Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 337: War books!

Commander Duan’s record amazed the world, and we were naturally very excited. On the east coastline, there was unprecedented excitement.

However, under this joy, we still can not forget another thing, a worrying thing...

The boat made by Old Monster Du, carrying two masters in the Shadow Army, lost contact in the East China Sea. It disappeared at a depth of 200 meters under the East China Sea. It has been missing for five hours. It was the last one before the disappearance. "Help, we are sucked..."

There is so much information currently known.

In the port barracks, the liaison staff and the transcript staff who were in charge at the time were still here, and cooperated with the investigators here in order to obtain accurate results.

On a long table, a map is placed there, and one of them is specially circled. There is the submarine's dive position, which is two hundred meters away from the position where the submarine force was detected before. .

This was done specially when entering the water, because I was afraid that it would be dangerous to go directly on the head of the thing, so it was two hundred meters away. And the main purpose of this dive is to further explore, rather than directly break in, they are not a death squad.

Unexpectedly, the danger still appeared, and it was so caught off guard!

"The attack was in an instant, and they said'suck'. If I didn't understand it wrong, that should be what it meant."

A large group of people gathered around the table. For convenience, these people were standing there so that they could visually see the things drawn on the map on the table, the notes in the notebook, and when there was something to write, they would go to the table. Just go on a party.

While talking, the officer in charge of the investigation lay down and wrote the word "suck" on the paper. He looked up at the crowd: "This is what the person said. The meaning of inhalation. There are other possibilities in the homophones. ?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

Chinese has such a difficulty. There are too many homophonic characters. If you just rely on speaking instead of writing with pen, misunderstandings may occur. This is why we can produce so many empty-ear songs.

But today, in this sound, apart from this word, there is really no good explanation.

"Then they should have been sucked into something. It is most likely that the mysterious power. If not, it will be even worse. This shows that there is still a threat in the sea. So now, the suction comes from that guy. Is the best result."

The officer said, suddenly the door opened, and two people walked in, it was me and Xue Biao.

As the agent of the Eastern Division, we have to come if something goes wrong, so when the investigation ship came back, we received the news that we rushed to this port, which is just now.

As soon as I walked in, I didn't know any of these people in the house, but I knew one, sitting outside the crowd, a little away from the long table, looking like a big man, listening to their report.

I saw this guy at the Shadow Army party. He is one of my bosses. He is one of the three chiefs who manage the two divisions of China and the East. He has no official positions and no real power, but he can manage us, and the soldiers underneath are right. He is also very respectful.

This time in the East China Sea, one of the three people came, and the other two had to be responsible for the division of China. This was impossible. At that time, three people were arranged to prevent one party from being dominant. So Keep two over there.

As for this, hehe, Commander Duan has come in person, a big ass!

"The two chiefs came just right. We just said the most important point. Please sit down, please."

With that said, someone on the side brought two chairs.

Xue Biao glanced at me and gave me an inquiring wink. I answered with a wink and shook my head slightly. Xue Biao turned his head and waved his hand with a smile: "Hey, we don't need it. After a long time, I won’t feel tired. How can I investigate if I’m sitting so far away? We are just like you."

I also hurriedly agreed: "Yes, yeah, just stand together and say it."

Having said that, the two of us leaned over together, listening to them, while looking down at the few notes placed together on the table.

The officer sitting in the chair on the other side rolled his eyes secretly. Who are you to take? !

However, he is self-aware, knowing that his ability does not catch us, but can manage us, so there is not much reaction, so he just continued to listen.

"The horizontal line of the submarine was 200 meters away from the thing, but it was sucked over, indicating that the thing can be sucked at least 200 meters away, and according to their reports and your records, it is about 200 meters below the sea. The rice area means that if this thing starts to **** in with all its strength, it is something on the sea, it can also **** in!"

The man said while writing in his notebook, frowning: "So it seems that the sea is not safe anymore, two sirs, please report to the sergeant Duan, the sea is also the attack range of that thing, we The boat can't go there anymore!"

"Well, we will." Xue Biao nodded and agreed.

"Then if this is the case, how do we investigate it? Can we just sit back and wait?" I asked.

"Uh... At present, as long as it enters the range, it will be sucked in, or caught somewhere, but there is no obvious response at sea this time, indicating that its suction can be controlled freely, and it is likely that there is Life, and IQ is not low, if you rush forward..."

