Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 346: It's over!


The huge explosion sounded like countless artillery fired at once!


This is war!

Even thousands of miles away, you can hear the thunderous sound, as if the sky is falling! The sky is filled with gloomy smoke, it seems that the world is crying, and the sea is crying for it.

"this is……"

In the sky, Duan Qingtian watched the continuous explosion below, covering the entire east coastline!

The desperate atmosphere of destruction is constantly rising, the previous one exploded, and the next one is still rushing forward, trying to forcibly tear our line of defense in this self-destructive way!

"This is your plan?!"

Duan Qingtian looked at the doomsday-like picture, his ears were filled with countless wailing, and his heart suddenly raised a thousand feet of flames!

"Yes, how? Your well-arranged defenses are about to become fragmented, and you...what can you do with a small person?"

The Black Flame Reaper carried the sword on his shoulder. Because of the protective gear on his shoulder, the blade of the sword would not hurt him a bit. At this time, he seemed to be a winner, and the person in front of him, It seems to have become a sad loser.

This is the real plan!

This is truly inhumane!

One thing we have always overlooked is that what we are facing is a cult organization, which means that he will definitely not be like ordinary people. They would not have the kind of heart to treat their subordinates and soldiers.

Using the weak as cannon fodder and disregarding their lives, we thought this was the limit, but we never thought that they could do even more extreme!



Those little ghosts, monsters, and even people like us rushing over! All are hidden one by one!

Maybe it was someone in Christine Demon Cult, maybe he was already an elder, and he buried that terrifying power in these people, ghosts, and demons.

But the most surprising thing is that these guys who already have such a terrifying power in their bodies and are destined to die in this war are still fearless! Calm as usual...

Their hearts don't belong to them anymore, and all of them don't belong to them. They are just a tool, a tool to tear our line of defense!

But the only comfort to me is that Zhang Zheng is definitely not set up with this power, otherwise he would not stop telling me, nor behave so calmly. I believe his thoughts have not been completely bewitched.

It's a blessing that he didn't, but others are unfortunate!

Right in front of me, the body of the wild boar monster that was still flaunting power also began to swell, and the billowing belly seemed to become transparent, and I could clearly see the black power in his body!

"Hahahahahaha... die!"

The wild boar is hard to protect himself, but he is still laughing, as if crazy.

What is this against humanity? ! All the vanguard troops have been implanted with this power, and half of the intermediate troops have been implanted with this power! Once the thing explodes, it won’t blow up to death. The enemy doesn’t know that he will die, that’s for sure!

But even so, they accepted it, and really used the body as a sword to constantly charge forward. The wild boar in front of me was even more proud of it.


I lowered my head, there were explosions all around, and there were no other sounds in my ears. My left and right hands suddenly became loose. The Ghost Face Feiyun Sword was immediately taken back into the system, and it was replaced by the mask. The Thunder Hammer turned into countless little snakes and scattered in the air at the moment I let go.

"End it all."

I said lightly, raised my right hand and put on a mask.

"Stop all explosions, remember, it's all!"

I secretly said in my heart, with a thought, the amulet opens!

And just when my consciousness began to trance, I seemed to vaguely heard a sentence, it was my voice that was speaking--

"Got it, don't order me!"

The next moment, a white light flashed before my eyes, and my consciousness was completely squeezed out of my body!

In front of him, as far as he could see, there were scenes of the evil cultivators exploding, as well as the tragic scenes of the soldiers of the Shadow Army, members of the Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, the mage of the Murong family, and the tragic scenes of the casual cultivators when they were injured and killed by the explosion. !

His ears were filled with explosions and screams.

The other me ascended into the air, but it looked like someone else’s. I don’t know who it is. I don’t want to reveal the true power of my amulet, and I don’t want others to know that it is me, so before using it, use a mask. Changed the body.

As for who it looks like, it's up to him!

I was standing in the air, looking down, as if looking at an ant, his eyes were indifferent.

"Don't pretend to be too forceful, work hard!"

I looked at that guy and didn't know if he could hear him. Although he used a body and he was in my previous life, I always felt that he was a little different from my soul. Why is his personality different?

