Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 344: Remaining!

The battle is still going on, countless little ghosts, monsters, newcomer members of the demon sect and some ordinary characters continue to rush up as if not afraid of death, like a black frenzy.

"Brothers hold on! Don't consume too much of your mana, the big ones are behind!"

I didn’t fly to the front, but I was still in the barracks. If all of them fly out, it will be very disadvantageous for those who are still on the ground, so I must keep some leaders on the ground. command.

This is the case for me, the same for Yu Hao, and the same for Xue Biao. Although we couldn't see each other and couldn't communicate in this situation, we all tacitly performed the same operation.

On the other side, Yu Hao was a husband, and a group of members of the Universe Sea Pavilion were behind him.

With their own boss, they have no chance to shoot!

The ones that are coming up now are all miscellaneous fish, which can’t consume too much mana, and Yu Hao is full of mana, relying solely on his output without too much loss. Compared with the two, which one is more cost-effective, Clear at a glance!

"The mob, dare to live in front of me?!"

Yu Hao was holding a long stick, around him, there seemed to be billowing clouds, and there seemed to be endless waves! On a long stick, the two powers complement each other, from the head to the tail, spiral upward, the power is extraordinary!

Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, the two great weapons, are this stick and the knife behind him!


Yu Hao held a stick with one hand, shouted, his body moved suddenly, nailed the ground with his left foot as the axis, raised his right foot and moved his body forward, turning his waist, his right arm made a bold wave!


Just like overwhelming! The people in the Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion standing behind him all felt the taste of the end at this moment!

At the same time, there is a feeling of vain, the softness of the clouds, the floating of the sea, two soft powers, but they have endless strength!

This strange feeling is refreshing, but also a little awkward, vaguely, it seems that something in my body is echoing this kind of power and has a certain resonance!

Of course, this feeling is only for them...

Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, its spells are the universe and the sea, both of which are endlessly magnificent and broad, yet they give people a soft feeling. As the pavilion owner, Yu Hao is also the third best player on the End of the World rankings. This universe and a vast sea of ​​kung fu has been practiced to the extreme!

And the extreme of softness is justness!

This is a very peaceful way.

When a power is exerted to its extreme, its relative attributes will appear. The ultimate soft power can breed pure strong power!

The universe is vast, grows all things, nourishes all living beings, but also has natural disasters and terrestrial disasters, destroying countless lives; the vast ocean can carry boats for thousands of miles, reaching the sky, but there are also waves of wrath, and thousands of troops and horses are turned into ashes in a flash!

Where there is softness, there is strength, and there is life and death. This is the way of heaven and the essence of Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion.

Yu Hao swung a stick, and the sea in front of him suddenly became choppy. The originally calm sea shook countless waves in an instant, rolling countless vortices on the sea, and in the next moment, it suddenly rose!

The water columns are like dragons! Like a sharp blade, it reaped the life of the black frenzy mercilessly.

The little ghosts, monsters, and evil cultivators just approached, and an endless stream of water burst out beneath them, instantly cutting off their bodies!

What's more, when being directly hit by the huge water column, his body suddenly became fragmented, like a dead leaf in the wind, turning into dust.

The originally soft water became the death god's sickle at this time, and every drop of water was like a reminder, ruthlessly plundering their lives.

Especially in the place closest to the shore, layers of water splashed up and rushed to the highest sky, turning into layers of water walls, blocking their way, and also blocking the crowd behind them. Sight.

Behind Yu Hao, all the members of Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion could see were the countless water walls on the coast in front of them. The air seemed to be filled with water vapor, and the clothes began to become damp. Besides, there was nothing else.

As for what happened after the water wall and what happened to those evil cultivations, I don't know.

But they know one thing, that is, as long as the person in front of them is here, they won't fall behind!

While talking, the water wall has begun to descend, and layers of water fall, splashing onto the sea and the ground, and the water splashes in an instant, as if you have come to a happy water park, but the situation at this time is not so happy. The faces of all the people were extremely serious.

But after everyone saw the scene behind the splash in front of them, they all changed into a look of shock.

The water wall fell, and the endless enemies who had been after that had disappeared without a trace at this moment!

Where's the kid from? At this time it has turned into wisps of smoke. Where did the monster come from? At this time, it has become debris on the seabed. Where did the evil repair come from, at this time it has become the undead of the sea!

In the endless black frenzy, only here, one party can pass!

Within a dark cloud, it seemed that a hole had been opened, vacating a place, revealing light.

This is the third strength on the End of the World Ranking!

