Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 384: Encounter Yunding Mountain

In the parking lot of the service area, some of us were considered sick. We didn't want to go to the toilet, so we stayed in the car and didn't go anywhere, waiting for the three people to return.

In order not to be suspicious, we mainly said that the surveillance personnel were concentrated in the front seat of the car, and the few of us in the back seat pretended to chat and sleep. Anyway, it is enough to make people feel that they are resting. It is enough to look up from time to time.

Qin Nan moved to the co-pilot and kept his eyes fixed on the front. The driver next to him was also full of energy, for fear of running away any one.

"Sir, do you think... can he believe it?"

Maybe the driver could not wait and wait. The driver began to talk to Qin Nan, but his eyes were not far apart. He just moved his head closer and said in a low voice.

What he said was obviously me, but at such a close distance, I don't know if he underestimated my strength or misunderstood the whisper. Anyway, what I heard later was clear.

No, maybe he did it on purpose? There are some strong people who have this problem. They have to put ridicule, sarcasm and other words on the surface, just to let the person who is said to be heard, as if they can satisfy their hearts.

This thing, although I was slightly angry at this time, it was also because it was me. If it weren't for me, it wouldn't be so.

Moreover, if it is me, can it really be done?

People are double-standard creatures. When they are weak, they hope that the strong will reason with themselves and sit on an equal footing; when they are strong, they will want to talk about Nima’s principles. Lao Tzu is the best!

It's just that many people in this world mistakenly estimate their own weight...

"Don't say this any more in the future. He used to be your chief, and even my chief. His strength surpassed me by a lot. What is your ability to doubt him?"

"But after all he was expelled, do you think..."

"Presumptuous!" Qin Nan's voice suddenly raised, and the fat monk in the back seat was startled, and his whole body trembled.

"I've said that, don't mention it again!"

"...Yes." The driver was obviously dissatisfied, but after all, the other party was his own chief, and it was hard to say anything, he could only nod his head and say yes.

I smiled and didn't think about it. Such a person lacks social beatings, but I don't have the heart to do something that helps society, because I can't even get a pennant.

The car fell silent again, and the atmosphere was a lot more embarrassing than just before. A car was doing the same thing mechanically. After a long time, there was no sign of those three people at all. Really waiting for Huadu. Thanks soon!

No, not only the flowers are almost thankful, but the belly is almost vented!

The fat monk ate and drank all the way, inevitably suffering from abdominal discomfort. Suddenly he was a little anxious, but I was really worried that he would have trouble, and the image turned back too much, a little eye-catching, not conducive to action, I did not let him go.

As a result, wait till now...

"Donor! If you don't let me go, Lord Buddha, I will solve it on the spot!" The fat monk wanted to cry without tears, and shouted, clutching his stomach.

I squinted my eyes and whispered, "Something's wrong!"

After such a long time, there is definitely a problem!

"Go! Go down and take a look, pay attention to concealment, fat monk, go!"


The fat monk got out of the car and hurried into the house if he received the imperial decree. It really attracted the attention of many people.

The big fat monk is in the service area, sweating on his head and trotting to the toilet. Who doesn't look at this picture?

Qin Nan's two attendants also got out of the car. I was afraid that they would suddenly return and miss the opportunity to use the detective eye, so I stayed in the car and wanted to see the situation first.

After the two people got out of the car, they pretended to be like ordinary people. They came down to light a cigarette, pretended to be leisurely, strolled into the house, looked left and right, and pretended to be bored looking at the scenery. If we didn’t know what they were doing, Really can't tell the difference between them and ordinary people.

I was puzzled. The car is here, where can the two of them go?

Before I thought about the next one, I heard a few loud noises in that room!

Immediately after a commotion, everyone immediately rushed over to watch the excitement, and suddenly the door of the house was overcrowded!

"No! Go!"

As soon as I pulled the car door and got out of the car, Qin Nan followed closely. The two quickly came to the front. Before they waited to see, they saw the crowd suddenly split, and a huge figure "Whe--" came out from inside!

I took a closer look, this thing is a bit familiar...

Then from inside the house, a man who seemed to be in his thirties rushed out angrily, wearing a gray exercise suit and holding a long knife!

When everyone saw it, they dispersed immediately to avoid accidental injury, but they didn't run away, they just stood a little far away and wanted to watch the excitement.

The man rushed out with a knife in his hand and pointed at the fat monk: "Thieves are bald! Collusion with foreign bandits, I will kill you today!"

"Grass, what are you talking about?"

The fat monk got up from the ground, patted the dirt on his body, and looked at the person in front of him innocently.

