Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 347: Victory!

On the east coastline, the battle situation had a very dramatic turn, and this reversal led to an immediate one-sided situation in the next battle.

All this is so fast, all this is so unprepared.

No one knows why such a strong man came out, like the **** of salvation, who changed the situation with his own power.

The warriors of the Shadow Army and other forces didn't know, nor did the Demons of Christ. And at this moment, somewhere in the emptiness, a towering mountain, a magnificent palace, a table, ten chairs, ten people sitting around here, all with pale faces...

"This power...Although I don't want to admit it, I can hardly imagine anyone else with this power."

One of them said, with a worried look in his eyes, as if he was very afraid of the person he was talking about.

"But he can't be here, isn't he? We are all sure, he hasn't left there." Another person said, although his face is not very good, but he is much calmer than the one just now.

"But how should this power be explained?!"

"If it is really him, how can he just do this? He can obviously kill them all directly!"

"But in any case, this kind of power is not what this world should have! If it weren't for confirming this, how could we just put such a weak avatar into that world?"


The scene fell into silence. Indeed, the strength of this power has exceeded their awareness.

The eldest brother among a group of people sitting in the first place thought for a while and said: "The biggest question now is, who is the owner of this power? Before that, we had never seen anyone hiding nearby. Of course, His strength, I am afraid that our true body is there, and it is estimated that he will not find the other party."

"So it's very passive!" One of them looked violent and slammed the table and yelled.

"Old sixth, please calm down, don't be so aggressive!" The eldest brother glanced at him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice: "It's definitely not the old immortal. He has already lost his freedom. Could it be that ……It's him?!"

"Who?!" When the other nine people heard that their boss had a guess, they immediately asked.

"No! I can't say it yet, but if he is here, it will be easy to handle. The aura of this world has long been cut off by us. As long as the entrance of the aura is guarded, he won't be able to make any waves!"

"You, immediately send additional manpower, not to let the slightest leakage of spiritual energy, you must let the dust sea world become a mortal world!"

"Don't worry, big brother!" Among the remaining nine people, one stood up, burly and murderous. "I will go personally, and I will never let them have any opportunities!"


On the other side, the east coastline...


The power that has been suppressed for a long time is like a wild dog that has taken off its rein, rushing out at the moment when it loses its restraint!

Throughout the east coastline, all the enemies implanted with this power exploded at the same time! The aura of apocalypse broke out in an instant, and the sea seemed to be blown up, creating an unprecedented ebb!

Countless strange rocks were attached to the water and grass, exposed to the sun, and the little fish and shrimps that were too late to swim lay helplessly on the sand, waiting for their eyes to look to the sky.

But the sky would not respond to his desire, because the sky was also blinded by this desperation. The smoke and dust from the explosion, the fragments exploded after the evil cultivators and the monsters exploded, were all swept into the sky with the strong wind.

At this moment, what blue sky? What Baiyun? All of them no longer exist, and wherever you can see, there is a gray sky, like a sign of death.

But, as we know, this does not mean death, it means hope.

No, to be precise, it is the death of the enemy, our hope!

"This it?!"

As a star newcomer, Gong Mojiao still has a certain degree of reluctance towards people like them. Therefore, among the objects of self-destruction, there is no him, like other newcomers with a bright heart.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to escape, and he was able to see the current scene.

All the front row personnel and half of the middle row personnel who had bothered to smash through our east coastline defenses have completely disappeared. At the beginning of the battle, the suffocating half of the sky was left with less than a third of the black clouds. The casualties on the opposite side were minimal!

Originally planned to explode to consume our combat power, at least in this kind of melee, once so many people explode, our soldiers, nine out of ten, will be killed!

But unfortunately, they didn't expect that suddenly a "master" would not come out of there, which would delay the occurrence of the explosion, and its scope would extend to the entire east coastline!

The soldiers took advantage of this time to retreat, avoiding frontal damage, and fleeing from each of the soldiers. Although it cannot be said that they retreated all over, it can be said that the casualties have been reduced to a minimum.

On the other hand, Christine Demon Sect has lost most of its personnel in vain!

One is strong and the other is weak. There is already a clear gap between the two sides' combat power. In this case, the victory or defeat has been divided!


Heiyan Reaper looked at the situation below and suddenly cursed. Your biggest card was hit in the empty space, a pair of king bombs only exploded a pair of threes, and then, it was already weak in the follow-up. This war is really over!

Duan Qingtian recovered from his astonishment, turned his head and looked at the Black Flame Death. At this moment, his eyes were full of the joy of the victor, with an unprecedented fighting spirit!

"The battle should be over, you too!"

Duan Qingtian said with a smile, the sword in his hand was released with golden light, and the next moment, he disappeared in place, with a flash of the sword, instantly smashed out!




Duan Qingtian's sword struck the sword of the Black Flame Reaper, and at that time shook the guy who had just been incomparable ten meters away!

