Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 361: Punishment, three cuts and six holes!

The car was driving on the road in the capital. On both sides of the street, there were tall buildings that could not be seen completely. I couldn't name each of them. They were so high that I could not see the words on the roof.

Brother Zhong Ming is sitting next to me, looking very nervous, but there should be something for me.

The two of us were sitting in the back seat of the business van. There were three people in front, one of whom was the one who just spoke to us, sitting in the co-pilot. In the driver's seat is a middle-aged driver who looks forty years old, and in the middle row of seats sits a guy who also looks cold, which looks like a cruel person.

But it doesn't matter, I am not afraid of him at all, because I am a wolf!

It's what they said...Sir, please?

The commander of the Shadow Army, the first thing I thought of was Duan Qingtian, did he come back? No, he went into action last night. Could it be that Qin Nan and the others successfully prevented the action, so he came back at this time?

This posture was obviously directed at me. Just a few hours after being here, it caught me. Maybe it was because I knew where I was going and came to arrest me.

It also makes sense!

I thought this privately, because Qin Nan had not contacted me and I had not received any news, so I had this understanding, so I didn't worry at all.

Four cars drove across the road and over the elevated highway. The surrounding high-rise buildings gradually began to decrease, and the last one was gone. But ordinary residential buildings began to appear. They were all five-story and seven-story buildings. But it looks like.

On the side of the street, you can occasionally see old men, old ladies, or people playing chess, or buying vegetables, going home, or chatting.

Going forward, the road is narrower, and there are more people on the street and small tricycles. It is a bit difficult for this commercial vehicle to drive in. They didn’t plan to squeeze it in. We drove on another road, stopped the car, took us out of the car, and entered the alley.

A courtyard house that looks no different from the others, I don't know how much it is worth, but in the eyes of the residents, it is nothing more than a home.

But here, it's not just home, it's also one of the bases of the Shadow Army!

"Sir, they are here." The man who brought us walked to the door of the house, knocked on the door, and whispered to it.

My heart said that you are not at a loss? Is this what we want to come? !

Inside the room, a heavy voice said: "Let them in."


I can tell by listening, this is definitely not Commander Duan! Let me just say, how could it be possible to come back so soon? Is the action not cancelled? This……

Just thinking that the person had already answered "yes" and gently pushed the door open, he stood aside and made a "please" gesture to us.

Brother Zhong Ming and I walked in. As soon as I entered, the door was closed from the outside. Inside, there were only two of me and one, standing opposite us, with his back facing us.

"You're here, I heard that you've been locked up privately, it turns out that you are here!" The man said in a deep voice, turning around, a pair of tigers staring at me, angrily!

Lin Dingkun!

"It's you?!"

I didn't know that Lin Dingkun had come to Kyoto before. Until this time, I did not know that Commander Duan came to the East China Sea and gave Kyoto to him to manage. It is no wonder that he must have known about me during the war between the East Coast and Christine Demon Sect, and he must also know that I escaped privately.

Therefore, I was discovered by them when I first came to Kyoto. It is understandable that Lin Dingkun was furious and arrested me.

It's just that you, the intelligence network, are really accurate in catching your own people!

I bared my teeth and looked at Lin Dingkun who was angry and looked like a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water. I smiled and said, "It turns out that it is Major General Lin who has invited me. What's the matter when you invite me to this place today?"

"What's the matter? Don't you know what you did yourself?!" Lin Dingkun looked at me, his anger was even more intense, his eyes seemed to be red, bloodshot.

"What I did... Of course I know, so today's so-called'please'... is it just to ask for an explanation? Let's say it, command error, violation of military order, private lockup, multiple crimes, and concurrent punishment. What do you want?"

"Brother!" Big Brother Zhong Ming pulled me, motioning me to stop talking, don't irritate him, he might give me some serious punishment.

I shook my head and looked at Lin Dingkun in front of me with firm eyes.

If it was Commander Duan here today, it would certainly not be as troublesome as today, and it would not be possible to create a situation like this. Lin Dingkun didn't want to see me at all, and he had a grumpy temper and a weird personality. This was not a secret in the Shadow Army. He came to punish me, and I didn't plan to be good!

Simply, do not dodge, do not dodge, do not retreat, do not resist, just put everything on the bright side, let him do it all at once! I also thought about it, what else can I say after saving.

Lin Dingkun looked at me, flushed with anger, and pointed at me and shouted: "Guo Rui! Don't think that you have a military commander and they can do anything wrong! On the contrary! If you make a mistake, you must be severely punished! "

"Yes, do you have a Tongzhou Club? It is a bridge between us and non-governmental organizations, but we don't have to want you! Without you, we can find someone else to establish another organization, and he can still do this. Point. And you are an abandoned person!"

