Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 383: Sun teach?

On the highway, two cars were driving one behind the other.

The one in front is a business van, which looks quite tall, and the one behind is my Escalade.

But it was not me who was driving on it at this time, but Luo Peng.

Because Qin Nan insisted on letting me sit in her car, that is, the commercial car in front of me, so I had no choice but to choose one of the remaining people and drive me like Brother Liu Tong. Pass on to them.

Luo Peng is the most reliable among this group of people...

In Escalade, Cheng Qianyu was sitting in the co-pilot, Tie Ning was sitting in the back row, and the fat monk had to follow me to sit here. Okay, I should stay by my side to watch such a noisy guy.

Xiao Nuo is still a bracelet, and Bi Long is still in the system.

"Where do you go in? The East Coast must still be under martial law, no, it should be stricter than when I left."

In the car, I sat in the seat, supported the side wall with my elbows, propped my face with my hands, and faintly looked at the fleeting scenery outside the window, and said.

"Yes, the reinforcements transferred from the three parties immediately blocked the east coastline, which is even stricter than before. It can be called a copper wall and an iron wall. They also persuaded the people from Yunding Mountain to help and replenish their combat power."

"Yunding Mountain..." I frowned, rubbed my temples with my fingers, and said after thinking: "One of the three largest civil organizations in the world. They are known for their force. If it is for defense, it is indeed the best choice."

"Yeah, Tianya would be hard to persuade. Even the Wuyin League doesn't know where to find it. If you want to unite, Yundingshan is really the best candidate. Thanks to them this time." Qin Nan also said. But in the eyes, there is no alternative.

"What? It seems that they are also a headache for you." I asked.

"Oh-this group of guys, it seems that they have no brains, and they are not as qualified as the soldiers of the Shadow Army. They go their own way and are independent, and everyone is like this. The disadvantage is that they don't commit a serious problem, but they are okay. "

"All big families and big organizations have some strange habits of this or that kind. After all, they have to ask for them, so let's bear it."

"Yeah." Qin Nan nodded.

Then, the car fell into silence again.

Qin Nan's entourage and the driver consisted of three people, one driving, one sitting in the co-pilot, and one sitting with us, all silent and cold.

The fat monk was sealed by the food, and the whole car was full of embarrassment for a while. There was no sound at the scene, only the sound of the fat monk eating.

After being quiet for a while, I finally thought of something and said, "The one in Weicheng... Yin Kai, is he still alive?"

"Oh, he, luckily, he was chosen to stay behind when he acted, and he didn't enter the East China Sea. He is still there to be on guard now," Qin Nan said.

"That's good." I nodded.

In the Shadow Army, I don’t know many people. Among the people I know, there are even fewer people who care about them. I know about Commander Duan and them. Now, Yin Kai and Dong Xinyi, I don’t know them. how's it going. Of the two, I naturally care more about Yin Kai.

After all... I can count as the person I pulled up with one hand, I still want to care about it.

"What's the matter?" Qin Nan asked as if I was worried.

"It's okay." I shook my head. "Where do we enter from?"

"It's okay. Now the east coastline has become a whole. We declared that although the operation was successful, we did not remove the line of defense for the sake of safety. But in fact, it is much stronger than before. Outsiders can't get in at all, but I can take you there. ."

"Then go from Yin Kai, by the way... I want to see him."

Qin Nan looked at me with a clear look in his eyes, smiled and nodded: "Okay."

The fat monk took the food in his hand, looked at me, and then at Qin Nan. He felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. He just wanted to speak, but he remembered his previous experiences. They all said "shut up". Or at the end of the word "roll", even if I give up, I lower my head and start eating and drinking again.

It took about half a day to travel from Jicheng to Yancheng without stopping, because I was eager in my heart, and soon after most of it, I walked to a place just a few dozen kilometers in front of Yancheng.

This location actually belongs to the interior of Yancheng, a county-level area of ​​Yancheng, but it is not coastal and not the destination of our trip.

"This is the last service area. Let's rest here for a while. You can't pass by in a dusty manner. Let's rest." Qin Nan looked at the front service area prompt on the car navigation and turned to look at me. Said.

I thought for a while, nodded, did not speak.

The two cars drove into the service area one after another and stopped in the parking space. Everyone got out of the car and prepared to take a rest.

On the other side, another car drove in. In the service area, the traffic was normal, and we did not take it seriously. The car parked next to our car, opened the door, and three big men got down on it.

