Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 372: Xiu Shu!

Inside the theater, there was silence, and the audience was silent. Everyone looked at the person on the stage, as if he was the focus of the stars.

It's just that the shape of the focal point... doesn't seem very good.

"This...what is going on? We won before we fight?" The fat monk looked at the man and said with a dazed expression.

"So that's it, this is your plan, sir." Gongsun Shu said with a smile. He had long believed that I had a back hand, but he didn't expect it to be like this.



Pinocchio, the sage scholar, and others were in a hurry and immediately rushed to the stage, but because of serious injuries, they couldn't move at all. They just moved a little and fell to the ground. They had no choice but to look forward, and they couldn't move. His own boss.

"Brother, this..." Brother Zhong Ming asked with a puzzled look like me.

"Isn't this already in front of my eyes? That guy was exhausted, he didn't need me to act at all, and he fell."


"That's right! It's also the fault of his two swords that they used too much force, which caused the loss of his own vitality. That's why it was like this. If it has just converged, it may look better now than this."

"That's right, man, you must know to converge." The fat monk nodded with approval after hearing this. "You can't let it go as you want. I don't know what is expensive when you are young. I shed tears at the time when I come late."


"Wait a minute, are we talking the same thing?"

"Uh...hahaha, one meaning, one meaning." The fat monk grinned and stretched out his hand to scratch his big bald head.

"However, sir, you should have said a little less. I am sure that he is clear about his situation. However, if this is the case, it is actually because of you that he will be so presumptuous."

Gongsun Shu came over and said with a smile.

"Yeah! You know me!" I looked at him appreciatively and nodded. "From the moment he appeared, I found something was wrong. First of all, Pinocchio and the others reacted. That reaction was very strange. They didn't seem to have found their patrons to be confident. On the contrary, they were more worried about that guy than they were worried about themselves. It can explain a lot."

"After that, his own performance was also very strange. From the sword he just came, we can see its strength. Even if we are together, it may not be able to beat him. But he did not immediately shoot, but played with me. The purpose of this turn-based game is very simple. It is planning to fight alone, and to kill me and bring you fear, and want to drive you away. This is a manifestation of bravado."

"So, I used this golden body to dissolve his swordsmanship. He really knew what was going on in his body, so he eagerly wanted to kill me to achieve his goal, so he acted presumptuously and wanted to break mine. The golden body, I didn't expect it, but failed, so now, he is suffering from bad results, his vitality is badly wounded, and he can no longer fight!"

"Asshole! Don't move my boss, come at me!"

"I'm doing things all by myself, don't you want to avenge me? Come, I'm here, come and kill me!"

Several ghosts shouted at the same time, glaring at us, without fear in their eyes, trying to move our gaze away.

I looked at the men on the stand, looked at them again, and smiled: "I didn't expect you to be quite loyal, but I didn't count this, ah, just in case, I still... …"

Before I finished speaking, a teleport suddenly disappeared in place and reappeared, already on the stage, beside the man.



As soon as the man raised his head, a word had not fallen yet, but he had been pointed at by me and blocked the acupuncture points to prevent him from regaining mana. To be on the safe side, I also used a spell directly on his forehead, double insurance.

"I'd better seal your mana first. Although you can't hurt me, I still have a headache if I shoot the sword at will." I straightened up, looked at the man who was lying on the ground with my arms akimbo, and smiled. To finish that sentence.

This is really not my bluff, there is still another chance for the physical refinement, and I am really not afraid of him. He is dying, and it is just a blow. My only chance is to deal with him.

Moreover, he doesn't know how many times I can use it. Generally speaking, he won't make random shots.

"Well, everyone, come here, Gongsun Shu, bring all those guys over and let them kneel in a row!"

"it is good."

"Yes, sir."

Brother Zhong Ming and the fat monk walked over. Gongsunshu wrapped the five ghosts with a black rope and brought them. He put them in front of the man and knelt in a row. Among them, the clown was still in a coma. In order to make the public execution process smooth, I woke him up first.

As soon as the clown woke up, he was dumbfounded. By his side, his elder and younger brothers were all seriously injured and looked at us with hatred. The most important thing is that his boss is lying in front of him. optimism.

"Grass, what's going on?!" The clown exploded at the time.

"As a result, you have seen it all. We lost, even the boss lost. It's over, we're over. Today, I'm afraid we can't make it through." Said the sage scholar.

