Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 385: misunderstanding

In the room in the service area, a person who also wore a gray exercise suit was surrounded by a circle of golden light.

I can't move, I can't walk, I tried to break through, and I have used all spells, but it was useless, and I was really depressed.

This age looks younger than Han Qinlong. It is his junior, named Shen Huan. He was originally from the headquarters of Yunding Mountain to the East China Sea to support the east coastline with his senior brother, but unexpectedly, he planned to take a break here and met. East Islanders.

A few words aroused them and forced them to do something. Even if it is finalized with the first hand, it is indeed a good enemy! But the ability is not strong.

After only two moves, one of them was captured by his senior brother, and the remaining few had to run, so he chased it.

They ran first, but more than a few steps, but they were stronger than them, and they could soon catch up. Unexpectedly, the fat monk suddenly came out halfway, so he glanced at him, without saying a word, just waved his hand, and rose up. , Turned into a light wall and surrounded him!

Bang all of a sudden!

I almost broke the bridge of my nose without stopping the car. The most annoying thing was that the fat monk still yelled at me.

The fat monk saw that he was locked up, brought his face closer, looked at him with a smile, and said, "Wait for a while, don't worry, ha!"

Too much deception!

Unfortunately, he had a senior, and he rushed over immediately after he subdued that one, and kicked the fat monk in the air. When he went outside, he didn't know what the situation was now, and he couldn't figure out the thing in front of him.

As he was talking, at the door, his senior brother came in, standing beside the fat monk, and there were several people behind, who didn't know him.

"Brother!" Shen Huan called out immediately. "Brother, grabbed the guy, hurry up, let him untie me, I will kill him myself!"

When Han Qinlong heard this, the expression on his face was a bit complicated, as if it was not that simple.

"what's happenin?"

Shen Huan found that there was something wrong with his senior brother. He looked at us with an embarrassed look, and even wanted to laugh a little, so he was a little confused at the time.

A few of us came to Shen Huan. As usual, Qin Nan took out the little book first, showed Shen Huan, and declared himself home.

I also hurriedly explained that this was a misunderstanding. This fat monk is ours. Although Han Qinlong was reluctant, he still admitted that he was helpless.

Shen Huan looked dazed, what's the situation?

I hurriedly asked the fat monk to untie the painting and put it in prison, and then I explained the matter.

I just said on the outside that although the version in Han Qinlong’s mouth sounds very correct and reasonable, I believe that the version in the fat monk’s mouth is absolutely different, and although it sounds abnormal, it must be. Really!

In fact, it was very simple. It was just a coincidence. The fat monk couldn't help but hurriedly searched for the toilet. As soon as he came in, he met Shen Huan chasing the Dongdao people.

The geographical environment at this time is particularly important. The toilet is on the side of the door. Shen Huan came from the side with the toilet door, and the Dongdao people had already passed the toilet door.

The service area, and even almost all public restrooms, have such a place, called a toilet for special personnel, which is used by people who have leg problems or are in wheelchairs. Similarly, generally speaking, it is the only place in the toilet where there is a toilet.

Therefore, there are often some people who are healthy, but are afraid of being tired from squatting, so they can enter it and sit conveniently. Obviously, the fat monk is such a person...

In fact, he is not to blame. He is fat, and squatting makes him even more tired. It is not easy to grasp the balance. Who can sit and doesn't want to sit?

But there is only one toilet in the entire toilet, and now the door shows no one.

The fat monk was overjoyed, this one couldn't get tired, but from the side, another person hurried over, as if very anxious...

Shen Huan...

If you want someone like a fat monk, there is no business in his eyes. In his eyes, being able to covet a small bargain is the best opportunity, and a small loss is a loss.

In addition to his physical condition, he felt a little bit panicked, and subconsciously thought that Shen Huan rushed over in such a hurry to grab the toilet with himself!

I rely on! You want to grab this toilet with me? impossible!

The fat monk passed away as soon as he painted a prison! I'll sit on the toilet first, you can wait!

That's why there was such a scene...

The fat monk restrained Shen Huan, and leaned closer, saying "Wait for a while, don't worry, ha!"...

So Han Qinlong, who rushed over, and the trapped Shen Huan thought that this guy was a companion of the Dongdao people and blocked them from pursuing them. What they said was taunting him, so they moved their hands directly.

Outside, when the fat monk said this, Han Qinlong felt that his whole body was not good.

There will be such people in this world? !

I’m not surprised, the brain circuit of the fat monk can’t be understood by common sense at all, you would never have thought that there could be such a big trick in this world that just for this little bit of bargaining, it seems to have won the world. The first person who mocks others.

I firmly believe that he will definitely use the same method to tie up a wild dog for a small piece of meat on the ground, and then eat it with relish in front of the dog, make an exaggerated expression, and may have to make a grimace...

But fortunately, this person is not good at telling lies. As long as he gets along for a period of time, it is especially easy to tell which is true and which is false.

"In other words, I was locked up because you wanted to grab the toilet?"