In the driving seat was a tall man with a haircut that looked like killing Matt, with cosmetic contacts, stud earrings, and a V-neck on his chest, showing his strong chest muscles, looking bleed.

The latter two are quite satisfactory. They are big men with big waists and big waists. They look like they are 30 or 40 years old. They are all wearing white shirts and shaggy beards. They take out cigarettes when they get off the car and light them up.

The two groups of people walked into the room in the service area at the same time. Our side Tie Ning is also big. The two cars were too close. When we walked over, it was inevitable that they collided. Tie Ning turned to one side and rubbed her elbow into it. On the arm of a big man, he rubbed his sleeve apart.

At this moment, Qin Nan's eyes suddenly widened, and his gaze stared at the big man's arm!

"What are you doing? Looking for death?!"

The big man had a fierce temper, and immediately shouted when he was hit by Tie Ning, holding the cigarette in his hand, and there was still smoke before he could spit out at the corner of his mouth.


Tie Ning was not a good-tempered person. She was not careful. She was too small and too big to avoid encountering him. But if you talk like this, isn't it a bit innocent? !

Just about to speak, Qin Nan suddenly walked over and pulled Tie Ning's arm quickly: "Forget it, forget it, it's all accidental, don't be so atmospheric."

On their side, the sluggish guy in the lead also came back with his hands in his pockets and looked at the big man: "Hey, forget it, don't make trouble, hurry up after going to the toilet and go quickly, we still have business. ."

This guy speaks usefully. The big guy obviously listened to him. Hearing what he said, he gave a "hum", turned his head and left without much words.

Tie Ning stood on the spot, watching the guy gradually walk away, her eyes kept staying away from him, her eyes narrowed slightly, as if she was thinking something.

"What's the matter?" I walked over and saw that these two people looked a little thoughtful. I didn't know what was going on, so I asked.

"No, I...impossible!" Qin Nan lowered his head as if thinking about something, instead of looking up at the three people. At this time the three people had entered the house and went to the toilet.

"What the **** is going on?" I asked again.

Qin Nan raised his head, looked at me with some entanglement, and said hesitantly: "Just now his sleeve was rubbed up a little bit. I saw a tattoo on his arm, although only a little bit, and quickly I covered it again, but I still saw the pattern, it seems to be, it seems to be..."

"What does it seem to be? You mean it!" I asked urgently.

"It seems to be a pattern of the Sun Teaching!" Qin Nan said.

"Teacher Sun?!"

I didn't control it for a while, whispered, and immediately realized that I was wrong, shut up and looked around.

Fortunately, there are no people around, and they don’t know much about what the sun teaches. Even if we hear it, we only think of it as ordinary chat. How can we think about that?

"The Sun Sect has been in seclusion for many years. Since Murong's Patriarch Murong Ke's first battle in the East China Sea, they have never dared to make waves anymore. Now the mages of the East Island Kingdom are all members of the Martial Arts Alliance. How could there be a Sun Sect? What about the people? And still in this place."

"I don't know, I am also very confused about this matter, but I saw the tattoo with my own eyes... Well, I hope I think too much, maybe it is a similar pattern, or it happens to be a coincidence." Qin Nan wrinkled. The brow said, and he shook his head lightly, as if he wanted to throw the thought out of his head.

But at this time Tie Ning spoke: "Regardless of whether he is taught by the Sun or not, he is definitely not an ordinary person."

"What do you mean?!"

"The strength I just hit him is not light. If it is an ordinary person, even a person who exercises all the year round, he should stagger and even almost fall. But that guy easily blocked my strength. , He must be extraordinary!"

"Cultivator..." My eyes moved. "Really people from the Sun Cult? Are they here?!"

"It’s hard to say right now. Although we are trying our best to block the news about the East China Sea, I don’t believe that their intelligence is so bad in a country. More or less they should get some intelligence. If they know our true situation, it’s not impossible to move around. ."

"Then they are really likely to take advantage of the void!" I sneered and said lightly. "Well, let's just wait for them here. They must come back. I want to see where they are."

"You?" Qin Nan looked at me suspiciously. "What would you do?"

"You don't need to ask too much, Shanren...has a clever plan!"

I shook my head with confidence, and looked like I was holding the winning ticket.

No need to ask, no need to try, under the eyes of the investigation, I can see his true identity with just a glance!

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