Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 338: Cooperation!

East Island, a small village in the deep mountains, in a small house, two people wearing Japanese clothes, kneeling on tatami mats, with a small table in the middle, on top of two cups of fragrant tea, wafting warm, but not at all Affect the sight of both.

These two are not others, they are naturally the old leader of the Sun Sect, and the leader of the Martial Arts Alliance-Aoki.

Two people are like two eras, one new, one old, and two organizations representing the entire East Island country. But now, they are bothered by one incident at the same time.

"Two battles, two completely different results, presumably you also got the answer yourself, do you still have any illusions?" The old leader reached out and took the teacup, took a sip, and said flatly, his tone was flat, no Half a sense of color.

Years of living in seclusion seemed to have smoothed out the edges and corners of this great figure who was so powerful at the time. Few things can make him emotionally change. Especially just now, Duan Qingtian's battle completely broke the little confidence in his heart and made him give up completely.

He can almost describe it as "no desire, no desire", he just wants to stay here and watch the changes in the world with a smile.

"Don't talk cold words, I didn't come here to listen to you taunting me." Qingmu's face was pale, staring at the person in front of him, and said in a bad tone.

"Oh? That's weird. I came to see me who had retired into the mountains from a long distance. Didn't you come to chat with me?" The old leader said, with a hint of teasing in his words.

"Don't pretend to be a fool! I don't believe you can be idle for so many years."

"I don't know what you said."


Aoki seemed impatient, and the guy in front of him looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water. He just didn't speak first and wanted to hear what you said.

And the factual position is true. As the current leader of the East Island Country Mage Organization, Aoki’s interests are directly threatened, and the person in front of... is at most being laughed at by some people. Still can't hear...

It’s impossible to go on like this, it’s time-consuming.

Aoki was silent for a while, and finally spoke first: "I am here this time to talk to you about the cooperation between our two sides."


It's done!

After Aoki had just said this, he had an answer.

Because he clearly saw it, but after he said this sentence, the body of the person in front of him trembled, and even the tea cup in his hand paused in the air. The tea in the cup was rippling back and forth, creating a layer of water. .

God is attached to form, and he can see such a big reaction in his actions, there must be a bigger wave in his heart!

What do you say about having no desires, having no desires, and watching the world with a smile? That was just a helpless decision he made. If there is a little hope, who would give up willingly?

The old leader was silent, holding a teacup in his hand. The tea in the cup was slightly rippling, and the wafting heat covered his face, hiding his entire expression.

Aoki was not in a hurry, just staring at the table blankly, waiting for his answer, not as impatient as before.

He knew that his turn had arrived.

"……go on."

After a long time, the old leader said, his voice trembling slightly.

"Say what?" Aoki asked back. "I said, I'm here today to talk about cooperation. If you agree or not, let me know. Although the Sun Sect has been silent for so many years, the foundation is still there. If it can come out again, it must be a big deal. power!"

"... But even so, we are ultimately no match for Duan Qingtian and his Shadow Army."

He let go!

Aoki thought of this, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, with a smile.

If he can say that, it means that he has some consent in his heart! It's just that he is a little worried about certain aspects, as if the buyer will ask questions about what he wants to buy. With such a response, then it will be easier to handle...

"There are not only us in this world, there are other organizations. The officials and people in the East are big. Duan Qingtian leads the Shadow Army. Various families and organizations have joined together. There are also some Buddhist children who support that Ruyan... Hey, the tree attracts the wind, can you? Think other people don’t want to kill them?"


The old leader hesitated. He must admit that Aoki is right! There are so many organizations in a country, both official and private. It can be said that a hundred schools of thought are contending and a hundred flowers blooming. For many years, it has always been in the limelight!

However, this situation will naturally arouse dissatisfaction with various overseas forces, but their strength is far from it. Several previous confrontations have ended in failure, and in the end they all died down and did not dare to come out again.

But if we can cooperate...

"Do you have a reliable candidate?" the old leader asked.

"There are so few, I don't know what you have to say?"

"Who do you want to work with?"

"Hs... the North American Fire Phoenix Shrine is arrogant and arrogant. I definitely can't accept that I am not the number one in the world. They are the most hostile to Duan Qingtian and they can unite!"

"... The Fire Phoenix Palace has always been unprofitable, and it is mostly done in a form of sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fighting. After it is done, it will use its own heritage and fight less consumption and use more. His energy is aimed at allies and grabs the fruits of victory. Cooperating with them will undoubtedly be for the tiger's skin!" said the old leader.