Qin Nan patted me on the shoulder, pointed at the person, and whispered, "People from Yunding Mountain."

"Huh?" I looked back at her. "you sure?"

"Yes, look at the pattern on his practice clothes, a Tang knife and a sledgehammer. This is the symbol of Yunding Mountain."

I looked carefully, and sure enough, there was such a sign.

"But... how could he fight the fat man?" Qin Nan frowned as he looked at them, a little puzzled.

I was not surprised, and nodded and said, "As long as that guy is involved, no matter what happens, I am not surprised."

As he was talking, the brawny man over there had already started, and the knife in his hand cut off his head. The fat monk hurriedly dodged, avoiding the knife dangerously and dangerously. Slashing past, slashing on the fat monk!


"It's not busy," I said, waving my hand to signal Qin Nan to relax. Although the fat monk can't beat the opponent, he will never die!

The man slashed at the fat monk, but was bounced back by the Buddha's light, took a step backwards, and looked at him in surprise.

"Foguang Bodyguard? You are not worthy!"

The guy was more angry, and quickly stepped forward and slashed with the knife. The fat monk dodges again and again, but he hits more often and dodges less.

At this time, I also saw that something was wrong. The string of precious rosary beads hanging around the fat monk’s neck has disappeared. I don’t know where it went. There must be something in it, and I can’t watch the show anymore, so I yelled: " stop!"

The two of me rushed over, Qin Nan took out his own Shadow Army notebook, and first revealed his identity: "I am the Shadow Army Major Qin Nan, this master is ours, why are you fighting?!"

The two attendants on the side were full of eyesight, and immediately shouted: "Shadow Army is doing business, idlers get out!"

No one knew the name of the Shadow Army half a year ago, but now, the world is in chaos, especially the East China Sea. When the name of the Shadow Army comes out, the people around are instantly scared. Adults and children, husbands and daughters-in-law, After a while it all went away.

Here, when the two of us came to the big man, I first asked: "What do you call this senior?"

The guy looked at me and then at Qin Nan, especially when he saw the notebook in her hand. It was only a little bit relieved, and he said lightly, "Yunding Mountain, Han Qinlong."

"Han Qinlong? Are you Dongzhu Han Qinlong?"

"Exactly!" the man said, his tone was not arrogant or rash, and he seemed to have a good identity, but he was not proud of it, but a man of integrity.

"what about you?"

"Ah, I'm Qin Nan, Major of the Shadow Army, this is my...Brother, I asked for help."

Qin Nan couldn't explain my identity well, so I can only say so.

"Then this fat monk is also yours?"

"Yes, I don't know why you have a dispute?"

"Dispute? Humph! He is a bald thief, colluding with foreign bandits and helping Dongdao people escape. How can he be a kind person? Don't be blinded by him, I'll solve him first!" Then, he would bring up the knife again. Cut the fat monk, I quickly stopped.

"Senior! Senior! There must be a misunderstanding in this. Please tell us the ins and outs first. It's not too late to fight!"

"What is there to say? The evidence is solid, I will do it first!"

"Don't don't don't don't! If you have something to say, if you have something to say, what's the matter?"

I tried my best to dissuade Han Qinlong, and finally said: "The East China Sea matter is a confidential matter. I was ordered by our helper to go to the East China Sea with my younger brother to support. I didn't expect to walk here. I suddenly heard a few people passing by. People whispered to communicate in Dongdao dialect, and then followed.

My junior and I followed them, and saw that they had reached a desolate place in the backyard and met with a few other people. They seemed to have exchanged something, and then these people were going to go here. We hurriedly stopped, and a few words aroused them. They did it, but they weren't the opponents of me and Junior Brother at all, and they had to escape.

I restrained one of them, and Junior Brother went to chase the rest of the people. Unexpectedly, before chasing a few steps, I saw that this guy used a magic spell to cover my Junior Brother directly, and he couldn't move! Those Dongdao people also ran away! "

"You... this, are you sure he is helping those Dongdao people?"

"That guy suddenly appeared and restrained my younger brother from chasing people, and I saw him showing a sinister smile to my younger brother. Is this still false? If I am still here today, I am The younger brother is afraid that he will be planted in his hands! It is a pity that the Buddha did not open his eyes, this body-protecting Buddha's light was actually given to such a thief!"

"No, no, wait! I think there must be a misunderstanding, don't be angry."

Listening to Han Qinlong spitting fragrance, I quickly stopped and stood between the two.

"I think what you said is true, and it is also very irritating, but do you believe it? There must be another version in this fat man's mouth. Although it sounds extremely unreliable, it is really The real version."

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