Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 349: Deprived of identity, thought behind closed doors!

"Lieutenant Colonel Guo... Guo Rui?!"

"That kid?!"

Duan Qingtian and Lin Dingkun in the computer reacted at the same time and shouted. The only difference is that Duan Qingtian's tone is suspicious, while Lin Dingkun's only anger.

Duan Qingtian thought for a while, then opened the book in his hand and flipped through it a few times. Sure enough, there were casualties written to me right there, because the number was too large, so it was recorded emphatically.

"How could it be..." Duan Qingtian frowned as he looked at this data.

" is true, we have repeatedly confirmed that the number of casualties is indeed correct." The soldier said tremblingly.

Reporting the fault of another chief to the chief is really like walking on thin ice!

"It doesn't make sense, I have already assigned a master to him, plus his own strength is not weak, how could..."

Duan Qingtian still had an unbelievable look. He carefully looked at the notebook in his hand. Every number on it seemed to be seen through every pen and saw it in its bones!

The number of deaths, the number of serious injuries, and the number of minor injuries far exceeds that of other places! And it’s not just a single camp, but all the camps under my charge!

This...I'm afraid it's not a coincidence.

"I said that kid is unreliable, you have to let him in! Look, how is it now?!"

In the video call box, Lin Dingkun blew his beard and stared, full of anger, and said loudly, almost writing his dissatisfaction with me on his face.

"Lin Dingkun!"

"What's the matter? Are you going to protect him now? Inadequate work, leadership is no problem, causing great losses to our personnel, such a big fault, you still want to protect him?! Are you what a leader should be? ?!"

Lin Dingkun originally had opinions on me as an outsider. This time when something like this happened, he was naturally even more dissatisfied with me. This person had a more aggressive temper, and how could he suppress it?

Moreover, what he said is really fine.

As a leader, something went wrong in my place and caused such a heavy loss. This is a dereliction of duty! What's more, the loss is not something, but human life!

If I were not the person involved, but a bystander of a third party who had nothing to do with me, I am afraid I would feel that what he said makes sense now.

"This..." Duan Qingtian looked at the data in that book and had nothing to say.

Iron-like evidence is in front of him, what can he say? He and Nie Ze really admire me a little bit, especially since I have built a bridge between the military organization of the Shadow Army and the civil mage organization for them, and their status is more important.

However, the importance of status does not mean that mistakes can be made. Leaders appreciate me and cannot be a bargaining chip for my arbitrary actions!

I know this, Duan Qingtian knows better!

He must act according to the rules, otherwise, the position of the leader of the Shadow Army, he is not worthy to continue to sit down!

"Go, go find him."


In my camp on the east coast.

The originally organized camp has now become a mess, the camp is gone, the tents are all burned out, even the people...

When the person who counted the casualties reported the data to me, I even doubted my ears! However, I felt that this number was extremely normal.

Before the enemies of Christopher Cult came, I always thought it was Zhang Zheng’s weak group that was attacking us, but I didn’t expect that they had such a big scheming, maybe they found something, maybe just in case, they actually Temporarily changed teams and rushed to me, becoming a strong army!

With my strength, many people can be resisted at that time, but this is a large-scale war after all. With my strength, what can I do? !

When I was fighting, the rest of the soldiers couldn't withstand their attack. The people of the Demon Sect rushed in, and after tearing open our defense lines, they ran directly to the left and right camps!

Although I assigned all the masters over there, when they were attacked, they were still powerless, not to mention, in the end, these people actually blew themselves up!

Although I suppressed the remaining evil cultivators in time, after all, the amulet that I started to explode first, was still a little late. For other camps, the first wavelet explosion was naturally harmless, and the subsequent large-scale explosions were immediately suppressed by "I". But what about us here?

Enemy on the back and back, both front and back, even the first wave is enough to bring them a huge disaster!

In this way, our place has become the most damaged place in this battle. How many soldiers, in this battle, under my wrong command, were injured, bleed, and even lost their lives...

I sat on a bump that was blown out, looking at the sea in front of me, my heart felt ashamed.

I don't want to hide, I don't want to shirk, I don't want to quibble. This is my fault, I know, I cannot escape!

"Boss, I'm sorry, I..."

During the system call, Zhang Zheng's voice came out, with a flustered look, as if he was crying.

