Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 368: Use magic to defeat magic

Now, if you want to win, the only thing you can rely on... is this fat monk!

Although I don't want to say that, but I know that I can't use the amulet to deal with these guys. It's idiotic to deal with these guys. It's okay to single one of them, but now this situation can't be solved by alone.

I don’t know how much the magician can endure, but the best way to defeat a mysterious power is to use another mysterious power!

To defeat magic with magic, the old man said...

"Okay, it's time for you to perform." I patted the fat monk on the shoulder and said.


The fat monk was stunned!

"Not the donor, what's the matter with me?!"

"Don't be humble, you are our main force!"

"No--!" The fat monk denied immediately, his eyes widened and his mouth opened as if he wanted to eat people. "I am not the same as the one who made an appointment to get into the police car. I am not that tigery yet and I won't be fooled by you!"

"It's okay to watch more than a dozen TV shows that can be filmed. I'm afraid that you will not be fooled if you have a brain. Hurry up, let alone useless, if you don't help, there will be nothing for you in the future!"

Everything else doesn't work, this works. As soon as I heard that there was no food to eat, the fat monk's spirit came up. At that time, a jealous spirit immediately became fat and said: "Don't tell me! I'm fine!"

"Okay, let's go."


The fat monk reluctantly agreed, pretending to take two steps forward, with a round belly, and pointed at the two in front of him: "Hey! You, you...Don't be arrogant! There is Buddha here, and you will be dispelled. Now begging for mercy, I can save your life."

The juggler and Pinocchio, look at me and I look at you, when suddenly a "poof" came out, looking at the fat monk as if looking at a fool.

Well, I think of him that way...

Can you take any more vacation? !

Pinocchio smiled yinly, squeezed the axe in his hand, looked at the fat monk, and said coldly: "Fatty, you let us beg you for mercy?"

"Yes...Yes! Begging for mercy now, I can forgive you not to die, or else, or... I'll beat your grandma!"


Why does this bring swear words?

The juggler on the side was obviously not as leisurely as Pinocchio, his expression was cold, and he said, "Don't talk nonsense, stop talking, let me kill him!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately shook his wrist, and the black cloth turned into a long whip again!

Brother Zhong Ming didn't know the details of the fat monk. Seeing his composure and composure, he thought he was just a wine bag and rice bag, and he had no real skills. Although the fact is true, this guy's passive ability is not so unbearable!


Brother Zhong Ming was worried that the fat monk would suffer. He was about to step forward and was stopped by my hand.

"Fat man, use Buddha beads!" I stopped by Brother Zhong Ming while thinking of the fat monk shouting, my eyes fixed on the battlefield, for fear of a slight omission.

That fat monk didn't need me to teach him at all. In the face of life and death, even if it is wasteful, there is still the desire to survive, not to mention the fat monk who has no emptiness in the four great masters and no cleanliness in the six roots.

I thought that this guy was going to repeat the same trick again, throwing the rosary on his neck, and using the spell of "painting the ground as a prison" to block the attack, but I didn't expect that this time, this guy has a new trick again!

I saw him take a step back directly, his actions were not beautiful, and even a little embarrassing. The expression on his face was even more alive, but his body was flashing with sacred golden light.

In the golden light, the fat monk raised his hand and directly met the black cloth of the magician.


There was a crisp sound, like the sound of mother spanking when I was a child, how did the black cloth come back? Withdrawn again!

Not only that! In the air, there was a sudden afterimage, like a black light flashing, "Hoo-!" The gust of wind passed, and the magician instantly took three steps back!


Brother Zhong Ming was taken aback for a moment, completely unaware of what had just happened. Things at this moment were too fast and too unbelievable, and they were completely beyond the scope of his cognition!

"Just... what just happened?" Zhong Ming asked in a daze.

"Huh! Let me say it, my friends are very powerful, Brother Zhong Ming, just look at it!" I shook my head and said proudly, with a kind of overlord meaning that everything is under my control. , It looks very chic.

But... Actually, even I don’t know what happened...

Everything is too fast, and the mystery of this fat monk is far beyond my imagination. Before Yunzhou and his party, all he showed was the ability of the long rosary on his neck, and I overlooked one thing, that is, he still has another one. A dharma implement, the hand-held rosary string!

How can a magical tool that can suppress the Great Red Lotus be a general? Faced with the attack of that magician, how can he retreat? !

The fat monk stepped back. Obviously he didn't have much confidence in himself. He just relied on his instinct to reach out and use his rosary to resist. But at this time, it was really effective and he became proud again: "How about? Buddha, my spells are good!"

On the other side, Pinocchio saw his fourth brother's failure and hurried to help, while taking the opportunity to ask in a low voice, "How is it? What kind of way is he?"

The magician stood steady, his breathing a little heavier, and his right arm holding the black cloth trembled slightly, and there was a tingling moment from the tip of the finger to the wrist!

"I don't know, the Buddha's light on that guy's body is very strong, and the rosary, which completely bounced back my attack. I'm a bit backlash now, my right arm is a bit numb, tusk! I really underestimated him."

"Then he just acted like that...Is it pretending?" Pinocchio recalled the bluff of the textbook version of the fat monk just now, with a look of suspicion.


