Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 359: meter!

Under the sea, Duan Qingtian had already entered the ocean current, and the soldiers who followed him down stayed outside the ocean current, looking forward, all were frightened.

Standing here, they can best feel how powerful the ocean current is!

Just being on the periphery and doing nothing, I feel that the powerful thrust will push them far away, to unknown places!

And because at the periphery, this extrapolated force began to spread, and other surrounding ocean currents had an influence on the side. At this time, they must do their best to maintain their physical balance. Once they are a little distracted, they will be affected by this complicated ocean current and may be directly buried in this turbulent current!

But his own officer rushed directly into the ocean current, fighting head-on with the power that humans could not contend!

This galloping ocean current was vaguely like a mosaic, and even the line of sight was blocked. They couldn't see what was going on inside, and they would never know the life and death of the commander...

"One minute... one minute later, if Commander Duan can't come back..."

"What are you talking about?!" Another interrupted him. "Commander Duan is brave and invincible, martial arts superb! How could he not come back? This kind of small ocean current, he didn't pay attention to it at all, how could he get him?!"

"Yes...Yes! Commander Duan will definitely be back, for sure!"

Although they are all saying this, their drooling sounds are so obvious, and the worry and anxiety in their eyes under the diving goggles are extremely real.

None of them have the strength of Duan Qingtian, naturally no one can be sure how much this ocean current will affect him. But for them, the sea in front of them is like death's sickle, which can kill them at any time!

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "It's a minute!"

"what did you say?!"

The people next to him turned back and looked at him with a "swish", but there was some anger in their eyes.

"I, I counted, it's sixty seconds, one minute." The man ignored the eyes of others, looked straight ahead, and said seriously.

"You are talking nonsense!" a person yelled out immediately! "You are counting fast, only half a minute!"

"Really! It's really a minute!"

"You guy...!"

The person who talks about time is honest, how can he know that in the hearts of these people, they don't want a minute to come.

In their hearts, as long as Commander Duan didn't come back, this minute was not there!

"But really..."

"You still say? It's not a minute!"

"Who said that? He is right, isn't it already a minute?"


The man wanted to say something, but he was taken aback, because this voice was not from the person in front of him, but from behind him, and this voice was very familiar!

Everyone turned their heads mechanically and looked forward blankly.

Duan Qingtian is like a god, holding a golden knife, smiling all over his face, as if he has obtained a huge treasure, smiling openly and presumptuously!

On the coast...

"What? Already set off? This..."

Qin Nan and the unknown officer arrived at the port, but they were still a step late.

The port is empty. The boats and submarines that originally stopped here are all gone. The soldiers from various organizations assembled here have also disappeared. Only the soldiers standing guard are left. You can explain the current situation to them, even though these are said. Words, they don't want to hear.

The action has started, are they late? !

"Don't worry, they may not have launched the sea operation yet. We will contact them immediately, maybe it can be done, hurry! Contact the people on board and tell them the situation here."

At a critical moment, he appeared to be much calmer than Qin Nan, but he reacted. Although the people have left, it does not mean that the action has started. As long as they are still at sea, they can still contact and stop.

"Ah? Oh yes! Hurry up!" Qin Nan also reacted immediately and quickly took out the intercom, wanting to contact the person on board.

And the sea at this time...

On the deck, everyone was waiting. In the submarine, the pilot stared at the front, and the correspondent stared at the walkie-talkie, as if he could see it as a flower.

At this moment, suddenly, on the side of the hull, the originally calm sea suddenly turned upside down, as if some big guy was moving, and immediately rolled up the whirlpool. Then, a golden light burst out from under the sea, breaking the water surface. , Go straight to the sky!

Everyone is bright, here it is!


The commander at the head gave an order, and the soldiers who had been prepared for a long time immediately jumped into the sea, either relying on diving equipment, or thinking about the water avoidance technique, and dived into the sea.

The pilots of the submarine started to dive, and the signal of the action was transmitted to each team through the walkie-talkie. The left-wing and right-wing teams received the order at the same time, and then immediately passed them on to the people on their side.

"Okay, it's finally here!" Yu Hao stood up and took his long stick. The senior brother Sun beside him also suppressed his smile, holding the long stick with a serious face.


