Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 343: Fight!

If so, according to the plan, Duan Qingtian guarded the southern capital and Yu Hao stood at the end of the east coastline. In order to prevent any accidents, Murong Ke appeared as a maneuver in the end, as support, keeping an eye on the battlefield situation.

On the Kyoto side, Xue Biao has passed. I was in a military camp in Zhejiang Province. Of course, this was my own fight, including the surrounding military camps. Because of my identity as the agent of the Eastern Division, Commander Duan. Also let me command.

At this time, facing the darkness of that half of the sky, there was no second master by my side. The strong people who were with me were all arranged by me in the surrounding camps. These people are not very outstanding. Suddenly I felt a little lost.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." I looked forward and comforted, the ghost face Feiyun sword in my palm was already in hand.

For now, everything is as planned!

This morning, among the information that the man said, one of them was a big conspiracy of the Demons!

They plan to use that mysterious power under the East China Sea to destroy our coalition army!

When we heard this sentence, we immediately felt a tingling scalp.

That's it!

The power under the East China Sea has a strong suction power, and the range can reach at least 200 meters. This is already known. And this range also covers the sea surface. Once we sail to the sea, if the suction is activated, the huge force will instantly pull us into the seabed!

This is their purpose!

And this also shows that they also know what kind of power this mysterious thing under the East China Sea has!

Based on this, Duan Qingtian issued an order to die. All personnel, staying on the coastline, can only go out to sea for up to 50 meters, not deep!

Although this way, our land will still become a battlefield, but this is also a last resort, we can't walk into each other's trap by ourselves!

What a deep calculation!

Attacking will enter the sea and become the prey of the forces under the sea; defending will inevitably damage the land and cause huge losses!

Inside and out, we suffered a big loss!

It really is a group of scheming guys!

Duan Qingtian looked at the black flame death **** who was flying at the top, with a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth: "What's your ability, let go."

Although the voice was low, he believed that the person on the other side heard it.

Heiyan Reaper stood high in the sky, expressionless under the mask, and he couldn't tell what his plans were.

The two sides are in a stalemate like this, light and darkness divide the sky, as if it will explode in the next second!

Yu Hao closed his eyes, as if he was feeling something. The sea breeze shook his clothes, and the sword behind him began to sway gently. After ten seconds, he opened his eyes again, and his tone was calm. :"here we go."



On the other side of the East China Sea, on the other side of the sky, a roar that shocked Kun Qian poured into everyone's ears, and within the naked eye, that large cloud of dark clouds...moved at this moment!

"They're here!" Duan Qingtian stepped forward, and the powerful aura suddenly slammed into the shouts, quite a man who was in charge but he couldn't help it!

From another piece of sky, there are countless streams of light, with a powerful killing intent, shaking the wind and clouds and shaking the sky! Coming straight from the sky!

On the east coastline, none of us moved, we were waiting quietly.

The first fifty meters of the coastline is our limit. We cannot go deep into the sea, and at the same time, we cannot completely use the land as a battlefield! From the beginning of the coastline to the sea at fifty meters, this is where we have drawn a decisive battle!

At this moment, we are waiting for those guys to approach.

"It's almost there." Duan Qingtian said, carefully watching the progress of those evil cultivators, the crowded group of ghosts, monsters, and monsters, like mountains, really breathless!

"Here! The whole army is dispatched!"


With a single kill, countless warriors, the drums of war rang in unison, and the sound of screaming to kill the world is not weaker than that of the opposite. The strong, take the lead in launching the clouds under their feet, setting up the sky, and flying! Set up countless streamers and go straight to the sky!

Duan Qingtian looked at the countless streamers, sighed and whispered softly: "I wish you all good luck."

After that, he stepped into the void and only rushed into the clouds!

On the land, people who have not been flying hold weapons and guard the coastline, and never let the other party have the slightest opportunity!

Everyone regards death as home, with firm eyesight, unwavering!

At this moment, they are not their respective forces, they are not the Shadow Army, they are not Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, they are not the Murong family, they are not the small organizations in the east, and they are not random repairs everywhere...

They are just people who guard the country! Is a soldier!

What they are doing at this moment is not about their own power, but to protect their homes, to protect the homes of everyone!

On the other side of the East China Sea, countless monsters and ghosts carrying billowing black smoke, rushing straight like a sharp arrow, are not afraid of death!

These are the vanguard troops, and their strength cannot be on the table. They are the cannon fodder team of the Demons of Christ. The purpose is to use these cheap goods first to consume our strength.

And just at this moment, just at the moment when we are about to meet those demons and evil spirits! In the sky, the top of the crowd, with a golden blade of light instantly cut out!

The light and darkness in the sky were divided by this golden light, and the sea under my feet began to be golden, as if a knife cut the yin and yang, and the knife light with incomparable murderousness swayed to the sky in an instant!

Where the blade is drawn is the territory!


The demons and evil gangsters who were in the lead were all under this sword, forced to retreat steadily, and even with countless lives, they fell instantly!

