Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 367: Each is damaged!


The magician fought off Gongsun Shu, floated back, and instantly came to Zhong Ming's side.

At this time, Big Brother Zhong Ming is playing with Pinocchio. Although I have already reminded him, Pinocchio is stronger than Big Brother Zhong. How could Big Brother Zhong Ming be distracted by other things?

At this moment, the magician suddenly intervened, hit him by surprise, and quickly resisted with a horizontal stick, but it was useless at all.

The magician's wrist flicked, and the black cloth seemed to be alive, and it whirled up, wrapping around the long stick accurately, and went straight back!

He couldn't resist this power.

And while Brother Zhong Ming was under pressure to move forward, and the power in his hand was loosening, the magician was in trouble again, and the black cloth wrapped around the long stick instantly unfolded and drew towards Brother Zhong Ming!

At this time, my ghost face Feiyun sword arrived!


The tip of the sword hit the black cloth, and the sharp sword was unable to tear the black cloth into pieces, but when it collided, it made a dull sound and then deflected its direction a little. It's as if what I hit with this sword was not a piece of cloth, but a stick!

On the other side, Baron had already rushed to block Pinocchio to prevent him from taking the opportunity to sneak attack. I also used Teleport to reach Brother Zhongming and take him away from the magician. Gongsunshu also rushed to us at this time and fought with us.

"Sir, what should I do?" Gongsun Shu asked in a low voice, standing beside me, in a voice that only the two of us could hear.

"Are you sure to take this guy?" I asked.

Gongsunshu frowned, thought about it, and shook his head gently: "It's choking!"

"Go hold Pinocchio and let Baron help Lang Feng!"

"it is good!"

Gongsunshu agreed, moved his feet, and suddenly flew out toward Pinocchio. The magician knew what he wanted to do and knew that Gongsunshu was the most difficult one of us, and immediately I thought of a move to stop it, but it was blocked by me!


"Don't look at him, we haven't decided the winner yet!"

I stepped on Tai Ming step and took the initiative to approach the magician. Behind me, Zhong Ming was unwilling to be outdone. After that, the two attacked together, one left and the other right!

On the other side, Barron had already fallen into a disadvantage against Pinocchio. He had to resist from the left and right, but it was difficult to find the flaw and could not attack.

suddenly! Pinocchio pushed up, and the knife in Baron's hand was immediately pushed away. Pinocchio took the opportunity to deceive him, raised his leg and knocked off Baron's other hand, then turned his knee and kicked him. Kick to Baron's belly!


Although Nabalon is also a ghost, but compared to these guys, it is still not enough to see. With a foot in the middle of his abdomen, he bent into a shrimp, flew out, fell heavily to the ground, and couldn't struggle for a while.

Pinocchio just wanted to take advantage of the vacancy to enter, but Gongsun Shu arrived on the side. Apart from anything else, he raised his hand with a black whip, first forced Pinocchio back, and then waved his hands, and several formations were formed instantly. Surround him!

"Mister ordered, go help Lang Feng!" Gongsun Shu shouted back to Balong.

"...Okay!" Baron struggled to sit up from the ground, nodded, propped the ground with a knife, and barely stood up.

Over there, the delightful person has an umbrella in one hand and a knife in the other, and Lang Feng is also unable to resist. But that Lang Feng has the attributes of martial infatuation. The more powerful the enemy, the more he can be at ease. He is not rushed or impatient. He plays steadily and steadily one by one. Although he has not seen the opponent’s flaws, he still has a little chance to leave. other side!

At present, although the two people are up and down, they have not really separated much.

But at this moment, the pleasant person suddenly felt a cool breeze behind his head, and quickly turned around and slashed away, but he cut a hole, but the person who struck did not take advantage of him.

"You are here." Lang Feng looked up at Baron and said lightly.

"Sorry for disturbing your Yaxing, but this is a battle. Victory is the main goal, not to mention that the husband ordered you to continue fighting alone."

"No need to say more, I know."

"That's good!"

Baron smiled, turned around, and reached the side of the delighted person, and slashed from the bottom up with a knife. At the same time, Lang Feng immediately took a trouble, raised his waist knife high, and slashed it down to cooperate with Baron!

In the entire Beijing Repertory Theatre, the combat power belongs to the end. The clown relies on his body, the sage scholar relies on his cultivation, Pinocchio relies on physical skills and puppet soldiers, the magician relies on spells, and he... just relies on not afraid of death. That’s all.

Simply put, it is reckless! Iron head baby!

This kind of physical skill is not prominent, the spell is not prominent, the cultivation base is not prominent, and even the character with the waist disc is not prominent, it can be quite easy to fight against Langfeng, but it is not enough to play two and one. !

With an umbrella in one hand and a knife in the other hand, the pleasant man faced Balong Langfeng's left and right attacks, and gradually couldn't hold it. Suddenly the left umbrella slipped first, and suddenly it was skewed by Lang Feng, and an empty door appeared in his left chest!

Who is Langfeng? How can we miss this opportunity? In an instant it was bullying!

