Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 360: To Yenching!

Time: Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Location: Yanjing! train station!

"Finally! The time is just right. Don’t worry, Brother Zhong Ming. Tomorrow is the day for their party. Fortunately, I bought a ticket for the early morning. Otherwise, we can’t come so early. We can rest for the night and relieve our fatigue. We will have energy tomorrow. Fight against them!"

At the entrance of the railway station, there was a crowd of people, busy with traffic, and amidst the hustle and bustle. Brother Zhong Ming and I walked out of the station. Looking at the scene in front of us, we couldn't help but sigh.

I’m afraid I’ve never been to this railway station in the capital. I visited here when I was a kid, but I didn’t come for many years, and my memory became blurred. But when I came again, I didn’t expect my previous memories to be hooked up. I really miss it.

At that time, I was not a mage, but just an ordinary kid. I had a vacation to play, and I had to do my homework when I went home, and I had to go to school after the vacation, and be a hard-working student party.

And now I, although I still have the identity of a student, but no longer the same, with peerless magic, although I dare not boast of how high a position, but I think it can be regarded as the number one!

After many years, when I came back, I changed my appearance!

It's just that the square in front of this station remains unchanged, as if it was helping me record the changes over the years.

Brother Zhong Ming stood by my side, looking at the scene in front of me, there was a strange look in his eyes. It seemed that he had never been here before. Unexpectedly, the first time he came, he came for revenge!

"What's wrong with Zhong Ming? Haven't seen it?" I asked.

"Yeah." Brother Zhong Ming nodded honestly. "I have followed them before, but they have never made a train. They are all small roads. I can't tell which one is which. I didn't try to remember it. I just tracked it. This is my first time here."

"Hey, then, let's have fun and stroll here tonight, no matter how good and beautifully we sleep, tomorrow, we will have a good fight! Kill those ghosts, how about?!"


Brother Zhong Ming raised his eyebrows, looked at me a little bit amused, and said helplessly: "I said, I'm here to avenge, and you, just lost your identity as the Shadow Army, it's not a good thing, how does it feel like Do you still have to celebrate?"

"Tsk! This is not foresight, right?" I pretended to blame.


"I told you that if I lose my official position, I will lose it. I still have the Tongzhou Club. It doesn't delay me from making meritorious deeds. And you... Tomorrow, your grievances will definitely be repaid. ...Celebrate in advance!"


"Okay, let's go, stop."

As I said, I grabbed his arm directly and couldn't help but say anything else. I immediately pulled him to the side of the street. The hotel solicitors on the side immediately surrounded him, and started to rush to sell their own stores.

Brother Zhong Ming was a little uncomfortable with this situation for a while, looking at so many people around, he was a little at a loss.

I am familiar with the road. Yunzhou has experienced it. At this time, I am even more proficient. While listening to the people around me, I whispered to him: "Don’t worry, everything will go smoothly, just as if you were out to play. Today, Just relax first."

Brother Zhong Ming has something in his mind, how easy is it to relax? But maybe because of me, he forced a relaxed look, squeezed a smile, and nodded.

At this time, on the other side, in a hutong in Kyoto, a courtyard that looks the same as the surroundings...

"Sir! Sir! There is something important to report!"


In a room in the courtyard, on a great teacher's chair, a five-year-old and three-thick man sits on it, with his arms around his chest, not knowing what he is thinking, but it is certain that it is definitely not a good thing. His face is gloomy. Just like you can squeeze out water, you can't tell which one is which is mixed in a coal pile.

The door was hung with a gauze curtain, which simply isolated the relationship between the inside and the outside. At this time, with his "enter", the partition was broken, the door of the house was gently pushed open, and a man in a shadow army uniform walked away. He came in, walked quickly to the person, and handed him a piece of paper in his hand.

The man was upset. He touched his head when he saw the paper. He didn't know what was causing headaches, but when he took it over, his face was instantly red!

The messenger was startled.

This is not ordinary red, but red when blood is rising and raging!

He is angry!

Everyone knows that this officer has a weird temper. He often sees people unpleasantly inexplicably, and then punishes him. Although it is not strong, it is absolutely uncomfortable!

But this time, it was obvious that the officer was even more angry than before!


Just as he was frightened, that person suddenly patted the paper on the table, almost scaring his heart out!

It was visible to the naked eye that the weak piece of paper immediately turned into countless pieces of debris under his hands. It was so powerful that even the table under the piece of paper began to creak, almost reaching the edge of the piece of paper. perish together.

"Sir, sir..."

