Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 363: Suburban theater

Refining gold body barrier!

After my twenty-seventh level, the skills I learned are the only passive skills so far!

Prior to this, whether it was the heavenly strategy, the scout eye, the fetching from the air, or the light palm, ice armor, and thunder hammer, these were all skills that required my subjective consciousness to operate, but This time, it was a passive skill!

Refining gold body barrier.

Just by listening to the name, this is a defensive skill, and the word "golden body" can already explain some things.

Now many games have begun to use this setting, golden body means invincible! This means that any enemy's attack, whether it is damage or control, cannot have any effect on one's own!

And this is exactly the meaning of my body-refining physical barrier!

However, different from the invincible invincibility or absolute defensive barrier that is common in games, my golden body refining barrier has a unique effect.

This trick is called "refining the body" because of its ability to control the body.

Just like the three stabs Lin Dingkun stabbed me just now, with a single stab, there will be a wound on my body. It is not a strong barrier to it, but I can't feel any pain, nor bleeding or anything, and then In a short time, this wound will heal on its own.

This is the case of small wounds caused by small weapons. If it is a large weapon, or what powerful spell, it has caused a large area of ​​damage to me?

This will be divided into circumstances.

If I made a big hole in my stomach, then the effect will not change, but the repair time will be longer. And what if it was so big that it hit me all?

If the opponent’s damage has reached this level, then my body will become a pile of scattered golden particles, just like a large group of fireflies.

Such a size, under such a powerful attack, it is impossible to stay in place, but it will definitely be scattered, but soon, it will follow the wind to another location and re-form my body.

Of course, again, it will take longer!

If the arms, legs, or even the head are cut off, then the broken limbs will turn into a golden light, connect with the body, and eventually recover. The same time is proportional to the amount of damage.

It can be said that this trick is a complete life-saving skill!

Before that, my passive skill can only be said to be amulet, which can be active and passive, but the cooling time is a bit long, only once every seven days.

And this, although there are restrictions, is still much better than that.

three times a day! It can offset an attack that I can't resist and will cause damage to me!

Because I didn't resist at that time and let Lin Dingkun stabbed, and the above conditions were already met. Moreover, perhaps it was because of the pain that I subconsciously switched on skill learning, or that the system itself had spirituality and wanted to protect the lord. My body-refining body became physically disabled, and it prevented me from the next two swords without helping me. And also neutralized the one I had already won.

But it is a pity that all three use opportunities today have been used up, but fortunately there are three times a day. With this skill, I will have another hole card in the battle tomorrow!

At a food stall not far from the hotel where we were staying, Brother Zhong Ming and I each had a bowl of deluxe noodles, a large plate of various barbecues, and enjoyed our meal.

He told me what I was like at the time, and after I straightened out my skills, I told him.

"This trick is great! Brother, you have this trick, which is equivalent to three more lives!" Big Brother Zhong Ming held chopsticks in one hand and skewers in the other, chewing meat in his mouth, slurred, with envy and shock. Said.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that there is such a good thing, my master didn't tell me this at the time." I nodded and said, lying without blush.

I can't tell him about the system. This is the existence of subverting the world view, so I can only say that I once met an expert who taught me some skills. This trick was taught me by him. It was just before. I haven't encountered such a dangerous thing, so I didn't know it until today.

The period of time is after I met him, some time before today, the character prototype...Aite!

Anyway, he couldn't find the fault. He wanted to know me and said that the master had gone wandering, and I couldn't find it. The last time I met it was just a coincidence.

Fortunately, he didn't ask.

There are a lot of people at the food stalls. People of all kinds wait and talk loudly, or vomit dejectedly, or just eat quietly, chatting a few words from time to time, and the voice is not loud or small.

People's sorrows and joys are not the same. Everyone will not know what the other person is thinking, but I only think they are too noisy.

But fortunately, this is where our conversations can be covered. No one understands who we are, what identity we are, and what we will do tomorrow...

"Big Brother Zhong Ming, eat first, I'll go and help."

I said suddenly, smiled and stood up, and walked towards the public toilet not far away.

Brother Zhong Ming sat behind me, looked at my walking back, sighed, and put down his chopsticks.

After all... I still don't have much appetite.

He stood up and said to the people at the food stall, don't close the table, or go over there too. It wasn't that there was really any urgency, or he felt that sitting here was inexplicably panicked.

The door of the public restroom opened, which is worthy of being Kyoto. Even this place is cleaner than other places. Brother Zhong Ming walked into the room next to me and just closed the door, but suddenly found out that there was a ghost in his compartment. .

