Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 377: Heavy news!

The East China Sea, since it was discovered that there is a mysterious power under the East China Sea, it has become the focus of the entire world.

Careerists, no matter whether they are strong or weak, want to share a piece of the pie, want to gain this power and make themselves stronger, and some self-aware weak people, knowing that they don’t have the ability to get this power, choose to stay safe, only Hope not to let myself be affected.

Among them, the three countries closest to this force have become the top priority of this incident!

Bang Guo didn't have such a strong strength, even without a decent mage, it automatically quit. Although the East Island country has the Martial Arts Alliance, and the Sun Sect, which has long been closed, and the North American Fire Phoenix Shrine is behind it, it is still not enough to look at the powerful Chinese tens of millions of practitioners.

What's more, they were the first to find the Demons of Christ, and their self-confidence was greatly affected.

Before the East China Sea battle, mysterious strong men appeared and surrounded the east coastline. Duan Qingtian beheaded the two captains of Shui Luohan and Heiyan Reaper. It was so powerful that they did not dare to say anything. It seems that the power under the East China Sea will completely fall into our hands.

But we never thought about using it, what we thought was how to get rid of him!

Whether the rest of the countries and their mages believe us or not, we really did it!

However, we have overlooked one point, that is, this mysterious power under the sea actually has life, and there is also this wisdom that is not weaker than humans, and spells that are far superior to humans!

Sucking off the submarine, injecting one of them into another personality, and letting him come back, passing false information, let us mistakenly believe that the sea is not dangerous, and there is a way out.

We just fought the Demon Cultivation of Christ, so we want to end the matter here quickly. The Demon Cultivation of Christ retreats at this time. I don’t know when it will come back. If we can completely solve the matter at this time, then Not bad!

As a result, the three organizations of the Shadow Army, Murong Family, and Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion were dispatched at the same time, and they wanted to advance at sea. They divided into three groups to surround the ancient city under the sea, trying to solve them all at once!

Because according to intelligence, the strength of life in this ancient city is not strong, a group of people can run one by two, and there are ocean currents at the back door that can help them evacuate, which is simply a godsend opportunity.

But I didn't expect that they were caught!

That day, known as the Disaster Day of the Shadow Army, was still remembered by the Shadow Army many years later, and at that time of the year, there would be large-scale memorial ceremonies to comfort the dead souls...

Regarding some details of this operation, because I had already followed Zhong Ming to Yenching at that time, I didn't know anything. Later, I was expelled from the Shadow Army. The result of their operation is even more unknown.

But, that's because after I lost my status as the Shadow Army, I became just the boss of an ordinary small organization. As for the big bosses of the mage organizations in various overseas countries, their intelligence network is definitely not what I can imagine, and this also means that they can get information that I can't get...

Just as all overseas practitioners are worried about whether Duan Qingtian and the Shadow Army will gain the power under the sea, and then rise to a higher level to become the veritable organization of the world’s first practitioners, and worry about the so-called hidden world. When his peerless master was not a member of the Shadow Army, two blockbuster news blasted overseas like an affair, and instantly swept the entire world!

The Shadow Army lost in the East China Sea, the operation failed, and more than half of the personnel were damaged. The Shadow Army suffered heavy casualties. The commander Duan Qingtian was seriously injured, seriously injured and unconscious and bedridden! Xue Biao's sacrifice!

Murong's family and Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion were all damaged. Murongke and Yu Hao were both wounded. After returning, they went into retreat, life and death unknown!

Moreover, the expert did not help, just watched them being killed and wounded. There was no movement at all. The false news that the expert belonged to the Shadow Army was self-defeating!

For a time, the whole world was boiling!

Invincible God of War Duan Qingtian was actually defeated! And the defeat was so thorough! So heavy!

Murong's family and Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion hurt their vitality at the same time and moved their roots. The defense force of the east coastline was in vain, and the power of this great country was suddenly empty!

Moreover, the master who has been jealous of them has already stated his position. The last time he made a shot, it was only because the opponent was the demon of Christ, the evil cultivator, and the mentality of right and evil. He will not intervene in all wars with different positions!

These two news are tantamount to great good news, they are simply gospels, and a beam of light from God!

Almost at the same moment, various ambitious and powerful organizations immediately took action!

They can't wait any longer. They all know that the longer it takes, the more likely Duan Qingtian will be to recover. It must be now, take advantage of his illness and kill him!

"Hahahahahaha! Old guy, I'm here again! Have you heard? Hahahahaha..."

In the small village, the presumptuous laughter can be heard by the whole village. The old leader of the Sun Sect, sitting in the house, holding a cup of tea in both hands, gently sipping a cup of hot tea, hearing this sound, put down the cup .