"You..." Brother Zhong Ming moved his lips and wanted to speak, but in the end he didn't say it. It may be because he feels that he is not easy to intervene as an outsider, or he may feel that if he speaks too much, he will get angry again. Guy, he might be angry with me...

But I'm not afraid anymore, facing Lin Dingkun's inexplicable heart is the confidence!

"Major General Lin, I respect your strength and understand your thoughts, but I also have my stand, and I also have my thoughts. When the Tongzhou Society was established, I had not received the help of the Shadow Army. Please worry about it."

"As for who you will look for in the future, and what organization you will establish, please feel free. I can't interfere with you, and you will not deliberately make trouble for me."

"Huh! Just your small organization? What can you do if you recruit a group of casual cultivators, and then get a group of little ghosts? It's just a few words of praise at the time. On this scale, we don't need to take action at all. If we take action, just In an instant, I want it to be wiped out!"


Having said that, I finally frowned.

Indeed, although the Tongzhou Club seems to be prosperous, the bottom line is still empty. The beggar is a good hand I buried, but unfortunately this deck of cards cannot be played at this time. I can only hope that in the future, he can play some role. .

The rest, as he said, there are not many human wizards, they are all recruited casual cultivators, and their strength is not on the stage at all. The members are still mostly ghosts. Among them, the most powerful are Baron and Lang. Feng and Gongsun told them, they are all in my system at this time, and you have to bring everything with you.

If this is the case, we must call it a local organization, and we can only say that it is too arrogant.

"That's good, I'm the boss, I would like to thank you, the major general, for raising your noble hand first. If there is any punishment, any blame, I will come quickly, I, listen carefully!"

As I said, I stretched out my hand and took out the black book representing my identity as the Shadow Army, and patted it on the small table aside, with my eyes wide open, staring at the people in front of me!

"Such a mistake, I know I can no longer stay in the Shadow Army, don't you think, Major General Lin?"

"Of course! You know something!"

Lin Dingkun said in a deep voice, with a move with his right hand, the mana flowed, an invisible force instantly sucked the notebook on the table and flew straight into his hand.

"Guo Rui, you have made mistakes several times and have not changed after repeated teachings, and you are only a non-staff member. Today, as a major general and as a deputy commander of the Shadow Army, I declare that you will be deprived of your status as a lieutenant colonel of the Shadow Army and all treatment. From then on, you are no longer a member of our Shadow Army!"

"Okay!" I glared at him, shouting loudly, stretching out my arms, but there was a smile on my face.

"More than that, you must be punished!"

"That's right, I don't think I just got a punishment of depriving my identity, it's just what I want!"

Lin Dingkun looked at me, nodded slightly, turned around and walked to the bookshelf to the side, and took a dagger.

"Good boy, you have some backbone, I won't punish you too much. Although our Shadow Army is the military, but the mage is born in the world, you lose your identity now, and you will not only be in our military in the future. People, today, I will use the law of the rivers and lakes as your final punishment!"

Lin Dingkun said, shaking his hand, the dagger came out of its sheath and nailed it directly in front of me.

"The law of the arena, three knives and six holes!"

"No way, brother!" As soon as Brother Zhong Ming heard this word, he immediately changed his color and was about to stop me.

I stretched out my hand to stop him, smiled and shook my head, holding a virtual palm, fetched something from the air and took the knife in my hand.

Cold and shiny, it really is a good knife.

It's just that my chubby body, if I put it in, will it come out from the back? If it can't come out, how can I make three cuts and six holes?

I picked up the dagger, raised my head and smiled and said, "Poor, poor. Although I have experienced a lot of battles, I still feel a little afraid of pain. I really can’t do this thing about using a knife on myself, Major General Lin , How about you help me?"

I said, shaking my hand, the dagger returned to Lin Dingkun's hand again.

"You let me do it? Huh! You are really courageous. If I do it, I might be where the three stabbings are."

"It's okay, at most... it's just the heart." I spread my hands and said indifferently.

"Brother, why are you still..."

"Don't worry, with his pride, he won't kill me at this time. It's okay. Anyway, he will be stabbed three times. Everyone is the same."

I patted Big Brother Zhong Ming's arm so that he doesn't have to worry. While looking at Lin Dingkun, I shouted, "Come on!"

"Good boy, you have a seed!"

Lin Dingkun's eyes moved, his right hand immediately clenched the handle of the knife, and the sole of his foot stepped on, and the whole person rushed over in an instant, with the tip of the knife in front, killing intent raging!


This knife carries mana, and the point of the knife is at the position of my belly button. It pierced in without any hindrance, and it pierced into my body instantly!

At the same time, the pain immediately rushed into my brain, and almost made me shout out, but the next moment, a trace of mana crashed into my dantian.

Lin Dingkun refined foreign kung fu, under the impact of this powerful mana, my 26th level bottleneck was instantly reopened, and my level instantly entered the 27th level!

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