Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 336: sensation

What happened today is like a hurricane that swept all the places that can be found on the map of the world. At night, the whole world knew about it.

When the other countries got the news, they didn't have much feelings other than shock. They had nothing to do with this incident. They just sat on the mountain and watched the tiger fight.

Especially the Fire Phoenix Shrine, because of the geographical environment, it was destined to be unable to mix with the East China Sea issue. I was still worried about it, but now I look at it and I am happy. Hot potato loves whoever takes it!

These guys in North America are arrogant and arrogant, but I think they should have a little ac number in their hearts. I won't talk about other aspects, but among the mage practitioners, the strongest has always been us!

Although Master Ruyan has always been very low-key and has no deterrent effect, I have heard that many years ago, a master from Xiangguo said that he must compete with Master Ruyan. Master Ruyan repeatedly pushed back, the one pressing hard, and finally Master Ruyan pushed him directly with a palm, causing him to fall to the ground and he did not get up for a long time.

It's really not his food. It is said that the one is also number one. After this incident, everyone knew that there was such a master beside Duan Qingtian out of Kyoto.

However, afterwards, Master Ruyan was silent for a while, as if he had gone sincerely repenting. According to his own statement, it was because monks should not have the desire to compare, let alone be competitive. Although he had no choice but to act, the result was The same, so you need to confess in front of the Buddha.

This incident was spread by some people again. The master was so ashamed to hear about it, and vowed not to step into the land of China again, and there are many people in the world who praised Master Ruyan as the real master, saying It is the "living Buddha".

However, in the spiritual world where the weak and the strong eat, such a reputation and such a humble attitude are difficult to truly be valued. So now, many people have played down the matter of Master Ruyan.

But he is there!

The opposite of Master Ruyan is Duan Qingtian. He has always done things fiercely. No matter what is blocking him in front of him, he will kill him in one fell swoop! This kind of personality made him and the Shadow Army he led quickly became famous overseas, and he himself, surpassed Master Ruyan, and became the most dangerous man in the East in the hearts of many overseas practitioners!

In the face of this kind of strength, even if they are arrogant, they are still a little jealous, and the scene that appears today is exactly what they want to see most!

The Shadow Army and the Demon Cult clashed head-on, this is the two most powerful organizations in the world fighting! Regardless of the result, it is very beneficial to them.

Especially now, the demons of Christ, who was about to become a myth, lost in the first battle, which made him firmly believe that the Shadow Army, or the Eastern Cultivator, absolutely had power that did not belong to them.

In that case, after this game is completely finished...

The casualties on both sides will be huge! At that time, the Shadow Army absolutely didn't have the time to control them, and then it was time for them to take action.

On the other side, the news reached the East Island, and the faces of all the people on the East Island were black!

Although the previous battle was too large to cover up, there were indeed some elements that Aoki deliberately did. He wanted to do it very simply, that is, to put pressure on the practitioners of the entire world to let them know that there is still such a force in this world, and he is the biggest enemy!

Facts have proved that his method is very effective. The Demon Sect of Christ is evil cultivation, which can be said to be anti-human and anti-world. The practitioners of each country have their own positions, either for themselves or for the country, but when they are in front of them When such an enemy appears, I am afraid it will still unite.

Once you are united, you can get some benefits from it.

As a result, I didn't expect that much time had passed before the Demons of Christ found the Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion and attracted the Shadow Army. What he didn't expect was that a leader of the Demon Cult would simply die in Duan Qingtian's hands!

Fight the enemy with one punch and one knife!

After hearing the news, Aoki was so angry that the table was shattered with a punch!

What a shame!

Previously, the news from them was that the two elders of Aoki and Christopher Cult had played against each other for dozens of rounds without a victory or defeat, and countless samurai and ninjas were killed and wounded under their command. Eventually they were successfully evacuated by Christopher Cult and all retreated.

Today, Duan Qingtian killed one with two moves.

Who is strong and who is weak, and what the gap is, is clear at a glance!

The entire martial arts alliance was silent, and the entire Sun Sect was also silent.

The Sun Sect has retired since being severely injured by Murong Ke, but it doesn't mean that they disintegrated. It just doesn't appear on the bright side, and the tortoise huddles in its own den, waiting for an opportunity.

Today's incident also reached their ears. Although they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, everyone could imagine the figure of Duan Qingtian above the East China Sea and the supernatural power when beheading the enemy.

Although from their standpoint, this is a bit wrong, but it really is.

At the same time, they also remembered another story. The Murongke, who had severely damaged their roots, was only one of the top ten masters in the entire Eastern Continent. Compared with Duan Qingtian, it was not enough to read.

In the Kyoto competition, Duan Qingtian defeated Murong in the palm of his hand. It was a good story!

If it compares like this...