The "I" flying in the sky didn't know if he heard what I said, his face didn't change, and Gu Jing didn't wave in his eyes, slowly raised his right hand, unhurriedly, suddenly, his five fingers clenched!


Even if there is only one consciousness supporting it at this time, I can still feel that huge power.

That kind of momentum that the world is dominated by me!


"How is it possible?! Where did the master come from?!"

In the sky, the two powerhouses were shocked, and the sudden and powerful aura hit their hearts like a heavy hammer!

At this moment, the Eastern God of War, the top master of the second elder of the Demon Cult, are all floating clouds...

To say that these two people just add up all the people on both sides of the entire east coastline, how can they keep up with my current strength? !


I spoke faintly, as if I was talking to myself, but this sound spread throughout the east coastline!

"What?" Yu Hao held the stick in one hand, and with the other hand, he had already pulled out the treasure from his back. Around his body, surrounded by sharp blade lights, formed a sword formation.

But compared to the power that came at this time, it was different from cloud and mud, like fireflies than Haoyue!

Especially that seemingly simple word, but like a mantra of salvation from the sky, shocking everyone's heartstrings!

This is strength.

In an instant, all the little ghosts, monsters, and evil cultivators who were about to explode seemed to be turned off by someone! The black energy that was swelling in the belly seemed to be restrained by some kind of power. No matter how hard it struggles, it can no longer exert that terrible power.


The sound like the Sanskrit sound from the sky sounded again, completely filling everyone's ears.

The entire east coastline, from north to south, has hundreds of camps. At this moment, you can hear the voice, and you can also feel the weirdness of the enemies around you.

They were surprised to find that all the enemies around them seemed to be petrified and motionless!

"This this……"

Everyone was shocked and speechless, and in the sky, the voice sounded again: "Run! How far can you run!"


At this moment, everyone didn’t know what was wrong, and they felt the voice coming from the sky, like a decree. After the last sound fell, everyone’s heart suddenly had a strong desire to win. !


I don't know who shouted, and a group of people turned around and ran directly toward the inland!

In the sky, Duan Qingtian clearly saw this scene. The countless people wearing his Shadow Army uniforms retreated desperately like deserters, but he didn't feel any problems.

He knew that someone had come to rescue them. Although he did not know who this person was and where he came from, one thing is certain, this battle is over!

"Everyone in Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, immediately retreat!"

Yu Hao returned the treasured sword to its scabbard, turned his head and shouted, immediately fleeing away, and countless members of the Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion around also began to run back. On the other side, Murongke led his family, worship, etc., and followed everyone else.

In the blink of an eye, the East China Sea warriors and the evil cultivators of the Nagong Demon Sect were instantly separated!

Not far away, the fat monk was also running backwards desperately, his fat body burst out objective speed under the control of the power of survival, but I really can't figure out that he is afraid of a fart!

This guy was originally brought by me to investigate the mysterious power under the East China Sea, because his Buddha's light body and magical weapons can resist this unknown force, but I didn't expect the war to come just after the fact, and the sudden challenge of the demon sect , Making the plan all messed up.

Before the battle started, I was transferred to this camp, he must follow, but considering that this guy is so unreliable, let him rest in the tent, but I did not expect the other party to use self-detonation. As a result, this guy couldn't stay well anymore.

But... that kind of explosion really hurt you? Are you running a ball? !

I was thinking, suddenly a strong sense of weakness came, which almost made me faint in darkness. When I looked closely, I found that the other me flying in the sky was also extremely weak and showing a face.

Containing all the enemies on the east coastline with one's own power, and also preventing the explosion, this kind of consumption is really too great!

If the real me reached that level and possessed that power, I thought it shouldn’t be difficult, but the problem is that now this power is illusory. Although he has power, its magical connotation is indeed the current me. of.

In other words, this guy has a very high level, but his equipment can't keep up!

When you play the game, you have reached the full level, but the equipment you buy is the lowest one, and you can’t show your strength!

It can be said that it is not easy to contain those people for so long!

"Be careful!"

I screamed, and as soon as the voice fell, I felt another strong sense of weakness. In the next instant, my consciousness returned to my body.

But at the same moment, the huge power that had lost its **** instantly rushed out like a wild dog!


The sound of the explosion spread to thousands of miles!

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