himself.

Duan Qingtian’s punch was in the middle of the water Luohan’s body. Although he had just seen this freak using his elemental body to resist all attacks, he was very confident. Duan Qingtian’s punch, This is the most unpretentious attack, he can't catch it!

This is not a guess, this is a fact!

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