At this moment, Duan Qingtian's desire to fight was unprecedentedly high. He seemed to have inexhaustible power, and the golden knife was also crazy about it. The light on his body was unprecedentedly shining, as if it had become the second sun.

And the black flame death god, at this time, has no heart to fight, the defeat of the battlefield below, the threat of unknown masters, all these have become huge pressures, pressing on his heart, making him unable to lift a little energy. !

One is strong and one is weak. Duan Qingtian is more and more courageous. His steps are not chaotic, he is pressing, and he does not give the other party any chance to breathe. The golden knife in his hand is flying, the golden knife The light kept flickering, dazzling.

Below, as the explosion happened and ended, less than one-third of the people of Christopher Cult were left. There were large vacancies on the coastline, while the remaining people of Christopher Cult stopped in place, stunned. Looking at everything in front of you.

The ground on the coast was blown up badly, but so what? These can be repaired, and the real things that cannot be repaired are intact at this time.

"Okay, fat guy, open it to me!" I knocked on the light wall in front of me and shouted to the fat monk beside me.

Just now, just after my consciousness returned to my body, I suddenly glanced at the fat monk who was not far away, holding on to the last bit of strength, and barely using a teleport to his side.

Painting the ground as a prison, this magical skill that has appeared more than once successfully helped me block the aftermath of the explosion. I can also take advantage of this time to restore my mana and at the same time my physical strength.

"Donor, your physical condition..."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

bass--! The light wall disappeared, and I ran out quickly. With a wave of my right hand, the ghost face Feiyun sword came out of the body, struggling to stand up straight, and pointed at the opponent with the tip of the sword: "Brothers--!"

In the high voice, all the warriors in the surrounding area looked at this side.

"They're defeated! Kill me!"


The gust of wind carried my voice into everyone's ears.

One second, two seconds, three seconds!

Finally, someone reacted: "Yes, yes! Brothers, follow the chief, kill!"


The soldiers who had already withdrawn into the interior suddenly came back, and the shouts spread from ten to ten, and finally, to the entire east coastline!

In the sky, the Black Flame Reaper finally couldn't hold it back. As Duan Qingtian slashed down, the Royal Sky Art under his feet was instantly messed up, supporting more than his own body, and suddenly falling.


How is Duan Qingtian the kind of person who gives up? With a kick on the sole of his foot, he chased him directly, and with a wave of his right hand, he actually threw his knife into the air.

"The evil spirits do not dare to offend my Chinese Dragon?!"

The golden light flickered, Duan Qingtian clenched his fists, the King Kong Dragon Elephant skill was fully opened, like a golden sword, instantly caught up with the Black Flame Death, and hit it with a punch!


Two punches!


Three punches!


Within the golden light, the phantom of the dragon and the treasure appeared again, Duan Qingtian opened his bow from left to right, his iron fist slammed down like raindrops, punch after punch, and he couldn't even count the fact that he hit it to the end. How many times!

And every time it hits, the sword that Black Flame Reaper uses for defense will let out a whine.

But at this moment, Duan Qingtian stopped abruptly, did not continue to pursue him, as if he was about to let him go, but how could the God of War, who is jealous of overseas countries, be such a person?

The next moment, the treasure knife that had just been thrown into the sky fell back and was caught by him with one hand. When he moved his feet, his body instantly reversed, struggling to slash it!

Heiyan Grim Reaper's sword, which looked good in texture, finally couldn't hold on to it, and it broke completely with this sword!

Underneath, whether it is a warrior guarding the East China Sea or a surviving person of the Demon Sect, you can see that from the sky, a golden beam of light descends from the sky, piercing the clouds, through the dust, and rushing straight into the sea!

And that black flame death god, under this knife, fell completely!

"Withdraw! Quickly withdraw!"

In the Demon God Cult, I don't know who shouted, led by a few captains, the streamer flew back in an instant, and then, the black cloud moved, and all the people of the Demon God retreated.

"Don't chase the poor!"

Duan Qingtian landed and shouted loudly.

There is still that mysterious power in the East China Sea. The Demons of Christ may have the ability to trigger it, but he certainly does not.

The first fifty meters of the coastline, this is still our movable range.

The sea surface quickly returned to calm, the dust in the sky slowly fell, and the black clouds that could cover the sky and the sun also disappeared, and in front of him, a piece of peace was restored.

In Yunmiao Temple, Kyoto, the meditating Master Ruyan opened his eyes, turned his head and looked out the window, smiling.

"Duan Qingtian, you really won, and... you too."


These two words began to appear in everyone's heart.

Gong Mojiao, who caused the chaos in the world, arrogantly wrote the challenge book, but at this moment, they were beaten back!

"Victory... we are victorious!"


Unspeakable joy filled the coast in an instant, everyone became excited and began to shout, hug, and high-five!

I also lost my support and fell to the ground, not even the thought of retracting the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword, now I just want to rest.

And in the midst of this joy, no one noticed that, on a certain coast, a man crawled up from the sea, his whole body was soaked white by the sea, and the moment he finally landed, he was unconscious. .

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