Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 376: Visitor

There was peace at the dinner table. This was a dinner that belonged only to a few of our friends. Geng Xi also came back. A few old classmates were sitting together. Dogleg Li Cunhao came together again. Everything was so beautiful.

Until the fat monk rushed over to eat the meal, the beauty disappeared...

"After I finish eating in a while, I will pass on the body-refining gold body barrier to you. This is a life-saving magical skill, which is equivalent to giving yourself an extra life. If you encounter a strong enemy in the future, if you can't beat it, you can at least use this to save your life. Maybe you can pretend to be coerced and frighten them."

The benefits of physical gold are too great. I can't cherish myself. I have to share some good things with my brothers. Eating alone is not my character...well, it's true.

"That's great! Thank you Brother Rui!"

"Come and kiss Brother Rui!"


I directly pushed away Gao Yan, who came to play treasure, and gave him an angry look.

Zeng Xiujie also laughed, patted his shoulder and said, "That's right, you don't look at the occasion, our'sister-in-law' is still there, so I'll do all the foolishness and be careful to beat you."

Hu Jie was eating, when she heard a certain key word suddenly, she raised her head: "Sister-in-law? Where is the sister-in-law? What sister-in-law?!"

"Uh... it's okay, it's okay, eat and eat. Sister-in-law, I heard it wrong, I said... spoon! Give me the spoon, hurry up, I'll have soup." Zeng Xiujie said quickly.

"Cut! Don't pretend to me, I know what you are talking about. Humph! I tell you, don't talk nonsense, when did I agree? It's just a hug, don't think about it, especially you! "

Hu Jie said, pointing her nose, deliberately making an angry expression.

Zeng Xiujie and a few people were savvy, bowed their heads to eat without saying a word, but I could see every corner of their mouths smiling and twitching.

I'll pack you up later!

I thought so, with a smile on my face, and waved my hands again and again: "No, no, how can I think about it?"

"That's good! Don't think that the girl can see you, who am I? I'm an inferior fairy, how can I be with a mortal like you?" Hu Jie shook her head and said contrivedly.

I have a meal in my heart, am I still a mortal? The guy before me a thousand years ago might disagree a bit!

But you can only think about it in your heart, and you can't lift your mouth.

But a certain fat monk named Chihuo was gorging his ears for a while, not knowing what he had misheard, when he raised his head, a pair of eyes stared at Hu Jie incredulously: "Salted fish who is eating?"

Hu Jie: "..."

The fairy who eats ≈ the salted fish who eats? !

Hu Jie: Ha ha!

Fat monk, death!

But of course, Hu Jie couldn't really kill the fat monk, but he would definitely not end well.

I looked at the fat monk who was clearly protected by the Buddha's body but was beaten up by Hu Jie, who was not strong in mana. I sighed again that the power of a woman is indeed infinite. Don't provoke them.

"Um...Hu Jie, otherwise I will also pass you on the body-refining gold barrier. It is really useful and can prevent emergencies. Who can guarantee that it will be safe?"

"No!" Hu Jie refused bluntly.

"It doesn't cost much mana." I added, thinking she was afraid that I would bully her by replenishing her mana.

"No, I don't participate in the battle. I just play in this yard every day. There are so many people around, and there are so many ghosts and monsters to protect. No need to worry."

"However, there will always be accidents..."

"Accident?" Hu Jie turned to look at me. "Shouldn't you encounter accidents the most? You know to run outside every day, and if you don't go home every few days, I think you should have an accident!"

After she said this, an awkward atmosphere suddenly appeared in the whole room.

She and I know what this "home" means, because our family moved here, although we have only had a house for less than half a year, but it can really be called a home, but it is obvious that Gao Yan is not like this I think, especially, when this word came from Hu Jie's mouth and told me...

"She just said... won't go home for three days?" Gao Yan whispered.

"Well, I heard it too, I'll go, the amount of information is slightly larger!"

"Don't talk nonsense, Brother Rui is always not in the club, it is impossible to be like her."

"We didn't say how, it's because your thinking is unhealthy, just think about it!"

"That's it! I said, this is simply the plot of the TV series, this line, this expression, this scene, I will go live!"

"Who has popcorn or not, it's a pity that this is a good show!"

The three people lowered their heads and thought they were chatting quietly, but I heard them all clearly, Li Cunhao stood by his side and dared not speak.

However, in their last sentence, they mentioned something, which immediately aroused somebody's reaction.

"Popcorn? Where is popcorn?!" The fat monk jumped up and asked with excitement.

"Get out!" the three said simultaneously.

Here, I looked at Hu Jie and felt a little embarrassed for a while. I scratched my head awkwardly and explained, “I’m not just for the development of our Tongzhou Club, and sometimes I can’t help myself. Last time, Gong Xiaoting had an accident. Son, can I leave it alone? Uh... after all, they are all classmates." I don't know why, so I quickly added a sentence, as if this would avoid some bad luck.

