Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 339: Infernal Affairs!

The alliance between Aoki and the old leader is over. The two did not break up unhappily, but they couldn't say that it was a hit. It can only be said that because the actual conditions cannot be met, the two can only choose to suspend the plan.

But at this time, they may not have thought that in the near future, the pattern of the world will turn around, and a light of hope will reappear, allowing them to seize the life-saving straw and move forward.

But they also would not have thought that this light would die out so quickly...

On the other side, the east coastline, in the barracks...

"You will also participate in this operation? Are you not a newcomer?"

"Oh-that's the case. You also had you in the East Island country last time. I have always wondered how the newcomers will be allowed to fight. Also, they won't worry about anyone's life. It's just an excuse for them to start the war. ."

In the military tent, I was lying on the bed, using my arm as a pillow, and looking at the tent cloth above my head, as if I was distracted, but in fact, I did communicate with people.

And the contact was not someone else, it was Zhang Zheng, the undercover agent I sent to the Demons of Christ!

Today’s Zhang Zheng is a man in the sect of Christ. He is a super newcomer. Although he has just joined the teaching, his previous experience is basically blank, but he is strong and has a cold-blooded character who doesn’t speak much. He needs what he needs, so he has become one of the newcomers to be favored by Christine Demon Cult.

Of course, all of this is an illusion, and the so-called character of being ruthless is naturally just a human design.

As newcomers who are highly praised, they obviously know some things that ordinary members don't know. He told me that the people of Christopher Sect are almost distributed in the whole world, and they are almost everywhere in all continents, countries, and regions!

At that time, I was shocked when I heard it. With such a scale, it is no exaggeration to say that they are the world's largest organization! With such a great strength and so many powerful people, it is not impossible to occupy this world!

You know, from the beginning to the end, some captains appeared in Christine Demon Cult, but none of the so-called elders appeared. Judging from the captains who can control that kind of strength, their combat effectiveness can definitely Surpass most of the strong in the world!

I'm afraid... even strong men like Commander Duan and Master Ruyan can't beat them.

Although I don't know why they didn't do this, it is not the time to consider these. Zhang Zheng and the others are assigned to the East China Sea. He is usually selected to participate in any activities in the East China Sea, Bang Country, and East Island Country.

This time, the Demons of Christ are preparing to launch a large-scale attack on us. How could he be absent?

"Boss, what's the defensive arrangement in your place? We have been instructed today. Tomorrow, we will dispatch a large number of people to carry out an all-round attack, with team members, ordinary newcomers, and ghosts as the vanguard, monsters and me. The super newcomers inside are the middle force, and the strong are behind."

In the communication function of the system, Zhang Zheng’s voice came and he reported to me the news of tomorrow’s action so that we could be prepared in advance. This is why I contacted him tonight.

I was thinking of trying my luck. After all, he is a newcomer, and I didn't expect him to come for such an important thing, but it seems to be really lucky!

"Well, it seems that they are planning to use cannon fodder warfare. What I said just now is that this is correct. They don't care about your lives, let alone those little ghosts and ordinary newcomers, cruel!" I said.

"Yes, I think so too. Use them to first consume your strength, and then send the strong, just like Tian Ji's horse racing."

"Tian Ji horse racing...huh! That's okay, let's do the opposite for him! How did your all-out attack proceed? Who is the leader? How many captains are there?" I thought for a while, Leng Asked with a snort.

"Ah, that's it. We are led by eleven captains. The leader is the captain of the second elder-Black Flame Death. It is said that he is the most powerful captain under the second elder. The weapon seems to be a sword. , The rest... I don't know."

"It's okay. It's amazing if you can know these. Their identities are only normal if they are mysterious. If everything is known, I think there is a problem. Where will he attack tomorrow?"

The most powerful captain under the second elder! Although there are strengths and weaknesses between team leaders, and the distribution and belonging are not completely regular, in general, the smaller the number of elders, the stronger the team leader!

The second elder is second only to the big elder. This Black Flame Reaper is the strongest one under him. I am afraid that on our side, no one except Commander Duan can beat him. You must figure out where he will attack tomorrow and prescribe the right medicine!

"This...I don't know the specifics, but according to their plan, it should be the middle of the east coastline. They said that the remaining ten captains will be separated by five to five, each at his side and heading southeast. , Attack in the northeast."