"It's okay. After all, you just went in undercover. It's normal not to know a lot of important things. It's not right if you know everything, but I didn't expect them to be so cunning and make a temporary change. It really caught me by surprise!"

"Boss, I'm really very sorry. Anyway, this is because of the misinformation I said, which made you think that we are all old and weak soldiers, so that they will take advantage of the loopholes and you will be punished. ."

"Tsk! It won't happen! There is no regret medicine in this world, you say, I believe it too, it's not all your fault. As for punishment..."

Having said this, I sighed and looked at the afterglow of the setting sun on the horizon and the sparkling sea, but my heart suddenly calmed down.

"It's a big deal... It's okay to lose this official position. It was an accident when you got it. If you lose it, it doesn't hurt. It's just that..."

I said, lowering my head, and covering my eyes with my hands.

"It's just those soldiers... I made mistakes, but made them suffer! I..."

"Boss, boss, don't be discouraged, we are still alive, you are here, I am here, we can avenge them! When I am in the mix for a while, become a full-fledged player, or even a step forward, I will You can know more, and your strength will become stronger by that time. We will kill him all the way upside down, provoke Christopher Cult and give them revenge!"

"Okay!" I punched the ground beside me and punched a hole in the ground. "We killed him upside down and avenged them!"

After I finished speaking, I thought about it again and said to Zhang Zheng, "What about you? Is there anything happening with you? Do they investigate undercover agents?"

"Well... this action failed. They were really furious, but they didn't seem to have heard anything about the undercover."

"Maybe it's pretending, it's a secret investigation. Your performance must be normal. Remember, you are you, the yin and yang messenger of the demon sect, and you can't show any footwork! The connection between us is communication, not telephone , It’s not a letter, there is no carrier, they will not doubt it easily."


As I was talking, suddenly I heard footsteps coming from behind me, the sound of many people walking together.

They are coming.

I felt indifferent in my heart, and I stopped contacting Zhang Zheng before I got up and turned around. Sure enough, it was Commander Duan Qingtian who came to me in front of me.

And beside him, there was the soldier who was responsible for investigating the number of casualties, Brother Xue Biaoxue, and my immediate boss, the person who was nothing, and some soldiers I had or hadn't seen.

"Commander Duan." I hurriedly shouted, courtesy.

Duan Qingtian looked at me with a slight entanglement in his eyes, but there was a firm breath on his body and face.

Xue Biao stood by, frowning slightly, looking at me with a worried look on his face.

"Lieutenant Colonel Guo, can you explain it to me? Why are there so many casualties in your camp?"

Duan Qingtian looked at me and said, his voice was extremely cold, not at all Duan Qingtian before.

Yes, at this time, where is Duan Qingtian, he is my commander, the leader of the Shadow Army.

"I made a mistake in command, which led to this result. I have nothing to say, no quibble, no refutation, no shirk, no evasion, it is my mistake, please punish it!"

As I said, I lowered my body and bowed at a ninety degree, as if letting it be punished.

"Brother..." Xue Biao looked at me like this and cried out unbearably, but was blocked by Duan Qingtian's eyes.

"You are somewhat responsible and have a good attitude, but in our army, what we want is not only attitude, but also ability and results!"

Duan Qingtian's face was cold, and he pressed the little bit of wanting to tolerate me in his heart, making himself a ruthless person.

I thought that if I shied away strongly at that time, it might make him more angry and make him more ruthless towards me. But it was precisely my straightforward admission of mistakes and willingness to be punished that made his tolerance more vigorous.

This is a torture for him.

"I know, everything is arranged by Commander Duan." I lowered my head and kept my bow at ninety degrees without moving at all, with a very religious tone.

"You..." Duan Qingtian looked at me, frowned slightly, wanted to say something, but didn't say anything, took a deep breath, and shouted: "Come here!"


Behind him, a group of soldiers immediately stepped forward and paid a military salute.

"Guo Rui's improper command and lack of leadership have caused huge losses to our soldiers. I announced that he will temporarily cancel his status as an agent of the Eastern Division, deprive him of... deprive him of command of all the camps, stay in the camp, and think behind closed doors. Watch the subsequent effects and then deal with it."


A few soldiers agreed and immediately walked to my side, and directly buckled my shoulders. A soldier reached into my arms and took the cyan arrow that represented my identity from my pocket.

This also means that my identity as an agent of the Eastern Division will be taken away from now on!

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