As the Beijing drama united to worship the big brother, he is the longest living among the five ghosts. He has obviously seen it off, but once they die, they haven’t died before. Things have reached this point. What about grievances?

"It's because we committed too many sins. No wonder others. Even if they weren't here today, they will be others in the future. Alas, it's just who chooses to kill us."

"No!" Pinocchio shouted. "You, I killed your parents, didn't you? I do everything alone, and let my brother and brother and the boss go, so I can do it alone!"

"Shut up!" I yelled coldly. "It's not the time for you to bargain. If you live or die, it doesn't count. I don't count. The suffering master has the final say!"

As I said, I looked at Big Brother Zhong Ming next to me, then looked at the man lying on the ground, and asked: "What's the matter with you? I don't think you are a ghost, and Yin and Yang cannot see you. What is it, you can only vaguely know that you are not a human being, who are you?"

"Huh! How can you see the boss's strength? If it wasn't for the boss's inner alchemy, how could you still stand here and talk!"

"Inner alchemy?" I frowned and looked at the person carefully. Sure enough, although the strength is strong, the inner alchemy is empty. The inner alchemy is an important substance for the practitioner. Once lost, the mana is greatly reduced!

"You... are you a demon?" I asked tentatively.

The man was panting, barely raised his head to look at me, and nodded weakly: "Yes."

"What kind of demon are you? How many years are you doing, why have you lost the inner alchemy?" I asked three times, my eyes fixed on him.

"I...I'm a snake demon." The man hesitated for a moment, and finally said.

"Snake many years have you been able to avoid my yin and yang eyes? I'm afraid this is not what ordinary monsters can do."

"Huh! I have already said that the strength of the boss is not something people like you can contend!" said the clown.

"Shut up!" I turned around and drank, then turned to look at him again, without asking, just staring at him like that.

The person looked at my eyes moving slightly, as if a little embarrassed, but in the end, he sighed and said: "I am only a thousand years of Taoism this year. If it is an ordinary monster with a thousand years of cultivation, I can't avoid the exploration of the Yin and Yang eyes, but I am different because my blood is different from them."

"Bloodline? You are a snake, do you have dragon bloodline?"

"Dragons? Huh! How dare I covet them, but the ancestors are blessed with superior mana, and we, as descendants, have been exposed to light."

"Who is your ancestor?" I asked.

When the man heard this, he was taken aback, his eyes flashed with pride, and he looked up at me as if he was extremely proud: "Do you know... Xiu Shu?"

"Xiu Shu..." I repeated, first frowning, this way really touched my blind spot of knowledge.

But he didn't expect that the big brother Zhong Ming next to him had a huge reaction, and he called out: "Xiu Shu?! Are you a descendant of Xiu Shu?!"

The man looked up at Big Brother Zhong Ming, with a look of approval in his eyes, and said, "Good boy, you actually know the name of Xiu Shu."

I didn't know why, so I asked, "Big Brother Zhong Ming, what is this Xiushu?"

Brother Zhong Ming hasn't recovered from the shock yet, panting heavily, hearing my question, he just nodded startled, his eyes moved frequently, and he said for a long time: "Brother, you have heard the story of Ba snake ?"

"Bashe..." I thought for a moment. "I know!"

Ba Snake is a strange animal in ancient times, also called Xiu Snake, because it lived in Bashu and the Yangtze River, especially in Dongting area, it is also called Ba Snake.

It is said that this kind of snake is very large, it can swallow an elephant in one bite, and the bones of the elephant can only be excreted after three years. It can be seen how long the body is.

It is said that the original Ba snake was in ancient times. When Emperor Yao was reigning, ten suns appeared in the sky, and he and the other monsters raged on the earth. The Emperor Houtian sent Da Yi to kill him.

However, even though he is dead, there are many descendants and grandchildren. The ancient spirit is full of aura, and his cultivation is extremely powerful. This powerful bloodline is passed down, and the descendants are also blessed, even when the aura is exhausted. Monsters are also much better than those of the same level and fellow practitioners.

And among his descendants, the most famous one is the big snake in the story of Wuding Kaishan.

Legend has it that on the way back to the country, the five powerful men saw a big snake drilling a hole, and they wanted to pull the snake out to kill the people. However, they did not expect that the demon wind would blow the ground and the mountains would shake, and the five powerful men would be crushed to death.

I thought that this was just a legend. Even if I became a mage now, I felt that this incident was far from me. It stands to reason that I would never encounter it in my life, but I didn’t expect it to be today. Here, I met the descendants of Xiu Shu!

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