Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 373: It's him? !

"The race cultivates snakes and lives in Bashu, so they use the name of Xiushu. In this world, I don’t know how many descendants of their tribesmen, but the strength is uneven, coupled with the exhaustion of spiritual energy, there are still few who can still cultivate now. Now, like this for a thousand years, I'm afraid it is only rare."

Brother Zhong Ming said, shook his head, seemingly a pity.

"How do you know so much?" I asked.

"There are books in our pavilion, so I know, and..." Brother Zhong Ming looked at him. "You should be the Xiu Shu of this generation."

"This generation?"

"Yes, Xiu Shu does not only refer to a certain one, but a name that has been passed down from generation to generation. The strongest person in each generation can obtain the title of Xiu Shu and become a new generation of Xiu Shu. This generation of Xiu Shu, I am afraid It's you."

"Oh-co-authoring is not a name, it's a position?"

What's that name passed down from generation to generation? Isn't that a position? Just like the "Emperor", it is the highest leader, but it's just such a name for this position.

The man looked up at Big Brother Zhong Ming and gave a wry smile: "You know a lot, yes, I am indeed the Xiu Shu of this generation, but what can I do even if I get such a name?

When I was young, there were cultivators around me. They were busy collecting yin and yang, taking the essence of heaven and earth, or devouring cultivators from other races. But with wars, changes in the times, and other factors, this kind of thing has become less and less, and I haven't seen practitioners among our people for hundreds of years. "

"Well, I understand this feeling. It's as if I started a game and ended up completely hanging up. Although I won, I don't have any experience in the game. It's not good at all." I nodded and said with a serious face.

"So, I am ashamed of the name of Xiu Shu! As a result, I met a strong enemy and had no power to parry. Instead, he took the inner alchemy and now it becomes like this."

"Yes! How could our boss..."

"Okay! I've said this twice for you all." I waved my hand to stop those ghosts, impatiently.

Brother Zhong Ming squatted down and looked at this Xiu Shu, as if he was very interested in him. Maybe it was because he hadn't seen him before. People who only appeared in the book suddenly appeared in front of him. Maybe anyone would be curious.

Brother Zhong Ming looked at him: "Your inner alchemy was taken away? Wouldn't he kill you?"

"Who knows what he thinks? But now is not the time to worry about this. He is dead, and my inner alchemy may not come back in this life."

"Dead? Are you sure?"

"Yes, it’s pretty big. I didn’t hope that he would return it to me. It’s fine now, don’t worry about it. If I practice for hundreds of years or thousands of years, I should be able to recover my strength. ."

"Wait, wait! Give it back to you? Did you make any deal that failed? The inner alchemy that you took away can still be returned? And this is the thousand-year inner alchemy of the Ba snake clan. If I get it, I will definitely What do you do after running away?" I heard a word in his words and said immediately.

"He took my inner alchemy and said it was helpful for him to cultivate, and put forward a transaction condition. In order for him to return my inner alchemy, my younger brothers agreed to him and kept doing things for him. Until not long ago, we learned that he was dead."

"Hi..." I took a breath, and narrowed my eyes. I already had an idea in my heart.

"What did he ask you... to help him?"

Xiu Shu raised his eyes and looked at me, then lowered his head and said: "He asked them to help him collect the dead souls, once a month, give him the collected souls, and help him cultivate until the number of the souls can reach that moment. Dan’s power, he will return my inner alchemy to me."


The audience was silent for a while!

Brother Zhong Ming looked at him, his eyes widened.

"Sure enough!" I exclaimed.

it is as expected! I have always been surprised that Master once said that these five ghosts never do anything bad, but are immersed in their own world, doing these dramas, even if no one has watched them, they will not directly become evil spirits killing innocent people. , There must be some variables in this.

It turned out to be like this. I finally knew why they did it. I thought about many reasons, but I didn't expect that it turned out to be for my boss? !

But can they be washed away just by doing this?

Yes! They were forced to be helpless, they were instigated by others, and there was a reason for it, so what? So should those innocent people die? No matter what the purpose, they killed those people, and it was their own subjective consciousness that made them kill, not hypnotized or something.

On this basis, if they go to court or go to the horizon, they will all be convicted!

"I know your experience. I know the purpose of you killing those people, causing so many traffic accidents, and collecting dead souls, but you just did it. There is nothing to say. Being instigated is not a reason to escape. You should be clear."

"I know, you are here, we didn't plan to get better." The sage scholar said with a calm expression. "The more people we kill, the more upset we are, but there is no way. We also know that what the person said is probably false. He will never return the inner alchemy to us, but as long as there is a little chance, we will Let's try it. You come to seek revenge. We have nothing to say. Since we have been defeated by you and become prisoners, if you want to kill or slash, please do it."

