Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 362: Level 27!


A knife stabbed, and the severe pain and the sensation of mana impact came at the same time, and under this stimulation, my 26th level bottleneck was broken in an instant, and I entered the 27th level!

This is something that has never happened before!

My system has always had nothing to do with other magical powers or even the essence of heaven and earth. It grows by itself. In the past, it was upgraded by killing monsters and practicing day after day, like today's situation where it is upgraded due to the intervention of external forces. It has never been!

However, at this time, I obviously can't think clearly about that much. The collision of the two mana powers, coupled with the pain on the body, has made me a little at a loss, and I am a little unsure of what to do when I connect it.

But at this moment, a touch of gold suddenly appeared in my mind. Just after a while, the golden light as large as a grain of rice turned into a beam of light that touched the sky and the ground!

My mind is full of gold, and I can't see the others anymore!

Do not! There are still some that can be seen. Those are some outlines hidden in the golden light. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

It was as if he had just returned to a dark cabin from a well-lit place, and his vision suddenly became blurred, as if the pupils had not had time to shrink back, so that they couldn't see the objects.

Although I don't know if I have a pair of eyes in my mind, at this time, I really feel that the situation is too similar to the visual response.

There was a golden light in my mind, and I didn't realize what was happening outside, as if even the pain in my body had disappeared.

For Brother Zhong Ming and Lin Dingkun, what they saw in their eyes was another magical picture.

According to Big Brother Zhong Ming, after Lin Dingkun's knife stabbed, a golden light suddenly appeared on my body! Although it is not dazzling, but this golden light appears on the human body, there is always a very sacred feeling!

Moreover, the most surprising thing is that after the golden light, the place where Lin Dingkun stabbed my abdomen was supposed to be bloody, but at this time, there was no change!

This knife, stabbing, pierced in! However, the follow-up is gone...

The knife was really pierced in my abdomen, but it was as if the knife was stuck in the pillow. It was soft, not bleeding, and it seemed to have no other effect on me.

In their eyes, even my expression, I couldn't tell that I was hit by a knife, as if it didn't matter.

After all, at this time, it should be time for me to feel the golden light in my mind.

Then the golden light outside the body and in the mind should appear at the same time.


Lin Dingkun looked at me, who was shining golden light in front of him, and felt in his hand, as if his knife was not pierced into the human body, but pierced into the cotton. He was shocked, shouted, and drew the knife. Out.


There were no screams, no convulsions of the body, and no blood flow, everything was so peaceful.

Both Lin Dingkun and Zhong Ming looked over. The stab wound on my belly button is still there, and the shape of the knife can even be seen, but there is nothing else.

The inside of the wound was like a golden tunnel, with no blood, no flesh, and no nauseating pierced internal organs.

Brother Zhong Ming later said to me analogy that I felt like a big piece of golden plasticine at that time. When I cut it in, there was still golden plasticine inside. I just need to squeeze it twice to recover.

No wonder he said this, because my wounds are really healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the wounds caused by the knife are not big at all. The flesh and the flesh almost fit, and it is very fast, which is just a few breaths. The wound on my belly button healed quickly, and the golden light on my body began to fade away.

"Hold the grass!"

Lin Dingkun looked at me unscathed, and suddenly became furious, and raised his hand with another stab!


A knife pierced my ribs no more than a few inches!

"Brother!" Big Brother Zhong Ming yelled immediately, and one escape does not mean that he can escape every time!

But as soon as Lin Dingkun's knife entered, the golden light on my body that was about to retreat suddenly shined again, and then Lin Dingkun felt that he stabbed cotton again...

Brother Zhong Ming felt that a large golden plasticine appeared in front of him...

The knife was pulled out, and it was another bloodless wound. After a few breaths, the wound healed again.

"I still don't believe it!"

Lin Dingkun made another cut, this time even Zhong Ming was not nervous anymore, quietly watching him play.

Sure enough, this knife was the same as the previous two, and it was useless.

After the wound healed, the golden light on my body began to fade again, and the golden light in my mind also began to gradually disappear, slowly becoming a normal person.

"I see how you hide this time!"

Lin Dingkun can be the deputy commander of the Shadow Army. It is not brainless. He goes down three times. After every stabbing, the golden light on my body will light up. Then he will wait for the golden light to completely disappear before stabs. Is it really that evil!

