Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 335: Declare war!


Duan Qingtian's fist hit Shui Luohan's body steadily and fiercely. This scene was screened just not long ago. Only that time, it was not Duan Qingtian who punched, but the lieutenant colonel.

At that time, the lieutenant colonel punched it, like a knife and cut off the water. It was useless. Instead, the opponent grabbed his body and suffered a heavy injury!

But this time, the result was different...



All the people present seemed to have hallucinations. In the sky in front of them, the golden light was exploding, and in the golden light that was as dazzling as the sun, there seemed to be images.

It was a dragon with golden scales, red eyes, inexhaustible majesty, and infinite power! And under this divine dragon, there is this treasure elephant, solemn, graceful and luxurious, and it is like everyone!

The two mythical beasts uttered a huge roar at the same time, and everyone present felt a trance, and the surrounding air was shocked, causing a twist!

In the next moment, all of this was like a mirage, and there was no dragon, no treasure, nor the dazzling golden light.

Yes, just stop in the sky, Duan Qingtian still holding the punching posture, and the water Luohan who is full of golden light, flying upside down...


This is the crushing of strength!

This is the power of the commander of the Shadow Army, the man who makes the whole world jealous!

At this time, Shui Luohan's thinking ability is still there, but he can't do anything. He is very clear about the power just now, just as we know the abilities of the leaders of various foreign forces. Duan Qingtian’s name is so loud. How could his information remain unknown?

King Kong Dragon Elephant Kungfu, like the Murong Family, Mu Family and other family mage organizations, evolved from traditional martial arts. It is extremely powerful and has the power of ten dragons and ten elephants! Moreover, there is a strong coercion.

Once you are touched by that golden light, the huge pressure will immediately attack your internal organs, control your whole body veins, and suppress all bones! At that time, the whole person will be as if petrified, the whole body can not move, even a little finger, also can't move!

Just being touched by the golden light would be like this. What if I took a strong punch?

Shui Luohan flew in the air, looking at the higher sky, thinking so, as if he had already seen his future.

With the power of ten dragons and ten elephants, it hits frontally, I am afraid that all the veins and bones in his body are broken at this time, and the internal organs may have become muddy. If it weren't for the peculiar spells he practiced, coupled with the coercion of the golden light that made his senses numb, I'm afraid the pain would strike immediately.

At that time, even if you don't get killed, you will be hurt to death.

There is no need for a second time at all, just let it go, and he has no way to survive.

But who is Duan Qingtian? What kind of character is he? How could he do such a thing? How could he let the enemy go, instead of beheading them to death? !

In the next instant, Duan Qingtian appeared above Shui Luohan's head, blocking his vision, making him invisible to the sky above... No, maybe it was, letting him see the sky above another.

Compared with people, people are like a layer of heaven, and another layer of heaven!

There is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the person. Duan Qingtian is the person outside of his water Arhat, that level of sky!

"Goodbye, borrow a **** from your side called Jibian, when you get down, don't forget to mention my name to the king, and don't forget to talk to those people who were killed by you Say hello, they are all looking forward to your visit!"

Duan Qingtian said, holding the sword high in his hand!

"I'm not familiar with him..." Shui Luohan murmured, this is the truth, he is not very familiar with Ji Ren, but they know each other that there is such a person in the teacher.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, in the end, it's a fate...


Duan Qingtian yelled, and the knife in his hand suddenly slashed. On that blade, there were thousands of rays of sunshine and thousands of Ruicai. Following Duan Qingtian's movements, he cut through the sky and made a low buzzing sound, as if he was bloodthirsty. sound!

Then, in an instant, it penetrated the body of Shui Luohan!


Duan Qingtian's knife cut off Shui Luohan's body, and it seemed to have broken off all the sun, moon and stars, making the heavens and the earth dim. In the vast ocean, the waves raged, responding to the call of the killing god.

And the next moment, the body of the water Luohan was divided into two, and it was shattered by an invisible force under the eyes of everyone, and the water droplets wrapped in golden light scattered like stars falling.

Duan Qingtian stood in the courtyard, black windbreaker moving in the wind, Junyi's face was cold, and the sharp blade in his hand, the golden thread on the back of the blade had faded, and the bright silver blade was like snow, as if it had frozen everything around him.

The sea is still surging crazily, but in the sky, there is only one person left. The invincible Water Arhat has fallen by this time, and everyone has seen this exciting scene. The Shadow Army commander Duan Qingtian, one With a punch, kill Captain Gong Demon Cult!

The soldiers on the deck reacted after a daze for a while, and there was endless blood boiling in their bodies!

"The commander is invincible!"

"The Shadow Army is invincible!"

"Chinese practitioners, invincible!"


Duan Qingtian did not ask for confidentiality of this matter, and everyone was excited and did not forget to report this important event to the people on the shore. Naturally, Xue Biao and I learned of the situation for the first time, and we were all excited about it. .

