Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 348: survivor

The battle between the Shadow Army and the Demon Sect in the East China Sea shocked the world!

Duan Qingtian did not conceal the result of the battle, nor could he conceal it. After all, the movement was too loud, so who would not know?

The Eastern God of War Duan Qingtian killed the first-class master of Christopher Cult on the sea. Christopher Cult lost more than half of it. Even though the Shadow Army had losses, it was harmless. Compared with Christine Demon, it was not enough.

What is more surprising, or frightening, is that in this battle, a master who has never appeared before!

This is the real master!

Although there are different opinions, one thing is certain. That is the strength of this person, far surpassing Duan Qingtian!

And among the many versions, there is one that is very unreliable, that is, this man actually killed the enemies on the entire east coastline with his own power! This is a bit weird.

But as everyone knows, this is the real version...

Although it sounds really unreliable.

Although there are some discrepancies with the specific situation, in a certain aspect, it is correct to say that if it were not for the self-detonation of all enemies that I blocked, we would not be able to win a big victory, and those enemies were indeed behind. Asking for trouble, blew himself up and died.

Round it up and say that I killed them. It's no exaggeration!

Awesome, as expected of me!

Suddenly, a huge and unprecedented question broke out at home and abroad, and everyone in the world was thinking about this issue.

Who is this master who came out suddenly?

Is he an enemy or a friend? !

The first question is for everyone in the world, and the second question, most importantly, is for people overseas.

Because this master shot and saved the Shadow Army, this war ended with such an amazing ending, which can already explain a lot of things.

But some people say that this is just because the enemy is the Demon Cult of Christ, and because the enemy is the Demon God of Christ, the master will help the Shadow Army. If at that time it was not the Shadow Army who fought against the Demon Christ, but the world Another organization in the world, Ice Demon Sect, Shenying Shrine, Fire Phoenix Shrine? He will do it too!

Of course, this is just speculation.

At the same time, I don't know how many people are eager to know if this conjecture is true, but no one dares to really try it.

To test whether this conjecture is true, the best way is to do so.

The first is a decisive battle with the Shadow Army. If the master is really against the Shadow Army, he will also help the Shadow Army this time, so the guess is not valid. The second type is a decisive battle between oneself and Christopher Cult. If that master also comes to help oneself, it means that the conjecture is established. He really has no position and just wants to deal with evil cultivation.


In the former method, the Shadow Army is the top organization in the world, and there are so many non-governmental organizations to help. In this war, the three major non-governmental organizations-Tianya Club, Yunding Mountain, and Wuyin League did not come out. , What if they try again?

You know, these organizations are like the Shadow Army, they are large organizations all over the country! Although Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion has Yu Hao, who is the third best player in the world, it is only an organization that manages two to three states and provinces. It is larger than the Murong family, but compared with those three, it is really not enough. Up.

With the help of these people, the Shadow Army is already better than them, so why does that master come out to help? This doesn't make sense, and the experiment cannot be achieved.

And the second method... what if the master really doesn't come out? The Shadow Army has some background, but they can't stand up to failure!

The former cannot get results; the latter is too dangerous for no one to try. Neither method works, so although I am curious, there is no way.

Various countries have launched very lively discussions about this master's matter. Many organizations that didn't have much contact with each other, in order to prevent the master from really going to the Shadow Army, all began to communicate in an attempt to achieve a preliminary alliance.

But people with a discerning eye can already see that this is just useless work. It's a disaster. Who else doesn't want to fly separately? Forming an alliance is just a relief. People in the whole world are too urgent now, the world is in chaos, and the heroes are coming together, it is the time to fight for the world!

It is not the strongest in other areas, but if you are the best in the mage, you will definitely become the best in the world!

However, if you want to be No. 1 in the world, strength is one aspect, and ensuring your safe survival is also one aspect. This is why everyone is so urgent.

Among them, Aoki, who belongs to the Budo League, is the most worried!

The Shadow Army has received help from an unknown master. It is a dangerous signal to anyone, and it is even more dangerous to him...

The two of them are close at hand! If the master is really devoted to the Shadow Army, then the Shadow Army deserves to be the number one organization in the world, and coupled with the help of the Tianya Club and other large civil organizations, this eastern country has become the largest country in the wizarding world. !

If they want to go to war, they must be the first to bear the brunt!

How could Aoki not be impatient? How can you not worry? !

With one's own strength, what can be done even with the addition of Sun Cult? And that so-called ally-Fire Phoenix Shrine, ha ha, can you still count on them?

I am afraid that as soon as the Shadow Army arrives, they will immediately clear their relationship and watch their own being destroyed.

But what can I do? I am also very helpless! Whether the master really belongs to the Shadow Army, we don't know, we dare not ask!

Now, I can only hope that there is someone who is not afraid of death, and must have a fight with the Shadow Army! If you can really lead that master to take action, then everything is easy to explain.

But in the same way, he was really afraid of getting the result, the result that the master was really from the Shadow Army.