Several senior-level figures in the teaching shudder unconsciously when they think of this. A Murong guest forced them to retreat back then. If they meet this Duan Qingtian...

It is estimated that they don't even have a chance to retire, and they may be directly destroyed.

But of course these words can only be thought of in my heart, if you really say it, I am afraid that it will not be executed by the leader.

Of course, it's unclear whether the leader thinks so too...

"Father, we..."

At the foot of a mountain on the East Island, in a small village, the Sun Sect lives in seclusion here, backed by the big mountain, lurking in the forest for many years.

In the hut, the old leader of the Sun Sect was sitting on a chair, leaning his body, propping up the arm of the chair with his right elbow, clenching his right hand against his face, closing his eyes and looking sad.

In front of him, there is a table that has been smashed. Sawdust is scattered all over the place. The data and information originally placed on it are scattered all over the place. The records written on it are nothing more than the battle between Qingtian and Shui Luohan in the East China Sea. , And the reaction of the Shadow Army on the east coast.

Of course, these are somewhat different from the truth, but the difference is not bad, at least the two moves to control the enemy will definitely not be fake.

And not far away, there was a person standing, who seemed to be in his twenties. He was a young boy with high spirits. He looked at the old leader in front of him, who was also his old father, with a tangled expression.

"Their background is not something we can win. After this battle, I don't know what the world will become." The old leader said with a sigh without lifting his head.

"Are we really... no chance at all?" the boy asked unwillingly.

As a child, as the son of the leader, he was naturally shining and admired by thousands of people. What's more, the Sun Sect at that time was the only mage organization in the East Island country, and it was naturally even more extraordinary.

In this growing environment, his character naturally does not need to be said.

But I didn't expect that before he could grow up, before he could show off his skills and ambitions, the Taiyang Sect would encounter a big obstacle, and the heavy blow would come early!

In the East China Sea battle, Murongke wore a white robe dyed into blood, and a long sword was like a call to death, giving the Sun Sect a desperate blow!

Since then, the Sun Sect has disappeared, and his so-called "next leader" identity has survived in name only. Later, because of the emergence of the Martial Arts Alliance, their status plummeted. In the end, it became a joke, just people talking before dinner and after dinner. .

Falling from heaven to hell, how can a teenager who is only in his twenties bear it?

Compared to the old leader who has been old and began to understand tolerance and some fate, I am afraid that he is the person who most wants to restore the original religion in the entire Sun Sect.

"Chance? Do we still have a chance? We can't deal with a Murong guest. Why should we deal with the Shadow Army led by Duan Qingtian?! Go ask Aoki, is he confident? Is he sure?! Which one does he have? Is the capital of victory?! If he doesn’t, where can we get the capital?!"

The old leader finally raised his head and yelled at his son in front of him, as if to shout out all the anger in his heart. Everyone outside the house was frightened by the roar and trembled, and then he hurriedly left, pretending not to Hear.

And the boy was even more dazed in place, at a loss.

"No chance, the Sun Sect, it is estimated that it will become a small non-governmental organization. There are not a few people who have divorced these years. I am too lazy to take care of it." After the old master yelled, his voice became weak again. , Stood up, shook his head and walked towards the back room, full of the desolation of the sunset of the West Mountain.

Indeed, the number of Sun Cult is less than a quarter of what they were back then. No one joins. The original people are still leaving. At first, he would manage and severely punish those who left the church. But later, even He didn't bother to manage it himself.

Anyway, it is a hopeless organization. What if there are more people and fewer people? That's it...

The young man looked at his father's back and saw an oil lamp that was about to go out in the wind.

He is old, he doesn't have that time. He used to be brilliant, although he is now down, but it can be said that his life is worth it, so he doesn't want to work hard or fight anymore, but...what about me?

That boy thought so.

I'm less than 30 years old, I haven't been brilliant yet, but I suddenly told myself that I can only choose to retreat in this life. How can people bear this? !

What he said just now can be heard by anyone, not to mention the Shadow Army and Murongke, the current Sun Sect, even the martial arts alliance can't beat it!

Sun Sect, it's over? !

The boy stood in place, his father had entered the back room and closed the door. In the small and dark room, he was the only one.

"Could it be that this is really the only way to do that?" The boy lowered his head and murmured while looking at the wooden floor under his feet.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded outside the door, followed by a gentle knock on the door.


"Is it, Young Master, is the Hierarch here?"

"...My father is asleep, what's the matter? Don't disturb him if there is no important thing." The young man said in a flat tone without emotion.

"Uh... Young Master, there are distinguished guests here, and I want to see the Lord Master."

"Guests? Can we still have distinguished guests here? Who?"

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the room behind him suddenly opened with a "bang", a gust of wind swept in, and there was a person at the door.


"Budo League, Aoki!"

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