Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 382: Strong help

"It's alright. I haven't been out before. I haven't seen you like this. It's the same as before. You take good care of your house at home. I will be back soon. It must be a month younger than last time! "

In the compound, I just came back and I was leaving again. Everyone was puzzled. They all watched the excitement. Only Zeng Xiujie and the others knew the details and stood at the door to see me off.

"Brother, it's different this time. I don't hear anything good this time. should be careful." Gao Yan frowned and said with a tangled expression, his hands were a little bit at a loss Fiddled with each other.

"Oh, it's okay, I can't die, don't worry." I said indifferently.

Now that the cooldown time of the amulet has passed, I think even if that guy has a stronger ability than the military commander Duan, he probably won’t win me. When the time comes, even if he can’t beat it, he’ll always have a chance to escape. There are still, nothing to worry about.

"Luo Peng!" I cried.

Not far away, Luo Peng jumped out from nowhere, and immediately came to me, knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists in both hands: "Sir!"

"Last time I said, I will take you out when you recover. Now that you have fully recovered, I can't say nothing. This time, you will go with me."

"Yes, sir." Luo Peng said.

"Hey, sir, what about me?!" Tie Ning squeezed out immediately, waving a big iron rod, and said excitedly.

"This time, the party is more ugly, but you... forget it, come on, one more is one."

I didn't intend to take him there. The reason was the same. In this environment, ghosts are more advantageous than human beings, but after thinking about it, what will happen in the future?

Master also said that to give them a chance to exercise, Zeng Xiujie and the others don't forget it. They can't train to death, but Tie Ning can definitely follow.

Balong and Lang Feng were seriously injured, and now they need to be recuperated. At this time, it is time to hire people, so let's have one more.

Tie Ning listened to the first half of my sentence, thinking that she was out of play, and just about to be disappointed, she was stunned by my turning point. He realized after two reactions, and immediately ran over excitedly and came to me.

"And you! Yes, that's you! Don't run that fat guy, come back! Luo Peng, Tie Ning, get him back for me!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Don't—donor, what kind of hatred or grudge—!"

The fat monk tried to run, but I was quick to find out. No one can go, but you can't stop! With a magic weapon and Buddha's light body, you can't tolerate it if you don't go to heaven! Those who can do more, don't complain!

Therefore, in the compound, another activity of arresting fat monks was staged. Everyone laughed. Zeng Xiujie and the others looked helpless, looked at each other and spread their hands.

In the distance, on the recliner in the corner, the beggar held his stick, opened his eyes awkwardly, looked at us, and showed a faint smile.

"Really energetic."

After speaking, he closed his eyes, turned around and continued to sleep. Next to the reclining chair, the little black dog also raised his head unexpectedly, and fell on the ground without knowing it, and fell asleep lazily. .

Inside the room, on the window on the second floor, Hu Jie couldn't help laughing as she watched the squabbles under us, but she immediately regained her melancholy expression. She looked into the distance, the line of heaven and earth, and whispered: " come back earlier."


In the end, the fat monk was still abducted by us, but I am not going to the East China Sea directly. I have to go to Master to take a look, "by the way," take Bi Long and Cheng Qianyu.

Well, the kind that is incidental.

No way, I have to bring a ghost. Gongsun Shu should stay in Yancheng first, and watch the Yancheng branch get on the right track. He called him out as soon as he got back. How could this work?

Therefore, when there is a shortage of manpower, the two of them are necessary.

"Master! Brother Liu Tong and Brother Luo Tian, ​​you are all here too!"

I entered the courtyard. This time, not only the master, but also the two seniors were also playing chess. As a result, the two seniors forced the other to play a rogue, which caused Master a headache...

"Oh, here you are."

"Junior Brother is here!"

"Yes, I'll see you, and a few seniors." I said. "I just came back from outside, but I'm leaving soon. I don't know when I will come back. I will take a look at you at this time."

"Cut, nonsense, you probably came to Cheng Qianyu and the others." Brother Liu Tong saw through my mind at a glance and said straightforwardly.

"I am not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!" I took a step back and waved my hand.

"Cut! Pretend!"

Brother Liu Tong rolled his eyes, but didn't continue the topic. He was a man, turned around and went into the yard, and said as he walked: "Why don't you care? We want them to follow you anyway. Oh, yes, there is another person, I don’t know if you recognize it."

Senior Brother Liu Tong said, turning his head and looking at me ill-intentionally, as if a good show would be performed soon.


I was confused by the monk Zhang Er who he said, and was a little confused for a while. After thinking about it, there is another person? Who? Is anyone else here?

I frowned and thought about it carefully. It seemed that I had some impressions, but it was indeed a little vague, and I didn't quite understand it. I was about to pursue this thread, but I was interrupted by the master.

"Okay, kid, come out, you haven't seen him for a long time." The master turned his head and shouted into the house with a kind smile on his face.