On the eastern coastline, there are hundreds of military camps of different strengths, with different casualties, just like the leader led by Yu Hao, no casualties; like the leaders led by me and Xue Biao, there were minor casualties; like the others, none The leader of the master has more casualties, but because the opponent's strength is not too strong, it is not very serious.

In just a few minutes, the front-row staff of Christopher Cult had completely rushed into our line of defense, one by one, not afraid of death, just rushing forward!

And followed by the middlemen of the Demons of Christ... the strong are going to play!

"Be careful everyone! Get rid of these guys, they are coming!"

With one sword, I killed another evil cultivator, and with my other hand, my arms raged, countless thunder snakes flew out, and wiped out all the little ghosts on the side.

It has to be said that it is indeed the same as what Zhang Zheng said, our side may be because the geographical location is not important, so it is not the strong men of the demon that are responsible for attacking here.

Except for the leading Black Flame Reaper who is fighting with Commander Duan in the upper air of the southern capital, the other captains, especially those in charge of our side—the five in the southeast, should have all gone to attack those big cities. .

"The information is right, the next wave will be you." I stood with a sword, watching the crowds mingling on the horizon, and communicating with Zhang Zheng in my heart through system communication.

"Everything is going smoothly now. At least I am here. Naturally, there is no need to think about the strong side. After a while, you try to retreat as far as possible, but don't be seen by others. You must ensure your safety."

"Yes, boss!"

Zhang Zheng also began to communicate with me through his heart.

This is the point that this system’s contact information is good. We communicate with our minds without any carrier, and will not be discovered at all. Even in this situation, we can communicate very conveniently.

"Many of us work in groups and choose a team leader to lead the team. According to the original plan, after the vanguard has completely rushed past, they will take us to the designated location."

"Will the captain be in this team too?"

"Yes! It was not like this before, but it may be that the current situation is different from what they imagined. The resistance is very strong. They have to send the strong to step forward."

"Well, maybe."

I nodded, this statement is reasonable, but I don't know why, I always think there is something weird in this, but I can't figure out what is wrong for a while, so let's forget it.

"The captain is dispatched!"

Zhang Zheng suddenly shouted.

"Huh?!" I looked up, and sure enough, within the eyes of Yin and Yang, there were several streams of light flying from the sky, but none of them came to me.

Sure enough!

Ours is indeed an unimportant place. Those captains went to big cities, and one of them seemed to me to die, and it happened to fly to Yu Hao to the south.

Over there, Yu Hao held a long stick and took the lead. Because of his supernatural powers, there was already a huge vacancy at this time, but at this time, there was a stream of light that flew from a distance.

"Huh! It finally appeared." Yu Hao watched the streamer getting closer and closer. With his powerful eyesight, he could see the figure inside it, and he couldn't help showing a sneer.

"I really dare to come here, Yelang is arrogant and knows nothing about life and death!"

Yu Hao said in a cold voice, moving under his feet, his body slowly rising like a kite, floating in the air.

The crowd behind him immediately cheered up and gathered their magic power, because just behind the elder, there was another endless black cloud rolling in!

And this time, Yu Hao had to deal with the leading captains.

The middle force of the demon sect, ten powerful captains, more powerful ghosts and monsters, the members of the demon sect and the new star with considerable strength, are here!

"Get ready!" I also flew up, and with a flick of my left hand, the power of thunder condensed, and the thunder hammer appeared in my palm. With a thought, all around you, surrounded by the power of the wind element, you are ready to fight!

In front of him, with the black clouds rolling in, countless people rushed in in an instant. Under the leadership of the group leader, the groups that had been divided long ago, like a sharp arrow, rushed straight over, aggressively!

But at this moment, in the dark cloud that was originally neat and tidy, suddenly something changed.

As if it was an infighting, the black cloud instantly became confused, like a number of long snakes, twisting and circling, for a while, they couldn't distinguish the head and the tail, and they didn't know which body was which.

"this is……"

"Boss, ok... it seems something is wrong!" Zhang Zheng's voice came from the system.

"what happened?"

"I don't know! We all have a black rope wrapped around our bodies. The rope is at the team leader's. They took us away. Originally, the positions of our teams have been allocated, but...but our team Chang is not leading us in a straight line!"


"No matter it is us, all groups are like this! It's not right, we didn't go in the original direction!"


Like an explosion, my mind suddenly went blank. I raised my head and looked forward. The black cloud has been restored to its level. A small black cloud is still rushing towards us, but its aura is powerful. Too much.

It's over, it's calculated!

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