Three people picked thumbs up at the same time: "Brother Rui, I'm so eager to survive!"

Hu Jie pouted her mouth and looked upset, looking up at me with a very cute look: "Are you sure it won't be like this in the future?"

"No, no, no, I am not the Shadow Army anymore. It is equivalent to my own position, and I don’t need to worry about them anymore. Plus there’s nothing I can do recently, just stay. Here, go nowhere.

Wait until May, let's go to school together to participate in that activity, and then it's time to graduate. At that time, I will really be the president of the Tongzhou Club. I sit in the headquarters and go to the branch at most occasionally. Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong. "

"That's good." Hu Jie said, looking up at me, suddenly stretched out a hand, and her white little finger was stretched out. "Hook."

"Retractor? What are you pulling? How old are you, are you young?"

"Labula?" Hu Jie didn't say much, just three words, and a pair of eyes that could kill me.

"La Lala! I didn't say that I can't pull it!" I helplessly stretched out my hand and my little finger to pull the hook with her.

But before my **** touched together, I heard the rushing footsteps outside, and then someone came to the door and shouted: "Sir, someone is coming to you! Say something urgent! "


Because the door of our house was not closed, the man rushed into our sight. The sudden change made me stunned, and the movement of my hand stopped immediately.


"I don't know, it's a woman."


I was stunned, what woman can come here to find me, there are urgent things. If it’s Gong Xiaoting and Feng Qian school sister, no, not to mention Gong Xiaoting should still be resting at home now. I have seen them both in the whole agency. They all know each other. It’s impossible to say they don’t know. .

Who will it be?

I was still wondering, Hu Jie who was next to him gave a cold snort, retracted his hand, arms around his chest, and turned around angrily, without saying a word, pouting, with a sulking look.


Zeng Xiujie and the others beat the table at the same time, and leaned back on the back of the chair synchronously, with an expression of "something must happen".

I don’t have the heart to care about them, so I knew the guy who played treasures, and quickly said to the man: "Please come in and talk in the main hall."

"Yes." The man ran away quickly.

I found out that Hu Jie was already full of anger. It seemed that it was because of this sudden incident. The explanation just now was useless. Quickly explain a few words, thinking that you don’t make people wait, after all. It was urgent, so he hurried out and reached the main hall.

In the main hall, tea is prepared on the table, and the guests are sitting on the chairs, looking uncertain and sad.

When I walked into the main hall, I saw the beautiful shadow in front of me, and I was shocked!

"Qin Nan?!"

Qin Nan was lowering his head and suddenly heard my voice. He turned his head back like a startled kitten. He looked at me, his eyes moved slightly, and the sadness on his face turned into grievance. This first sight The beauty that was like an iceberg at this time actually seemed to melt, and the water was turbulent!

However, this Wang Qingshui is not so beautiful.

It is not the new water revived in the spring, or the spring water in the Bitan, or the rapid water that flows down three thousand feet, but the stagnant water in a dead spring! The sinking water in a dry well!

what happened? !

The moment I saw her, I was shocked. I was separated from her for only a few days. I just saw her when I went to the capital from the east coastline. She was not like this at the time. In the end what happened? In a few days, she turned out to be like this!

How big a change is this?

"Lieutenant Colonel Guo!" Seeing me, Qin Nan suddenly felt as if he had found the backbone of his body. He rushed over, folded his arms, hugged my waist, and buried his head in my chest. He cried at the time. come out.

At this time, Hu Jie and Gao Yan were all here. First, let's see what happened. When they came, they were stunned.

"Grass! What's the situation?"


"Spectacular shit, it's dying!"

The three of them squinted at Hu Jie's uncertain face, presumably they had prayed for me several times.

But I really can't push her away. I know that she doesn't have that kind of affection for me, but she has experienced some major events and she is emotionally unstable. Do you want me to push her away at this time?

I can not do it.

She was lying on my body, and I could clearly feel the trembling of her delicate body and the gradual moistening of her chest.

I patted her on the back lightly, hoping it would bring her some comfort, and asked softly: "Okay, stop crying, tell me, what happened? What happened? How did you come to me? Here?"

Qin Nan was slapped on the back by me, and the sobbing gradually disappeared, and the shaking of his body became weaker, making a faint murmur.

"What's the matter?" I lowered my head and asked again.

"Lieutenant Colonel Guo, I, I..."

"It's okay, I'm here, what's wrong, let's talk."

I patted Qin Nan on the back, but then Qin Nan raised his head and looked at me with pear blossoms in the rain. His eyes were full of sorrow: "East China... The East China Sea operation failed, Xue... Colonel Xue died!"


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