He could see that Big Brother Zhong Ming was not stupid. When I saw that my golden light faded, he also knew that this kind of non-human things could not happen again and again. The problem is most likely to be the golden light. At this time, Lin Dingkun has to take action immediately. Yelling: "Stop it, three swords have passed!"

Just a few words can already explain the situation.

I just broke free from the golden light. Although I could see some outlines in a blur, the visibility was still low, I couldn't see anything, and I didn't feel anything on my body. The ghost knew that he had stabbed me three times.

It can be said that I just woke up and didn’t know anything. Then, I heard the voice of Brother Zhongming...

Hold the grass! Your tortoise son, you still want to come after you have gotten three shots? !

I was not happy then! Straighten down, aim at his knife, and use my chest to push it directly!

Ok? !

Brother Zhong Ming and Lin Dingkun were both taken aback. They didn't know what I was doing. Although the chest was harder than the abdomen, it was harder than a knife. The only action at a critical moment was to aim the chest at the tip of the knife?

You know, once you get a knife in your chest, you have a greater chance of death!


"you wanna die?!"

Both of them drank out loud, but in the next moment, I will surprise them!


The sharp tip of the knife hit my chest, but I couldn't move forward anymore. No matter how hard Lin Dingkun exerted, this knife couldn't hurt me!

Since I dare to do this, I have the confidence to do so!

My chest was flickering with purple-red light, and the system felt the danger, and immediately went out to block Lin Dingkun’s knife. The next moment, the purple glow flashed, and a strange force spread out. In a moment, it looked good. Turn the dagger into powder immediately!

joke! My system is a product beyond this world. No matter how good your sword is, you are also an ordinary sword. How can you win it? !


The purple-red light flashed, and that piece of dust drifted in the slight breeze, or moved slowly on the ground, the sound it made was exactly like this.

Lin Dingkun took the only remaining hilt and stared at everything in front of him blankly, as if he was stupid.

I patted my chest lightly, straightened up, looked at him calmly, and said lightly: "Three swords have passed, and the punishment is over, Major General Lin, from now on, we will have nothing to do. It's just the relationship between officials and people. I'm leaving, so I don't need to send it."

After I finished speaking, I turned my head and left. I pulled Zhong Ming with one hand, and pushed the door open with the other. The door slammed into the two sides under strong force, and hit the wall and bounced back halfway. Distance.

The soldiers in the entire yard were frightened. I have never seen such a horizontal one!

They all know the temper of this Chief Lin, who is not cautious? Who is not polite? But today there is such a person, after being arrested by him, he actually pushed the door so presumptuously!

And, look at the state of this person...I'll go! Unscathed!

What kind of character is this? !

These people have been in Yanjing for a long time, and this is the first time I have come here. Naturally, they don't know who I am. What's more, I am no longer the Shadow Army.

"Let's go, Brother Zhong Ming." I said, ignoring them, and went straight to the gate.

Although Brother Zhong Ming had some doubts, considering the current situation, he resisted not posting, but walked quietly by my side and went out with me.

People in a yard didn't know what to do. They looked at the house, and their parent official was standing not far from the door, clearly watching everything that was released in the yard, but they didn't stop them.

That should be... no need to stop.

Everyone thought about it, and then looked at me and Brother Zhong Ming and walked out of the courtyard grandly and onto the street.

There may also be secret whistle around, but it is estimated that they are all in a state of mind. If they can get out, they are not people who need to intercept, and they have not received orders, so they don't care.

In the evening, at about five o'clock in the afternoon, the two of us walked out of the small courtyard and left the secret base of the Shadow Army. We had nothing to do with them. From then on, we have nothing to do with them!

"Let's go, go after dinner, and go back to rest in the morning after eating. He was a bit tired at first, which made him feel even more tired!" I stretched out and said heartlessly.

", I want to ask. Just now in that room, I obviously saw you hit three times with my own eyes, but why didn't you have anything to do? Do you have any other players? Is this a spell? ?"

"Ah... this, be it, I'll explain to you later when I go back." I thought about it, scratched my head a little embarrassedly, and said perfunctorily.

It's not that I don't want to say it, but I am not very good at explaining this matter.

That Lin Dingkun stabbed in, but it made me rise to the twenty-seventh level, which is not an ordinary level. Level 27 means I can learn another skill!

And it was this skill that allowed me to turn the danger into a breeze today.

Refining gold body barrier!

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