After Shen Huan listened to the fat monk's narration, the expression on his face instantly became funny, dark for a while, green and black, as if he had eaten some wild food that could not be dealt with, and he did not heal for a long time.

On the other side, the two Qin Nan’s attendants also brought the remaining Dong Dao man over. This kid had been beaten by Han Qinlong so badly. The whole person fell soft and was framed by them, his nose and face swollen. .

"Fortunately, it's not completely unproductive, this guy is still there." I said.

"Well, that's pretty good, hello! You guy, I saw with my own eyes what the other group of Dongdao people gave you before, what is that? Hand it over!"

The guy was dying. Hearing what Han Qinlong said, he raised his head, glanced at him, smiled, and lowered his head again.

"Don't understand human words?" Han Qinlong frowned.

The human words he said were actually referring to our Mandarin. He saw that this person did not respond, thinking that he did not understand Chinese.

"Impossible. If he doesn't speak Chinese, he won't be sent. He doesn't even understand the language. How can he act?"

"Then he was pretending?!" Han Qinlong said angrily. "I don't think you can tell me!"

With that said, Han Qinlong raised his hand to fight.

"and many more!"

I hurriedly stopped him and walked to the boy. First, I secretly gave a yin and yang eye. I knew his name. I was indeed from Dongdao. I knew some details. I reached out and fumbled on him. He is useless. If he is like this, he won’t talk about it. It’s useless if he fights on. It’s better to change the way.”

"Another way? What way?" Han Qinlong frowned.

I looked up at him and asked in doubt, "Do you have any other interrogation methods at Yunding Mountain?"

"No! Fight without saying, kill without saying!" Han Qinlong said naturally.


I couldn't help but sneer, saying that this is really simple and rude, an organization that specializes in martial arts is not so easy to talk about, but at the same time it is not that complicated.

As I thought about it, the movement of my hand kept moving, and suddenly I touched a pocket on his body, and the guy subconsciously dodged.

Although his movements were minimal because of the injury, I can definitely see at such a close distance.

"Huh?" I frowned, and I reached out and grabbed the thing-a car key.

"This is..." Qin Nan leaned over, looked at the car key, and was puzzled.

"So..." I straightened up and said clearly, turned to the outside and pressed the key. As expected, the car we had been monitoring and parked next to our car suddenly lit up. At the same time, there was a very familiar unlocking sound from the lights.

"It's them?!" Qin Nan shouted. "But... this guy is not that group."

"Of course, didn't this senior Han say that he saw that these guys gave him something, it was the car key, they changed the car." I said.

"Change car? Found us?"

"No, I think it's just to be on the safe side. We didn't show any flaws. Senior Han did it only after this. It seems that the other party is very cautious."

"Now that this side is so messy, those guys must have run away. It seems that they have taken another car from another door. You, immediately call this service area and the monitor on the highway to find them!"

"Yes!" said the two attendants.

"Then what shall we do now?" I asked.

"Now... we keep this guy useless, we will go to the East China Sea line immediately, give him to them, let them interrogate, we are not here this time for them, we have another purpose."

"Um... OK." I thought for a while and nodded.

On the side, Han Qinlong said, "How about you, since we are all the same?"

"This is the best way, just to my liking!"

A few people packed up, and when we left, the relevant personnel dared to come over. They had heard that the Shadow Army was here. We didn't dare to come here before we left. Who would dare to deal with them?

The two cars turned into three, the Dongdaoren’s car was pulled away, and the two attendants stayed behind. According to Qin Nan's words, the tracking continued.

But I think it should have little effect. They are so cautious, they are not kind.

The three cars continued on and reached the east coastline in a short while.

The east coastline at this time, although it looks relatively loose, is shown in everyone's eyes just in case and staying behind for the time being, but in fact, there is murderous intent.

We went all the way, and logically speaking, we have already passed three or four secret whistles. If we have any changes at this time, we will directly attack and encircle us in the present!

"I have contacted them ten minutes ago. Now it is very strict. If we didn't greet in advance, it would be difficult for our internal personnel to enter." Qin Nan said as he looked at the iron fence of the military area in front of him.

"Reasonable." I nodded, the car had slowly stopped, and the soldiers standing at the door ran over.


"I am Major Qin Nan of the Shadow Army. I contacted ten minutes ago. These are the helpers I invited. In the car behind is the master of Yunding Shandong Pillar Han Qinlong."

"Wait," the soldier said, turning around and ran back.

"A lot of things can't be believed now, so we must be certified by an officer. Let's wait a while." Qin Nan explained to me.

I don't care, just wait a while, special treatment during special periods is understandable.

After waiting for less than half a minute, the door opened and three people came out from it. I saw, oh, they all knew each other!

One of them, wearing the uniform of the Shadow Army, looked serious, and it was Yin Kai!

I can understand him here, but the other two, when I saw them, I was puzzled.

These two people shouldn't be here.

Murong's water and fire dual generals, Bao Xingzhao, Wei Xiaofeng!

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