Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 340: spy!

Outside the fence, a total of nine fluorescent lights floated in. Each fluorescent light represents a person, and that is nine!

And in the camp, there was another person, the one who had just attacked a soldier with a black pocket, who had been ambushing in it a long time ago and was responsible for the response.

A total of ten members of the Demon Sect of Christ entered the fence and dived into the dark night, taking the response as the bright, and the nine outsiders as the dark, mixing into the camp and committing to move forward. The purpose is obvious!

The magic of Christopher Cult has always been unpredictable and weird. This peculiar stealth technique is probably also a secret technique in their teaching. Perhaps it was another special team under that elder, which existed for the purpose of latent investigation.

In the silence, these ten people walked deeper into the camp quietly, their steps lightly like a civet cat, their body skills secretive like a viper, their speed is extremely fast, without the slightest sound of wind.

Although this invisibility method cannot make them completely invisible, it retains a certain outline, and also has the light like a firefly, which seems to be incomprehensible, but in fact, there is one of its extraordinary Place!

This kind of invisibility is not as simple as simply hiding the body, but... nothingness!

Invisibility only makes the body transparent through the principle of refraction of light, but in fact you are still there, and the entity still exists.

If someone uses a range-shaped attack after stealth, you will still be attacked, unless you still have some body skills to evade, but of course, this is almost impossible.

But nothingness is not true, nothingness is to make the whole body virtual!

It is because water is invisible and invisible things are the most difficult to defeat. This great secret of the Demon Sect is to turn the human body into an invisible thing! Like water, like light, like air! It is impossible to attack!

Nine silhouettes that have become emptied, plus a counterpart who is still wearing the uniform of the Shadow Army he snatched, approached the depths little by little, without any notice of the surroundings!

In the dark night, ten people, like ghosts, finally came to the depths of the camp, outside the tent where Commander Duan was.

Of course, because the law of nothingness can't completely neutralize the opponent's attacks, but just resist most of the attacks, just like the water Luohan, so even now they dare not get too close to where Duan Qingtian is. , Can only stand a little farther away and observe first.

Several people glanced at each other, light and shadow were reflected in the fuzzy outline, and a few fluorescent lights flickered as if they were communicating, and then vaguely saw the nodding movement, which should have reached a certain consensus.

At the next moment, the only one who hadn't entered into nothingness stepped over and went straight to the tent where Duan Qingtian was.

He is still wearing a uniform now. It can be said that he is the most normal person among these few people. Although the others are imaginary and invisible, they don’t have outlines, just breath. They can hardly guarantee that Duan Qingtian will not detect them. Don't dare to come closer.

The response was expressionless, as if nothing had happened, and went straight to the tent without any disguise.

Because he knows that in front of the strong, this kind of cover-up is stupid!

Who is Duan Qingtian? If he finds out that such a person has been circling around the tent and then starts to approach again, then how can he not be suspicious? !

So the best way is to make sure that he has not found any abnormalities. Anyway, what can he do if he is dressed appropriately?

However, one thing surprised him, that is, Duan Qingtian's tent was empty without a guard.

But he just felt a little surprised, because Duan Qingtian said that the officer should not make special rules. He has also heard of it. There is no end here. It should be his system.

Without thinking about it, he walked directly to the door, swaggering like his own, opened the curtain and walked in.

On the other side, the nine blurred figures began to move after they left in response. The nine people immediately dispersed and moved in several directions. The nine fluorescent lights began to spread out, becoming less noticeable, one by one. Feathers are common, floating around.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly arrived like the wind, as if appearing out of thin air, behind the last person.

The ninth person was about to leave, and suddenly he felt as if he was being clamped by something like steel, completely immobile! A huge force appeared out of thin air, and it was abruptly dragged him back!


He almost jumped out with a "holding the grass", and quickly looked back. Behind him, stood a young man who looked gentle, looking at him with a harmless smile on his face.

"Hello, what are you?"


The people of the Demon Sect of Christ looked at him and did not dare to make any movements. His body was empty, and it was impossible to catch him by directly grasping his arms and legs. The only weakness was the fluorescence that was smaller than a grain of rice!

The fluorescence is not on my own body, but appears out of thin air after using this method. Because it is so small, it is not easy to be attacked, but once caught, it is like being pulled by someone’s arms and legs. Was immediately restrained. And once it is broken, it will die...

At this time, the person in front of this person has caught his own fluorescence!

Who is he? !

Is it intentional? Still unintentionally?

