Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 342: At ten o'clock, the war will start!

At 9:58 am, along the east coastline.

Murderous air permeated every corner of the eastern coastline.

The members of the Shadow Army mobilized from various places in Kyoto and the eastern region, the powerhouses of the Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, the masters of the Murong family, and some casual practitioners who have just heard of the news, many forces, for the same thing, Gather here!

They were all waiting, they had no communication with each other, their faces were as cold as ice, and their expressions were as sharp as blades, thrusting straight into the East China Sea.

They are waiting for the attack of the Demon God!

At this time, there are only two minutes left before the appointed time!

at this time! Suddenly, a figure slowly appeared high in the distance! Although the distance is far away, many strong people present can see and feel the breath of that person...

Other than that, there was no movement around.

Only he is alone!

I squinted at the person in the distance, but my eyesight was limited after all, and could not be compared with Duan Qingtian, Yu Hao and others, although I knew that it must be a person, and it is probably the one called "Black Flame Death" Guy, but he can't see his face.

Judging from his size and outline, this person should have been inactive, just staying in place.

Looked at the time, it was 9:59!

They are waiting!

Wait for the appointment time!

"This group of guys have some sense of time." Duan Qingtian looked at the person in the distance, but he did not have the tension before the war, but said in a teasing tone.

But no one can know the anxiety in his heart.

This is the first time that God's Demon Cult and our Shadow Army...Ah no, it should be said that the entire China's mages have had a large-scale contact and confrontation!

Which is stronger and weaker? Who loses and who wins? What is the result? No one can guarantee it!

What we can do is to do our best, even if the battle is to the end, the battle is completely depleted! Also use your own body to form the last strong wall to protect the land!

I can’t forget the words of the military commander this morning—"It was so sudden, I don’t have time for you to write a family letter, and I don’t have so much reserves for you to drink this bowl of wine, but I believe yours. The heart will not change. Even at the last moment of the battle, they must be completely blocked from the east coastline!"

At that time, I felt the unprecedented excitement.

Many years ago, I might not have done such a thing at all. I might prefer to be a melon eater who hides behind them and enjoys their protection, but now, after I heard that remark, I agree of.

Including those who came spontaneously, the commander Duan wanted them to stand in the back row, because they were no better than the organized and disciplined teams like the Shadow Army and Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, and their practice methods were far worse than ours. , The overall strength is not as strong as ours, if they are in front, it is tantamount to being cannon fodder.

And we don’t care if others do it, we don’t do it!

Taking human lives as cannon fodder is not our style!

But they were unwilling. They had to squeeze into the front line, not to show the limelight, they just didn't want to just be the one behind them.

In the end, Commander Duan only agreed to let them be in the middle position, surrounded by the strong from various organizations.

In front of Duan Qingtian, the person in the sky was far away from him, but with his eyesight, he could clearly see that person's appearance.

Wearing a blood-red robe, lined with silver-black armor, a lion belt around his waist, a blood-red battle skirt underneath, and boots under his feet. The whole person looks like a general often seen in TV dramas, but it looks like a militant!

Long hair, about to reach the chest, but because of the wind on the sea, it is constantly fluttering backwards. There is a mask on his face, and the mouth of the mask is vacant. It should be designed like this. The gap is a crescent, exposing his mouth, except for the hidden gap in the nostril and two eye holes.

Despite the long distance, he can still feel the aura radiating from this person, that fierce murderous, formidable power! This kind of opponent has never seen him before!

Duan Qingtian squinted his eyes, his right hand holding the Baodao loosened and tightened, his eyes looked at a watch he had put aside long ago.

There is a second hand on it, and the second hand clearly records the time, and there are only five seconds left before the war begins!

"Everyone prepare." Duan Qingtian said coldly, his voice spread to the entire barracks!

Four seconds!

"The time has come to avenge our brethren! Everyone is working hard!"

"it is good!"

The people in Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion were fighting spirits, raising their weapons and shouting.

Three seconds!

"To deal with these guys, our Murong family must do our best. Everyone, we are fewer than the Shadow Army and Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, but don't let them underestimate us."

"Don't worry, Patriarch!"

Two seconds!

"The rise and fall of the country is responsible for casual repairs!"

One second!


Ten o'clock!


A gust of wind blew across, from the other side of the East China Sea, across a thousand miles suddenly, passing Kyushu in a flash! Directly poured in, menacing!

The top players on the field, such as Duan Qingtian, Murongke, Yu Hao, etc., stood in the wind, only the skirts of the clothes were blown, the face did not change, the breath did not grow, and stood still, looking straight ahead!