"Farewell, big brother!" Pinocchio shouted. "I am alone..."

"You do everything alone, I know! You have shouted several times, shut up!" I interrupted him again. "And I also remember that I said, killing you or not killing you, killing them or not killing them, it is not you who have the final say, it is us! And to be precise, it is him!"

As I said, I patted Brother Zhong Ming on the shoulder.

"I'm just a person who helps him get revenge. As for how to deal with you, it's up to him." I said, standing behind Zhong Ming, motioning to give him the right to make the decision completely, and I just Just a tool man.

"Thank you, brother." Zhong Ming smiled, patted my hand on his shoulder, and stood up.

"It's okay, Brother Zhong Ming, just say it, they are all here, none of them can run away, you want to kill or smash, you listen to it, as long as you say it, you can do it yourself or I do it. "

After I finished speaking, the ghosts and demons and Xiu Shu all sighed before them. The sage scholar and Xiu Shu closed their eyes, waiting for death to come. Pinocchio glared angrily, with a look of anger. The juggler had a sullen face, and didn't know what he was thinking about. The clown and the delightful were both full of hatred and resentment.

Brother Zhong Ming looked at them and suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and then asked: "You just said that the person died not long ago, and he made a lot of trouble. Who is that person? What is his name?"

Xiu Shu opened his eyes, looked at him, and said indifferently: "His name, it doesn't matter if you mention it again. The person who took my inner alchemy will not reveal his real name, but only has a nickname-Heiyan Death."

"Black..." I couldn't hold back for a moment, and almost shouted out.

This is a coincidence!

"What you are talking about... In the East China Sea, the captain of the second elder Gong Mojiao who died under the command of the Shadow Army Commander Duan Qingtian, Black Flame Death?!" Zhong Ming asked again with a shocked face.

"Yes, it's not a secret, right? When he came, several elders who claimed to be the Demon Cult of Christ came down. If you want to come, it's that guy." Xiu Shu said calmly.

Brother Zhong Ming nodded, his face looked astonished, and suddenly he laughed.

"That's it, it turns out...this hatred has already been reported."


"Big Brother Zhong Ming!"

Both Xiu Shu and I yelled out, with surprises in our eyes.

"What do you mean?" Xiu Shu asked.

Brother Zhong Ming smiled: "Do you know who we are?"

Xiu Shu shook his head: "I don't know."

"I am a member of the Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion. During the East China Sea operation, we used to guard the coastline together with the Shadow Army and fought against the Demon Sect of Christ led by the Black Flame Death. We were all present."

Brother Zhong Ming said, and pointed at me: "This is the Shadow Army... the former lieutenant colonel of the Shadow Army and the agent of the Eastern Division, he was also there at the time."

"Yes." I nodded.

Xiu Shu looked at him in surprise and looked at me again. His eyes were erratic, and he lowered his head, unbelievable: "This, this, this world, is there such a coincidence? The Black Flame Death instructs us to kill, and you are among them. Dear dear, and that fellow just died in your hands, this..."

"Although we didn't kill it with our own hands, we saw him being killed, falling from a high altitude, and being penetrated by the golden sword of Commander Duan. At that time, your inner alchemy should not be able to come back, but I It should be considered revenge for his grievances.” Zhong Ming said, the expression on his face gradually became relieved.

"Big Brother Zhong Ming!" I shouted quickly. "He is the mastermind, but these are all direct actors. Could it be that because the mastermind is dead, they can be innocent? There is no such verdict anywhere! These guys must not just let it go! "

"That guy is dead, we will not harm others, but we really don't know what to do, maybe we will entertain ourselves here as before, or look for the name of fairy grass everywhere. Medicine, help our boss heal. If you kill us here now, we have no complaints; if you don’t kill us, we also promise that we won’t do anything to harm the world in the future, otherwise, we will let the sky thunder, and the disaster will be lost."

The sacred scholar said calmly.

"You shut up, you don't have the right to speak!" I kicked him. "Brother Zhong Ming, everything is up to you, you can think about it."

Xiu Shu also looked at Big Brother Zhong Ming with firm eyes: "I can't get rid of sin for myself, let alone my little brothers. Now that I have reached this point, what if I give my life to you? How to deal with it, you say Right."

"Come on at me! Don't move my brothers and boss!" Pinocchio shouted.

"Impossible! Our Beijing Repertory Troupe will live and die together, and we will all be prosperous, and we will lose everything when we lose. We won't let you die alone!"

"If they are all dead, I will be the boss, and I will go together."

"Brother Zhong Ming, let's decide."

"All right!"

Among the crowd, Zhong Ming suddenly shouted, looking at us, his eyes moved slightly.

"I have a way."

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