Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 358: action!

The night wind is rustling, the sea is quiet, everything seems to be the same, but tonight, it is destined to be extraordinary!

The three boats drove slowly to their predetermined location, turned off the lights, leaving only the necessary light, and all of them were driven to the minimum, as if they were afraid of affecting anyone here.

However, there are naturally no people on the sea, but they are not people on the sea either...

"Is everything in place?"

Duan Qingtian stood at the bow of the ship, with Baodao behind his back, with a cold face, looking at the sea in front of him, his eyes shot sharply.

Beside him, a walkie-talkie was randomly placed aside by him, and the red light on it turned on, indicating that the opposite party pressed the switch and was about to start talking.

"The left-wing team has arrived and everything is normal now!"

"The right-wing team has arrived, without incident, there is no movement around!"

The two voices said one after another, indicating that they had no problems.

At the left-wing team, there are several ships parked at sea. On the leading ship, there is an armchair on the deck. Yu Hao sits on it, with a small table beside him, his long stick, and a cup. Qing tea.

Duan Qingtian must do things personally. In his own actions, he usually uses the walkie-talkie to communicate, but other people may not be like this. What's more, Yu Hao and Murongke are not members of the Shadow Army at all, but just allies.

"Pavilion Lord, we are here."

Next to Yu Hao, a soldier was wearing a uniform and holding an intercom to communicate with his army commander. There were several others, all wearing Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion costumes, and reported to Yu Hao.

"I'm not deaf, I can hear you."

Yu Hao said angrily, frowned and waved his hand, beckoning him not to speak any more, then he picked up the tea cup and took a big sip.


Several people were taken aback, looked at each other, don't know what was going on, why does this pavilion owner seem to have a lot of temper today? But nothing happened, everyone was at a loss.

At this time, from behind, another person came up, standing at 1.78 meters, holding a long stick in hand, with a delicate face, and a pair of peach eyes that seemed to shine!

"Master, are you still thinking about Junior Brother Zhong? Even drinking tea has become like drinking water. You don't have the desire to taste it." The man walked over, smiling, and reached Yu Hao's side, reaching out and squeezing On the shoulders of his master.

"Brother Sun!" Several people saluted immediately.

The man named Senior Brother Sun waved his hand and motioned them to leave, then put his hand on Yu Hao's shoulder and squeezed it lightly.

Yu Hao’s expression eased, but he was still a little worried. He sighed and said, "Oh-if I can, how can I let him go alone? You don't know what he was like at the time. , That kind of look makes me feel a little palpitating. If it hadn't been for so many years, we had been helping him cultivate his character, I am afraid that just now, his killing intent would be soaring!"

"Are you worried that he won't be able to avenge him and will be killed by them?" Senior Brother Sun asked.

"Um...yes, not all." Yu Hao groaned and said.

"That is……"

"I heard from Yuzhan. He has a friend who was originally from the Shadow a lieutenant colonel. In order to help him, he blatantly violated the military order and gave up his identity. Alas-this Zhongming can have such a friend. , It's a great fortune! With his help, this hatred may not be unrequited."

"Then what are you still worried about?"

"What I worry about is... once he takes revenge, how will he live afterwards?"


When Senior Brother Sun was said by him, it seemed that he had suddenly understood something. The movements on his hands were just a meal, and his eyes changed immediately!

Yu Hao can naturally feel the movements of the two hands on his shoulders. At this moment, his movements became stiff, and Yu Hao knew immediately, and said: "You may also be able to see that these years, the bells have been ringing hard to cultivate. The purpose has long become revenge. Although we have been guiding him and adjusting his mentality, what will happen if we really take revenge?"

"Human, once his thoughts are gone, it's as if the breath in his heart is gone, and the vengeance is avenged, what will happen to him? No one knows, I didn't let any of his brothers and sisters follow. One of the concerns is that he lacks assistance and may be killed, but more importantly, when he really avenges him, no one can help him!"

Brother Sun stood behind, looked at his master, sighed, and said softly: "Master, you are really kind to us."

"Huh?" Yu Hao raised his head, and chuckled like self-deprecating: "What's the matter? I just treat you all as my own children, maybe...this is also because of the bell, because of him. Without my parents, I will love him even more. Once I love him, I can’t change it, and for you, it’s better than before."

"Then we are really covered by Junior Brother Zhong's light." Senior Brother Sun said with a smile.

"Well, you can say so! I won't ask for anything, hey, look, I'll be content if I can squeeze my shoulders when I am depressed!"

"Master, what are you talking about? Master's worries are our worries. Master's business is our business."


In the distance, the few brothers just looked at their master and brother. They were extremely harmonious. They couldn't help but sigh: "Brother Sun and Master have a good relationship. Master has always been inexplicably depressed these days, brother. I can always comfort Master."