I hurriedly looked inside the room. Inside the room, I came out, but Piao Piao was a woman!

Oh no! I took a closer look, and it turned out that it was just a little girl who seemed to be about a year old.

The height is not high, at most it's up to my waist. It may be one meter two or three, with a black hair with a little yellowish color. It may be linen. It is twisted into two buns and looks fairy. Fluttering.

In addition, the dress she wore was a jade-like jade-green gauze, light as a piece of paper, thin as a gauze net, and as transparent as... ahem! Fortunately, there are clothes inside, and I don't have that weird hobby either.

The little girl came slowly, her big eyes were watery as if she could talk, her white and tender skin could be broken by a bomb, and her plump face seemed to be able to pinch out a glutinous rice ball, she was really cute!

The little girl walked up to Master, looked at me and then at Master.

The master smiled kindly, like an old grandfather looking at his granddaughter. He stretched out his hand and gently pushed her back, motioning her to come over.

The little girl felt a little scared of me, but she was very generous. She stepped over to a few steps in front of me, raised her head and looked at me, blinked her big eyes, and stretched out a small white hand. , Fingers spread out: "Big Brother! Hello, it's been a long time!"

Me: "Huh???"

Who are you? !

Good guys are in vain! This is going to cause me some scandal? Fortunately, it's my brother. If you call me something else, I'll be scared to death!

"You...Who?" I scratched my head, not even daring to shake hands.

The little guy was a little timid when he looked at me, but when he saw me like this, he laughed, and he was no longer afraid of me. He covered his mouth and chuckled for a while and said, "Big brother, you don’t know me. Yet?"

"Uh..." I didn't know what to say for a while, and I was a bit stunned.

"I am Xiao Nuo!"


"Xiao...Xiao Nuo?!"

Xiao Nuo is the name I gave to the slime. At that time, he was with Lu Qijun. Thanks to his sister's rescue and abolished Lu Qijun's spells, I was able to survive.

Later, Lu Qijun reconciled and gave me the Soul-Serving Curse. This slime was also transformed by me from the evil cultivation spirit, re-trained, placed on the master's side, and sometimes practiced with the Jiu Jinwu.

Because it looks like a glutinous rice dumpling, I named him Xiaonuo. I remember that Hu Jie's contempt at the time, and laughed at my poor naming ability.

Because I didn't have any helpers at the time, and the weapons were not good, so this Xiao Nuo was by my side as both a helper and a weapon. But later, there was Balong, Lang Feng, Gongsunshu, Bi Long, Luo Peng, etc. Moreover, the weapon is also changed from shotgun to gun, and the ghost face Feiyun sword is unpredictable and elusive!

And the last time I bet, I won the Soul Sealing Orb, a total of three, one for my sister, one for Zhang Zheng, and one for Xiao Nuo.

Xiao Nuo took some time to absorb things, so I kept him here. Later, I forgot about things. Sometimes I thought about it and explained to myself that maybe the master closed the door and turned on the small stove for him. There was no harm. .

Coming today, I didn't expect it to be there, and what I didn't expect was that this Xiaonuo turned into a human form!

"You... are you really Xiao Nuo?!" I looked at her and looked up and down several times. I saw the soles of the feet from the hair and the soles of the feet. My eyes widened and I couldn't believe it.

Xiao Nuo smiled more happily, and she laughed out loud, and said while smiling, "Then I will show you how I look."

After speaking, the whole person immediately changed its appearance as soon as he turned around. In the blink of an eye, there was no human form, turning into a jelly-like thing, floating in the air, turning in a circle in the air, and instantly shrinking, and finally, it was caught On my right wrist.

I took a closer look, but it was a small bracelet with two colors of gold and green, green like emerald, and gold like sunrise.

I couldn't be more familiar with this feeling. In the past, Xiao Nuo didn't know how many times she had been by my side in this image, but this time she felt it again and was very familiar! Moreover, it is more comfortable than before!

"It's so comfortable, it's cold and soft." I couldn't help but say.

"Hee hee, are you comfortable?" On the bracelet, two comma eyes and a small curved mouth appeared cute and loving, like the strange things in Pokémon, looking at me, it was really cute.

"Does it feel like touching?" Xiao Nuo said.

When I heard this, I was stunned. These words were what she said when I first met her. She never knew what it was like to be "warm" and "comfortable" after being under evil cultivation for a long time. After I touched her, she said when I asked her, it was like touching her.

In an instant, before fighting side by side, all came to my heart, and my heart surged.

"Master, how does Xiao Nuo learn the spells? Can I take her to my side in the future?"

The master knew what I was going to do, and said with a smile: "Yes, you can, the old man I should teach is almost done, go, go, just bring her to me occasionally, this little I like it, girl."

"Yes, Master!" I replied immediately, smiling, and looking down at Xiao Nuo: "Let's go, let's be together again and fight together!"

"Good!" Xiao Nuo said with a smile as her two small eyes turned into crescents.

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