The man looked at the smiling guy in front of him, thinking in his heart, but didn't dare to attack rashly.

If you have the intention, you can catch this fluorescent light all at once, it is by no means an ordinary generation, and such a person can't be beaten by himself, and...

If this person really has such a strong strength, at this time he holds his own life gate, and only needs to use force to smash the fluorescence, and he will die at that time!

Don't act rashly! Wait for them!

In a short time, he had already made a decision in his heart.

At this time, after the eight people were scattered and stood, they suddenly realized that there seemed to be one missing person, and there was no one standing in the place where they were supposed to stand!

Holding grass? !

Something happened!

Everyone hurriedly took a look, and quickly discovered that not far away, in the place they had just taken, the man was being held by a guy who hadn't seen him, unable to move!

While looking at the weird guy who was still grinning, the man turned his head to look over there, and gave a weak look: "Help me!"

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the smiling guy suddenly turned his head, followed his line of sight and looked over there, revealing a dazed look: "Oh-they are there!"

I am silly!

Pit teammates, this is!

The eight people suddenly felt countless sacred beasts and alpacas rushing past. What does this guy mean? Are you going to sell us if you are caught? !

But before they could have any reaction, the person who had been smiling all the time suddenly changed to another look, looking at the fuzzy outline of the human figure in front of him, his eyes were full of coldness.

"Thank you, you can leave."

After all, with a reminder of the mana in his hand, the fragile fluorescence was beaten into dust in an instant!

At the same time, it also marked the loss of this person's life...

In the illusion, the outline of human nature became completely emptied, and a line of fluorescence turned into powder, slowly falling to the ground, and then showing the body of the dead person, if not staring at it, I am afraid it will Thought that a corpse appeared out of thin air on this ground.

"Okay, it's over!" The person said coldly, waving his hands, and countless arrays suddenly appeared on the flat ground. Then, the black snake raged!

This person is not someone else, but Gongsun Shu!

On the other side, he entered the tent. He thought that after he entered, he could see Duan Qingtian and the others discussing the defensive deployment for tomorrow. When he came in, he would ask who he was. He went through the possible problems in his mind, thinking that he was foolproof, but when he really entered...

"People... where about people?"

The tent was empty and there was no one!

What about it? !

What about the negotiated defense deployment? Where did you hide a Duan Qingtian like me? !

"It's wrong, isn't it... bad, fooled!" The reaction was wrong when he received it, and he was about to rush out to tell the brothers outside that there was a fraud, but just opened the door curtain and saw a sharp golden knife. Flash by!

This breath is... Duan Qingtian!

Even if he killed him, he couldn't forget this aura, the proud murderous aura on that golden knife light was absolutely unique!

Although the knife was not directed at him, he felt that he had been targeted by Death, his whole body was upright, and his back was covered with cold sweat for an instant. Standing in place, his legs were so soft that he could not move!

And as the blade of light flashed, four of the remaining eight fluorescent lights had gone out.

This also means that the lives of four more people were taken away under this knife...


A scream came. This was a person who had not had time to escape, and was entangled by Gongsunshu’s black rope. The black rope like a strange python instantly found a faint fluorescence, and the huge power immediately made him. The screams were creepy.

And this shout finally brought the frightened response back to his senses, and a strong desire to win suddenly appeared in his heart, and he was about to run away, but a person appeared in front of him...

"Where are you going? Just stay." I looked at the man in front of me wearing the Shadow Army uniform, but it was actually a real evil repairer, and said with a sneer.



A somewhat bald man was **** with a spell rope from the Shadow Army and threw it to the ground. In front of him, Duan Qingtian was sitting with a cold face. On both sides, from below him, the officers involved in this operation, Near the door, Xue Biao and I were the two.

"When did you sneak in, I have no interest in knowing, but you have the life of my shadow soldier in your hands, I know clearly, I can still keep calm and talk to you, instead of killing you for them. You should be grateful for revenge, so you'd better cooperate, otherwise I don't know the consequences."

Duan Qingtian sat on it, looking at the person who fell to the ground in front of him-the guy who was in charge of sneaking into the camp who was responsible for them.

Of course at this time the Shadow Army uniform on this guy has been taken off by us.


The man did not speak, but raised his head to look at Commander Duan, his eyes firm and cold.

"It seems that you don't want to cooperate anymore." Duan Qingtian knew what he meant when he saw this look. He sneered and waved his hand. There were soldiers around him who knew immediately and ran outside, as if he was doing something.

"It doesn't matter if you don't cooperate, I will let you tell us what we want to know."

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