"Of course! I heard that Senior Brother Sun grew up when he was a child, just like his son, of course he kissed him."

"Hey, when can we follow this."

"You? Humph! In the next life."

"roll roll roll!"


On the other side, Duan Qingtian stood at the bow of the ship and looked back. Behind him were a group of soldiers, including soldiers from the Shadow Army, members of the Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion, as well as worshippers and other members of the Murong family.

"Warriors! Tonight, we are going to settle accounts with those strange things under the sea! You come from different places and come from different organizations, but we must be the same enemy! Except for the monsters under the East China Sea, we will solve the difficulties of the eastern region. !"

"Yes!" Everyone stood on the deck, raised their right hands, clenched their fists, and shouted.

"Action!" Duan Qingtian gave the order, he turned his head first, jumped out immediately after moving his feet, and jumped directly into the water!

And at the moment when he touched the sea, Duan Qingtian opened his mouth slightly and said a short spell. The next moment, he fell into the sea, but his whole body, even his clothes and hair, never got wet!

Avoid water tricks!

Around his body, it seemed as if a thin film had formed, which completely enveloped him, shielded him from the seawater, and also provided him with oxygen so that he could keep breathing.

As for the other people on the boat, many people are not able to be like him. They have such ample mana that they can hold themselves from the surface of the sea to 200 meters under the sea, and have to fight after that, so they took the dive one by one. Equipment also jumped into the water one after another.

Duan Qingtian stopped in place, nodded as he watched his soldiers enter the water.

It’s not difficult to learn this kind of water avoidance technique. Basically, as long as you are a mage, you can learn it after a while, but it only isolates the water, and does not make people look like on land. Therefore, although you can breathe, it is effective in combat. It will still fall. Moreover, it is necessary to allocate excess mana to maintain it and increase consumption.

If it wasn't for the thing that was so immortal that it was just under the sea, and if they had so many submarines that could carry so many people down, they would not choose this method.

You know, if those things can come out of that ancient city and fight under the sea, they will fall into a serious disadvantage!

Duan Qingtian looked at it, everyone was there, he made a gesture, turned around and headed towards the sea, not fast or slow, to ensure that everyone behind him could keep up.

A vanguard squad headed towards the sea like a school of fish. Their destination was not the front of the ancient city, but the rear!

They are going to see if the outside gate of this ancient city under the sea is really a current spreading outwards, as the person said.

If so, then after they rushed in, here is their best retreat!

That person also didn't have any protective measures. Even if the mana was exhausted and his body was injured, he could reach the sea safely after experiencing this current and finally return to land. Then they would not be able to return safely without reason!

At this moment, they still don’t know why that person can come back...

On the sea, the people who stayed there were waiting for the order, and they had to go down immediately, rush into the ocean current according to the plan, and enter the ancient city under the sea.

After the submarines were parked on the ship, most of them were ordinary ones, only a few, which had been improved by the Shadow Army boss Du, could be more adapted to underwater actions.

It wasn't until then that they realized that this old monster Du, who was a bit annoying throughout the Shadow Army, turned out to be so important. Especially those who are assigned to ride ordinary submarines, this mentality is even more vigorous...

Under the sea, Duan Qingtian chanted the tactic of avoiding water, quickly bypassing the forefront of the ancient city, and came to the rear. A group of soldiers followed closely behind him. A group of people stopped and floated in the water. Big group of red!

This is... the ancient city under the sea!

It is the red color that the returning population said in the ocean current.

And on the periphery of it, there seemed to be something stupid and mosaic, blocking everyone's sight, and also playing a role in protecting the ancient city.

Although I can't see exactly what it is, but that's it, and I can feel the suffocating power around me. This is the funnel current that can **** everything in and spit it out!

"Commander, you can't get closer, and you will enter the ocean current if you get closer," a soldier said.

Duan Qingtian didn't speak. He just looked at the ocean current in front of him and felt its power. He seemed to be thinking about something. After a few seconds, he finally made a move. He pulled out the knife behind him!

"Commander Duan!"

"Don't say it!" Duan Qingtian said. "I can feel the thrust. Although it is much smaller than what we thought before, it still exists. This is a fact! However, if it is to be calculated as a retreat line, its power , We must figure it out."


"After a minute, if I haven't come out yet, cancel the action!"

Duan Qingtian said, with a move, the golden sword in his right hand was raised high and slammed down. The powerful blade light actually split the ocean current in half!

And just taking advantage of this short breath of time, Duan Qingtian's figure instantly rushed into the ocean current. The next moment, the separated ocean current merged again, wrapping his whole person in it.

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