Both of them looked over. When the fat monk looked at them and looked at himself, he was shocked at the time, but he immediately put on the score again. Of course, it was still textbook-like, textbook-like pretending to be calm...

But this time, this appearance may have another meaning in their eyes...

"I can't use it anymore, look at my trick!"

The magician gritted his teeth and shouted, and with a flick of his hand, the black cloth turned his back into a cloak again, and he immediately turned around, the black cloth fluttered, and a large group of light appeared under the black cloth.

"It's this trick again, be careful!" I am too familiar with this Qingguang. There was a fish sword that could not be easily resisted every year. After the spell was cast, he could continue to attack by himself. By controlling the sequence, the attack time was increased!

And the caster himself can do other things during this period.

Last time he used this trick to block me, he himself went to support Pinocchio and attacked Brother Zhong Ming, which is just to take advantage of this!

"Hey, be careful, what do I fear, Lord Buddha?" The fat monk said very unmodestly.

But this kind of life and death, in the eyes of the two of them, and the eyes of Zhong Ming, I am afraid that it has become confident...

"Accept the move!"

The corner of the magician's eyes twitched a few times, and with a wave of his hands, the blue light was released under the black cloth, and countless flying fish swords came out!

"There are fish every year!"


I yelled, and first protected Big Brother Zhong Ming behind me, and then I pulled the fat monk directly over and protected myself behind him...

"Your uncle..." The fat monk said with a dark face, raising his hand, and a string of Buddhist beads lifted into the sky. They just took off and instantly scattered into beads, but the thread that was originally worn in the middle disappeared without a trace.

The Buddha beads formed a huge circle in front of the fat monk, blocking him. Inside the circle, golden light was exploding, like a big searchlight, but inside, there was a faint black whirlpool.


The magician was facing the fat monk. When the golden light came, he was the first to bear the brunt. At that time, the golden light completely shook him!

For a moment, there was a slight stagnation in the power, but the line of sight became blurred under the golden light!

"Grass the grass!" The magician couldn't help but burst into a swear word. In his mind, the control power of those flying fish swords instantly decreased a lot.

At the same time, the fat monk folded his hands together and drank decently: "Close!"

The flying fish swords immediately rushed into the golden circle and disappeared without a trace!

I don’t know if there is a world inside that circle that contains these flying fish swords. I don’t know if the power of this circle is too great to dissolve all the attacks, but in short, if the flying fish sword enters, there is nothing else. It's quiet!

"This... is it?" Brother Zhong Ming looked at the fat monk in front of him, recalling the sound he had just shouted, with a look of shock. "Could it be that he absorbed all the attacks? It's so strong, I've never seen such a spell, Buddhism, is it like this?!"

I silently listened to Zhong Ming's exaggerated words to the fat monk, watching one of the flying fish swords hit the ground, exploding into a blue light, and finally disappeared without a trace, frowning.

"It seems to be just... a coincidence." I thought to myself.

As soon as the magician was photographed by the Buddha's light, his control over these flying fishes naturally declined, and the power of these flying fishes themselves was also cut off a lot. I am afraid that they have also lost the ability to control direction. At this time, as long as you are facing such a big circle, the flying fish will definitely be able to rush in!

As for the extremely compelling "receive" word, hum! When it's raining, go out and say it's raining, is it even if you can call the wind and the rain?

The magician closed his eyes tightly, moved his feet and jumped out of the golden light, and then he felt better, panting heavily, looking at the fat monk, hatred in his eyes, his left palm lit up, and the palm of his palm also flashed golden light!

"Come and not be indecent, ask for auspiciousness, give you a cornucopia!"

After that, the magician was short, and slapped his palm on the ground!


A golden light followed his palm into the ground, and then like a snake, it struck us instantly.

"Fat man, paint the ground as a prison!" I shouted immediately.

The fat monk was very obedient. He immediately collected the circle, took off the Buddha beads and threw it away. There was an extra layer of Buddha light around the three of us, which completely included us.

And at the next moment, the underground golden light had arrived, but it was blocked by the Buddha beads, and circled around the light wall. Outside the light wall, there were a lot of gold coins in an instant, faintly, as if there were still A big basin appeared under our feet.

"The cornucopia..." I murmured, staring at this thing.

In the next moment, a powerful force came from underground! Like a volcanic eruption, the cornucopia under this foot is venting its anger presumptuously, even if you are inside the light wall, you can feel this powerful impact!

If we were not protected by the fat monk's rosary, then what would we...

I dare not think.

However, one thing is certain is that this is definitely the strongest trick of the magician, because I obviously saw that after he used this trick, his whole person was instantly weakened.

And the cornucopia, after a few seconds of roaring, disappeared, and the surroundings returned to calm again.

The fat monk looked at the weakened juggler, and Pinocchio, who was only superior in physical skills, scratched his bald head, showed a wretched smile, and said badly: "Now, it's my turn!"

The fat monk waved his hands, and the Buddha beads that fell on the ground immediately lifted into the air, and then turned into a lightsaber, breaking through the air!

I have seen this trick before. When I saw him again in Yunzhou, Southwest Guzhai, he used this trick to kill the priestess and most of the Nanyang people.

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