Not only us, but all the soldiers stationed on the east coastline are like this. Everyone’s energy is coming up. People who were worried before have straightened their backs. Duan Qingtian told them with strength and facts. The Demons of Christ are not so terrible, they are not invincible!

Before Gongmojiao made several shots, the information sent back from the Battle of East Island, and the fishing boat incident in Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, created a illusion that Gongmojiao was invincible, and today, this illusion has been completely broken!

One punch and one knife, two strokes to defeat the enemy, Gongma teaches the crowd, but so!

This is a new slogan that appeared on the east coastline. I don't know who started it first, and then they all started. Among them, the soldiers who were in charge of patrolling and supervising the path played a very important role in the various camps. These slogans were passed from one camp to another.

And these guys were all very excited. They started to make noise while patrolling. We were in the barracks and could hear their voices from a distance.

When I watched this scene, I felt that Duan Qingtian's move was truly amazing!

In ancient times, fighting was always striving for the first big victory, in order to boost morale, but also to frustrate the other party's spirit. He did this in accordance with the ancient law, he shot himself in the first battle, and returned with a big victory!

And the effect is self-evident by looking at everything that happened in front of you.

The morale of the east coastline is unprecedentedly high! Everyone is talking about this, which is beyond the reach of any hot news.

In short, when the investigative ship returned, all these had been spread on the shore, and many people began to embrace and high-five.

Among them, there are good relations, or brothers who joined the army. When they meet, see if they are injured and say something like "I was scared to death. Fortunately, you are fine."

Of course there is also a bad friend. The first sentence when we meet: "Oh, are you back alive? What a pity."

Then, the two started to fight, laughing while screaming.

I stood at the door of the tent, watching this scene, feeling a little in my heart.

Once upon a time, where did so many people come from around me? Whether it’s a friend, a classmate, or anything else, I’m not a member of those big groups. Our family’s personality is like this. So do I, my dad, and maybe my grandfather, but he remembers him. I've been at home all the time, and I can't see it.

Just like when Qin Nan and the others came to find me, I was a little reluctant. In order not to bear so many responsibilities, we deliberately became a little independent and didn't associate with anyone, because this way we didn't have much position, but sometimes we felt a little lonely.

And now, when I stand here, all my comrades-in-arms are in my sight. Behind, there is the Tongzhou Club I created by myself. There are my good friends, my good brothers, and the one I found. Large groups of like-minded people and ghosts.

And... Hu Jie.

I thought, if it wasn't for my identity, if it wasn't for me to become a mage and possess this ability, the two of us might not be what it is now.

The idea of ​​not wanting to take responsibility comes from the fact that we don't have that great ability, as I was before. But now, I am different, I am capable, I can take responsibility, and...

I glanced around, wherever I could see, there were soldiers!

And... it's such a big responsibility.

I looked at it, and I couldn't help feeling a little bit. Xue Biao saw that something was wrong with me, patted my shoulder, and cared: "What's the matter, brother?"

"Huh? It's okay, just lost attention." I said.

"Oh-that's good, I didn't expect Commander Duan to come here, but I think about it, there is no such master as him, it seems that it is not good, and it is not too far from Kyoto, with his ability, I want to go back soon," Xue Biao said.

It may be that there is no father and son in the army, and no master or apprentice, so when Xue Biao called Duan Qingtian, he seldom said "master" or "teacher", but just like us, he used "duan commander" or "senior officer". Called it.

"With the mobility of Commander Duan, it is really not difficult to travel between the two places. It seems that Kyoto and the east coastline can be worry-free." I said.

"Yes, but I am not concerned about this, but another thing."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"How will practitioners in other countries react after hearing this news?"

"Huh?" I was taken aback, but immediately changed my reaction. The two of them looked at each other, and then laughed...

He was right. Duan Qingtian didn’t cover up this incident. Maybe he even spread it out deliberately. The purpose is to let practitioners from all countries know about this incident and know that he killed it with a single blow. The captain of the demon sect.

Of course, the purpose of doing this, I don't think it is to show off his ability, if Duan Qingtian is such a show-off person, this Shadow Army will be over. But to say that he is not showing off his abilities, is not to say that his purpose is not showing off at all.

Yes, that is still there, but it is not his Duan Qingtian's ability that shows off, but the ability of our domestic practitioners!

The battle to fame of Gongmajiao was fought against the East Island, and they didn’t seem to have blocked news at the time. The situation at the time was obvious to all. This time, Duan Qingtian's two moves to defeat the enemy not only frustrated Gongmajiao’s Resolute, enhanced their prestige here, and even slapped them in the face!

Moreover, I think there must be a meaning in it, which is aimed at the Demons of Christ.

Didn’t Christine Demon declare war like us last time? Well, come and go without being indecent! We declare back today!

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