"Are you all ready? The place must be watched on the third and outer floors! There can be no mistakes, let alone let them go! This is a big deal, and Brother Zhong Ming's revenge is about to be reported!"

In the toilet room, I looked at Lu Qijun and a few little ghosts in front of me and whispered.

As early as when I came, I had released Lu Qijun and asked him to use his ghost control skills to cooperate with the elves and ghosts, catch some elves, surround the theater where the Beijing Repertory Troupe was going to meet, and closely monitor them!

Just now, I said that I wanted to go to the bathroom with the excuse. In fact, I received a report from Lu Qijun.

"Boss, don't worry, everything is arranged. There is absolutely no problem. I have never done anything on such a large scale. The entire theater, including the surrounding streets, various main roads, and intersections, Someone is watching, there is absolutely no problem! If you don't believe it, ask them."

Lu Qijun said, pointing to the little ghosts around him.

These little ghosts are not strong, but they are by no means weak. At first glance, they are like the leading little boss. After hearing Lu Qijun's words, they all nodded and patted their chests to ensure that they were absolutely safe.

"That's good, continue to monitor until tomorrow we go. If there is any change, report it immediately. If anyone of them leaves, follow it immediately, remember?"

"Remember, rest assured boss!" Lu Qijun said.

I asked everything I could think of. Maybe it was because I was helping others this time, maybe because the purpose of this battle was so serious and so enthusiastic, so I was very particular about this battle. Attentive.

But when I walked out of the cubicle, I clearly saw that Brother Zhong Ming was standing outside, looking at me with arms around his chest. I knew that he heard everything. It may be that my acting skills are too bad, or it may be speaking. Some are too big...

The next day, at ten o'clock in the morning, the sun was shining, but there was still some cool breeze in this early spring, so it was very comfortable.

The meeting place of the Beijing Repertory Theatre is not in the city, but close to the suburbs. This is also a development zone, but it has not yet been developed.

I believe that this place used to be a lively place, otherwise the theater would not be opened here, and according to Master, the Beijing Repertory Troupe used to only make a living by running plays, but it changed because no one watched it.

This theater is built on a corner of a T-shaped intersection. On the opposite side of the road, there is a wasteland. There are no trees, but at most there are a few wild flowers. Weeds are everywhere. In the distance, there are a few small bungalows. Not gathering together, standing there alone, it may be the helpless action of a nail household or someone who has no money.

On the other side, on the side of the T-shaped, there is an abandoned old building, and there is a factory in the distance, which is also abandoned. The original residents and workers no longer know where they went, now only bricks are left. The tile has become a temporary shelter for stray dogs and some birds. Of course, there may be occasional beggars passing by.

It is also relatively open. From a distance, you can see that there are new buildings under construction, the embryonic form of high-rise buildings is covered with green cloth, and the tower crane is slowly moving.

This situation and this scene all reveal a kind of sadness that people go to cool tea.

"It looks pretty shabby, they still live here."

On the side of the road, a few of us were standing there watching the situation. There should have been people in line in the square at the entrance of the theater, but at this time, it was a queer. The originally bright and beautiful theater became dilapidated, especially on the side. The wall will almost disintegrate on its own!

"Maybe it's more secretive here, no one will come."

On the side of the street, there is Big Brother Zhong Ming standing next to me, behind me, Baron, Lang Feng, and Gongsun Shu are all here! There is also a fat monk who may not be so willing.

"What are the two... at the door?" I asked two weird things, pointing to the entrance of the theater.

At the entrance of the theater, two weird guys were acting as guards instead of walking around and watching the situation outside. But obviously, their eyesight is not so good. We stood outside the street and didn't deliberately cover up our body, but they seemed to be unable to see us.

Unexpectedly when I asked this question, Zhong Ming's face changed at that time. Looking at these two guys, his eyes were full of anger: "These two... are puppets! They are puppets under Pinocchio!"

"Pinocchio..." I thought for a moment, this guy is the murderer of his parents!

That's why the real enemy is right in front of you!

"Then there is nothing more to say, everyone!"

"Yes!" Baron and others immediately agreed in a low voice.

"The enemy is right in front of you, and for several years of enmity, I will report it today!"


The three ghosts showed their intent to kill at the same time. In my hand, the Ghost Face Feiyun Sword has been shot. Big Brother Zhong Ming frowned, his teeth locked, and the fat monk looked tangled and wanted to be lazy.

The two little puppets at the door reacted and wanted to report back, but it was too late. In just an instant, we were already there!

The battle began.

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