"Okay! Then I understand, who of the ten elders is the weakest?"

"Uh...I don't know about this, because I haven't figured out who these ten people are, but at least there are those who have appeared before, including the two who led us in East Island, and this The instigator of the incident-Jibian. But one thing is clear is that Jibian should go to the northeast."


"Well, because Kyoto is in the north, they should focus their attacks on a little bit northerly."

"Hi... makes sense!"

It seems their ambition is really big! Fully attacked the east coastline, and did not forget to take the attack on Kyoto? ! It seems that this plan is to attack the capital directly if it can tear through the defenses of the east coastline!

So it seems that large cities along the eastern coastline need to be guarded, especially the southern capital, which may also be subject to strong attacks.

Fortunately, this time it’s not our Shadow Army family. There are also Murong’s family and Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion. At that time, let Murong’s family patron and Qiankun Hanhai pavilion’s master two be southeast and the other northeast. Commander Duan sits on the center line. It's okay!

"Your information is very important. Tomorrow we can win, we rely on your information!" I laughed, and did not hesitate to praise him. "When you come back, there will be a great reward!"

"Thank you boss!"

The opposite Zhang Zheng was also very happy. In addition to his excitement, he did not forget to slap me a few flatteries, nothing more than "boss and leadership", "have the foresight, put the eyeliner in advance", "God of Destiny" Favor" or something.

When the filming was over, he seemed to remember something again, and suddenly said: "Hey, by the way, boss, we don’t know your deployment yet, I think they will definitely send over tonight to listen to information. You have to be careful."


I sat up from the bed all at once.

Why did I forget this? !

Damn! Almost missed a major event! I can know how to ask about the attack mode of the place before the war. They, these old, cunning, scheming guys, don't know how to inquire about our defense deployment first?

I have an undercover with them, do they have it? But whether there is or not, tonight, there will be movement!

"Gongsunshu! Baron! Lang Feng! Let's go!"


On the east coastline, in the camp where Commander Duan was located, the soldiers of the Shadow Army originally wanted to get a big tent for the Commander, but he refused.

In the wild, maverick is a taboo! Especially those who are officials, must not be seen as a chief! Those enemies are looking forward to killing these officers. Once there is something like a sniper and they find an officer, they must be killed first!

Therefore, Commander Duan ordered that all personnel must be consistent, regardless of officers and soldiers, in order to confuse the enemy and protect important personnel.

In the tent at this time, Duan Qingtian was discussing tomorrow's strategic deployment with a few others, but outside the door, there were a few eyesless "rats" moving stupidly.

In the camp, even at night, there should be no slack. There are soldiers standing guard at the gates, and there are patrollers in the camps, and there are soldiers standing guard at the gates of some tents.

These tents were randomly selected, but the distances between them were the same. In the tent, there might be a certain officer or a small soldier. This also prevents the enemy from knowing the identity of the people inside.

At this moment, one of the soldiers standing guard outside the tent suddenly moved his eyes and glanced at the people next to him secretly. He squinted at the tent behind him and felt some breath inside.

Three seconds later, after discovering that there was no one around him, and the "companion" beside him was not paying attention to him, and the people in the tent behind him were all asleep, he made an instant action!


A black light flashed, like a big pocket, and instantly wrapped the soldier next to him. First of all, he sealed his hands and mouth!

That soldier would never have imagined that a companion next to him would actually attack him! He couldn't react at all, he was hit in an instant, and the next moment, he was completely swallowed by the darkness, as if being sucked into a bag, disappeared without a trace.

And that person, with his finger moved, the **** pocket returned to him, everything seemed as if nothing had happened, it was as quiet as ever...

It was very quiet at night, but I didn’t even notice it. Outside the fence on the side of the camp, something seemed to be floating, like a firefly, emitting a faint light, inconspicuous under the moonlight and starlight, from the sky Floating past, passing through the fence, into the camp.

No one will see them, and no one will notice them, because they are so inconspicuous that they don't even make any noise when they walk.

These guys are naturally sent by the Demons!

These few visitors seemed to have completely lost their bodies. When you look carefully, you can only see the fuzzy outline. And this is only for the day, at this moment, it is night...

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