"Huh?" Aoki frowned.

indeed! There is some truth to what he said!

The Fire Phoenix Shrine is not profitable. Although they have reached a preliminary cooperative relationship with the Fire Phoenix Shrine after the last time the Gongmajia attacked the East Island, it is estimated that it will not take long for this situation. The relationship will be broken and replaced by a relentless attack.

"Then... what do you think of the Northern European Shineisha?" Aoki asked tentatively.

Prior to this, the Budo League had never had any intersection with Shineisha, but this time considering the interests of the East Island country and the unreliability of known allies, they had to find more people.

"Shineisha is mysterious and abnormal. We don't know the details. Even if we cooperate, we must not regard them as the main object. He can be selected, but we can't completely hope this group of guys." The old leader said.

"Then... the North Country Ice Demon Cult? They are the closest to those people. If they are willing to attack, the north will be restless, and they will definitely drag Duan Qingtian's footsteps. We can attack from the southeast, maybe..."

"The leader of the Ice Demon Sect is a martial idiot, and he has never involved these things. Fame and fortune are all things outside of his body. It is not easy to let him come forward? Can you convince him?"

"This..." Aoki hesitated.

It is true that everyone knows the temper of the Ice Demon Cult. For this kind of oily and salty guy, the general method will not work, but Aoki really can't think of a good method for a while.

"Moreover," the old leader said again. "You all know that the Ice Demon Sect is in their north, can you not know that Qingtian? As a leader with a brain, he will inevitably reach a stable and united relationship with this close person, otherwise, Needless to say, you, Shenyingsha and Huofeng Shrine, can't they cooperate with him? These guys are always a hidden danger for Duan Qingtian, but they are difficult to remove. How do you think he will deal with it? "


Aoki was silent.

Yes, although there are many archmage organizations in the world, none of them can truly cooperate.

It would be okay if it was before, but since the defeat in the battle with Christopher Cult, everyone in the world has vaguely looked down on this martial arts alliance by a notch. Now they can no longer be on the same level as those organizations. What about real cooperation?

Named cooperation, in fact, it's just a one-way hug.

"You didn't even think about the next step, so come and talk to me about cooperation?" The old leader looked at Aoki, knowing that he should be speechless, and he couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

Just now he even felt that there was a little hope that he might be able to resurrect the Sun Sect, but now, where is there any hope? But it's just a spiritual sustenance, it's just a relief...

"Then, Nanyang Association..." Aoki was still unwilling, and said tentatively, but his tone was already much weaker than before, and it seemed that he had lost his mind.

"They? Do they have any advantages?"

"They have mysterious spells, they can lower their heads and raise little ghosts, and I heard that in some cities in the east, they have already voted. It is a blow to Duan Qingtian's group. I think... "

"Really?" The old leader raised his eyebrows. "I also heard that they received a huge blow near their own turf. Several priests died. There were dozens of people captured by the Shadow Army. They lost two strongholds. Now they can only run away."


"Also, although we have always had a bad relationship with Duan Qingtian and the others, at least it is not completely hostile now. Now the Nanyang Association has officially become an enemy with them. We are going to alliance with them at this time. Isn't this setting fire?!"


"Okay, let's discuss this matter later. Maybe, things will turn around. At that time, it will not be too late for us to talk about cooperation." The old master drank the cup of tea, put it on the table, and got up. Thinking of making a "please" gesture at the door, it meant to see off the guests completely.

"Are you going to reject me?" Aoki also stood up and looked at the person in front of him with a bad look.

"No, I don't know how to do such a mindless thing. You are right. I don't have to hide it. If there is hope, who wants to be silent for a lifetime? It's just that I haven't made too many illusions in this regard. No matter, I don’t refuse you, but I can’t agree to it now. Let’s take a look at the situation first. You can understand that...


With the last note of the old leader, the scene fell into silence.

The two stood opposite each other, staring at each other, as if they wanted to see something from each other’s face, but they didn’t get anything...

"...Okay." After a while, Aoki spoke, turned and walked outside, stretched out his hand to open the door, and walked out.

"Don't let me wait too long, think about it." Aoki stood at the door and turned around and said.

The old leader stood there, looking at his back: "I will."


The door was closed tightly, and he was the only one left in the room again, and not far from the door, the boy was sitting on a stone, looking at the leaving Aoki thoughtfully.

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