However, there is really such a stunned young man who wants to rush to us and try to find that so-called master, but he was stopped by his own...

That's right, it's the Wu Chi who is just north of us, the people of the Ice Demon Sect almost didn't stop...

And just when the forces of various countries are talking about them and pushing us to the cusp of the storm, we ourselves don't have the intention to continue to take care of these things.

In the barracks, the medical department...

"Quickly, his pulse is very weak. I am afraid that he is about to die, so he is ready for treatment immediately."

"Don't use too much method, his current body can't bear it!"

"Ah! His body is so cold, like ice cubes!"

In the tent, all the medical staff are busy, lying on the hospital bed alone, dying, his face is as white as snow!

After the war, there were more or less casualties in the entire east coastline camp. Although the Demons of Christ had retreated, the forces under the East China Sea were still there. The line of defense could not be withdrawn, and the patients could only be injured in this simple camp. Treated.

After Duan Qingtian returned, he issued an order to investigate the number of dead, severely injured, and slightly injured. The deceased contacted his family immediately, and what to do with it is entirely up to the family; the seriously injured are not easy to move, so they are treated here first; the slightly injured, if appropriate, send them to the Shadow Army branch hospital in the local city for professional treatment.

In this one, a special case suddenly appeared!

In all the tents of the camp, because the area is small and there are many wounded, many wounded are crowded together for unified treatment, but this one is a single room, and only this wounded is lying here, but in front of him There are more doctors in other tents.

But this person was not injured in the battle...

After the battle, everyone was rejoicing, but they hadn’t noticed this person who appeared suddenly, but after rejoicing, it was impossible not to discover it.

This man came from the sea, his whole body was swollen by the sea water, his whole body was white as snow, and his eyes were hollow, like a water ghost walking up from the sea. When he first discovered it, he was really shocked.

But everyone can still tell that this is a person, and Commander Duan is also coming right away. Although he is almost completely unrecognizable, he can see that this person is actually his own comrade in arms and belongs to the Shadow Army. Member, and, it was one of the two people on the previous submarine!


This was a terrible one. They thought that the two people were both violent and ill-advised, and they might not be able to return in this life. Unexpectedly, they would see them again! Although this person looks miserable, at least he came back alive!

Just make it alive!

Duan Qingtian immediately decided to treat this person alone, and several doctors immediately treated him. So far, several hours have passed.

"His heartbeat is starting to recover!"

"The body temperature has gone up too!"

"Look, your face has improved a bit!"

"Great... Great!"

On the bed, the hapless guy was wrapped up like a zongzi. In order to protect his skin, the doctor used a herbal medicine to make an ointment, and after putting it on his body, he used a bandage to make it firmer. In such a situation, it is not easy to survive, regardless of whether the treatment is uncomfortable.

But now it's okay. Judging from the various data, this person's physical condition has gradually recovered. Anyway, his life is saved!

In Duan Qingtian’s tent, Duan Qingtian was sitting on a chair with a laptop on the small table next to him. He was making a video call. In the call screen, the face of Lin Dingkun, one of the deputy commanders, was displayed, and his In the background, it is the headquarters of the Shadow Army in Kyoto!

No wonder!

No wonder Duan Qingtian came here with such peace of mind. It turns out that there is not only Master Ruyan in Kyoto, but also him!

It's just that Nie Ze suffers. While taking care of the South, he also needs to take care of the West temporarily.

"I didn't expect him to come back alive. If he can tell us something, we will succeed in this action. As long as the power under the East China Sea is silent, we will be missing a hidden danger."

Although it was a video call, Duan Qingtian didn't look at the screen, and Lin Dingkun couldn't see him either, so the two of them said this.

"If you want me to say it, just go straight to Huanglong! If he can come back alive, it means there is nothing particularly terrible there. Two people can come back to one. Let us go with thousands of troops, and I am afraid that he will not succeed?!" Lin Dingkun is impatient , Said in his loud voice over there.

"This matter is not in a hurry, after all, we have not dealt with it before. It is better to be careful."

"Huh, it's troublesome!"

The two people were talking, and suddenly there was a sound of footsteps outside, and one person ran to the door of the tent and whispered: "Commander Duan."

"Please come in." Duan Qingtian said.

The man walked in with a notebook in his hand.

"Commander Duan, you asked us to count the casualties in various places. We have already counted them. It is indeed as you expected. The casualties in various places are almost the same. This is the statistical data. Please have a look." He said that. Handed it over.

"Yeah." Duan Qingtian nodded, and finally turned over the notebook. "Thanks to that expert who helped me this time, but I don't know who he is."

Duan Qingtian was watching, and suddenly felt something was wrong. He looked up, and sure enough, the person in front of him looked at him with a tangled expression.

"What's wrong, is there anything else?"

"Uh... Commander Duan, the casualties in the various camps this time are indeed small, but there is only one area, which is much larger than other areas!"

"Huh?" Duan Qingtian frowned. "where is it?"

"It's... the area where Lieutenant Colonel Guo is responsible."

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