Yu Hao gave a loud shout, moved his feet, his body was like a water bird, instantly rose into the air, drew a parabola in the air, directly crossed half of the splint, and fell into the water.

And beside him, Senior Brother Sun was unwilling to lag behind, and immediately followed, jumping into the sea.

These two people do not rely on other foreign objects, but only use the water avoidance technique!

Everyone started to act. On the coast, Qin Nan shouted into the walkie-talkie, but there was no.

They used a channel, but just before she was about to speak, Duan Qingtian's signal was sent from under the sea. Everyone started to talk on the walkie-talkie and gave orders, but her voice couldn't be heard at all!

"Use a cell phone!"

Qin Nan quickly took out his mobile phone again, and wanted to call Xue Biao, asking him to tell Commander Duan not to act, but it was still useless.

Because the underwater situation is unknown, everyone, even those who know how to avoid the water, must leave all the electronic equipment on the boat before entering the water. At this time, the action officially begins, how can he hear the phone ring? What?

"It's over!" Qin Nan put down the phone, as if all the strength of his body had been exhausted, and his whole body immediately weakened, looking decadent.

"The action has already begun, we...can't stop it."


Under the sea, everyone dived into the water, Duan Qingtian and others floated in place, waiting for them to take their place.

The distance of two hundred meters arrived in a flash. Not long after, the masters had already arrived, and the rest followed closely. An objective army reached a position two hundred meters below the sea.

At this distance, the diving device has not much effect. The main function is the water avoidance technique. The wizard who has refined the water spell can make it easier.

Duan Qingtian looked around, and the people were almost there, and said, "Everyone, can't wait anymore. The Water Avoidance Technique consumes us too. We must save our strength and fight against the monsters in the city and other unknown forces. Everyone Protect your body and don't hit the reef in the ocean current, everyone, take care!"


In the sound of the water, countless figures rushed towards the red light and marched towards the ancient city under the sea. The submarines stopped behind the ancient city and rushed out of the ocean current to take care of everyone.

Duan Qingtian took the lead, Yu Hao and Murongke went on the left and the other right, and went straight into the ocean current.

And at this moment...

"and many more!"

"Something's wrong!"

"what happened?!"

The three masters reacted almost at the same time, wrong!

The moment they came into contact with this ocean current, the power of that ocean current suddenly increased! Moreover, the range has been expanded several times in an instant!

"It's not good! It's in the calculation, quickly withdraw!"

withdraw? It's too late!

The power of this suction is already beyond the reach of Duan Qingtian! How can other people be prevented?

And the most terrifying thing is that their last hope, the only retreat route, was the ocean current behind the ancient city. At this moment, it suddenly turned into an inward ocean current, its strength, its scope, and The other directions are generally the same!

"Hold the grass!"

"what happened?!"

The personnel on board the submarine couldn't respond completely, and was immediately sucked in by the ocean current, and the sky was spinning around suddenly, and there was no time to control the submarine.

And I'm afraid... even if it can be manipulated, it won't be able to withstand this ocean current...

On the sea, there were not many soldiers left. They were originally just defending against attacks on the sea, but in general, no one came to our East China Sea territorial waters to make trouble except for Gongmajiao. And now, Christine Demon Sect was also beaten away.

Originally, this is a safe area, but now...

"What's that?!" a soldier pointed to the sea ahead and said, his face was shocked, and his voice was a little trembling.


"Quick! Get out of here!"

"That's too late!"

The people who were not prepared at all could not react to the sudden appearance of the great vortex, but it was impossible to sail the boat. The suction of the vortex was unprecedented, like a black hole, to swallow them all Go in!

Not only this, the left-wing team and the right-wing team were equally attacked by the whirlpool.

The screams of the people on the boat can be heard from a long distance away, and even the moon in the sky seems to be reluctant to see all of this. Instead, they cover their face with clouds and hide themselves in the darkness. .

At night, in the extremely mysterious sea, it seemed like a demon was taking the lives of people. In just a few seconds, several large ships disappeared on the sea, the vortex disappeared, and the sea returned to calm.

But this calm is only on the surface, on this bottom of the sea, endless conspiracies and tricks are raging at will!

Qin Nan sat slumped on the coast, looking pale at the dim sea.

A long time later, the Shadow Army will still remember that today is their disaster day. Today, they suffered an unprecedented defeat!

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