"I knew he would come, Aoki. This guy is like a hungry old dog. He always smells delicious food and is crazy about it," he said.

"Hey! Old guy, I heard it!" Suddenly the door opened wide, and Aoki walked in. "But I'm in a good mood. I don't have to worry about you. I didn't quarrel with you when I came today, nor did I have the time to quarrel with you."

"I know I know." The old leader nodded with an "understanding" expression on his face.

"You came to talk to me about cooperation. Duan Qingtian was seriously injured and unconscious. You plan to take advantage of his illness to kill him. I'm right."

"Exactly right!" Aoki snapped his fingers and said with a sullen expression. He walked to the front of the old leader, sat down, turned his head and greeted the door: "Would you not prepare me a cup of tea?"

"Don't bother them, I'll get it for you." The old leader said, turning around and taking out another teacup from the cabinet on the side, picked up the teapot on the side, and poured a cup of tea for Aoki.

"So, you plan to attack them at this time? Don't forget, they are not only the Shadow Army, but also the civil organizations of the Tianya Society. Even in my heyday, I dare not say that it is really better than one of them. , Let alone there are three like this. Moreover, there is more than one Duan Qingtian in the Shadow Army, and Lin Dingkun is there."

"He's a fart?!" Aoki said disdainfully. "He can't even win against Murong Ke, so it's not enough, and those non-governmental organizations...huh! They are just children playing house, I didn't take it seriously!"

"Huh?" The old leader raised his head and looked at him suspiciously. "You are so confident?"

"Of course! My Aoki's martial arts alliance is an orthodox mage organization with state support, so what Tianya would be just a group of non-governmental casual cultivators, how could it be my opponent? Not to mention, coveting that. It's not just me that is the land of the East."

"Oh? Since you know that you are not the only one, why are you so confident? Looking at the whole world, your martial arts alliance, even with my Sun Cult, can't compete with the Fire Phoenix Palace or something."

"Of course! But don't you forget, where are we?" Aoki said with a look of pride.

"Where?" The old leader frowned. "You don't want to talk about the previous cooperation and alliance, I remember I said before, it is not feasible at all."

"No, no! You are wrong! I want to talk about this, but not this. I ask you, where would an organization want to attack them?"

"This..." The old leader frowned, pondered, and suddenly thought of something.

"North? There is the Ice Demon Sect in the north. I remember you told me last time, that martial idiot has no ambitions at all. Now they are badly injured, I think there is no possibility for them to attack Duan Qing. The possibility is high when the sky is not injured, so this road to the north will not succeed."

"Yes, if the Shadow Army is smart enough, it will definitely have a good relationship with the Ice Demon Cult at this time to ensure that there will be no war in the north. If we pass from the north, not only will we not succeed, but we will also enter their territory. Maybe something is causing trouble."

"So! What about the west? It's true that there are Shineisha in Western Europe, but they don't border the eastern land. There are countless small countries in the middle. They want to go through this way, it is as difficult as to reach the sky!"

"Yes, it does."

"So? The only thing left for the most suitable offense is the South and the East. The East has us and the South has the Nanyang Association. However, the Nanyang Association has just been damaged and its vitality is also severely injured. It is not a good plan to shoot at this time, but We are in the heyday!"

"what do you mean……"

"Anyone who wants to attack them through here must pass through us. Unless they cooperate with us and give us benefits, otherwise, there is an obstacle to attacking Eastern China!"

"You want to threaten them? But..."

"They are all smart people and won't fall out with us at this time, as long as we are not too much. By the way, we should get in touch with the Nanyang Association first and cooperate with them first. In this way, East and South On both sides, we have absolute dominance! Then...are you afraid that there is no benefit?"

Aoki picked up the teacup as he said, and the tea in the cup was already warm at this time. Aoki picked up the tea and drank it in one go.

The old leader lowered his head and did not speak for a long time. He looked at the ground with a pair of eyes, and the expression in his eyes was extremely complicated.

"How is it? Have you considered it? You know, this time, but the best opportunity, and probably the only opportunity, don't grasp it, do you really plan to stay in this broken mountain village for the rest of your life? ?"

Aoki smiled, put down the tea cup, stood up, turned around and walked out, also not saying, "I will talk with the Nanyang Association first. As for you... I will give you one day to consider if you If you don’t come, I will treat you as giving up, and you will have no chance in the future. Think carefully.

After speaking, Aoki walked out of the door and gradually went away.

The old teacher sat in the room, staring at the floor blankly, and suddenly laughed.

"Yes, this is... the last chance. I can't lose... this opportunity!"

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