The other big and small masters either used horses to stabilize their figure, raised their arms to resist the wind, or turned sideways to weaken the wind pressure, or lowered their heads to move forward. The Eight Immortals crossed the sea each showed their magical powers, and they all stood firm.

Among them, there is me.

As a person who has mastered the elemental spells of wind, I was blown down by the wind but lost my lord! While using the wind elemental spell to protect the surroundings, while exerting force on both legs, he tightened his waist, and he remained motionless in the strong wind.

The people around are third-class people, not masters, and their performance varies. Some are dancing with arms, some are lunging forward, some are retreating frequently, and some are rolling all over the floor. When the gust passed, everyone reacted and saw that I was still standing on the spot without any chaos, and there was a feeling of admiration at that time.

Humph, it's me!

The reason for this very obvious effect of standing out from the crowd is mainly because there are no other masters around me. Whether it is the Shadow Army or the Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion or whatever, there are some middle-level people present. Not too strong.

And I did this not to create such an effect. I just want to pretend to be compelling, and it is impossible to do this kind of brain-dead thing in this kind of situation or this kind of time.

And the reason why I want to be here without a master is because of one thing-Zhang Zheng was assigned here.

Although Zhang Zheng cannot know all the information in his current position, it is still possible to know a few, especially where he is.

Can I still let him go to someone else? It was hard for me to cultivate such an undercover agent. For him, I used such a big baby. If this is a chaotic battle and the master is killed all at once, I will suffer a great loss!

And still a dumb loss!

So when I learned that Zhang Zheng was coming here, and it was not the masters of Gong Mojiao who attacked this place, but also the rookies and ordinary players, so I was relieved, and took the initiative to ask Ying to come here to defend.

At this moment, the Eastern Sky gave a "swish"! It's like night is coming in an instant, and it's pitch black in an instant!

In the barracks near the southern capital, Duan Qingtian squinted his eyes slightly, watching the scene like the end of the day, facing the danger.

Of course he can see what the so-called darkness is, that is a large crowd of people!

Do not! More than people! There are also ghosts, and some monsters and monsters with not powerful mana, forming a large group of black clouds, covering half of the sky!

Light and darkness are in sharp contrast at this moment!

Here, the sun is shining brightly, under the sun is our coalition army! On the other side, the darkness is like a shower, and the sky is suffocating.

"Aren't they going to rush directly?" Duan Qingtian said coldly while looking at the dark sky in front of him, but there was a smile on his mouth. "Sure enough."

On the other side, the southernmost part of the east coastline, that is, the southeast part of Minzhou, Yu Hao, the master of the Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, led everyone in the pavilion to guard here!

This was originally their jurisdiction, this time it was considered to be fighting on their own territory.

"Sure enough, as Duan Qingtian said, they really got good information!"

In the barracks, a middle-aged man wearing a Tang suit looked forward, holding a long stick in his hand and a treasure knife on his back, and said with a smile.

This person is the patron of Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion-Yu Hao!

And the information he just mentioned was sent to the entire army by Duan Qingtian this morning...

After a night of interrogation, or simply torturing, until the morning, Yu Chifeng was carrying that person—because I have seen this guy, I can be sure that this ugly thing is a person—it’s out. The tent directly threw him in front of Duan Qingtian.

The goods may have been tortured mad, and as soon as they reached the ground, they started pouring beans in a bamboo tube and started talking.

Gongmajiao’s arrangement was that the leader Heiyan Reaper attacked the southern capital, and the ten captains were divided into five each. On the one hand, they attacked Kyoto and the surrounding areas, trying to directly file in after tearing the East China Sea defense line, and take the lead in the capital!

On the other hand, it is aggressively attacking Suzhou, Hangzhou and Minzhou, occupying coastal cities and cutting off economic lines!

After learning this, Duan Qingtian immediately decided that he should guard the southern capital and fight the black flame death gods. Yu Hao and Murongke guarded the areas of Suzhou, Hangzhou and Minzhou, and they were not allowed to enter!

As soon as this was said, some people expressed different opinions at the time, and all the masters were transferred to the southeast. What about Kyoto? !

Regarding this, Duan Qingtian has only one sentence to explain: "Master Ruyan will never let anyone enter Kyoto!"

Until he said this sentence, everyone understood. Master Ruyan had always been low-key before, so many people ignored his strength.

Although he will not take the initiative to attack and not go back to provoke the end of the war, if the war comes, he will never relax! Will do our best to defend!

No matter what, he is also the number one master in the world!

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