"Huh!" The big man scratched with five fingers, and suddenly five round holes appeared on the small table! As for himself, there was a slight sneer on his face, a slight...angry sneer.

"he came!"


Yanjing, the capital of a major country, is where its head is located. Although it is not near the sea and cannot become a large port city, its degree of prosperity is not inferior to other cities!

Things like night markets and pedestrian streets are naturally very common here. Gatehouses and archways are brightly lit, and there are endless streams of small merchants and tourists, and we, without exception, have become one of them.

"Big Brother Zhong Ming, don't think about anything else. Eat and sleep well tonight, and you will have energy tomorrow. Don't worry, the little clever ghosts will stay by their side, and they will feed me back any information. They can't run!"

"Yeah, ah, ah." Brother Zhong Ming nodded and agreed perfunctorily, but everyone could see it, which was not a relief at all.

I don't force it anymore. After all, it wasn't me who encountered this kind of thing. The day of revenge is imminent. I really don't believe anyone can keep calm.

Let's go with the flow. Anyway, I have made every effort to prepare for tomorrow's affairs. I believe... it should be fine.

Thinking like this, I shook my head and continued to walk forward, out of an archway, and onto a square.

Looking around, there are occasional vehicles coming and going around, and it is rare and there are not many people on both sides. It is also covered by the light of non-holidays. What a great thing! This is the correct way to come out and play!

But at this moment, there was a sudden "swish" on both sides of the street! As if they had been negotiated a long time ago, the four business vans came in groups of two and two from the corner of the street in an instant, and drove by!

"heads up!"

Brother Zhong Ming was still tense at this time. The four cars were not right at first sight. At that time, they shouted like a frightened bird, and the whole mana immediately condensed!

"Big Brother Zhong Ming, wait!"

I hurriedly stretched out my hand to stop, patted his shoulder with a palm, and forcibly held down his swelling mana, while looking around vigilantly.

Although I don’t know who came, I must be prepared for this posture. I don’t have many enemies, not to mention the shadow army headquarters and the first master Ruyan in this Yanjing realm. Who dare to make trouble in the street?

Although I don't have any amulet to use at this time, but based on these two points, as well as the Baron and the others who have been useless in my body and are about to panic, I may not be at a disadvantage!

It’s just that there will be a big battle tomorrow, and today, if you can consume less, you can consume less.

As I was thinking, the two cars on each side suddenly separated, one of them continued to move forward, and the other suddenly drove to the side, drawing an arc to our other side.

This is the method of siege!

Moreover, the reason why they can drive so fast is because there are few people here, and their obstacles are almost zero, so the speed advantage of the car can be demonstrated. If there are crowds of people, they want to use this trick!

So, whether the empty space here happens to be the case, or is it intentional, I...don't know!


"It's okay, Brother Zhong Ming, don't get excited, just relax and take a look at the situation first." I said, my eyes flashing, and I looked around.

Originally there were not many people here. When these cars came, the remaining ones were even more invisible. Now there are almost no other people around here! The surroundings were empty and there were not many houses. It seemed that the plan was planned, and we couldn't escape with the terrain.

At this moment, four cars arrived at the same time, the front of the car connected to the rear, and a square was drawn to surround the two of us.

"Organized and disciplined, and bad people come!" Brother Zhong Ming looked at the four cars, with black glass stickers on the car glass. You can't see what's inside from the outside and don't know the basis.

On the contrary, when I saw them act like this, I already had seven to eight points in my heart.

Sure enough, four cars opened the doors at the same time, four people wearing the same clothing, and got out of the car at the same time.

Through the open door, we can also see that on the other side, the door is also open, and one person comes down again, standing outside the square, observing the surrounding situation.

And in the back seat of each car, I don’t know what else exists.

But apart from anything else, this dress can already explain everything.

This is... the uniform of the Shadow Army!

"You..." Brother Zhong Ming was shocked when he saw their clothes. He didn't know what was going on for us, but suddenly he seemed to have reacted to something again. He looked back at me with a worried face. The color.

"Brother, are they here to trouble you?"

"Don't be afraid. Soldiers will come to block and water will come to the land. I have decided. What can they do to me?!"

While comforting Brother Zhong Ming, I stared at the person who was walking towards me. This person has a cold face and dignified mana. He is a master at first glance. If he wants to come, he must be the elite of the Shadow Army!

The man walked in front of me with no expression on his face, like a cold machine. He stretched out a hand, but made a "please" gesture to us.


"Two, the sir, please, give a private account."

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