"Hey!" The delightful screamed in surprise, and almost subconsciously used his right knife to resist, but at this time, Baron caught up with him. Without saying anything, he slashed straight away, right on the ribs!


With a slash, the wound was cut between the two ribs, and the ghost suddenly appeared.

The pleasant man was in pain and moved his hands for a while, but Lang Feng seized the opportunity and pierced his abdomen with a straight knife!


The pleasant person yelled, and the expression on his face instantly became savage.

Baron and the others are not afraid of this. Lang Feng held the knife with his backhand, quickly pulled it out, and smashed his left hand holding the umbrella. Baron picked up the knife and opened his right hand holding the knife. The two of them stepped forward at the same time. His open chest!

"I'll go to you!"

Two people flew a kick at the same time, and kicked on the delightful person at the same time. The strength of the kiwi was so powerful that it directly kicked the kiwi fruit out and rolled into the auditorium chair pile.

"Fifth brother!"

"Fifth brother!"

Several ghosts and monsters yelled out at the same time, and when they looked at us, their eyes were even more murderous!

The saint hand scholar is fighting against the fat monk. Said to be fighting, in fact, it was just a unilateral attack and another unilateral beating.

The fat monk can't attack, but fortunately, the Buddha's light protects the body, the sacred scholar holding a big brush, is dancing the wind! Every move and every style has a strong offensive power and an elegant beauty. The so-called violent gentleman, but so.

All the strokes hit the fat monk, and he screamed in pain.

This is where he is. If it is someone else, if you continue this pen, not to mention the loss of your life, you have to have missing arms and legs. The fat monk has Buddha's light body and will not be injured, but the impact can be felt. , And the pain is only partly weakened. Should it be painful or painful.

After such a short while, the fat monk is no longer alive, and he has never been beaten like this before. If it weren’t because the magic spells used by the sacred hand writers were sneaky, the Buddha's light would rebound. At this time, he is estimated to be beaten. The halo is on the ground.

And at this moment, the two of Balong Langfeng joined forces to injure the Pleasant, and the sacred scholar was close at hand. When he turned his head and saw that his little brother was injured, he was so angry that he shouted, regardless of the fat monk, he flew directly On the top of their heads, Baron, with a big stroke!

"Go to hell!"


Baron and Lang Feng had just ended a battle. At this time, they couldn't react at all. Looking back, the sacred scholar had already reached their heads. Between the crises, he had time to raise his sword as much as possible to resist, but it didn't make any difference.


A black light flashed, and the two of them instantly bent down like a heavy blow. The next moment, the two flew out together! A mouthful of blood spurted out, and all the ghosts leaked out!

"No!" I knew it was wrong when I saw it, and immediately shouted: "Gongsunshu, hit him!"

Gongsun Shu took the order and immediately withdrew and stopped fighting Pinocchio. Instead, he quickly stopped the sage scholar and couldn't let him attack Baron and the others. And I, this is also hurried to bring so many to Baron them to check the injuries.

The cultivation base of this sacred scholar is really not covered! The two of Balon and Langfeng only hit him. They vomited blood and fell into a state of serious injury. Among them, Balon was almost fainted. He had been kicked by Pinocchio before, if it were not for a solid foundation. , At this time it is estimated to have passed out.

"Thanks for your hard work, don't worry, take a good rest."

I looked at them, whispered, and then waved my hand and took them into the system. I pulled the eldest brother Zhong Ming next to him, teleported, and the two of them came to the fat monk's side and avoided the scene again. Attack of the mage.

At this time, the fat monk had just escaped from the "devil's claws" of the sacred scholar, his heart relaxed, as if he had survived a disaster, he sat on the ground, stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his head, and panted heavily.

"Fat man, wake me up!" I came to him and kicked the fat monk directly on the fat ass, and kicked him on the ground again!

"I'm going! Donor, don't bring such tormentors, don't bring me to such a place in the future, it's not fun at all!"

"Shut up!" I shouted directly. "Eat mine and drink mine, and still want to work for me? Huh! I want to be beautiful! You have dealt with the rest!"


The fat monk suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the angrily juggler who was walking in front of him, and Pinocchio, who was equally angry because Gongsun Shu went to deal with the sage scholar. I feel bad for the whole person...

"Donor, I'm still a child, why should I bear this..."

"Because you can eat." I said with certainty.

Fat monk: "..."

The fat monk looked at me with a black line and a complicated expression. He opened his mouth and said nothing. It seems... nothing wrong!

And I stared at the two people in front of him closely.

I am content that Gongsunshu can stop the sage scholar, and for these two people, we can see how strong Pinocchio's physical skills are, coupled with the help of puppet soldiers, and the magician is even more difficult.

The original plan was to defeat the delightful one and let Baron and the others hold Pinocchio first. It was not difficult for Gongsun Shu and I to play the magician, but I did not expect...

Things are impermanent, let alone on the battlefield?

At this time, both sides were injured, and the situation changed back to the original state again. In this case, the only thing you can rely on if you want to win... is this fat monk!

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