That's it... under one knife!

Murderous Ling Ling is like a **** of death, golden light is like an Arhat.

Duan Qingtian!

In the eyes of a pair of tigers, there seemed to be flames burning, and the infinite killing intent rose up, and the eyes flickered, facing the darkness of the East China Sea, dying!

"Back when you died a captain, you did not hesitate to disturb the whole world! Today it was for another captain, and you brazenly launched a war, huh! What revenge? It's just your excuse! Today, I want to let you know, here You are making trouble, you are looking for the wrong person!"


With a loud shout, Duan Qingtian kicked his feet, and his figure rushed into the darkness in an instant.

And behind him, following him are countless soldiers!

War, start!

Murongke also flew up, the sword was cold, his white clothes fluttered, but all the enemies in front of him were cut with a single sword! There is no possibility of resisting the crooked door, evil ways, demons and sprites, and they turn into ashes and disappear into the void!

This world, around the East China Sea, is still filled with the sound of fighting!

Countless warriors showed their magical powers, used spells, or held weapons. Within just a few breaths, thousands of demons and ghosts dissipated under this powerful offensive. Some of them even had no time to scream...

However, Duan Qingtian, who rushed to the front, was unintentionally fighting with these shrimp soldiers and crabs at this time, and his body was like an arrow, and he rushed to the sky.

He knew that someone was waiting for him there.

Black Flame Death!

Duan Qingtian rushed straight into the sky, and in his eyes, the appearance of the black flame death **** was firmly engraved there.

The Black Flame Reaper hung high in the air, looking condescendingly at Duan Qingtian, who was rushing towards him, with a scornful smile leaking from the corner of his mouth. With a wave of his right hand, the clouds were suddenly rolled in time, and the next moment, a heavy sword appeared in his hand .

His sword is not like our native sword, but a Western style. Our swords are known for their dexterity and lightness. In ancient times, if a knight used a soft sword, he could be called a master. Western swords focus on weight and hardness, and use swords in a similar way to swords and axes.

The Black Flame Reaper held this epee and watched Duan Qingtian rush up without paying attention to his heart. He raised his hand and raised the sword. A powerful force condensed around him in an instant. There was a black fire around people!

This is the method of protecting his body by which he became famous-Black Flame!

"Small bugs, look at the sword!" Duan Qingtian shouted, and finally came to the Black Flame Reaper, don't talk nonsense, cut a knife first!

At the same time, the heavy sword in the Black Flame Reaper's hand was also severely smashed, and the two precious weapons collided instantly!


A huge air current, mixed with two colors of gold and black, swept over like a whirlwind in an instant.

Swept across the earth, the dust was flying, like a sandstorm coming; swept across the sea, the waves roared like a tsunami!

One is the commander of the Shadow Army, the Eastern God of War in the eyes of the world; the other is the strongest under the command of the second elder in the veritable largest organization in the world! The two confronted for the first time, and their momentum was the best!

Underneath, the two sides had already fought in one place, Murongke was hanging in the air, standing with swords, and beside him, there were four big monsters braving all over!

Because it was just a cannon fodder team, there are still some more powerful guys hidden. These four big monsters are examples!

Murongke looked around, two leopards, an eagle, and a tiger, and the four monsters were all in their original form. He set up the Yukongshu and stopped at a place only five meters away from him, and the black smoke burst out. .


In the chaotic battle, someone saw Murong Ke deeply surrounded by the Four Demons, and immediately shouted with an anxious expression on his face.

Not far away, two familiar figures were fighting back to back. It was Bao Xingzhao and Wei Xiaofeng who had been seen before. In this battle, as the Murong family's worship, they naturally had to go to the front.

At this moment, the two heard the sound of shouting, turned their heads and saw that Murong Ke was surrounded by four big monsters, but they were motionless and had no intention of attacking.

"Protect the Patriarch!" The two of them suddenly became anxious, and rushed to Murong Ke while dealing with the enemies around them, wanting to come to rescue.

But at this moment, Murongke spoke lightly.

"return to!"


Several people were taken aback.

"What? Do you think I will be killed by these little monsters? Humph! Although it's been a long time to fight against such monsters, I haven't forgotten how to get rid of the monsters!"

Murongke slowly lifted his sword, the tip of the sword pointed at the sky, his eyes swept across the four monsters, but it was a look of disdain.

"Let's go together..." Murong Ke slowly said.

Several big demons glanced at each other, both eyes showed fierce light, killing intent suddenly appeared, and the four black lights instantly pounced on the Murong guest who was surrounded by them.

Murongke shook his head and moved his wrist, and a white light touched the sky and the ground in an instant, and then, Jian Qi Ling Ran!

In the next moment, the white light dissipated, and Murongke still stood in place, his face did not change and his expression did not grow, but his clothes did not get any dust.

And right beside him, there were the bodies of four great monsters floating.

Murongke shook his head and sighed: "It seems...I was really undermined."

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