"If there is a life in control, do you just have to kill that life... er, or let him leave, at least it can no longer be controlled, this thing is not threatening?" I asked.

" theory it should be true."

"Then we can think about this! If someone can enter there, or kill, or catch, or whatever, as long as the life there is not allowed to continue to control the power, it will be fine! Or we can also Negotiate and reach an agreement for peaceful coexistence."

"Ah?! This, this is a bit risky, if something, sir, this won't work!"

His words were supported by the people present. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, they all showed embarrassment and shook their heads, even Xue Biao hesitated.

"Sir, apart from other difficulties, I don’t know if the suction force **** people into that place. What if it is dumped elsewhere? Take a step back, even if it’s really sucked, who should we let go? What? If it's us people, it's not we who destroy our own prestige, we really don't dare to boast that we can accomplish this thing, if it's a strong man like you and Major Xue, if something goes wrong..."

To be honest, his worry is right.

Sending the weak to do this can't be done; sending the strong to, if something goes wrong, isn't it a big loss? !

We must know that practitioners from all over the world are looking forward to it. Now they sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. Once there is a huge vacancy for the strong here, wouldn't it be given them a chance?

The sea is no better than the land. In the world under the sea, human beings cannot move as freely as on land. Our mage might use a water avoidance trick or something, but at the same time, after using the water avoidance trick, the strength will be better. Discounts.

So no matter how you think about it, this method will not work. There are too many uncertain factors and it is too bold.

Of course, that's for them, and for me, that's not the case.

I was with the amulet at this time. Once I encountered any danger, turning on the amulet would be enough to turn the amulet on. I expected that even if I was in danger, it should be no problem under the sea.

But there is one thing, that is, the person traveling with you must not be one of the people present, or even one of the entire east coastline!

I have amulets, but they don't. No matter how confident I am, I can't use their lives to make jokes. If something goes wrong, I can at least retreat all over. How about them?

So the best way is for me to act alone. If I have to take someone, the only candidate is the fat monk...

It is estimated that his Buddha's light body can not be killed, and there may not be any treasures on his body. It is probably the same as me, self-protection is no problem.

If you want to accomplish this, it must be the two of us!

"Well...then let's discuss it, think about other ways first." I hesitated for a moment, and finally said so.

"Well, sir, let's continue." The man nodded, then went down and began to study, writing on the notebook constantly, and then deleted some more, and the people around were chattering about their thoughts.

I looked for a while and sighed.

Can't study anything!

Knowing that there are so few conditions, the only thing that can be done is not to let yourself go detours, but if you want to go the right way, you can't do it! The meaning is that it can only maintain the status quo, create a situation where no one can take advantage, and wait for the other party to start first.

But once let him start, what will the situation be like?

"In short, I think we should not act rashly at the moment. It is the best choice to defend the coastline. If we go to sea rashly, our strength will become weaker if there is a loss."

"Well, I agree." Xue Biao said.

"Brother," Xue Biao turned his head to look at me, with some comforting tone: "I know your worries, but there is really no way now. The method you mentioned is too risky. We haven't reached that point yet. Seeking stability is the best. We must preserve our strength to resist the power of the East China Sea and also to resist various overseas organizations."

"Brother Xue, I know, I just made a suggestion, it's okay." I said quickly.

"Okay, that's fine." Xue Biao smiled and patted me on the shoulder, still seeming to be comforting.

But at this moment, the door of the house was suddenly opened, a figure floated in instantly, and the black windbreaker was hunting.

"There is no way to save strength!" the incoming person shouted as he entered the door.


We were all shocked, and quickly looked back, only to see Commander Duan standing in front of us!

"Commander Duan!"

We hurriedly saluted, the guy who had been sitting on the other side was startled with the cat, and one of them jumped up, tidying up his clothes in a hurry, and then saluting with us.

"No." Commander Duan waved his hand, indicating that we don't need to be so formal.

"Army, army commander, you just said that there is no way to preserve your strength, referring to..."

"Let's take a look." Duan Qingtian shook it casually, and a copper piece was thrown over and fell on the table with a crisp sound.

Xue Biao picked up the copper sheet and looked at it. There were rows of red words written on it that I didn't know what to use.

"This..." Xue Biao glanced at him and was shocked.

"Yes, you're right, Gong Mo taught us an official release!" Duan Qingtian said coldly. "Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, it will be on the east coastline. We will attack us!"

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